The woman who named herself Ethel Cunningham had a small mouth count.

Especially since I haven't had a chance to speak Japanese in over 20 years, and even that thought has been biased towards Raghdarios for over a decade.

In addition, Fio and Grace were overwhelmed by the fact that they had inquired in Japanese early in the day, and were unable to respond immediately.

Previously, Ethel, along with the village squire led by his brother, has been serving as an escort for two weeks.

It was also found that she was the eldest daughter of the House of Jazz.

"Just slow down, you can talk calmly."

Seeing Ethel like that, Fio said with a smile on his face.

'Ah. Yes......'

Ethel replies with a mixed look of surprise, suspicion, joy, etc.

"Do you have a mouth that responds to that sentence?"

Fio asked, choosing a topic that would make it easier for Ethel to respond.

"Jinwen? Oh, uh, Shackleton's Kikyu, like a job ad?

"Oh, yeah."

"Well, I wrote the original sentence."

"Again," Fio nodded, looking at Ethel, who said holding onto her everywhere a little shy.

'I thought you weren't. That's a noun. You'd be good at bringing people together.'

With that said, Fio had a bitter thought, "I was impressed to think that the captain who I don't think is heavily educated wrote it... was it a humble sexual root to try to put it in his own way".

What does Mr. Cunningham do in Japan?

Asked Grace as she offered him the salt grill of the bamboo (eille) stabbed on the skewer.

"Ah, the..."

Ethel caged his mouth as he received the salt roast.

Before reincarnation, there were more reports of militias dispatched to the affected areas due to major earthquakes, and even though they had not been the subject of as much contempt and persecution as before, those who despised an organization called militias and militiamen still remembered what was going on.

'I'm sorry. Remember slowly'

Grace shrugged.

Because I thought Ethel still couldn't remember Japanese.

"I was a housewife. Normal. It was over forty, and I had a son and daughter who withheld high school exams... '

Grace said with a distant, far away look at her ideal home.

'... because I was ninety. I also had a great-grandson... I was on my way to buy a great-grandson's toy then... Excuse me, how old was Mr. Cunningham?

After pointing a gentle glance at Grace, Fio also asked her age if she had considered Ethel to be easy to talk to.

Ethel rounds his eyes when he hears that.

Because the hard age to imagine jumped out of the young, grumpy appearance of Fio and Grace today.

- But if you're reborn, it's natural.

I immediately reconsidered and tried to respond.

But because Ethel's response was slightly delayed, Fio goes on to say more.

"You can build a company after you pull me out of captivity. I left that to my son for a leisurely and comfortable hiding life... '

Seeing Fio with a slightly bitter grin, Ethel says something different than what he was going to reply to.

'Prisoner... Um, excuse me, in the Pacific War?

'Hmm? Oh. The Greater East Asia War was captured in Okinawa as an army infantry. "

Hearing Fio's words, Ethel corrected his attitude with nature.

Pretty detailed war history classes have been given at their own executive cadet school about the Pacific War ahead (Greater East Asia War). At the same time, the old army's respect for military personnel is so beaten to the bone marrow that it cannot be lost as it was reincarnated.

'Oh, this is rude...!

He suddenly stretched his spine, although it was not standing up, until he turned to his body, Ethel said.

I almost raised my right hand and raised my hand to salute him, but remembering that I was not wearing anything on my head and only slightly lowered my head, is it proof left that Kaoru Tao still survived when I was a self-defense officer?


Fio looked a little strange about how he felt about Ethel, who had suddenly changed his attitude.

'I'm late for my offer. I was a 3rd Class Land Lieutenant in the 6th Division of the Northeast Side of the Athletic militia. "

"Rikui with..."

"Ensign, if you say so in the old days."

'Shit, Ensign... is that right? Don't be so afraid. I was a soldier, so don't ask me if I'm an officer... but I'm afraid this one will. Besides, I was in the army a long time ago.'

"No, for that reason."

'But it's a coincidence. I know the other one, a man from a self-defense officer. I don't even know the rank or affiliation...... he wouldn't know I was a soldier either. No, do you already know?

Fio said with a slightly nostalgic look on his face.

"Huh? Do you know any other Japanese people?

Ethel is sending his gaze to both Fio and Grace as well as Fio.

"This man said he'd met eight of us, but I've never met him."

Grace replies with a praise for her shoulder.

'Ha, eight...... so why don't we put the three of us together here, one at a time?

I turned my eyes round and Ethel looked at Fio.

"You'll be."

'Why aren't we together?

Ethel speaking of natural doubt.

"I want to train, I know temporarily."

Ethel was stunned when he heard that.

- Shh, training?

Fio broke up with the Japanese a few years ago and said he was on a training journey.

Grace and I met almost two years ago, and he seems to have been dating since.

As an adventurer, he's making critical livelihoods, while exorcising demons he hears are strong around the peripheral lands.

'Isn't that weird?

Look at Ethel. Grace laughs funny as she holds her mouth down, too.

'Yes, no......'

"What is weird? Men's lives are a continuum of training. In the first place, that's what you tell me to go to Balduk... '

"Oh, you still do that? Hey, Mr. Cunningham. It's awful, isn't it? This guy's willing to dump his wife?

"My wife, it's..."

"The marriage and naming ritual is over."


"And finally before this..."

"Oh, already! All right, all right!

If you ask, Fio says he bought it off and got married to free Grace, who was a slave.

'At that time, I was twenty-five...'

Ethel started talking about his birth.

The next time you start talking to Fio, Grace, and dozens of minutes have passed.

"Hey Ethel! Come here and say hello to all of you!

A voice rose calling Ethel from a little further away.

"I'm sorry. It's my brother. Gotta go."

Ethel unfortunately apologized to Fio and the others and immediately replied "Yes" and took his seat.

There are not so many means of countering Wyvern.

The first to be mentioned is powerful attack magic.

But at least I can't hope for scaly penetration without arrow-based offensive magic.

It also needs to be shot in at an extra good angle, so it is usually said that the bolt system is minimal and if you expect damage that would deprive you of combat power, it has to be javelin based.

Therefore, there are not so many magicians in the army who have enough skill to deal effective damage.

The crossbow is next.

However, a major drawback is that it takes time for the first bullet to be fired before the next bullet can be fired.

However, if you can carry it alone or even fire it, and if you can't get it close enough (about 10m), you can also hope to penetrate the scale thoroughly, and it is also a great advantage to be able to poison it.

And supposedly the most effective is the fixed crossbow gun (arborest).

Arborest is also known as a barista, a common weapon used in the army in siege warfare, position defense, etc., and refers to a crossbow enlarged and placed on a scaffold.

If you take a clean hit, you can even expect to take away the ability to fly with it. Its power is overwhelming over the aforementioned crossbow.

Therefore, the range valid for Wyvern is said to be about 30 m.

The downside is that you can't move, and you have to turn the crank around for at least two people to prepare for the next launch. Usually the four of us turn it around.

In any case, the most ideal thing would be for Wyvern to shoot up directly from the bottom up and hit the less defensive abdomen, etc. while in flight, etc., but this is undesirable first because of flight speed, target size, and altitude issues.

After all, we have to take the tactic of preparing a candle and aiming at the gap distracted by it, aiming at the wings for relatively low-defense sides and both forelegs from the perimeter.

If you even take away your ability to fly, you're not such a scary opponent if you even deal with your tail and jaw carefully.

Unable to fly, Wyvern is much easier to give than Frost Lizard and others coming out of Balduk's labyrinth.

That said, Wyvern's raids in the past and the testimony of those who survived indicate that Wyvern descends sharply when he spots his prey from above what appears to be hundreds of meters of altitude, and comes upon him at a low altitude of forest trees shavingly.

Consequently, the timing of the raid is difficult to read as trees are disturbed from Manharak Street, a mountain road.

It almost feels like an ambush, so for the most part, the first person to be seen is sacrificed.

Therefore, it is also the headaches of those escorting the caravan who say that they cannot choose where to be attacked and that it is difficult to choose.

It was all about being able to successfully lure you into the kill zone you set for the interception site, even in the exorcism of Wyvern, which had been planned many times in the past and had been successful or failed.

Sometimes they are attacked by those who are elsewhere, without regard to the precious bull horses.

Wyvern determines the degree of threat to himself, some opinions that he is attacking from the higher, but statistics do not find any regularity.

Although there is a relatively strong tendency to strike from scratch, there are some opinions that this is simply because the scratch is in a prominent place.

But as I mentioned, the fact that even one shot of Arborest hits someone who can handle it, was far from giving people despair.

There are two Arborests, a special weapon, at the Lombelt side of the barracks, and a dozen crossbows are also available.

That was something similar on the Cambit side.

The full exodus takes place after the arrival of regular army reinforcements, so regardless of the crossbow, the arborest is kept disassembled so that it can be transported and installed immediately.

Work turned to Fio and Grace's squad as soon as possible from the day after the banquet.

It's an escort for a caravan from Cambit.

Enog is explaining something to the caravan that went through the barracks.

He seems to have honestly accepted an increase in escorts because he also brings horses, which is a delicious prey for Wyvern as a caravan.

Fio's first squad escorts this caravan to the city of Garrett and stands by.

So when the caravan to Kambit arrives, they bring in more escorts.

We have regular Knights, so if we don't have extra strong escorts, we can accept them first.

Thus two days passed.

For the past two days, the anxious Wyvern raid was not seen on either the Romberto or Cambit sides.

Occasionally, Wyvern was discovered flying slowly through the mountains, but he was never attacked.

The adventurers and knights who serve as escorts get more nervous every day that they may be attacked next time.

In the meantime, the first squad to which Fio and Grace belonged caught up on the road in the mountains to the eighth squad, which left a few hours ago.

Of course, the eighth squad had been half-baked and the horses of the caravan that were the subject of their escort had also been wiped out.

Not to mention what was expected, a disturbance runs among the Fios and their escorts and the merchants who are being guarded, seeing a tragic body as if it had been caused by Wyvern's poison that caught fire all over his body.

The merchants, trembling and hiding in the surrounding trees, were fortunate to have no victims other than their former escorts and that the luggage they were loading into the carriage was safe.

When I heard the story, they said it was the result of a Wyvern raid that spanned four to six meters in length.

The size varies because the city was reported by the witness.

The knight in command of the first squad persuaded the captain of the caravan, who was the subject of guard, to give up the horse, and somehow, when two caravans were ready to leave, they differed from the caravan who aspired to cambit from the city of Garrett.

Finally, when Wyvern's assault was told, the personnel of the different caravans and the squadrons of the fourth squad escorting it were openly horrified.

Because it was expected that today's raid would silence Wyvern's damage for a while.

I'm sorry about the attacked caravan, but Fio and Grace had a hard time with that attitude that could be described as lucky for other merchants.

When Fio and the others arrived in the city of Garrett, a caravan was just waiting for them on their way to Cambit.

Only after a brief break was the first squad to escort the caravan.

It's a cash thing, and Fio and Grace, who just had a hard time, stroke their chests down to the anticipation that they'll probably be safe today, too.

but soon I get disgusted with its disgust.

- I still don't have enough training...

It was Fio mocking himself.

Returning to the barracks, he said significant damage had also been caused by the Wyvern raid on the Cambit side.

It was Fio and Grace who showed Ethel herself, but she was safe escorting another caravan.

"Mr. Cunningham. Isn't getting rid of Wyvern often too dangerous to get paid?

Fio said purely by showing Ethel himself.

The Cunningham family in Ethel is said to be the jazz family that governs the village of Hejek.

Therefore, it was thought that there would be quite a bit of savings, unlike civilians and free people who did not eat or eat, no matter how poor the rural nobility was.

- It's good to leave the house. I can understand how it feels to do business independently. A normal parent would give him a goodbye and send him away warm, or chewed up the impudence that even the squire couldn't please.

Does Fio's parents have an impact on those people?

'Mm-hmm, that's true...'

Ethel replies a little hard to say.

"Mr. Cunningham is an associate, isn't he? Then there is no obstacle to coming to Lomberto. If you want to make money, I think you can make a little safer if you go to Balduk '

- As an aristocratic younger brother, if you were learning sword and spear skills from a young child, that man would be easy to accept, too. Besides, if you're Rolic, be sure to......

'Thank you. I'm really glad you told me that you also have the option to go abroad. Besides, if there are a lot of Japanese people, I would like to go too...'


'I'm serious. I have never been able to repay my parents or my village for raising me. It's a world like this, so it doesn't necessarily mean this isn't going to be a lifetime goodbye. Of course you want money before you leave the village, but Wyvern involves the death of the village. It seems to be off the route now, so it's okay, but it's not too late since the damage was done to the village carriers carrying the ore and timber that we dug out.'


- The boulder was only an officer. That's a good idea.

Fio nodded slowly.

The next day.

There was another damage caused by Wyvern.

Now two caravans were attacked on Lomberto's side, and the only survivors were the merchants who fled into the woods and a few escorts.

And the next day.

Damage occurred again.

A caravan was attacked on the Cambit side on this day.

Unfortunately, there were no survivors, and even the carriage was destroyed and vandalized, he said.

It was rumored that that would be why the loading was full of processed foods with aromatic aromatic pork, also called baldukki.

By the end of the week, more than half of the knights and squires of Lomberto and Cambit had died or were seriously wounded and incapable of fighting, and half of the adventurers of the escort had also come to fruition as useless.

Fortunately, the first squad on the Lomberto side, to which Fio and Grace belong, and the Hejek village dispatch unit, to which Ethel belongs, were still not the subject of the raid.

That night.

The captain of the knight guarding Cambit's post visited Romberto's post.

Sometimes the physical distance is close, the countries have friendly relations with each other, and the military personnel packing in the border between the two countries interact with each other from time to time, so they are all familiar with each other.

Rarely, mountain hunting may even be carried out jointly, for example, when it is found to be broken.

Since it was the Cambit side that caused the damage in this Wyvern disturbance, Enog even actively lent his men when he saw fewer personnel packing into Cambit's quarters.

"I'd like to speak to Lord Enog."

Cambit's captain summoned Enog with the sitting eyes of his liver.

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