Dropping his sword, Fio, firmly speared, saw the face of Cambit's captain.

Feel that gaze and the captain looks at you.

The immediate goal is Wyvern, the one with his feet on the ground.

When the two of them exchanged signals with their gaze...


The stick wielded by Auga hit the base of Wyvern's wing.


With some cheer, Auga gained momentum and waved down as she waved the stick again.

The sound of boki sounds.

I guess Wyvern's ribs broke.

But Wyvern also managed to wield his tail and tow it and distance himself from Auga again.

Ethel finally reached Grace's hiding place.

"Mr. Grace, Mr. Fio...!

"I know!

Grace replied like a little annoyed.

My husband, Fio, is about to fight a giant, horrible monster.

Taking that into account, it would not be natural.

But Grace doesn't feel as critical as Ethel.

What she says after accompanying Fio on her training journey, Fio has crushed everything that could be described as a crisis.

Starting Giant Slug, which was huger than that orga, Gorbal Gibbon, who looks as big and powerful as a gorilla.

Even Domano Hobgoblin, said to be the most brutal and powerful of the hobgoblins, wiped out every powerful family made up of about twenty, and every orc that manipulates the dyerwolf...

That's not all.

Since then, I've had two horned bears, and even flying monsters didn't take a single step against Tamark Mantalei, who flirted with this one with a quick move, or a monster named Danes Harpy, who looked like a bird below his neck with an old man's face.

In all the circumstances, Fio has played a role that can be described as unrivaled.

Even though Wyvern's tail had pierced his chest plate, he had just slashed the auga under one sword.

For Grace, who has been beside him for nearly two years, Fio is the strongest man in the world.

- I'm sure this time...

"Mr. Grace......"

Ethel shrugged when he saw Grace keep staring at Fio without even looking at him, such as Ethel.

Ethel and his demon opponent have a lot of experience in the White Soldier Battle.

I haven't used it this time to be sure it would get in the way, but I also have the inherent skills that are valid there for combat, and even that level has reached seven the other day.

At the end of their gaze, the captains of Fio and Cambit are moving towards the back of Wyvern fighting the Auga.

In the unlikely event that Wyvern, who is still flying, returns quickly, his opponent will leave his body to a large and conspicuous aug to strike a big blow to the weaker Wyvern first.

It was also understood by soldiers and adventurers lurking in the surrounding woods.

"Okay! Goal, Wyvern on the ground! At the same time as the launch, everyone, storm the Auga! Buy me the next shot!

Enog raised his voice several times.

The voice also reaches the captains of Cambit and Fio.

Kill Wyvern all at once, surround the aug in large numbers by the time Wyvern, who is still flying through the sky, returns.

And when Wyvern, who is flying in the sky, returns, he completes the reloading and ends it with an arborest.

Easy, but difficult operation.

There are several anxiety materials.

But Wyvern needs to stay here now about Auga, anyway.

Auga is a more frightening opponent to the caravan than Wyvern and others, and if left alone, it can do more harm than Wyvern.

Speaking of polarity, Wyvern has no problem if you're lucky enough to meet him, because if his belly is full, he won't be attacked if he sees prey, but Auga kills creatures for his own pleasures and plays.

Falling to the ground, Wyvern turns his body sideways against the Fios, and his head and tail are oriented opposite them, in short, against Auga.

Cambit's captain and Fio go in against Wyvern like that.

The captain lays down his spear, and Fio also holds the spear firmly with his hands.

"Get away from me as soon as you poke me! The spear's coming through, right? You know!?"

The captain says as he stares at Wyvern.

"I got it!

I also respond to Fio without getting my hair in.

Wyvern has to deal with Auga next.

You can't throw away your weapon.


Enog started counting down aloud.

"Whoa, whoa!

The captain barks.

No matter how hard Wyvern's scales are, he has to surrender to the attack that the big man thrust on that weight.

Well, Wyvern can't even afford to pay attention to a situation where he's just falling to the ground.

"No, no!

As Fio's eyes grew brighter, his arms grabbing the spear and legs running through the ground thickened once.


Zagu! made the sound, Fio's spear buried to the root of the tip of his ear.

"Pull... out!

The captain shouts as he kicks the ground with all the strength of his body and pulls through the spear that is piercing him to the middle of his ear.


I don't need to be told.

Fio even imitated twisting and spreading the wound and pulling it out to regain his freedom.


In the unlikely event that Arborest misses his aim and hits him unluckily, he can't even hit his eyes.

Fio and the captain rolled to the ground to part left and right as they regained their weapons.

Suddenly he raises a scream of agony, sees the dull Wyvern of movement, and Auga is swayed with a stick with a grin.


The archers attached to the three arborests pull the trigger simultaneously.

Thick as a spear, three arborest arrows and an Auga stick reached Wyvern at the same time.


Pierced through his body, beaten by an auga, Wyvern shook his head up big.

The head was staring at the void as it was for only a moment, but soon afterwards he threw up bright red blood and fell to the ground.

"Let's go aahhh!!"




Soldiers and adventurers who were anticipating the timing muttered and stormed the august with their gains in their hands.

When Enog, who saw them like that, looked back at the arborest beside him, the soldiers were installing the crank again and starting the next round of winding.

Some of the soldiers who hold spears and swords in their hands and rush to Auga also look like Ethel, his brother and Grace.

Covered shooting by Crossbow over their heads was also initiated.

The aug they're after is getting a blow from Wyvern's tail on his left shoulder, so his surroundings are swollen up a lot, but that's all.

The wound looked shallow.

Ethel and the soldiers are headed that way, but only Grace is headed to the other side of the less densely populated.

Grace's correctness was soon proven.

Auga turned to the left to gather a larger crowd.


And Grace succeeded in putting a spear in Auga's back.


An aug who takes Grace's spear and distorts her face in pain.


Someone said when they saw it.



And Ethel and the others spread out, and set up their swords, and from then on the spears will cover them.



But an inadvertently approaching man is blown away with a swing of a stick.

And looking back, Auga waved the stick at Grace and the spears the other soldiers had.



A few spears were put together and paid off.

And look back quickly again.

A few people who were trying to stick swords and spears in that back get paid for their weapons.

"Stick with me a little more!

Enog's voice echoes.

Guess it'll take a little longer to wind up the next round of Arborest.

- Ideally, I would have liked to have defeated the Auga by the time Wyvern got back... that sounds difficult...

Enog wipes down the flowing sweat and bites his lips.

"Don't aim for your legs!

The risen Cambit captain screams as well.

If you hurt your leg and Auga even pokes you in the knee on the ground, that's because that's not who Wyvern is going to come back for.

Everyone understood its sincerity, although it was only a passive reason, which was not known as a possibility even in the present situation, but was still tall and would easily be a goal if there was a large aug of the body.

The circle surrounding the Auga seems to have widened a bit.

"Let's replace it."

Fio rushed into the place of several of Grace and the others who had lost their wheels to pick up the spears they had been paid.

And, it seemed to me that he would join the members forming the circle on the spot, but Fio would not stop and head toward Auga with his spear.

"Oh, hey!

"It's impotent!

Voices of restraint fly from everywhere, but Fio doesn't mind.

There is a miserable grin on that face.


Running into Auga's present at an unnoticed speed, Fio kicked the tip of Auga's stick.

That leg seemed incredibly powerful.

Auga didn't let go of the stick, but against everyone's expectations, that posture collapsed dramatically.


Similar to the voices rising from the surroundings that watched it, Auga herself can't hide her surprise.

- Where is this power in this chick!?

But that's what I'm talking about.


Fio doesn't let his hair in between and sticks a spear in his wide open chest plate with only one hand (...).

Wyvern's blood buried the tip of the dirty spear almost to the root.


Despite an unintentional blow, Orga tries to hold a spear that he accidentally stabbed in the chest plate with the stick off his hand that remained in his grip.

"Whoa, whoa!!"

I held the spear back with both hands and Fio roared again.

The spear tore open the chest plate of the orga (...).

but i guess the spear pattern became intolerable when i cut it about 10cm down.

I made a noise called Boki and it broke.

"Gugga, duh!

An orga burst as he sprayed blood bubbles on the edge of his mouth.

But Fio doesn't have a rushed look on his face, and when he lets go of the broken spear, he rushes to the orga with his giraffed eyes.

Of course, Auga wasn't watching it in silence either.

Extend your arms to Fio in an attempt to catch him thrusting, or slap him like a bug.

That speed was only wielding a giant stick from time to time, and it was even faster, minus what I was suffering from major injuries.

but what Fio did even surpassed it and easily jumped into Auga's pocket.

"There it is!

Fio roars.


An aug that makes you scream.

I held down my groin and knelt down.

Zuzu, and Fio's right hand, who slipped his leg and took a distance, is gripped with some blood-soaked mass.

Throwing a chunk about the size of a baseball ball unconstructively, Fio pulled out a spear that was stuck in the orga with it broken.


"Do it!

Altogether, it was only a few dozen seconds, but a savage voice rose from the soldiers and adventurers who were suddenly watching what was going to happen, killing them to the Auga.

When Fio sees it only makes sure the spear's tip isn't broken, he gets a disgusting look and a grin at the same time.

He looked around and began to look for the sword he had thrown away earlier, but soon began to breathe heavily on his shoulders.

Grace rushes over to Fio, supporting a body that's about to collapse.

"Enough! Get everyone ready for Wyvern!

Tensions return to everyone, including Fio, with the command of the captain of Cambit who returned to me.

"There it is! It hasn't plummeted yet."

Everyone saw the direction in which someone screamed and pointed their finger.

Far away in the sky, Wyvern earlier is slowly starting to swirl.

You won't be able to stumble around.

"All right, everybody scatter! Use these guys as bait! Let's do it!"


Ethel, who not only gave Grace a quick rush to Fatigued Fio, also lends her shoulders and makes sure that the two of us drag her to the woods.

"Is your power now an inherent skill?

"Hey, Mr. Ethel!

Grace returns the words with a kick to Ethel, who has suddenly skipped questions about his unique skills.

'No, fine. Yes. It's like the idiotic power of a fire place.'

But from what was Japanese and the language of confirmation as if in a hurry, Fio felt something more than just, and took control of Grace and replied.

"Can you still go?

"If I could fall down later, I'd still be fine."

'Yeah. Maybe I'll be fine, but I'll do it in case. My unique skill is gravitational manipulation. You can create a high-gravity space around the person you touch. If you knew in advance, even if you gained weight, you could handle it, couldn't you?

- I see. Unusable abilities as long as you use arborest or crossbow......

Fio understood to some extent just Ethel's words, which had not been a busy explanation.

"So you can drop Wyvern?

That seems to have been the same for Grace, skipping the exact important question.

'I don't know if I can drop it. Because the gravitational field itself isn't very big, and it looks like the creature I touched will be the center... but if you hang it on Mr. Fio, get close to Wyvern, or...'


Grace complains when she hears Ethel.

'I think if gravity suddenly gets heavier than it is flying, it will have some effect. Besides, if you were down on the ground, I was wondering if you could do enough to blunt your movements...'

'Don't hesitate to use it then. I don't know how to work out. "

Wyvern, however, fell to the ground with an arrow of arborests in due course, and was killed without sacrificing more than ever, although it took some time.

A few weeks have passed.

Neither Wyvern nor Auga have been seen at all since then, starting with a squadron of third knights who have rushed with a decoy knife, and the relaxed air is beginning to drift between the Fios.

One day, the exorcism and the end of the merchant escort were declared.

All scales likely to be used were stripped from the three Wyverns that were killed the other day, the number of which was mixed large and small to exceed 10,000.

Naturally, it is divided exactly in half between Romberto and Cambit.

Fio and his adventurers received the largest scale of 150 pieces per head, three centimetres long and two centimetres short, supposedly the best material for armor and shields.

The rumor that Wyvern had been shot three times instantly spread across the neighboring city, from the capital of the Count's territory all the way to the Chamber of Commerce where he came to buy.

Some of the adventurers who needed money in a hurry sold it for about 50,000 Z.

But the Fios didn't sell it.

Because according to the words of the soldiers and adventurers of the Senpai, who know the value of scales, they were talking about bringing them to the King's Capital, the big city's armor store, etc. and they would sell them for about 70,000 Z.

Of course, neither Fio nor Grace can stop laughing at this.

Either way, because Wyvern's scales will almost certainly sell because of high demand, and even the rewards they both earn as adventurers will undoubtedly be the highest ever.

For this reason, the village of Hejek to Ethel and the others was a total of one or two participants, but because the total number was slightly smaller than on the Lombert side, it was said that it was a reward of 154 sheets per person.

Now they're on their way to the village.

Ethel says goodbye to his parents and acts with Fio and the others.

The two of you have heard that you are going to be back here in about a week.

The story of her coming to Lomberto and having an adventurer with Fio and the others had also been passed on to Cambit's captains and Enog, who had until then been allowed to stay in detention.

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