January 2, 7450.

Reception room.

"... Roger that."

Beyond the reception desk where I sat, Incenga answered, moving the frequency and pen.

There's only me and this old lady in the room.

"By evening we will have prepared a draft on the part of the law amending"


"It should be noted that tomorrow at 10 o'clock there will be a Tetsudo opening ceremony between Beglitz Mead and a test drive...... just in case you already know. Bye."


Aunt Han took a seat just to say and left the room with a small bow of her head to me replying.

I see you are completely in work mode.

She doesn't feel like a cold, uncomfortable person, but when did she realize that she actually had a pretty hot personality inside her?

That's not good.

Since yesterday, I've been telling my hard-headed aunt about the outcome of negotiations with the King and letting her write the laws I'm aiming for.

Among them, he naturally showed the King the documents he had signed with ink.

On top of that, I needed to share various illustrations to make it easier for her, who is not a reincarnator, to understand the part of the law that I am aiming for.

I think you fully understood what I was thinking.

To summarise briefly the points of this amendment to the law, the following four points will follow.

Firstly, it replaces the phrase "for nobility, the collection and payment of taxes are rights and duties that cannot be infringed by any one person".

I have been discussing this part with her sporadically since last year, and she accepted it without any particular great surprise.

It would be fine if we wrote down a text that would be an exception as an additional clause.

There are numerous precedents in aristocratic territory other than this West Dirt.

The second is the various types of trade union relations within the territory.

Complete compulsory submission of accounting statements for tax payments and choice of tax method (you can choose between cash or storage. of course it will be a little high in the case of stores), starting with the introduction, there are many eyeballs, such as the reduction of the hurdles regarding the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce of No. 3.

In particular, additions have been made on matters that would be restrictive.

For example, a city (bazaar) where multiple chambers of commerce and merchants can meet in one place is limited to two or more chambers of commerce based in the territory, and you'll need my permission, or something like that.

Oh, naturally, my Gleed Chamber of Commerce is a Lombertia-based type II Chamber of Commerce, but I'm also going to set up a new Beglitz-based type II Chamber of Commerce. I'm the one who pays the registration office fee, so it won't cost you any money.

And third.

As you will remember, in the Kingdom of Romberto and the countries around it, slaves are not allowed to be accompanied in childbirth.

It is already perceived as if it is one of the cultures rather than the law, but this is a clean law.

It was difficult to increase the population, it was this guy's amendment that was the biggest neck.

Even in Barkud, at the time of the birth of the slave, the mother had given birth alone in the house.

Until I heard the baby squeal, my husband, my family and even the owner just roared around the house worryingly and shouted loudly to cheer my mother up from time to time.

I've never seen it in person, but it's been half a day since I heard the baby, and when I cut the paralysis and stepped in, both the mother and child were dead, I ask Zara what the story is.

Until now, of course, the birth assistance of slaves has been provided in hiding.

but I don't think it's the kind of thing I can say to you, and I think there is an overwhelming majority of births that are not assisted.

I always thought it was a problem about this.

I even thought it would absolutely have to be amended on the land under my control.

A birth attendant, such as a birth woman, may be placed on the birth attendant if either the slave himself or his family, or the owner thereof, pays the proper gratuity.

A gratuity to a maternity woman is at most tens of thousands of Zs (which is also down there) in a single birth even if the civilian or nobleman is the other party.

Therefore, if the possibility of a safe birth is greatly increased, it would be a slave, but it would be the owner, but some people would ketch that amount of money.

Regardless of the child to be born, the mother dies a little, so it can be said to be millions of Z damages.

The fourth, I think, is already predicted, but it can also be called the third livestock version.

Penalties were set for not providing help during childbirth, such as cow horses and donkey horses.

That's more of a new establishment than a law amendment about this one.

They decided to punish him with a whip and a fine for knowing the livestock was pregnant and not helping them during childbirth.

Snitches are then encouraged on this matter, and the snitch is also paid a bonus.

At the same time, penalties were laid down for those who divulged information about snitches.

Although, naturally, as a result of the investigation, if the snitch information is correct,

Four points are worth highlighting about this amendment to the law and the establishment of a new one.

Of course, there are other details.

For example, the removal of material restrictions on clothing that can be worn in various social classes and the removal of the inability to use rain gear for slaves are not very important.

I personally believe that the third and fourth amendments are quite important than such details.

The problem of population growth that would have been moderate if this had come into force would also be resolved in the next decade and 20.

It is also possible that if the population increases, it will be food scarce, but since most of the population that will increase is slaves, I am not very worried about this one because it will also be directly linked to securing the workforce.

The same applies to the problem of livestock shortages. Two birds a stone because more would increase agricultural productivity, and it would also lead to a strengthening of military capabilities.


Both issues are only an obstacle to doing politics, running states and territories?

Especially since it's an incredible evil law about the birth assistance of slaves.


But even on Earth there were incredibly stupid laws in force, such as the Nuremberg Act, the Indian Migration Act and the Aboriginal Protection Policy.

Regardless of the idea of a law on policing in Japan at the time of its establishment, some laws were transformed into laws that could not be helped after operations began.

Why don't you just think about why those laws were made and why they were made?

It is nothing more than a slightly off representation that the enforcer side of the law gains (though it would also be a bit off).

This “gain” includes a variety of meanings.

In some cases it is a literal gain (Indian Migration Act), and in others it is a reduction of difficulty in the operation of the state (Aboriginal protection policy, or perhaps a slightly different direction but the same can be said of policing legislation).

Furthermore, it can be described as merely an enacter's hobby (the Nuremberg Act).

On the upside down, it's not a bad law for the enforcer side.

In short, it would be exactly the same as them.

The person who laid down this law knew that the majority of the population was occupied by the slave class, and in a sense by holding such a lifeline of them, he said, "You people are not human. object. It's with an animal." You wanted to plant the perception that

Maybe not, but I'm wondering if I am.

Because slavery is deeply ingrained in this oath.

Even I say... slaves are slaves. I treat it as nature and slavery. I don't think you're dealing with that consciously, do you?

Anyway, at the bottom, I was born and raised as a nobleman.

January 3, 7450.

Standing on a platform placed on the platform of Beglitz Station, he shouts alongside the tracks in front of him, the officials and city faces, the Knights and the workers who slouched across them.

"... I therefore think that those engaged in the construction of railway lines had a lot of difficulty!

The clerk on the lower end looks sleepy at the end.

Speaking of which, yesterday evening, Insenga told me to prepare a board for posting on the executive bulletin board.

When I went to work this morning, the bulletin board had already been updated, so did you write it since then?

If Mizuchi and I were having sea urchins for dinner, we'd come for Insenga too, so I guess it was him who wrote it.

There are others out there who are starting to look like they are tired of hearing about it, mainly about his other young officials.

I took this opportunity to announce a new law, and I've been shouting out loud for about five minutes now.

... I guess it's time to cut it up.

"... those who will use this railway in the future should not forget about their hardships, difficulties and sacrifices!

Even at the cost of sacrifice, so far there are only two people who tried to escape.

Well, when you try to expand your route within the Dart Plains in the future, you can also fully consider the possibility of a monster or something to raid.

"I, Alain Gried, Count of Riegle, hereby declare the opening of a railway line between Beglitz Mead!

Not so much as a thunder applause, but the opening ceremony ended with more than a hundred people clapping their hands simultaneously.

This is followed by a driving party.

To carry rails, pillowcases, etc. for construction, the rails were laid using railways, so I have finished what should be called a "real test run".

What we're going to do today is take a passenger on a test run.

When the applause stopped ringing, I said, "Zulu!" and called the name of the faithful slave-head.

"Hi! How are you! How about that!"

Zulu, who sat on your podium, is also wearing pretty good clothes today.

This time pull two vehicles with four horses.

Each vehicle has a pre-manufactured truck and a bench that should also be referred to as a passenger car.

The truck has been used so far, and there are just side plates on either side of the trolley that can be pulled off like a truck carrier.

For passenger cars, the wheels of carriages for the carriage of personnel, which have been in operation for a long time, have been modified to be made of all metals with flanges for railways. As always, the passenger seats are arranged opposite each other in two rows, with a total of four rows of benches. Only the central bench is built a little higher, and it's perfectly with the luggage compartment underneath.

Because of this, I dare wear a breezy hoof today to make an impact.

The truck is equipped with forty rails, seven meters long, which is my railroad standard, and two slaves as watchmen of luggage.

Zulu parked the passenger car in front of me standing on the stage.

"Now the rails loaded on this truck are made of iron, one is seven meters long and weighs 250 kilograms. The truck's loaded with 40 of these, so it's loaded with ten tons."

I said it from me, pointing to the truck to the right.

I saw a pile of iron on the truck and when I heard its weight, a surprise look appeared on many people's faces.

That would be the case, too.

The weight that a single horse could pull in a carriage until now was about a little more than a t, even if it was a lot.

If the road resistance is large and the wheels and axles are not large, the weight of the carriage itself can be combined, and the weight of the luggage that can be carried is between 7 and 800 kg in a good place.

In that formula, if it's a four-headed carriage in front of you, four tons, including the weight of the vehicle itself, should be the limit.

But I don't care what you think of the iron chunks on board. More than that, it's not surprising that there are ten tons of weight, as I say, and the carriage wheels are made of metal, so that should add quite a bit of weight...?

Many people make their eyes black and white with such a face.

I have a satisfied look on my face and look out at the audience.

The workers are not surprised at all. Naturally.

Few Knights are surprised because they are also used to seeing carriages with suspensions on my built bearing bearings. But the executives, starting with the value, seem to have noticed that the transportable weight is greater than that carriage, with a pretty surprising look on their face.

The president of the Chamber of Commerce, who was the Lord of Beglitz, even opened his mouth.

You guys haven't paid any attention to the vehicles used in the construction of railway lines until now, have you?

He stares at Jabba as he opens his eyes and eats in, saying he's an official of the administration.

You opened your eyes that far.

Speaking of which, you opened your eyes about that long ago when I showed you a condom...

I usually forgot because it's like a needle buried in meat.

You must have noticed what I was looking at.

Haritide looked at me with a look he seemed to want.

That's the look I want you to add to your test run to Meade Village.


Because you, when I asked you yesterday, you said no.

Well, nothing. If me and Mizuchi get off, we'll have room for you to sit down, so we can put it on, but only today, me and Mizuchi have to ride.

Give up because you're not going to let anyone else down now.

"And what stops in front of me is a passenger car that can carry people and small baggage. Okay, get in order."

That said, I got off the stage and hung my foot on the tarap between the truck and the passenger car and became the person on the car.

Following me, Mizuchi also climbed into the bus.

Proceed to the front of the passenger car and lower your back to your seat. Mizuchi sat next to me.

People ride one after the other, quickly filling eight seats in a row on the bench, a total of three or two seats.

In addition to the Secretary of Insenga from the Executive Branch, about five others from the Knights, in addition to the Vice Commander of Values, and only two seats are vacated for the rest, all seated by the presidents of the Beglitz Chamber of Commerce.

"Okay, Zulu, that's good."

"Ha.... It is currently 10: 18 AM. Departure Proceed!"

Zulu manipulated the handrail with a gesture he was used to when he pronounced the time by putting his hand on the clock magic prop he had placed beside your table.

It should be noted that those who do not take the carriage railroad are also asked to drink tea on this occasion until they return.

Young people from the administration and the Knights are beginning to prepare tables and chairs.

Leaving Beglitz Station, in a few minutes the carriage reached a speed of about 10 km/h.

This alone is about three times faster than a regular carriage.

"is, fast......!

"About fifteen tons, including luggage...?

Those voices can also be heard from the seats behind them, where the chairmen of the Chamber of Commerce sit.

Secretary Insenga, sitting right in front of me, seems to be blinded by the twisting and flowing view of each body as well.

"Zulu, show everyone the estimated time of arrival at Mead and the scheduled time of return to Beglitz"

I ordered Zulu, who is manipulating the carriage with his back turned just in front of my seat (left).

"Ha. Uh, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to announce my plans for this carriage railway. The car is currently operating on a special express route for Mead. Estimated time of arrival is scheduled for 11: 18 a.m. We will also be equipped with wheat for tax purposes after unloading the rail, which is the loading at Mead, so parking time at Mead is scheduled to be 30 minutes. We will therefore leave Mead at 11: 48 a.m. and will be scheduled to return to Beglitz at 12: 48 p.m. Snacks will also be served on the return route at lunch."

This complaint said he had been planted in Mizuchi the other day.

"An hour to Mead!?"

"Stupid...... no, if it's this fast..."

The chairmen of commerce still seem surprised.

"This... Count, that's a big deal"

You returned it to me around getting out of the cultivated land of Beglitz, and Incenga's aunt also said it in a way that I was heartily impressed.

"Tax payouts will progress more than ever..."

Sir Value is impressed, too.

The carriage rocks with a gutter at the joints of the rail, but not so much compared to a carriage running on the normal ground.

Even though the length of the rail is seven meters, the feeling of shaking is equally felt because the speed is much lower than that of Japanese trains.

"It's nice to ride...... you don't shake at all"

Insenga seems to have noticed again.

She also uses her own little carriage to go to work.

I kept an eye out for not shaking enough to say at all when compared to that.

"But with all this speed, it will always be maintained..."

"It must be hard indeed..."

The chairmen of the chambers of commerce also began to notice.

The current velocity is close to what they call a fast walk or a foot (trot).

Even if you continue without pulling your luggage, the horse will crumble in less than two hours if you don't pinch the break.

If I had pulled the luggage, it would be a good place to hold it for 20-30 minutes, depending on its weight and the individual horse.

But the horses pulling this vehicle aren't tired at all, are they?

Therefore, you can continue to run for half a day on a raid (gallop) that is more than twice as fast.

Even if you pull this much weight, if you're not tired, you can give it that much speed.

Of course, we need a lot of time to accelerate.

That's how I arrived at Mead Village.

The time was 11: 20.

In Mead Village, remove your table and horse from the passenger car, attach your table to the other truck, and replace the horse with you.

In the meantime, all the rails were unloaded by the slaves who waited, instead loaded with wheat bags for tax purposes like mountains. Two hundred large bags of 50 kg a bag.

And put Sir Zincase and his wife on board, lords of Mead village.

To make you realize that this carriage railway is useful for what you have been forced to eat and crush some plots of cultivated land.

"My lord... I was asking you, this much for just four horses... not to mention more than thirty... hmm"

Sir Zincase said that, he's just turning from halfway through 40 shitty heavy rails and just seeing where he's been carrying 30 passengers at the same time to words of inspiration.

"I won't always go like this because I'm operating at a particularly fast speed today, but I can still carry the same or more weight in the future."

And when I told him, my wife and I were like, "You mean you can fit it all in without even 50 rounds?," he whispered.

Um, the taxes paid in Mead Village were about 470t, so that's what happens. I'm worried about that. Four round-trips a day will do it all in two weeks.

"Now we'll be able to sort out other taxpayers, won't we? I expect the opening to proceed."

"Ha. Ha"

He looked a little happy to say something like that.

It should be noted that on his way back, he behaved as a hot dog with a balducky pinch on everyone.

Before we left, we poured hot water into a large pan in the corner of the truck and threw in a balducky and covered it.

I applied mustard to bread like a baguette with a slice in it to make it ready, so it's good to be able to eat it as soon as you pinch the balducky.

It was 12: 55 when we arrived at Beglitz.

A little behind schedule, but not a single guy complaining.

If it was Japan, the complaint would be killed.

They were half-heartedly waiting, too, but the merchants are surprised with their eyes round because they had Sir Zincase and his wife.

"We're working on laying the tracks up to Weed now. I can't use it at all, but it will be open to the public at dawn of opening until Weed. I'm going to use a carriage to make it a lot cheaper than hiring an escort."

When I said it, I cheered.

Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell you.

"Zulu! Hey, where are you?

Zulu flew up and knelt before me.

"Zulu, I will relieve you of your duties as construction supervisor."

Says the successor has grown up, too, and that's enough.


Looks like Zulu sank a little when he heard what I said.

Hmm? Didn't I tell Zulu?

Haven't you heard from Mizuchi?

Oh, with that said, it's like he said he would when he started collaborative training...

Oh, because I said it at this time?

Those who were listening around also breathed.

Apparently, he was also improper in this operation and was perceived as dismissing him on that grounds.

"You will serve my Knights tomorrow. I'll be my guard captain. Prepare for next week's expedition."


You're a slave, but you're officially part of the Knights, so you're a big born.

I haven't heard much about knights of slaves outside of the Fourth Knights of the Kingdom.

From the squire, of course.

"Become a true knight in two years"

"Ha ha!!"

Regardless of Henry or Meck, it's close to the truth that I wanted to keep him in ahead of Ralpha.

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