On the way from Sekiguchi to the city of Garrett.

Three people, Fio, Grace and Ethel, were off the streets looking at people and stepping into the woods.

"It's all right around here."

Saying so as he looked around, Ethel stopped walking.

It is somewhat narrow to call it a square, but a place with a wider spacing of trees than the rest of the forest.

"A little further away, please"

Ethel steered Fio and Grace away a little as he advanced to about the center of that narrow square.

They were more than five meters away from Ethel, and they went into the woods again.

"That's right. I think it's easier to see the branches stretching over my head and the weeds..."

Acknowledging that the two watched over Ethel's head and feet, Ethel carries on the words even further.

"By and large, about five meters from me is the radius of competence. The duration will hold for a few minutes if I don't release it. So, we're going, right?

Ethel drops his hips just a little and dresses like he stomps against the ground.

... and the branches of the tree that were spreading over Ethel's head dripped all the way, and the sesame seeds leaned quite a bit!

Is it in the range of approximately five meters, mainly Ethel, where the sesame grass is falling?

"... eh. Please, try to get close to me."

The two followers of Ethel's words felt a tremendous strangeness around the time the sesame grass began to fall.


"Mmm... this, is..."

Suddenly my body gets heavy and it's hard to even stand if I'm not quite in the mood.

"How much can you move, in that, uh, state? Can you shake the sword?

Ethel inquired as he looked at the two different complexions.

Ethel has also taken many breaths on the way to talking.


Fio pulled his long sword out of a sword belt that was about to slip back after a lot of hard work.

I forcibly stretch out the Mississippi and the likely roaring spine to set up the sword, but the tip of the sword is uncertain and fluttering.

It is likely that the action of pulling back the sword in an attempt to carry out the poking, which is the basic mould.

"Ku... that's heavy on the boulder..."

Grace also moves the knife out to stick out with her right hand.

but the movement is very slow and ends up going downstairs on the way out.

Now you won't even remember to hit an attack with a knife.

"Mr. Grace. Wow, you just stay away from me and you'll be fine... Fio, in this state, has used, can use, tried..."

With that said, Ethel had his hands on both knees, but only his face was firmly raised and pointed toward both of them.

I'm worried about the cool face that said it's no problem because I'm used to this high gravity, but it's obvious that I can't.

"Hey, okay...... Hmm!

Fio starts the mood.

It gives the impression that your hands, feet and body have thickened once.

"Gu... Mm... Come on!

Release the poke with the hanging voice.

Its speed is not comparable to earlier.

Supposedly, a hit would have enough killing power.

but from the point of view of it, it can be rated as better or as good as the runaway squire.

Fio did several moulds afterwards, but all began in a move that was far from the speed and strength with which he showed the Auga to his opponent the other day and not even far from the usual Fio, who did not use his inherent skills.

"... this is... a big deal..."

After struggling under the high gravity Ethel had made, Fio was wheezing and scratching quite a bit of sweat.

"Fi, I can't believe Mr. Fio can move all that... Awesome"

Her intrinsic skill, the level of gravitational manipulation, has reached seven.

I don't even know how strong it is in person, Ethel, but the effort to lift things within the effects of gravity manipulation is not the usual ratio, and there is a feeling of weight gain on the wheel, and even Ethel, who is used to high gravity, made a move that cannot be imitated very well.

"But if this is it, Wyvern won't be able to fly either."

Said Grace, who escaped the range of effects one foot away.

No matter how high gravity it is, Wyvern won't resist.

"Not at all. I still feel bones crunching."

Fio also agreed and praised "Sure, this would be Arborest, but it would be a bow, but it would be off track".

"Well, I'm ready to self-destruct. But it's the difference between heaven and earth that gravity becomes stronger and that you don't know when..."

Fio and Grace also nodded at Ethel's words.

Indeed, she was right enough to think that if she suddenly used it on someone she wasn't prepared to do so, she would be on the spot at that moment.

Arriving in the city of Garrett, the three made their way to the administration first.

Fio and Grace had taken on escorts from Wyvern as adventurers, because they had already received the daily allowance for the reward but had to return the quota.

"... status open... with Mr. Grace Heroscol... status open... you're Mr. Fiorenzo Heroscol.... Yes, thank you."

Grace was followed by a comparison of Fio's status with the books, said an official in the administration.

"That's the last of you, isn't it?

Further, officials asked Fio.

"That's right. We were too late to leave custody."

Fio answers as he gives the crack.

"Oh, yeah. What are you gonna do now? Are you staying here for a while?

Officials said as I recall.

Fio and Grace accidentally looked at each other's faces.

"No. I have a scale of rewards to dispose of, and I thought I'd head to the King's Capital... why would I do that?

I've never been asked anything like this since I finished my request.

It seemed to me that there were so many circumstances in which administrative officials would pry into the actions of a single adventurer.

"Mm-hmm. Seems a chase is occurring against an adventurer who participated in Wyvern's exorcism. If you're going to the Wang Capital, you should go without heading to Howfulson, even as an escort for the caravans who will be far away but heading north to the Marquis of Charles. Just the day after tomorrow, there's a caravan leaving for Domaine."

Howfurson is the capital of this Count of Lean Flight and is on its way to the King's Capital.

And Domaine is the name of the capital of the Marquis of Charles, the Sardans region to the north of the Count of Lean Flight.

If you are going for King's Capital from the city of Garrett, it is a natural choice to go straight down Manhalak Street that you have just walked on and go for Howfurson.

"I see, chasing..."

Fio squeaks with his hand on his chin.

"Oh, I'm not saying anything bad to the participants in the Wyvern exorcism. Caravan escort, you want to do it? There aren't enough people yet, so if you're over one, you'll be fine. You guys are in on the Wyvern exorcism, and I think you're gonna be welcome, right?

Having said that, the officials began to look for the decimals without hearing from either of them.

"Hey, give me a minute. I'll talk to you."

With that said, Fio pulled Grace away from the scene and went as far as Ethel was waiting.

"... that's why"

Fio tells Ethel what the official just told him.

"So? You don't have a choice, do you? Around the North......"

Grace said without interrupting her hair.

He also has a slightly pleasant look on his face.

"Oh, man. You overlook the chase?

"I know how you feel, but think about it."

'I thought about it. The undelivered who try to take away the scales they have struggled to obtain because of......'

'You haven't thought about it, have you?

'But if the chase is true, you can't overlook it. You may also have the opportunity to test Mr. Ethel's unique skills in action…'

'Yes, there's Mr. Ethel. You know it's likely to be dangerous, and you don't have to jump in, do you? Besides, if you deal with him, he could kill the chase. Wyvern, stealing scales from exorcised adventurers is something you can do because you have so much strength, right? It's tough getting out of hand so you don't kill someone like that, huh?

'Mm... but I can't help but kill you...'

'Right. Maybe we don't have a choice. But there's Mr. Ethel. You kill people in front of her?


'But there is also no calculus. Besides, Mr. Ethel's unique skills can only be used by himself or the person he touches. Are you willing to let Mr. Ethel touch the chase? You want me to imitate that danger?

"Then hang on to me..."

'That's not the problem, is it?

"Shiyu, training......"

"If it's just me and the two of you, don't think that your training will always be a priority because we're already three. Well, if you're going to try Mr. Ethel's unique skills in action, more... surely from a weaker opponent, right?

"Gu... Mm..."

Fio was stuck in words.

- Why is Grace suddenly like this... she shouldn't have been like this...

Until now, Grace has never claimed her own opinion so far.

I had a strong impression that I was following Fio quietly even on the road from Sekiguchi.

Ethel pinches his mouth as he watches what ever happens in silence.

'Um, I'm used to fighting demon opponents, too, and I've killed people in jail. Never mind......'

'Oh, well. Then...!

Fio gave a horrible, saved-looking look.

'There is absolutely no such thing in the world. We should go the safest way possible. At least you shouldn't be able to swap scales for money and practice Mr. Ethel's inherent skills on vulnerable opponents, both in Balduk and anywhere, until you grab more character. Yes. The futile argument is over! Come on, take on the escort.'

Grace's sword screen overwhelmed not only Fio, but Ethel as well.

- Shit, I don't get it... Funny. I was on a training trip... not...

Some time after the beginning of the year, through several noble territories, the three arrived in Genewell, the capital of the Duke of Apside, north of Heaven.

Genewell is also the second largest city in the kingdom, said to be approaching 200,000 inhabitants.

"This, this is delicious......!

Ethel, who ate a simmering ground turtle called Matt Turtle, a specialty of Genewell, said with a smudged look at the diner rolled out by three people who entered the proper inn.

"Hmmm... that's excellent"

"I'm surprised the turtle meat tastes so good..."

Fio and Grace are muttering with similar or stopping faces.

- I got a little bit of value, but I'm glad you ordered it all because of it.

The clerk who came to pick up the order from the three of us who sat at the table said, "Brother, you look envious with two good women! Matt, do you want to simmer the turtle? I've been saying."

All three of us were stunned by the kind of things we decided to do on our own before we even heard the shop menu yet.

When I asked her about it, she said it was a specialty ingredient from Genewell, so I ordered it after all.

It was also because he realized that there were many restaurants in Genewell with picturesque billboards of land turtles.

He also drank a little alcohol, swelled his belly, and with great satisfaction the three returned to the inn.

The next morning.

"Good Morning"

Ethel and Grace looked at each other in the well of the inn.

'Good morning. Um... Mr. Grace... the...'


"Uh... the..."

Ethel turns red when he sees Grace's face and suddenly looks around at his body and surroundings.

"What's wrong?

Grace asks in suspicion, but Ethel is troubled.


'It's hard to say, but, you should be a little quieter at night...'

"... sorry"

Matte turtles were also known for their sophisticated ingredients if cooked in a way other than baking.

After lunch, the three headed to the administration.

To find a merchant escort to Lombertia.

I also heard that the area around Mount Milher, which runs from here to the south and is about the border with Heavenly Heaven, is a little insecure, so I thought it would be essential for the escort work of the caravan.

"That's big..."

Ethel looked up at the administrative building and muttered.

I've never seen a better government building before.

Especially if you let Fio tell you, the Lombertian government building is bigger and more splendid than this.

"Yeah, the adventurer reception... that way"

Fio, who looked around at the building, turned to a different side from the main entrance.

And when the three of them are looking at the huge bulletin board on which the request was put out......

"Hey, did you hear that?


"Recruitment of the people."

"Am I? You know. Where?"

"West Dirt," he said.

"Where, there?

"It's all the way south. Look, last year or last year, it's the territory where a man from Adventurer was counted."

"Oh... Earl's to say if it's a league or a league"


"Why? What are the terms?

"He said he could get a job with me. If he works well, he'll be a squire."

"You know, it happens sometimes, right? Isn't that normal?"

"But that's not all, is it?"

"Oh, my God, don't wear it."

"If you work hard on the job the lord will mediate, you will also pay for migration according to your distance!

"Seriously! That's fancy!... What's a job?

"Agricultural work and street maintenance."

"Yeah. Anyway, farming is open, street maintenance is open, right? It's heavy labor."

"Well. But they say that if we go as a couple, the kids will get paid enough to eat, and most importantly, there's no age limit, so I thought I'd take my wife and the kids too..."

It's a rumor that contains interesting words for Fio.

"Um, what if..."

Fio spoke to the men.

"Am I?"


"Now I'm talking about someone from Adventurer to the Count...?

"Don't you know? Even among these adventurers a while ago..."

"Ha, neglected to take care of things..."

- I haven't been in many big cities before. I was on the move as soon as I got the job even when I went......

"A year? No, it was about two years ago, when Wyvern, a big idiot, was set up in the Labyrinth of Balduk. Why was Wyvern in the underground labyrinth? I don't know. That's not true."

"There was a man who put that Wyvern in his armor and offered it to His Majesty the King. I hear that armor was a great silomon."

"Yes, yes. So, he was rewarded by a senior nobleman, and he got to the realm."

"That's right, sushi. What is the man's name, by the way?

Fio couldn't help but ask, no way.

"It's a league. Count Riegle."

"Yeah, it's a league. It's not a league."

"Yes, no. That's your name before the Count mentioned it."

"Uh, what did you get? Erm..."

"Um, I'm getting out of here. I don't even know Balduk."

"Hey, at Falergers? Rottrick Falergers?"

Ask with anticipation.

If that were the case, how wonderful would it be?

"Huh? Falergers, those Falergers? No, I'm not."

"... but my current name is like I heard it somewhere. Falergers are so big, they rot on the sidelines."

- If you think about it in due course... what did you say? That's right!

"... are you Vilheimer's?

"Vilheimer's in Balduk, you've brought out some celebrities. But that's a shame. He's dead."

"It's like representing the Labyrinth Adventurers of Balduk when the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) comes along. I don't know if I can do that."

- Not them... then around Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz)? But Vilheimer of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) is dead...?

A few years ago, when Fio started a bad fight in Balduk, I saw him on the road.

It's a magnificent elf with a big vibe.

"... So, are you a Grid? Alain Gried?"

"Yeah, that's him!

"Is that the name? I think I heard that somewhere, so maybe I did."

Fio felt like he had been punched in the face directly from the front.

Even his vision was temporarily attacked by a feeling of gnawing and distortion, and his back walking far ahead of the main road was visionary.

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