
Well, now I have no more worries about attracting new residents to my territory.

That said, there are no more obstacles to encouraging migration, not necessarily a large number of migrants.

"We'll send the information to the trumpets later."

"Oh, it's not gonna cost you money. You do whatever you want."

He briefly explained the information that would have the trumpets scattered around him as he was questioned by the King.

The contents are as follows:

· In the land of West Dart, there is just a job where one and a half people can eat by working

-If it works well, it could be taken as a formal squire

· Preferential if you have experience in farming and civil work, but it would be good if you had a healthy body that could work without it

-If the Lords (I) take the good offices job, the cost of the migration will be returned from the Administration according to the distance of the migration depending on the assessment of the six months after work

· preferential treatment, of course, if you are experienced in the military or have been a knight in the past

That's all.

Some of them are there, or there are pretty good terms, but it's not a big deal.

I want to gather people with experience in the military, trying to gather them is what every lord thinks, and it can be taken for granted, so there is no problem at all.

Subdivisions such as salaries and migratory costs that may be paid later are to be given to the trumpet on separate paper.

For once, I had prepared several written summaries about them, but the king did not show any interest in such an end-of-life matter.

Apart from that method, I guess it's not uncommon for a grand aristocrat, like me this time, to encourage emigration from other territories to self-government.

Later he spoke some clerical stories and said hello on his return stating that he would come back up again at the end of next year.

"Bye, Your Majesty. Busy......"

"Well, wait. Don't rush."


What the fuck?

"Let me hear your tummy. Street maintenance, but how many more years to work from West Dirt to Wangdu?

"And my name is?

"How many more years do we need to turn our Knights apart from being garrisoned in Soho territory?... Right, just the southernmost village. Seven or eight years? No, does it take, like, ten years?

To the southernmost Gal, a second Knights squadron of about 200 men has been garrisoned in the village to hit the border defense.

It can also be said that this number is done to this extent because of some strength: the Second Knights, who are accustomed to battle.

It would have been a little more soldiers.

For example, if it is the army of the conscript's Kingdom of Dabus, they will need double the number.

Meditate your eyes on quality and say just the headcount of 200 makes it 0,5 percent of the population of West Dirt today.

Therefore, it is difficult to align in a short period of time without striking a special hand and doing anything.

Well, even a fool can see that I'm trying to increase the number of sturdy people I can convert to as a wayward soldier under the pretext of gathering people for street maintenance.

"... right. within fifteen years, as all carried well."

If I'm going to say something bad here, they're going to take my word for it, and now I'm only going to respond for as long as I can.

"Well... then we'll have at least one squadron back from your territory within eight years. Be prepared."

That's half the time I said.

Listen to what people have to say.


Is that what you're trying to muster?


Or even a massive invasion plan from outside the country?

Or civil unrest over here?

No, is it the crushing of some aristocratic territory?

Is that a premature idea?

"Well? Aren't you dissatisfied?

The king gave a slightly unexpected look.

Well, I guess that's normal.

"No, Your Majesty is also expected, isn't he?


He just had a nigga and an invincible grin, and the king said nothing in particular.

"... you can back off."

"Ha. Your Majesty, Your Highness. Excuse me. We will improve so that we can make a good report next year."


I got up off the couch.

"Hey, Greed"


If I thought so, they called me, so I kneel on the floor.

By the way, you're a grid, not a league.

"... you gained territory much faster than I imagined, at least letting me know how good you are and how good you are at fighting as an adventurer (versatiler). And now I know that even as a great nobleman with territory, I think I can do it right there."

"Ha. Thank you very much for the compliment"

"But it's only from now on that your truth will be questioned."

"... Yes. I will always discipline myself and drill so that I do not disobey His Majesty's expectations."

"Good if you understand that. Back off."

He joined the gibberties who had made him wait at the entrance to the royal castle.

First, go to a store close to the royal castle and give immediate instructions to Reynolds and Bastral...

So I send the gibberties to the inn to retrieve my military horses and carriages that they had checked out and kept.

In the meantime, I'll go to the factory and say hello to Kathy.

Then the Giberti rendezvous and pack the kids into the carriage and head to Beglitz as they draped a lesson to the kids who were waiting in the factory to take them back to their territory.

Now I would have just said it was critical before noon, so I would be leaving Lombertier after thirteen.

When we cleaned up the last chores in Wang Du smoothly, the anomaly occurred when we arrived at the factory.

As soon as I peeked into her face and started talking to Kathy, she held her mouth and ran into the toilet!

Until the other day, Kathy looked healthy herself.

... This is the sight I saw one day.

That bastard did it raw... he failed!

I thought it would only be a little troublesome because some of my future plans would go crazy at the moment I thought of it, but congratulations.

The last unexpected good news in Wang Du... seemed to have a grin on my face unintentionally.

Slaves with strange faces.

Let's [appraise] Cassie as soon as she gets back.

It's hard to think about, but in case there's another possibility of illness, and that's what's important if you're also suffering from food poisoning.

I was a little worried, but after a while I [appraised] Kathy back from the toilet, I was able to confirm that she was safe [Status: Pregnant].

I spoke to Kathy and went into the back room.

This room, previously used by John as a quarterback room, is now the rest room for the security combat slaves.

"Kathy, what's going on?

"Shh, excuse me. Suddenly I feel nauseous..."

Keeping a little pale, Kathy bows her head to me.

"No, don't worry, I'm not angry. Please don't move like that. I'll see if Kathy is magically ill now. Oh, you don't have to be so afraid. Take it easy. Besides, if you're not feeling well enough to stand it, you can move."

I said so and used glowing eye magic.

Using witchcraft, somehow, I was a little envious of the bastrals that were really somehow but would be having children for the first time in the reincarnation.

... but this is a pretty annoying piece of magic.

Even though I'm getting pretty used to it, it still takes plenty of three minutes to complete the magic.

"... I knew it. Congratulations, Kathy. Have a healthy child."

"Eh, that's..."

Hearing my words, Kathy held her mouth with both hands with a surprised look.

"Yeah. Your belly boy's a trail to the Bastrals."

I say with a grin.

"Well! Well! Oh my god!?"

Kathy smiled overflowing, happy.

Nice smile.

"Look, you have to keep what you're about to say. First of all, don't do any hard work in the future. Um, you just have to supervise the work until next August or so. In the meantime, if it seems a little hard, you don't have to go out to the factory or the store, so stay calm. If you feel any ill at all, put someone on the stand and go home to the inn. Since September...... by this time my stomach has grown considerably so I don't even need to go to work. Maybe, but if things go well, I'll be born next October or so. Forget about work at least for the next month when you're born. No... I can't even move my carriage anyway... I don't mind devoting a year or so to parenting"

When I said that, Kathy reluctantly said, "Um, the Cat People (Cat People) are born in about six months..."

"Ooh. You did."

And I knew it.

I just mistook you for a Puppet (Hume).

Oh, I forgot to let Bastral tell you more than that.

I left the room and said to the kid who was spinning the grinder in close proximity, "Kathy had a child. Hurry up and go to the store and get Bastral," he ordered.

As I dropped the kid off rushing out, all the other kids who heard my words made a scene like they had a hive.

With a grin and listening to that voice, I was impressed that the boulder was Cathy, not to be pleased so far.

He was only asked to play the role of mother and sister to both children.

"Well, it's time to go"

I accompany him to Uranus, telling Bastral that I cannot hide my joy by being given a trace.

'As I said before, the King and his organization have fusi who think the Slaters have reincarnators besides me. Cathy's pregnant. You won't even be able to get out of here next spring, so just be careful, okay?


Bastral replied with a slightly sorry look on his face.

A child is born and will be able to withstand travel by carriage, from a year and a half to about two years later Bastral will be nailed by his wife and Lombertier.

"I'll give this to you once and for all in case"

"Ko, this!

"Oh, [Invisibility Ring, a hidden ring]. If you just run away without trying to attack, it won't be in anyone's eyes for a while. I haven't used it outside of the trial, so the charge is 450 and 220 times left. It doesn't make much sense if you have to be naked, but use it with you and Kathy when you have to. And I'll give you this too."

I also gave him four Breeze Horseshoe, a breezy hoof that I was bringing just in case.

'Buy about one of the horses. If you let that hoof on and run, you'll definitely get away from any opponent.... so don't neglect to practice so you can put a woman on the back and run with a baby in one hand'


I hung my foot on Uranus' throat.

"Bye. Take care of your wife. I'll be back at twilight next year, then show me your son or your daughter."

That's what I said and let Uranus walk.

There was something about Kathy's pregnancy noise, and she left nearly two hours behind schedule.

We have to hurry a little.

"Ben, Ellie. Even if they get drunk on the carriage, they'll only have a break of ten minutes every hour today. Keep an eye on Gero if he doesn't get stuck in his throat."

We have to hurry, but we can't go that fast around getting noticed, so maybe we'll be fine, just in case.

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