
Relying on the map of Guineh, he finally arrived at Weed, sometimes over the street, sometimes pushing through the wilderness off the street for a shortcut, before 3 p.m. this day.

When it comes to luggage-like luggage, there are only about ten slave kids, including Ben and Ellie, so the carriage was light, and its speed, which gave full speed on streets with good road conditions, even exceeded 30 km/h.

Because of this, the kids imitated Ben and Ellie and all fell asleep on the carrier, clinging to the legs of the bench provided or something.

Seeing Xenom's face, he leaves immediately after just a brief report over a cup of tea.

Almost there.

Never pinch a break along the way, off the streets beside the village, again running carriages and horses at full speed.

I know a path paved with asphalt, a path that hasn't been maintained at all if you tell me so, but still, this Burral street is one of the best maintained roads in the neglected country.

My beloved horse or horse pulling the carriage thanks to Breeze Horseshoe, a breezy hoof, runs perfectly over the flat ground, but shows a steady run.

Of course, so am I on the back of a horse, but the guys on the carriage rock a lot.

At five o'clock in the evening approaching, the village of Mead was seen.

"We're taking a break! Start slowing down!

I turned around and commanded Giberti aloud.

If you take your last break in this village, you'll be ten kilometers away from Beglitz, one run away.

You'll be able to wear it about a step ahead of you in the critical dark.

And, is that...?

Dozens of people are splitting up into several places and doing something.



Have you finished laying the tracks so far!

The tracks seem to have been laid until about the outskirts of cultivated land in Mead village.

I was still in front of the center of Mead Village when I left for Wang Du.

- The number of people has grown considerably, and the people who have been there since the beginning are quite used to it. I want 20 rails, 150m a day.

Reminds me of Zulu's words about overseeing track construction I heard on the outbound.

Especially since we've slightly increased the number of workers' teams, and the number of teams itself has increased by one, so naturally.

But, well, it's a big deal.

Isn't it just a matter of time before we get about five miles in a month?

One more thing from around next or next month, and then if the plans are still going well, we should be able to increase the number of teams every few months, so it won't be a dream for 15 years in a month at dawn when they become useful.

It would be really great if we could get there by about a year later.

Going to their side, it looked like they were just finishing up today's work and cleaning up tools and stuff.

"Master, welcome home"

Beside the group was a knight who rode for the lookout for the deserters, so I guess they told me about my proximity.

When Zulu came in and greeted him, he said, "Welcome home!" It was a great chorus.

Most of the workers have become my debt slaves from criminals.

"Sounds good."

Speaking to Zulu as he rolled around with dust and sweat, Zulu smiled joyfully and thanked him.

"How many deserters were there?

I hear they both tried to escape while I was in King's Capital and were captured and strangled in front of the workers.

"Not a single one"

It's such a good salary as a slave in the country, and does that mean that the majority of those who convince and follow it?

Or does that mean Zulu's ability to manage has grown?

I'm happy either way.

"Give him a good rest tomorrow."

That said, I munched into the horse again.

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, so I'm supposed to behave like bacon and wine to all my slaves.

When the serfs who took over from their predecessor, Count Loughleague, were also included, a total of more than 2 000 people, so a total of 4 million Z. had been recorded with a single head of budget as 2000 Z.

... It's cheaper than a piece of glass.

I arrived at Beglitz around sundown.

Giberti and I broke up a little before entering the city (they headed to Court Jill Castle, which would be the bedding for Ben and Ellie, the kids they brought to it) and I went home alone.

A young Knights squire stands as a guard with a spear on either side of the gate of the house.

Wasn't today Ruby and Jess's day......

"Thank you"

Speak up to the two of you and put a horse on the grounds.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we're back!

Lucio Guaire of the stables came running to roll when his squire shouted at the house to congratulate him on my return.

"What about Mizuchi?

"You have not returned yet"

It's New Year's Eve and I can't even give my wife a break, she's a pitiful husband, but that's all now.

I hope I can make it easier any time.

I started Patricia Bartolomé of the family decree when I was letting him clean up the horse gear, and the living men and maids came out as well.

Bartolome isn't the only one living in it, but he waited for me because I was due back today.

Anyway, I was tired, so I started taking baths there, too, to say hello.

I just have to do it myself because Mizuchi isn't here, but it still stinks like a pain in the ass.

But I wanted to take a bath and refresh myself.

That's how Mizuchi came back.

I took my clothes off in the strip and now it's exactly when I was about to storm the bathroom.

"If you're home, you can show your face to the administration..."

"Oh, I'm sorry. It was getting dark, and you could do it tomorrow."

You sure didn't mind.

"Mr. Insenga's gone, too, isn't he?

"That's irresistible. Did that old lady say anything?

That said, I promised I'd be home by the end of the year.

"I was pretty worried you wouldn't come back yet."

Oh? Really?

"Well... Tomorrow will be fine."

"I think that's a good idea."

Mizuchi replied, clapping his shoulders.

Tomorrow I guess I'll tell you to put up with one or two of the dislikes.

"By the way, what about rice?

"I haven't eaten yet. Where are you going?"

"I thought so, so I decided on a store."

"Huh? Really? Where?"

"A drill. You know what?"

"Like I've heard, like I don't..."

"I don't think I've been there. Walk into Varlance Street. It's a little bit of a shop."

"Yeah. Ma, no. But why such a store..."

Mizuchi laughed niggardly.

"I've had a reputation since last week or so. Oh, my God, there's sea urchins in there!

"Ugh, seriously!? You already ate?

"Yeah. I haven't. I thought I'd eat with you at first."

"Right. Sorry."

There's something cute about Mizuchi, too.

It seems that Claw and Marie go through the store every day.

Thor also said he was impressed by going out to eat.

"Well, I'll get dressed, so hurry up."

Mizuchi said as I took off the clothes and folded them back out of the cage again.

"Huh? You're not taking a bath?

It's a corner. Come on.

"I'll be in before bed."


Flush your body, wash it safely, and then soak it in shaved water.

The twitching and tiredness seems to be coming out, and I knew the bath would be great.

But I said, "Do you want to take a bath? Want some rice? Or..." I wanted to go through it because it could be one time.

The restaurant called Dringle was run by an old man from a middle-aged dog tribe (Dogwer), and it wasn't very big.

The shop structure is no big deal, and even Beglitz stands in a cheap diner at a lower level inside.

Some of them have several sets of guests.

Most of them look like slaves working at some merchant or something.

They didn't move when they first saw me coming into the store, starting with my father, but they noticed something when they saw Mizuchi, the dark elf.

The atmosphere changed slightly.

"I'm sorry. I'll pay you to eat."

I only went to a certain store these days, so I say how I felt when I came to Beglitz.

My father's affectionate laugh was stiff, but I'm used to that too, so don't worry about me or Mizuchi. Pick a seat.

And there is only one set of different customers in the back of the store to make an invitation here.

Claw and Marie.

Hey, I hung up and got to the same table.

On the table is a plate with boiled remains of Meeval, which became only bones and......

"Ooh, ooh!? Sea urchin, sea urchin or this!?"

The orange color is also glossy and there is a plate with sea urchins on it.

Small plates are also poured with fried liquor, and even small plates of salt.


It's delicious.

Claw and Marie both seem to have come home once to get dressed and are laughing with their tight clothes.

"Ooh. Father! Give me this' sea urchin ', two plates! And the beer, and you? Two beers!"

Place an order with the store's father.

and says sea urchins are 1000z a plate.

It's so expensive that it's not worth a store like this.

but I don't care.

My father took out some chunks of black igaiga when he opened the ice fridge he had left behind the store.

No tricks, sea urchins!

"They say Senno, really."

"We're ordering too because we say we're onions."

Listening to the story, he said it was Ralpha and Guine who taught the claws about this store.

They just said that they were also unis, and Claw and Marie also call them unis, so they go by unis, not stat notation senno at all in the store.

"Thank you for waiting."

My father's daughter-like dogwart waitress brought me a beer with weird language.

This one was the usual price at 150Z a cup.

Cheers with a warm beer, me and Mizuchi turn down the recommendations of the claws and wait for the ordered sea urchins to come.

"Thank you very much for your patience. It's going to be two dishes of eel, 200Z."

My father brought a sea urchin sashimi.

Carefully, small plates of fried liquor and small plates of salt are also on the basin.

Was this the standard in the store?

As a result, there are not even sunflowers in boulders. I'm very sorry, but I can't help this.

Marie says it doesn't have to be fresh because the sunflower is meant to eliminate the raw smell of the story in the first place.

"Actually, I'm selling this sake, right?"

Marie says with a peroli out her tongue.

I even have to forget about income taxes. Do as you please.

Civilians other than peasants, even if they do not have a chamber of commerce, are free to sell things up to Z1 million a year.

Apart from that, you can also sell up to ten slaves per year.

Both are naturally subject to 10% tax.

Especially around here, it's quite awkward, and if you don't handle the excessively large amount without setting up a store, you will most likely lose sight of it.

All around here, I want to do something about it.

When I talk to my father with delicious sea urchins, apparently they were picked in Hash village.

I knew you could pick sea urchins over there...

'Bye. Have a good year.'

'Thank you very much for your help this year. Thanks again next year. Have a good year.'

I broke up with Claw and Marie by saying hello at the end of the year in front of the store.

... It was delicious.

I returned to the mansion very satisfied with the sea urchin, and as I put up new bath water for Mizuchi, I also bathed my wife and my youngest son.

It's a little late today, but they seem to be looking forward to their daily baths, too, and it's necessary to keep them clean from time to time.

After that he was often indulgent in the living room and waited for Mizuchi to get out of the bath.

And as he dried Mizuchi's hair, he talked about what had happened in Wang capital and stayed up late at night.

January 1, 7450.

"Happy New Year"

'Happy dawn. Thank you again for this year. "

Mizuchi and I, hands on the bed to get up and out to exchange New Year's greetings.

After that, get dressed and run.

Me and Mizuchi both take a piece of silver coin (10,000 Z).

To make money at the shrine on the way.

Run alone for a mock fight in the mansion yard and take a quick bath.

When he moistened his throat with cold water and put on his clothes, the couple went to work for the administration.

Naturally, starting with the insenga aunt, all the officials in the position have their faces on.

Some Jabbas rock giants to the billionaire.

Exchange New Year's greetings with them too.

"All right, we'll clean up from the accumulated administrative processing! I'll clean it up in the morning, so bring more and more!

I've accumulated in the last six months, I have about a hundred documents that need my signature.

The focus is on filing a petition about the tax schedule and making adjustments to it.

Not only from the lords of each village, but also from my squire, so I'm going to write a ballistic autograph.

Somehow, once this is done, they expect to eat quite a bit of time at the other party with a new law.

We must hurry.

But divide it between what you can do with a diagonal reading and what you have to read and make a decision about...

Soak the tip of the pen in an ink kettle with a little fed up.

"Ah, where's Einar?

Ask Mizuchi a question looking at a report from my squire about the delay in paying taxes and a petition for an extension of the payment deadline.

Mizuchi goes in front of maps of Beglitz city and nearby farmland on the wall and says, "Wasn't it around here?" or so I'm looking for Mr. Einal's farmland.

Mr Einal said that tax payments would be delayed because there were those who died in the family of the serfs who owned them last autumn.

Whether it's true or not is a lie because it's something you'll know as soon as you find out.

I don't know if it's a lie, but is it too late for one of the serfs to die? That's how I feel.

"Around here. Barley and lentils, sounds like you're making a little vegetable. The area of the field is all five ha...... about four ha?

Mizuchi said, turning the book, pointing to a point on the map.


Not a very large farmland.

And what I said would be that the slaves who owned it were precisely one family or something.

If Grandpa or Grandma dies, it's a big battle down.

"Then can't you... er, next..."

Thus the morning passed and we entered the afternoon without even eating rice.

This is it while I tell you I'll clean it up in the morning...

It's bad for everyone.

"That's all that's left"

Mizuchi layered about ten sheets of paper on my desk.

"What's this?

"The budget delivery to the Knights, the Chamber of Commerce in the realm."

View overlaid documents as fragmented.

There's also this month's budget delivery for the Knights, a request from the garrisoned Knights of the Kingdom to provide food in lieu of security costs, and the establishment of an alternative new chamber of commerce with the retirement of the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce.

It's not a big deal.

Collectively, I signed with Sarah.

"Good day. Do you want to go out for dinner?

Mizuchi said, laughing nicely and reaching for my desk paperwork.

"Mm-hmm. I'm keeping you waiting. Let's put the rice behind us. Call the secretary."

I asked Mizuchi to wipe the ink on the tip of the pen.

"... ah"


Mizuchi with the paperwork looks back.

That's still a good response rate.

"If she's going out to dinner, let's eat."

"Right. If so, why don't we just buy a sandwich?

"Hmm... that's the sandwich early in the New Year... okay? Do that."

My head had already begun to wrap up about amendments to the law as I watched Mizuchi walk out of the office.

I just want to finish this story.

Next week's head, on January 7th, I'm going to be in business, so by then I wanted to have at least a couple of days of my last collaborative training with Ralpha and Guine, who are going to accompany me, in addition to members of the Knights who will be with me for the time being.

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