Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode One Hundred Sixth Report and Dedication


I met and talked to Embry the other day at the example house, and he refused my request.

Like Zydritz, he didn't seem to have any idea of joining hands under the water with me.

I can't help it.

Then, yesterday, he was busy processing the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce's taxpaying relationship in the Lombertian administration, submitting the statement of the payment to the Ministry of People's Affairs and Territories, and submitting the agenda in documents to the Royal Castle through the Ministry of Interior (Kakasa) for today's meeting.

I am installing His Majesty's appointment today with a maximum of two hours promise from ten o'clock to lunch, but there are several proposals that need to be discussed and concluded during the last two hours.

It's not time to make a promise yet, but I've been waiting for His Majesty's arrival in the Royal Castle reception room.

Anyway, we're going back to our own territory today.

For once, if you hurry, you will be able to arrive in the middle of tomorrow night, but for this, you will continue to be shaken by a military horse who will be fully ill for half a day in a row with today.

Arrival is fine the evening after tomorrow, so I'd like to relax a little bit.

Even so, it's a little melancholy because I have to give it 25 kilometers an hour.

The door to the reception opened when I was putting my thoughts on things like that.

"Your Excellency, Your Majesty will be here shortly"

Says the grandfather of the elite (elf) who seems to be packing in the royal castle.

You must be a royal subordinate or something.

I stood up from the couch, facing the door and kneeling to the floor on my right knee, and graced my subordinate.

"Long time no see. Raise your face."

His Majesty came into the room saying so.

After His Majesty, His Royal Highness Richard, also his eldest son, was following him as an escort, standing silently diagonally behind the couch where His Majesty sat.

Oh? You're not wearing Wyvern armor like that black thing today.

He was wearing overdecorated clothes for the interior of the court.

I guess I was just seeing someone before me.

"We're out of time"

"Uhm. Hang up."

Standing up and shifting his gaze to His Majesty, he seemed to have something like the paperwork he had submitted the other day.

When I lowered my back on the couch, His Majesty said, "Let's try to clean it up first from the trouble," he put his legs together and swept back to the couch, turning the spelled leather cover.

"Er, what...?


Inside the room His Majesty is only looking at the paperwork, silence reigns.

Hmm, there was no shortage in what I wrote, was there?

He also wrote a petition for a slight deviation from national law to allow officials and Mizchi to represent some of the lords' work, as well as describing the precincts he had just started in the summer and the consequent change in payment from next year (which would be an increase in the portion found in the precincts).

"Pfft. You seem to have learned a little bit of hard work, too, above all."

The king who read the first said with a disgusting but satisfying grin.

"Ha. I'm afraid so."

Damn it. Did this old man expect this to happen during my lord's education?

"That's good. There are many precedents in other territories. Accept Changes"

“The collection of taxes from the territory and the payment of taxes to the treasury are the responsibility of the senior nobility who owns the territory, rights and duties that cannot be infringed upon by any one person”

Permission was granted to enact laws in my territory that depart from national law.

This would make that little insenga aunt a little quieter, too.

Besides, my burden is greatly reduced.


I put my hands on my knees and bowed my head in awe.


By the time I lifted my head, the king had dropped his eyes on the next page.

"Waha. What is this, a slight increase in payments starting next year? You must have started measuring farmland in an effort to pay the price of a large sum of money from next year? But let's praise him for declaring honestly without lying."

Some of the cities and villages in my territory are mapped in detail by Guineh.

As a result, there were also errors with hidden fields and previous reports, and it was predicted that the area of agricultural land would increase slightly over that recorded in the past.

I didn't want to deceive you in this kind of place, so I was honest about what I found out and the prospects for the future.

As a result, compared to this year's advance payment, which is before the inspection, it is expected that next year's advance payment, which reflects the results of the inspection, will be more than 5%.

"Just kidding. His Majesty's faithful servants will do what they deserve."

I said with as serious and sincere a look at the king as I could.

"... Gu, Mm.... the loyalty of the other noblemen has been made an apprentice."

I seem to have jammed a reply to my words that I gave back in my honesty.

"I'm more than happy to compliment you"

Keep your head down again.


Raising his head, the king was rolling through the next page.


The king kept his mouth shut and rolled more pages.

From the third sheet, demands and permits from me for the country will be the focus, and the volume of the text will increase dramatically.

"Traffic route maintenance demands? Then I understand that you would make rubber products and things, and that it would be very difficult to carry them to the Wang capital."


"If you're saying you don't expect the state treasury to pay for it, well, no deny... Is there something missing in the streets right now? There's nothing inconvenient about sending troops to the Dart Plains, is there?

The king who tells me the first half, His Royal Highness Richard, holding the second half back.

"Ha. I thought the streets to the south were well maintained..."

The voice of His Royal Highness answering the King also seems a little strange.

"That's not all, regular transport 'kikan' operations......? What is' kikan '?

The king didn't seem to understand what 'institution' meant.

Especially since, to my knowledge, there is nothing equivalent of that in the words of Aus, I think the majority of the blame will rest on me for writing 'kikan' as it is pronounced in Japanese, which means that it is a pronunciation character.

"I was wondering if you could think of it as like a riding carriage coming and going on a set date..."

Now I said it thoughtfully because I would hesitate to explain it accurately.

"Hmm. But what? Are you going to do a boarding carriage at the Grid Chamber of Commerce, too?

"Ha. When it is possible to connect Wang Du with the land of West Dirt, products in our territory and so on..."

"And there's hundreds of kilometers, so it's tough, huh? Did you say West Dirt's product? What..."

"This is it, sir"

Inspected at the entrance to the royal castle, he put the bath wrap he had left next to him on the table and hung his hand on the knot.

"It is a product of our territory"

Untie the knot with that said.

"... oh!

"Oh my God!"

Not only the King, but His Highness Richard the Guardian, seems to have accidentally raised his voice.

What emerged from the bath wrap was clear sheet glass with a twisted surface that did not distort the statue on the other side.

There were about four sheets of sheet glass, about 30 cm square and about 5 mm thick, but I handed them to the King and His Highness one at a time.

"As you know, glass can be very brittle. In our territory, stones with very smooth surfaces were excavated the other day. Using it it is possible to process it in plate form that way. It is even possible to make some quantity as long as transparent glass raw stones are available. … As you can see, it is thin and flat, so I know it would be useful if you could use it for windows."

Heh heh. I had Thor build a press machine with this.

Without machines like motors, we still can't make things that have hundreds or hundreds of tons of pressure, but even manpower can probably multiply them by hundreds of kilograms or so.

Large metal unplugging and bending is not possible. Metal plates, starting with thin iron plates of about one mm, will function well, and there is no wax enough to heat and soften the greenished glass and crush it with stone or iron plates.

Not the way it was supposed to be used, of course, but this would be perfect as a glare.

While I was talking, the King and His Highness seemed busy looking at the sheet glass in their hands from all directions and putting it in front of their faces like they were looking across the glass.

For this reason, apart from its shape, these clear glasses have not existed at all in themselves for a long time.

Of course, although it is not as valuable as a gem, it is definitely a tremendous value because it comes with quite a few values.

The main source of output is Balduk's labyrinth, though.

Lensed or merely chunky, but rarely clear glass can only be made artificially to be obtained from the labyrinth, which is very small but existed.

It may not be used as a firing device using its shape, but its main use is to melt it and reprocess it into dishes such as water sprinklers, glasses, etc.

In addition, lens-shaped items are sometimes reworked into small pieces and used in aristocratic glasses.

I've only heard rumors because I've never seen them for sale, but cheap glasses are colorless, so they're very expensive using colorless, transparent labyrinth lenses.

It should be noted that the equivalent of telescopes and binoculars has not been developed because there was no discovery of using a combination of the two lenses back and forth.

"We brought four sheets of glass today, so we know if we can cover one window if we have a dedicated window frame."

The kings saw that they were too fond of clear sheet glass, and even as I lined up your trust, they looked around at the sheet glass in their hands with a roar of admiration.

Just like the ambassadors from all over the country the other day when I took a thank you.

By the way, it's time for quite some time.

"It's that sheet of glass, but it will be located in Wangdu soon. I will take your order at my Chamber of Commerce..."

The king who heard my words finally raised his face from the sheet glass.

"... Huh. That's a big deal, this. Smoother than the sheet glass I use for my bedroom window..."

Oh, I knew you were letting me make windows out of labyrinth glass.

There are only kings of great powers in boulders.

"Your Majesty, have you understood? The glass we're going to have to carry is important, really important. That's why it's the maintenance of the streets. Sheet glass with this smooth surface can be an important source of funding for our territory. Otherwise, there's nothing like offering the cost of street maintenance to me."

"Mm... so much product, for sure..."

That being said, the king has a difficult face.

Don't let the boulders fool you with just this?

I can't help it.

Hang something on the tip of your nose that stimulates your financial appetite.

"Allow me to say this while I cross the line. Your Majesty, if it is possible for us to impose a large amount of duties on you when selling from the Wang capital to other countries, I would foolishly think that it would help to moisturize the treasury."

Set the tariff rate as you like.

The caravan that can carry the sheet glass without damaging it will be considerably limited to the major chambers of commerce, and then there will be little concern about smuggling or breaking customs.

It's not like I'm gonna lose it where it was, and the Third Knights are gonna take it down, right?

"... hmm. If you ask me, so is that. Hey, Gris, no, Uncle League. What's this guy's price?

"Ha. We plan to have 5 million Z's a piece in its size, thickness"

"Well? That's a little cheaper than I thought."

"Ha. Your Majesty, have you forgotten? I am an adventurer who was originally diving into the labyrinth of Balduk. If there are still a lot of adventurers in the city who have been kind to me, they can buy the ingredients directly from them."

"Hmm. I see...... ok, if you said you had the cost of popularization but would have it, there's no reason to disagree. Maintain the streets as you please."

"Ha. Thank you Happiness"

All right!

Oh, I have to add this too.

"Your Majesty, please also include a slight detachment from the current street due to the convenience of the terrain, as described there. In a few towns and villages, we may be cutting agricultural land, so in advance..."

"Good, good. I don't mind following the draft described in this book. It is also a large area of the street. Hmm. If I have to, I'm gonna announce it in my name."

"Ha! Thank you very much for your kind words, my lord."

I lay low, but when I lifted my head, the king was starting to whisper something to His Highness.

"Can you go 100%...?

"To the boulder it is..."

"Then 50%?

"No, 60%... hmm, even if 70% falls out..."

"Right. Let's go 70%."

... what a quick fix.

He keeps grinning so that he doesn't get a frightened look.

"Er, next..."

In this way it was possible to mislead the ordinary report and obtain permission to pull the carriage railway line.

Okay, let's get down to business.

"Your Majesty, may I ask you one last favor"

"Hmm. I needed to talk to you, too"

The king's expression switched.

No wonder they refused to negotiate with me.

"Ha. What can I tell you?

"Good. Then tell me."

"Ha. Then I'll say it. Your Majesty is in your possession. I'd like to ask the organization for a job."


I was expecting a look.

"The organization I have?

Kings to say a little fun.

"Trumpet, did you say? As far as I know, there are personnel assigned to most of the country..."

His Royal Highness Richard was not informed, apparently, and his eyes are open.

It was only thirty years ago or thirty... either way you're young.


We staggered our gaze at each other, and there was a slight silence.

"Who told you that?

"It's my hand. And even so, it's a mercenary hired from the Kingdom of Lyle."


My gaze crossed again.

The king has the kind of eye and expression he explores.

"... Mmm."

He stared at me for a while and remained silent. The king coughs and carries on the word.

"How far do you know? Be honest."

You've come a long way again.

"Ha. What is it about?

"That's what I found out. On the trumpet."

I don't think I'm going to miss it.

I answer with a slight glance.

"It's an intelligence organization held by the Royal Lomberto, to the extent that it has constituents, both domestic and international. Then we hear that the creation was the first time His Majesty George"


"We also hear that loyalty to the royal family is high to brilliant."

"Anything else?

"... there are four summarisers, Zydritz, two Embryos and Rough Rogue, who use each of their subordinates to gather various types of information about the country and abroad, etc."

As the conversation progresses, the expression has decreased from the king's face and has now become almost faceless.

"When did you hear those?

"Was it two or three months ago"

"Sometimes, how's Zydritz?

"Yep. I work hard every day and I'm very helpful too. I leave 40% of my Beglitz tobacco farmland to him..."

I answered without precipitation.

"... right"

The Gallons and Martha's Zydritz, who are my squire, were certainly pushed in the form of the King's remote edge.

I wasn't interested in what kings who are Pu (Hume) and couples who are Lions (Lios) are related because I thought they were intermediate from the start.

Anyway, I'm sure the king is sending me in knowing I'm going to notice.

I think he was going to release a tow ball that he was watching.

"Didn't he tell you?

"No. As I said earlier, I heard from a mercenary I hired."


"Is that true?

"Of course. Especially since I thought you'd have His Majesty behind you from the beginning."

"There are reports of contact with Zydritz and Embry."


"I tried to negotiate."


"And that's my sister... well"

I don't know.


"What do you want me to ask for? Is that information about the rest of our country?

"No. We think it's almost like we've solved it with that. What I'd like to ask you today is that you can't do it without a trumpet organization that says you're in every part of the country."

"Tell me."

"It's a circulation of information that encourages people to move to our territory."


"You can use my Knights and squire, but when it comes to recruiting people who want to migrate in large part, there can be a lot of horns, and above all it involves the movement of people, so just giving the announcement takes too much time and effort. I want you to spread rumors in the form of regular communications within the trumpet organization."


"This has to do with street maintenance ahead. We have to gather people for street maintenance from West Dart to Wangdu."

"Street maintenance etc. We should go a little further from West Dart"

"That will take too long. We will also need to educate construction personnel and feet, as we will have to develop them as special transport routes in any way. That's why we promote migration."

Slaves can't get out of the realm without a good reason.

There are not many reasons for this.

Going with the owner's move, or the move as a result of the trafficking, or the military combat slaves moving to the battlefield, hits it.

Of course, it is acceptable when accompanied by the owner's travel or business, but this is basically a small number because it is limited to slaves who let them take care of themselves or to battle slaves of protection.

In short, it cannot be allowed to engage in road work carried out on other territories.

If you really need it, you have to get permission from the local lord or something to touch it and gather it locally.

Or we just have to consolidate all the construction manpower and feet with more than civilians.

Naturally I spoke to be taken from the latter.

I guess the king figured that out, too.

It just seemed like a little smile floated around.

Did it reassure you?

Is it sweet?

"Well. I will recruit slaves from my realm for popularity in heaven."

But my request seems to have been accepted.

After that, I was able to pack up some more details and attach a general understanding.

From what I can tell you about the tariffs, if I were working on it, it would be possible to just educate the construction supervisor and even start construction on the Lombertier side.

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