Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Lesson 116: The Unconsciousness of Man

January 6, 7450.

Aligned the members who will accompany me on the inspection from tomorrow before me.

Sir Value, Deputy Commander.

Perhaps no one out to his right, including me, about pure riding combat technology.

Especially if you're a magic ant, the rankings go down all at once.

He's a pretty good couple of moves, but I and Mizuchi, naturally, can use Claw and Marie, trained in Balduk, and the old Purgatory Flames (Gehenna Flair) more in action.

Knight Damgan Danik.

A man from the village of Larks and a civilian, but hard-working and excellent equestrian.

If you are an arm to the extent of the aforementioned Sir Value, I don't think you will be in any other Knights if you look, but only for equestrianism, it seems that the owners of the moves that compete with him are not.

Knight Croft Balladik.

Claw received the knight's reign in the Knights of the Marquis of Webdos.

As far as the arms are concerned, they are almost exam-free and integrated into my Knights because I assured them that I was the leader.

Riding fights are just like me still needing to be trained because of the short period of time I was a knight, but if it's limited to white soldier fights, it's pretty much up there in the Knights.

As for the two magic moves, their level of special skill is not very different from that of the Deputy Commander, but the Stone Arrow and Cure exercise time is so fast that these two magic tricks are close to masters.

Knight Marissa Balladik.

He is Claw's daughter-in-law and has also received the Knight's reign in the Knights of the Marquis of Webdos.

The White Soldier's arms fall a little more than Claw's, but he has considerable arms on melee battles in time closer than his sword, including a throwing knife.

Marie also specializes in flame arrow and cure witchcraft, and the exercise time is not claw and faint.

Squire Heggs Whiteflame.

A group of Balduk adventurers, former leader of the Purgatory Flame (Gehena Flair).

With the exception of me and Mizuchi, you can say they are the best in the Knights in White Soldier combat.

But if you use a war axe (Paul Axe).

Three kinds of elemental magic can also be manipulated about magic, each level will soon reach five, and since the level of immaculate is also close to six, it may be said that it is also first-rate as a mage.

Associate Rita Laheute.

He is the eldest daughter and firstborn of Sir Laheute, lord of the village of Kudomna.

It's been three years since I joined the Knights, and even though I'm heir to nobility, I still can't be a full knight, purely because her moves are low.

In particular, he seemed quite frail in his childhood, which would be the main reason why he started training for the White Soldier War around the age of ten.

Obedient Osmand Kibnal.

He is also the eldest son and eldest son of Sir Kibunal, lord of the village of Hash, as is his subordinate Laheute.

But unlike her, both the White Soldiers and the Rides meet the standard for combat moves, so once this inspection is successfully completed, a recommendation from the Value to the Knight should be made.

And Dadino Zulu, who became my slave-head and guard captain.

I'm from the Labyrinth Adventurer because I was originally a slave to me from the Infantry of the Kingdom of Davas, so riding combat is no big deal, but I'll do quite a bit about the White Soldier Battle. On the contrary, in some cases, there are even many parts that surpass Claw and Marie.

Not even the cutest slave for me, huh?

No, I'm pretty sure he's the most adorable slave I've ever had.

I also think it will be so in the future.

And automatic mapping machines and azimuthal magnets.

They have been taking part in this collaborative training since yesterday, but especially if you are an azimuthal magnet, you quickly made the collaboration without betraying my expectations.

I could confirm that the experience of letting members with an opening to merit, who said genocides (Butchers) and eradicators (Exterminators), was working in a good direction.

I stare at each of them firmly in the face, but no one gets an anxious look on their face.

Early tomorrow morning, I leave the grits with these ten men.

The time now is probably about 14: 00.

I decided to pull out the fatigue and cut it up pretty quick to get ready for tomorrow.

"All right, that's it for today. Use each day for a good rest, and skip the fatigue by tomorrow. Then dissolve!"

That's what I said and tried to jump on my beloved horse Uranus, and the azimuthal magnet came talking to me.

"Hey, Al."




"Let's go to dinner."

"Huh? It's still this time, huh? Besides, if it was dinner, I'd have had lunch earlier."

Winter, though, is still a high time.


"'Cause what?

What are you up to now?

"Oh, yeah! You have sea urchins in you, don't you?

Ralpha seems to want sea urchins. Suddenly his expression changed and he smiled disgustingly.

If you want sea urchins, go alone, I'm not a kid anymore.

But you have some annoying smile about what the hell you're thinking.

Maybe, but my soul and guts look clear trying to luxury me.

No, well, if you want to come with me, I'll give you as much as you want for dinner.

"Oh, sea urchins. The drill arrives at the diner. You haven't eaten yet? That was delicious."


"No, I'm early tomorrow and I'm ready, so don't drink today, I'll eat and rest in the mansion"

It's Saturday, and Giberti's coming.

"Say something like that, Grandpa."

"Yes, let's go to dinner, it's been a long time"

He even joined the automated mapping machine.

I'm not kidding.

Normally, one + one is two, so it's no big deal, but if you guys tag along, one + one = 200. If I were 100... I would eat 100 times more because the other members would join me anyway!

All jokes aside, I want to take a good look at this inspection.

So I want to make sure there is no one missing. Adequate rest is also important... rather than that, we will say goodbye to Mizuchi for a while.

Mizuchi would come too if I told her we were going to have dinner together, but, uh, what, we're inevitably going to have less time for the two of you.

Mizuchi will be in a bad mood... and most importantly, me, too, right?

"You know, you're not going to play. You guys haven't swallowed till late either. Just go home to the inn and fuck off and go to sleep!

After a little early dinner, I took a bath.

Naturally I also bathe, but I only do that because dyeing my hair is more convenient in the bathroom.

I'm not going to calm down for a while, so I'm going to dye my hair while I'm at it.

I don't think I need to dye anymore, but you're getting so used to it.

Mizuchi is still dyeing, and Ralpha and Guineh keep dyeing.

The bastrals I met the other day were still dyed, and I'm sure Tris and Bell are still dyeing, too?

For this reason, the hair dye is made using a hair dye made by simmering from various plants according to each color.

The advantage is that no matter how much you spend, it doesn't have bad hair quality or rough skin, even the colors dye beautifully.

If I sold this in Japan, I would make money.

Sit in the chair you brought into the bathroom and when you put hot water from your head, have Mizuchi hang the hair dye on your hair.

'Customer, is there anything itchy about it?

Mizuchi jokes while combing my hair and taming my hair dye and says something like a barber from a previous life.

But when they say that to each other in a bathroom that's bare and full of hot air, they're gonna get something wrong, right?

It's normal to sit on your back.

"Mm-hmm, a little further down"

"This heck?

"More Down"


"Longer Down, Previous"

"Already...... stupid"

I don't care what floor number this chair is selling there, can I even make a dedicated chair with a special shape to use in the bath next time?

I might be happy to teach Jabba...... I could do a whorehouse at Beglitz, so let's stop it.

If you let my hair go through the dye, I'll dye Mizuchi's hair this time too.

... When I asked why we were also counts and dyeing each other's hair, Mizuchi used to hate me when I asked my maid Tefracolin to help me dye my hair.

- What, you're taking it all off? Why is that?

- No, 'cause the bathroom's more convenient for the aftermath and stuff, and I'd wind up like a towel, too, on a boulder.

-... ku... so, but... oh, yeah. I can't believe the Count exposes her skin, even though she's a maid...

- It's a man who exposes his skin, me. In the first place, noble royal marquis didn't bathe alone, he said he was making his body wash by some kind of dedicated slave, you.

- No! Shouldn't I do it the way I always do? What would you do if I asked Guairee or Lacerna to dye your hair?

- Shit.

- Right?

- When, you, you ask a guy to dye your hair?

- It would be an analogy!

We've been helping each other dye their hair since we were in Balduk, so it didn't matter now as far as I'm concerned.

We merely thought we wouldn't have to do it ourselves as much as we did dye our hair because we've become a great nobleman, but we're just doing it ourselves because of what Mizuchi says, especially.

To tame the hair dye, both Mizuchi and I washed our bodies and immersed ourselves in the bath with a steaming towel wrapped around our heads like a turban.

Head into the big stone bathtub.

A bathtub the size of which we can both stretch our legs is my pride.

"That's a little hot."

Let the water out and lower the temperature slightly.

I'll soak it for a long time, and I'd rather have my eyes soaked.

The windows in the bathroom are also cloudy and bright white.

'... hey'


Don't get hurt.


Po, and droplets fell from the ceiling.

'Oh, yeah. Troop Formation (Party) Start Over'

There are hardly any more orders left.



"Don't you have to be tomorrow?

"Tris and Bell are already off the hook."

"But you know where Zulu and everyone are, so it's convenient when you break up, right?

'Oh, yeah, hey, yeah. Tomorrow.'

"What about Mr. Value or Dannik?

'That said, you never tried. Let's try it.'

'Mm...... ok'

Has the blood circulation improved after soaking in hot water, and the skin of Mizuchi is slightly reddened?

but blue-purple is blue-purple, even though you are upset.

I used to think it was a nasty color like a corpse at first, but I'm used to boulders.

"What's wrong?

You seem to have noticed that I've shifted my gaze to your body.

"No, nothing."

She was dyeing her hair. I was in the middle of it. Hey, let's go.

'Hmm? Where were you looking? Can I tell your sister?

"I haven't seen it."

Mizuchi leans towards me, soaked in water.

'You were watching, weren't you?


"Nfu, you know... you see, so much"


Don't grab it all of a sudden.

"... rubbing my tits?

"... yeah"

A little early, but enough. No.

Let's get your hair flowing.

"Ha, it was delicious after all"

Lar, who showered, fell into bed with a towel wrapped around her.

The room has been lit for a long time before I went to take a shower.

"... why aren't you here... he..."

For a while I stuck it on a thin blanket and didn't move.

but as I gradually woke up and sat back in bed, I started wiping my hair with another towel.

"... Phew."

Exhale a deep sigh.

"... I haven't seen you in a while..."

I leak the word as I pinch my hair in the towel a little bit and pound it.

"I tried my best to invite you..."

I groan bossly with a slightly less precise look on my face.

"Kuchi!... Cold '

There is no heating, so the temperature in the room is low.

Well, the shower I just took was water.

I have been used to cold showers since childhood, but cold things are cold.


With a roaring voice, his hair quickly wipes away the droplets as he leaves them alone and peels the towel wrapped around his body.

Then he wore underwear and a larger shirt that was replacing his bedtime clothes.

"... Huh."

Exhale loudly again, and now it's time to go back to the task of carefully transferring moisture from your hair to the towel.

When I gradually finished wiping my hair, I poured the water into a glass from the water I left on the table and drank it to a sigh.

"Cold... well, we'll be together for a while tomorrow."

and wipe his mouth with the back of his hand, not a towel, with a creepy grin.

"Tomorrow is early, and suppose to go to bed"

When Kiviak's blanket is removed from the saddlebags he brings into the room, he throws it into the bed unconstitutionally.

The blanket that was originally in the bed is meant to be laid as-is.

Turn off the lamp and dive into bed.

"...... l...... rest"

A voice greeting someone with a squeaky little voice disappears into a dark room.

I heard a regular sleep right out of bed.

7 Jan 7450

Mizuchi is in plain clothes because he is going to the administration, but I am fully equipped with armor and a long sword on my hips.

As for the gunsword, I'm not taking it this time.

I simply put it in a normal sheath as a long sword.

When I was geared up, Giberti brought me lunch.

I don't want to stop by the store for breakfast, but I asked Mizuchi and I for two last night.

I received my lunch box and when the two of us opened the door to the house, the stables guailee was ready for our horseback riding and waiting.

My Uranus is equipped with a saddlebag inflated with luggage, but the only Jade Dragon in Mizuchi is a saddle and a jade.

After Mizuchi escorted me to the Knights and dropped me off, it's administrative work.

Lunchbox in the pocket of Uranus' saddlebag and left the mansion.

Talk to Mizuchi as he heads to the Knights headquarters.

I've already had many conversations with members and dates that go with me, but it's like a final confirmation.

"Um, how many people are you going?

"Let me in. I'm alone."

"Another subtle number…"


Mizuchi's troop formation (partisan) is the largest at MAX level.

Because of this, I am still not sure about my ability to expand at MAX level.

Initially, I thought the troopers would be able to send orders as well, so I was hoping, but they're not.

Glad I made it. Radio.

It's not finished yet though.

"Who's pulling out?

"That's it, pull out Zulu. Yeah, well, if I can't use troop formation (partisation) on the other guys, I can get Zulu in, too."

"Are you sure?

"If you think about it, you'll never leave me because you're the captain of the guard."

"So is that."

Mizuchi seemed convinced and nodded.

"... did you have a pistol?

"I didn't bring it."

"Huh? Are you sure?

"Ralph and Guine have it. Isn't that enough?


'No, it's really okay. I'm not going to use it anyway, and if I shoot it, it's hard to hit it without being too close. Then it's still more meaningful to let Marl and Limby practice. "

"Mm-hmm, well..."

I arrived at Knights headquarters.

Still under the dark sky, a six-built carriage and several military horses are available in front of the headquarters.

I see several people loading something into the carriage in the light of the bonfire.

When I greeted the servants who were loading their bags in the morning, I said, "Good morning, Captain! Ma'am!" he replied orally.

The carriage is alternated by three squires.

And then there should be seven other military horses besides my Uranus, but only four here.

What happened to the three of you being late!?

The guy who's late... naturally those two first.

The other one...... Z, Zulu?

I can't see the faithful slave head!

You two assholes always say Zulu's late?

"Hey, what about Zulu? Haven't you come yet?

Asked a nearby squire as she stepped off the horse.

"No, he picked up Associate Sir Firefrid and Mr. Akdam a while back...... oh, looks like he's back"

I heard multiple horses rushing from afar.

I didn't think that Zulu would be late.

But I wish I had stopped by their inn beforehand... so this was halfway between Court Jill Castle and the Inn.

"If you make it, fine.... take all the hooves off the carriage horse and the horse of those who accompany me. Finish it while I finish breakfast."

The young squire ordered me to black-and-white his eyes and say, "So, but..."

The hoof is hard to put on, but removing it won't take long.

"Just take it off. Come on, get him right away!

"Yes! But Associate Sir Firefrid and Ac..."

"Those three horses are fine."

"Got it!

When the squire spoke to the other squire who had done the loading work, they ran out toward the stables simultaneously.

I guess I'll go get the tools.

When I took Giberti's lunch out of my saddlebag, Mizuchi and I climbed onto the carriage podium and started eating lunch.

After a while the Zulu arrived as well.

The two assholes have been apologizing for how sorry they are for what they think they are for assholes.

"... you've been up late and swallowing anyway, haven't you?

"" Gikku ""

"It's not gibberish."

"" But I'm not late (am I)?

... is that it? Ralpha, that's rubber armor.

Yeah, hey, Diane told me a few months ago.

At that time, I didn't have any extra rubber, so I just ordered it and said delivery would come first.

I used quite a few hot air balloons in the water tank of my mansion.

But did you make it? Good for you.

"... critical. But it's forbidden to drink during inspection."

"" Uh-huh! Just us? "

"Asshole! It's up to all of us!

Looks like I'm done removing all my hooves while I'm doing something like that.

"Well fine. Wait till we leave."

When you throw the last remaining pumpkin consommé stew into your mouth, you jump off your platform and head to Uranus.

Remove the bag that was hanging from the saddlebag.

The contents total forty metal bars.

Needless to say, it is a magic item (magic item) and a breezy hoof, Breeze Horseshoe.

First, when I headed to Value's horse, I had one foreleg up that I had just removed my hoof from.

Push the widest part of the metal rod removed from the bag against the bottom of the horse's hoof.

and soon the metal rod deformed guzzly to cover the entire bottom of the horse's hoof.

"Ko, is this!?"

The faces of the Values and Knights, who watched beside them as to what they would do, raise their voices in a way that could not hide their surprises.

"It's a magic item called Breeze Horseshoe, a breezy hoof. I don't want you to lose it in case it's valuable. If my horse dies from falling apart from me, cut off my legs, but take it all back."

I always wish I could wear it to people.

I know it's impossible because the area of a person's toenails is less than half the fitting surface of the breezy hoof, Breeze Horseshoe, and it's not even flat.

You really think about that, don't you?

I used to think I had made a lot of progress wearing them in the Labyrinth of Balduk.

We're all set. We'll be leaving Grizzly soon.

"Well, I'll be there"

"Be careful."

Ralpha and I met each other when we kissed Mizuchi and rode Uranus.

But Ralpha turns away from me with an awkward look on his face, like saying he's seen something he shouldn't.

Yeah, I don't know why you're still a kid.

8 Jan 7450

Though we made quite a hurry, we crossed the neighboring Count Lancel territory with a break in due course, and the Count Dressler territory was inside yesterday.

When I spoke to the innkeeper at Debucken in the Territorial Capital, he told me that the invading troops at Debucken left yesterday.

The village of Darbin, in the assembly area, is southeast of Debucken, and said that if everything went normally, it would be a couple of days' walk away.

I don't know how the straight distance is, but the approximate travel distance will be estimated to be somewhat longer and around 60 °.

So the speed of movement of the invading troops with infantry will be about 15 kilometers a day, and we can catch up by the end of the day, even if we go slowly.

The destination village of Darbin is within the Dart Plains, so the road width is also known.

The troop lineup will be elongated.

Apparently, we can see it from the beginning to the end of the fight.

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