Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode One Hundred Ten: Three at the Border.

Discussions between the Cambit captain and Enog did not end immediately.

From the captain's room, where the discussion was taking place, there was also an occasional disturbing atmosphere of yelling, one was not convinced by the Knights members who were listening, and the two captains sounded opposed to the other.

However, it was imagined that a few hours later the discussion was over or ahead of us, as a bunch of face-to-face enogs had turned up and demanded alcohol and food for two.

Regardless of the food, that would be what the liquor was demanded.

And the next morning.

The captains were discussed with each other and the content that led to the agreement was announced.

This means that Wyvern's exorcism will be carried out without waiting for reinforcements from the Lombart side.

Unlike the Lomberto side, which was passively trying to focus on escorts until reinforcements arrived, the Cambit side has been well populated with neighboring nobles, squires, and so on for some time now, and the system of extermination has been in place.

Until now, he's dedicated himself to escorting the caravan to align himself with the missing Lomberto side of the army.

However, it was because of the fear that the assault on Wyvern, which had become full-blown in the past few days, would spread the damage to the prison.

Directly, after yesterday, two Arborest archers will have been lost during the company escort on the Cambit side.

Arborest archers are not so easy to replace.

Of course, operational personnel are trained to replace archers, but the arm of a projectile is dominated by taste.

Originally, the minimum number of people to exorcise a standard size Wyvern was set at around ten.

The breakdown is one archer for the operation of a single arborest and four additional five for disassembly, assembly, reloading, etc.

Arborest operatives who aim and shoot a little further away often survive.

It should be noted that, as was the case before, Arborest can only be handled by trained personnel, so it is normal for military personnel to suffer relatively little damage.

Charge a bull horse or something, but without anyone by your side, one of them will die in the first blow, so you need at least one or two as management personnel to get away with it, but this is the most dangerous task.

And by becoming an additional target, it makes it easier to shoot by arborest, while at the same time directly capturing Wyvern, who has been wounded and can no longer fly, around four to five.

There are many records that this many people were killed, and there are even records that they were able to be exorcised without human harm.

However, if you remove the arborest, it will naturally be difficult to stop it, and there are countless records that infantry and armies have been wiped out.

At any rate, this figure of around ten people is a story of "if we are to tailor Wyvern with a minimum number of people".

Arborest is not only a place where you want more than one if you think about it coming off target, it's better to have more people who can cross spears directly. Normally, we put a few times as many people together and put them in a trap.

For these reasons, both Lomberto Cambit countries are usually forced to pack around thirty military personnel at this point where Wyvern's damage could occur.

but the raids these days had killed nearly a dozen people in both countries, and it had been established that staying this way would make even decent troop action difficult in the next few days.

Even as Enog, I don't want to discount my men from bothering me, and if I could, I just wanted to get rid of them.

That said, positive action is hesitant before I asked for reinforcements myself.

There were also reasons why Enog himself was not confident because he had no experience in directing the Wyvern exorcism.

That being the case, we need to reorganize as well, beyond the new policy in place anyway.

Over the next two days, the border posts of both countries will stop escorting their caravans and will also ban traffic on the streets.

The merchants will be eating stops in the nearest city or something, but there is no way to do that either.

Because there's nothing you can do about it unless you exorcise Wyvern.

If everyone doesn't act with Wyvern's exorcism in mind, they won't be remembered for exorcism.

The general operation of exorcism is as follows:

The first step is to formulate a place to carry out the exorcism.

This was decided by discussions between the captains to use it because there is just the right place in Cambit's territory closer to here.

It was a slightly open, circular flat about 50 m in diameter that had long been used for Wyvern extermination on the Cambit side.

In the middle of that square, connect one bull horse at a time as bait to lure Wyvern, and the two wait as custodians of each.

Armed soldiers and adventurers lurk in the woods surrounding the square.

Also, take all four arborests in total at both Lomberto and Cambit locations, and keep this one set in the surrounding woods to aim around the bull horse.

Wyvern appears, and once he has set his aim on the bull horse, he unleashes the bull horse on the verge of being attacked, and at the same time the soldiers who were hiding around him strike at the same time.

At the same time, fire four arborests in a row, causing Wyvern to scratch and seal his ability to fly.

Small and large, it is an orthodox operation that tramples on the fundamentals of Wyvern's exorcism, which has been around for a long time.

- One Wyvern would be able to tail him with this...

Enog was worried and arguing with the Cambit side, who had taken the consultation, because multiple Wyverns had been witnessed.

Enog and I were not just passively clutching hands.

Even as a captain of the Cambit, naturally I knew that, but insisted that "you should just tailor one at a time" and eventually the enog was in the shape of a break.

"Knight spindle. First arborest archer."


"The squire Missoud and the squire Gumran have their loaders."


Enog splits the squad in a crisp tone.

"Then you and you are loaders."

"Yes, sir."

Copy that, sir.

Adventurers and nearby squire are naturally assigned.

Contrary to what was originally proclaimed as "escorts only," there was nothing to butt in as a single person because the aim was originally to exorcise Wyvern for an exorbitant reward.

Instead, they are mostly glaring at desire.

"Subordinate Collyle. You're the one who keeps the horses away."

"Ha, ha!

The most dangerous role was assigned to a young squire belonging to the Knights.

Corail replies in the face of tension.

And Fio and Grace became the most direct attack personnel against Wyvern.

- Wyvern... how much is it!

Fio had a fierce look as he put a long sword on his hips and squeezed the pattern of the spear he grabbed in his right hand.

Grace, shoulder-to-shoulder with him, strokes his chest down to being in the same squad as Fio.

- If you're with this guy... I can go.

For Grace, Fio is the closest fighter to the throne.

It should be noted that Ethel on the Cambit side had also been squadronized into direct attack personnel with his brother and his Hejek village squire.

Soldiers of objects climbing trees in the woods around the square are eyeing Wyvern's proximity.

"I see it!

"There he is!

I don't know how many times already, but each time everyone who hides around and keeps waiting gets nervous.

Those on the field, including Enog, the commander, are all in possession of weapons, licking and dampening their lips.

The cold breeze that blows down from the top of the mountain strokes his face, but no one has spoken now to those who were complaining that he was hungry even though he was cold until earlier.

Someone swallowed it, and the area quiets back to Sin so much that I could even hear it swallowing a spit called Gokuri.

"Okay, I ate it over here!


"It's from the southeast!

The sights that were observing Wyvern raised their voices, followed by the sound of them sliding down the trees around.

Four arborest archers installed on the ground put their hands on the trigger.

The aim is a little above the two horses that are now connected.

It has already been clearly laid down.


Those who were lurking around the square were silent and when they regained their spears, they became middle hips so that they could jump out at any time.

"... they're coming! 500 more!... 450!... 400! ……

A sight that left only one person in the tree by pushing danger reports the approaching distance of Wyvern.

It should be noted that the distance he reports is, of course, insignificant, but there is no greater error than just sitting back on the object.

In the eyes of Ethel, who was lurking in the woods with his brothers, there are two men who wave their swords against the rope connecting the horse they turned into.

One is a soldier on the Lomberto side, a young man named Collyle dressed in a clasp (chainmail), and the other is a magnificent adventurer on the Cambit side dressed in a light-hearted manner.

The two faces are too heavily distorted of tension.

Expensive cowhorses, but they must be used as bait to attract Wyvern to the critical.

Wyvern's actions, which come under attack in a wooded fashion, are mostly narrowed down to one.

Kill momentum sharply on the brink of your goal, stick a spear-shaped tail from the bottom of your body and thrust it into your goal.

The arborest is unleashed for that moment, and the bull horse is unleashed, slapped in the ass and walked away.

Fio, Grace, Ethel, etc. raid accordingly.

Failure to do so puts the horses at great risk.

If Wyvern, who prides himself on being a giant even if Arborest hits him in the tail and can no longer fly, breaks out on the surface......

"300!... 250!...... I'm returning troops!

Finally, the last sight also began to slide down the tree.

Even though climbing a tree in the woods is hard to stand out for, because in case he gets his eyes on it and his goal is changed, the trap doesn't make sense anymore.

"Let's go!!"

The decree of the captain of Cambit, who predicted the timing, sounded.

"" Whoa whoa!! "

Under Decree No. 1, Fio and the others aim at the center of the square at the same time.

We would run out sequentially for each squad that was supposed to be divided by a few of us, but at this time everyone ran out simultaneously.

Because the bull horse is about to be missed, Enog rebelled hard, saying that the squad that started to run early would be more dangerous.


Wyvern appeared out of the wind as he flew in the woods.

Wyvern seemed to be eyeing the bull in the center of the square.



"It's not big. Yikes!

"I'm gonna do it!

Soldiers and adventurers who whisper in recognition of Wyvern, who flew in while running.


Even as he looked up at the rapidly approaching Wyvern and shrugged in too many tears of fear, the squire Collyle did not abandon the job.

I have to be a little further to wave my sword down on the rope that was connecting the cow.

Wyvern flies in tearing cold air near the end of the year.

The distance is already a few hundred meters.

Eyes and nose.

Huge flying lizards with blue backs and blue-grey belly and wing coatings.

Perhaps a wing length that would be extra wide than its total length, which manages to be five meters.

Apparently the wings are like bats with deformed arms, with one large nail in the wings.

I guess the rest of the fingers are only left to expand the wings.

The big snake-like head is the tip of a slurring, stretched neck.

The large mouth, slightly open, has knife-like teeth growing sloppily, and from its torso there are legs, left and right, with hook claws that look rather thick and sturdy.

Wyvern caused his body where the tip of its tail reached or did not reach the square, which slowed sharply as he shook his wings wide in front.

Legs that were flushing back to reduce air resistance are lifted, spreading three grown hook claws like chicken legs.

My tail was rounded and I could see the tip of my pointed tail ahead like a cone from between my legs.

- Now!!

Collyle slaps his horse in the ass with a flat sword as soon as he cuts the strings of horses that are frightened next door and raising his forefoot.

And rolled to the ground.


Enog's decree sounds.

From all around, a giant arrow, thick as a spear, released from the arborest, roared and flew in.

Buzz, buzz, buzz!

Making an unpleasant noise, the arrow pierced Wyvern's body.


Raising the roar of pain, Wyvern fell to the ground.

At that time, direct attack personnel, starting with Fio, had arrived, and an intense attack, driven by the surplus of the assault, pierced Wyvern's body.

"Watch your tail!


Those approaching the head and tail carefully distance themselves from where Wyvern's attack cannot be reached.

"Wow! Whoa!?"

"I just can't fly, and I'm gonna shake my wings! Go with caution!

Anger flies.

Meanwhile, in the woods, Enog is shouting and ordering.

"Ready for second shot!

The voice had also reached those who manipulated the arborest installed in the woods opposite Enog.

They are also beginning to attach cranks to the arborest without having to be ordered by Enog.

Wyvern rises by waving a blood splash from all over his body.

The reptile's eyes, which should not make him feel emotional, also looked like a flame of hatred, and the hedge that surrounded Wyvern spread a little.


When one growls, Wyvern steps on both feet and wields his tail.

Those who were there, including Ethel, are scattered all at once to avoid attacks.


It's not enough to fly, but still the soldiers and adventurers wield wings that retained their deadly power.

A spear penetrates against that film, filling the hole while you look at it.

Those who are good at handling spears even cleave the skin membrane of their wings by sticking only the tip of their ears in and using the spear blade well.

Fio's spear pierced the base of his right leg.

He instantly twisted his spear and pulled it out at the same time as expanding his wound.


The spears of the others were also thrust out one after another by Wyvern.

Those who can use only a little magic also attack magic.


"Damn! You're not dead yet!?"


Wyvern, whose dozens had arrived, was breathing incessantly, but was still standing and moving, not without danger.

"Hey, because your back is big on scales, watch out!

"Oh, oh, sorry"

But there seems to be plenty of room around starting to worry about rewards.

It seems like it's only a matter of time before you get cautiously attacked.


Apparently some arborest finished loading work as soon as possible.

I unleashed a new arrow.

but at that moment Wyvern seemed to have bowed his head, and the arrow with great power vanished across the periphery in vain.

"Don't shoot!

There seemed to be other arborests that unleashed arrows when Enog commanded them to do so, enlightened in vain.

Did you get out of hand?

The war conditions surrounding Wyvern are changing in our favor here.

It is more obvious than seeing fire that Wyvern is weakening even if the arborest is not hit.

- Those who have suffered major injuries rather than the dead are likely to do so. Big victory.

That's what I thought. When Enog embarrassed himself for lack of aggressiveness.

"Novice! He's plummeting!

Someone's scream wooded into the square.



"Over there!

"All scattered!

"Hey, wait."

"Oh, my God!

"Go back where you came from!

Enog orders bitter thoughts to bite.

"Prepare all arborests!

But there's a loud morale-frustrating voice there...

"That way!?"

- No way, two at the same time!?

A war ran on everyone, including Enog.

"Hey, you!

"It's that way! Here."

Whoever saw the man pointing his finger admitted Wyvern flying in a straight line toward this one, instead of plummeting.

I'm not sure it's far yet, but it felt a little bigger than Wyvern I just defeated.

- Ku, this is the best thing that can happen...! Now it's time for the two victims to go where there is no busy preparation... and there can be total annihilation. The arborest should be placed and distributed retracted......

When Enog thought so.

A scream came from him and from the other side of the arborest.

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