Around the end of 7449.

Two men and women were on their way to the heart of Garrett's city.

Garrett is a smaller city in the eastern part of the Kingdom of Lomberto, further east of Count Lean Flight territory.

However, as a street lodging district leading to the neighboring country, the Kingdom of Cambit, it was also a major traffic shock, usually with large caravans and others resting their wings.

"As usual, to the administration first?

It is the woman who sits in the saddle and manipulates the horse's reins.

He wears cheap but well-maintained leather armor and also appears to be wearing a leather helmet (helmet), but there are two holes in the top of the helmet from which, in a round contour, black hairy ears pop up a little.

"Mm-hmm. I have to confirm my request. The delivery of the letter will be fine afterwards."

A man who was walking next to a military horse on which a woman rides replied.

To lighten himself up, or the only kind of protective equipment he wears is a helmet with a metal plate on the leather he wears on his head.

This one also has round ears similar to a woman peeking into her face from the slit at the top of the helmet.

Plus, with their elongated, black-tailed shakes on their asses, the two are apparently tiger tribes (Tigermen).

"Is that it?

The woman said, pointing to the area where the building was gathered, visible ahead of the road.

"Right. There seems to be a lot of buildings, and that would be the center town (downtown). Let's go."

That said, the man increased his walking speed a little.

A military horse manipulated by a woman snorts "Blurb".

When I say military horse, it's probably the lowest level of it.

He looked old, a little thin and tired.

When the two arrive at the administration, there seems to be a little commotion going on inside.

The city of Garrett was not of a great size, and in keeping with it, the administration was also a small builder, so the noise inside was heard outside.

"... even Vern!?"

"... Sure, back in the day... I was the client..."

"... the Earl of Leanflight..."

When they looked at each other, they connected the horses to the edge of the horse-holding pile lined up, divided them up and took on the saddlebags and went into the administration.

I knew immediately what caused the noise.

Apparently, several Wyvern came from the south and the damage attacking the caravan occurred more than once in a short period of time.

Naturally, the Third Knights, guarding the border posts, hung on to the guard of the caravans (they can only get rid of them if attacked because they can't get rid of them in small numbers).

Of course, he has also made a request for backup to Count Leanflight, who owns land in and around the center of the kingdom.

However, the central part of the kingdom is physically quite a distance away, and the Border Guard does not have any surplus personnel or anything because of the protracted situation of relative friendship with the Kingdom of Cambit over the long term.

In addition, the Knights of the Land, held by the Earl of Leanflight, was a Wyvern exorcism that occurred nearly a decade ago, and core warfare remained half-destructed.

Reinforcements are certainly expected to rush in, but it will still take weeks to arrive.

The captain of the Third Knights, defending the border posts, had decided to recruit mercenaries abruptly, to the extent that more than 30% of his men could no longer be counted as a force of war because of sacrifices or serious injuries.

A few minutes after the mercenary recruitment information was posted on the executive bulletin board, the two arrived in the executive branch.

The bulletin board was followed by a poster that said it was huge, on top of a request guide to the regular adventurer.

- A courageous man to seek.

Slight reward.

Resistance to atrocities.

Challenge to fear.

Constant danger.

No guarantee of survival.

But at the dawn of great success, you will gain honor, praise, and treasure.

I'm the one who wants what I want.

Third Knights of the Kingdom, Squadron 414, 2nd Guard Squadron Leader...

Without having to talk to the attendant on the bulletin board in detail, the adventurers, who were about ten people gathered in front of the bulletin board, explained to the two people who showed their faces.

He joins the Knights of Border Security and says guarding the caravan from Wyvern is his job description.

In a few weeks' time, reinforcements of squadron size will be dispatched, so they will manage to hold out until then, with the aim of maintaining trade with the Kingdom of Cambit, not the exorcism of Wyvern, etc.

They say the condition is 20,000 Z per person per day for full meal payment.

Note that you will temporarily belong to the Third Knights as a consignment, and you do not have the right to choose a guarded caravan.

And hopefuls can also continue to undertake work for the same amount after the arrival of reinforcements.

In that case, he will fight with the Knights as part of Wyvern's exorcism.

In particular, Dawn, who was able to exorcise Wyvern brilliantly, gets bonuses according to her work.

The bonus was the in-kind payment of exorcised Wyvern scales, which, in past performance, ranged from 3 million to sometimes more than 10 million Z.

"But even if we were lucky enough to get rid of it, adventurers often lay down their roles. It would be tragic if we were in the first target group. About half of them will be dead."

That's what the man who bought me an explanator for the two of them said and clapped his shoulders.

But another man said, "That said, it would be a million dollars if I could get rid of the end of it and come back alive. The bounty will jump if even the wound causes them to get hurt. I'm on my way," he says. He speaks to the billboard attendant and receives the crack.

Others said, "I'm not talking about being an adventurer only. The Knights are with us. The point is, you just have to be the first to get your eyes on it," some guys grunt and get the crack as well.

What's more, "I've been waiting for you in this country town for two years. It was worth it. Finally to me too...... CHICK SHOW!!" and some received the crack with a happy face.

With those adventurers sidelined, the man is arming himself and staring at the poster.

Although the woman looked a little worried and saw the side of the man, she was still keeping an eye on the text of the poster.

"Wyvern... I've heard rumors since I was a kid..."

A man shrugged staring at the poster.

"I've never heard of it"

Grace, who answers that, is from the southwestern part of the kingdom, answers with a bit of interest, either because he lived a life out of touch with Wyvern.

"Right. When you hear it, it reaches a few meters in length, a big lizard with wings like a bat..."

"Are you flying?

"Sounds pretty fast. Besides, there's a poisonous thorn at the end of his tail, and he says he pokes his prey with it. But the scale is a tremendous asset... They often process scales to make armor, shields and other protective equipment, but a billion Z in a row seems crappy. I've never seen it before."

"A billion! Shh, that's amazing..."

"Oh. Awesome indeed, but how strong is Wyvern...?

Hearing the words, the woman shrugged her shoulders thinking, "The usual illness has begun again".

But I'll talk to you as soon as I remember.

"But you fly, don't you? We don't have a bow."

The man who heard the woman's words gave a slightly unexpected look.

"You weren't listening to me? Wyvern scales are exquisite enough to be luxurious protective equipment. Even though it has to be processed, I don't think it can be handled like a normal bow. You're gonna have to shoot it up off the ground, and you're gonna have to be too close to pierce it, right?

"So how do you get rid of it?

"Didn't I just say that? The role draws me to the ground, with a spear or something... No, maybe a crossbow or something... but hehe..."

The woman slowly shook her head as she watched the man's eyes lit with a giraffe of disturbing light and walked out to the side of the bulletin board.

The next evening.

Many people were not always gathered in the vicinity of the gateway on Manharak Avenue connecting the Kingdom of Lombert and the Kingdom of Cambit.

In addition to the 20 or so military personnel packing into the barracks at the Lomberto side of the west barracks, there are also dozens more armed men dressed in the Cambit side of the east barracks.

The vast majority of them were gathered for the exorcism of Wyvern, who had sent their brothers and sisters to the nearby cities and villages.

Among the non-military, more than half are subordinates of nearby villages and their successors, but that includes quite a few adventurers who saw the text strewn out in the city's administrative offices.

"Our“ now ”job is to escort the caravan from Cambit to Garrett! It's also about escorting caravans from Garrett to Cambit to this quay! On the road, in the unlikely event that Wyvern emerges, do not try to forcibly exorcise him, but shield the load and evacuate into the forest!

The guard captain of the barracks, the knight who was the second guard platoon captain of the Third Knights of the Kingdom, Squadron 414, Sir Enogh, had given training to his men gathered in the square in front of the barracks and to the squadrons from the surrounding villages, as well as to the adventurers who had responded to the vernacular or blinded themselves to greed.

Enog is a Pu (Hume) who has just become 30 from the civilian population.

Previously, he was in charge of policing in another region, but he had been assigned to the land after several manoeuvres had been put in place to obtain the position of platoon leader.

Having completed his training, Enog divided the remaining fifty or more into eight squads, divided only five Knights, including himself, who were to be packed into barracks.

Looks roughly even in combat.

Until reinforcements arrive, act on a squad basis and escort each of them to and from the streets.

That evening, several Cambit soldiers arrived at a post on the Lombelt side of Enog's packing.

They are soldiers packing up at the Kambit side of the barracks, and even the Kambits came to the suggestion to keep each other face-to-face because the manpower they gathered from nearby cities and villages has grown to a significant number.

As I said earlier, the Kingdom of Romberto and the Kingdom of Cambit are not in a state of tension.

Since we are in a friendly state with each other, there has always been a lot of interaction between the soldiers who pack in places where there is only boring work to check passes, check loads and take duties.

You have to take over the escort of the caravan, and when you have a mixed face you don't know, you may get unnecessary tension.

Enog, who thought so, decided to line up the men divided into eight squads to welcome the Cambit soldiers.

- Maybe we can get into both countries and eat and drink tonight or so.

The caravan will not come after this time to the boulder.

Passage at night is dangerous, even with lights, because it is a mountain road with poor road conditions.

Besides, whatever the Auga is, raids by hobgoblins, oaks, etc. with infrared vision (infrastructural vision) are scarier at night.

The captain on the Cambit side, who showed up with dozens of people, seemed to have a similar idea to Enog, and some of them had raised a liquor bottle.

The liquor platter was to be held in a slightly open area at the halfway point between the two countries' posts.

Even at the midpoint, the two countries' posts are not 100 m apart.

This is because buildings in both locations can accommodate only a dozen people precisely in the largest room.

Leaving only a few people on the lookout at the barracks, everyone else gathers at the midpoint and surrounds several incendiaries to become a vehicle seat.

Both Enog and the captain of Cambit put an end to their arduous greetings and immediately began to interact.

There comes a laugh and a song.

Around the incineration, meat and fish stabbed on the skewers were protruded, and there was a good smell.

Enog, as the chief of the barracks, was drinking water after only the first sip.

Because we must look around at the faces of the unfamiliar on the Cambit's side and keep them in our memory without one left.

Under these exceptional circumstances, Wyvern may be expelled or dispersed to his original place of residence.

Many want to go to the relatively rich Kingdom of Lomberto, especially around here.

Someone came to speak to Enog like that.

"Lord Captain. How about a drink?

From what I saw, the man said, sticking out a liquor bottle that still had quite a bit of content left in it.

"Thank you, but I'm vulnerable to booze. Don't bother. Um, you..."

"My name is Fiorenzo Heroscol"

"Oh, I was in the Falergers Knights..."

The man was an adventurer on the Lomberto side and was once a still young tiger tribe (Tigerman) that he belonged to the Falergers Knights.

Only the face is firmly in Enog's memory because of his background that he was in the official knight's reign and, for that matter, he is resigning from the Knights at a young age.

A glimpse of the surroundings shows his companionship sitting in the next car seat, talking about something with one of Enog's men.

"I was in the Knights years ago. I'm a shitty drifter now."

Fio lowered his hips next to Enog with the liquor bottle aside when he smiled mocking himself.

"You better watch out for the guy who's talking to your wife right now. He's just a woman. This is the place. When you see a new woman, you lose sight of her."

"Grace would be fine. By the way, did the captain think of the recruiting statement for the adventurer?

"...... hmm. I thought with shame."

"It's a good sentence. If you read that one, you'll all rise."

Fio smiled and praised the sentence.

- Right. Is that what this Mitsuhito thought... I thought the Japanese might be involved, but it seemed like my mistake.

"Ha. Are you trying to tell me you have a sense of righteousness?

Enog jokes and says.

"Hey, this is tough"

A little red and Fio scratches his head.

"I apologize for talking to you during your assignment. But I'm pretty sure I was inspired by that sentence. I'm not the only one with that. So..."

Saying so, Fio stood up with a liquor bottle and walked toward Grace.

At that time, I noticed a gaze of further attention to Fio in the front of the other burning fire.

Fio opened his eyes wide.

- That face... No way!?

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