8 Jan 7450

"Not enough training."

"… ha. I am truly sorry…"

Values and dandelions while I fall asleep in bed on my reprimand.

They're clever.

It was us who left the Grits early yesterday morning and arrived in Debucken in the evening, but despite the fact that we were only traveling a distance of just over 160 ¢, these two were unable to move out of fatigue at dawn overnight.

The rest of us can move as usual. Claw, Marie, Ralpha, and Guine have been running in for a long time, starting with me and Zulu, so if you get some rest for one night, you can get out.

Yeah, because the three squires who were in the carriage were taking turns resting while they were on the move, or because they're all fine.

But even a danique good at equestrianism......

Especially since he seemed to have a different riding technique in the first place and had a less burdensome ride on his body, which is pretty much better than the value......

I didn't know these two were exhausted at that rate and time... I got Yaki turned too.

Horseback riding is not very tiring if it is about letting you walk slowly.

Running doesn't make you tired enough to run at the same speed.

But a normal horse can't keep running for long.

Therefore, it is not a bad idea for riders who have had the experience of running horses for hours.

I never thought of that. It was my mistake.

As a result, if you are a normal person unfamiliar with horseback riding, even if you don't have to let it run, you can skin your butt off if it's rocked on the back of your horse for hours.

but knights of the knights, even if they rot in boulders.

There was no such guy, including Value.

Even if I were there, I could totally eliminate even the pain with healing magic.

But fatigue doesn't go that way.

An example from earlier is that if you're not used to horseback riding, it's natural that you can't move the next day due to muscle pain or fatigue just because you're rocking on the back of a horse, even if you pinch a break as appropriate along the way, for a total of about a few hours.

The rider was a veteran enough for this one, but it was caused not by letting him walk, but by the speed he was running there.

The riders of the Endurance Equestrian Games taking place on the modern planet will also be exhausted after the end of such a race as to exceed 100 °.

The knight is wearing heavy armor.

Are there any magic tricks where fatigue falls out of the pond?

In the first place, the oldest of the knights accompanying him this time (Heggs the former Purgatory Flame (Gehenna Flair) will be the oldest, if you include his squire) is in the descent line, as are the talents.

... I just have to spend today on a rest day without fatigue, damn it.

"When you get back, add twenty kilometers a day to the Knights training menu. This is an order. All right?"


"Unless you have a special assignment, you run Beglitz and Mead back and forth every day, whether you're a squire or a knight. Make this everything a priority."


"Whoever doesn't do it, throw it out for life defense."

Seeing the face of a wretched valet, I felt a little sorry for him, but it was necessary.

...... hmm? If you think about it, is this the first time you've obliged me to go on a long journey other than my slave kid?

I really want you to start voluntarily, but I can't say that either...

Having made the day a rest day, Ralpha and Guine rolled out to the city in the morning with great joy.

I just had to say, "You can't drink, it's a rest day," which I kind of regretted.

January 9, 7450.

From my reflections the other day, I traveled today with about ten minutes of rest every thirty minutes.

The speed of travel is also limited to the foot.

The invading troops to Dabus say they left Debucken one day yesterday, so by now they'll be two days ahead of us, about thirty kilometers, but even if we go slow, we'll be able to catch up by the end of the day.

There's no point in catching up and not being able to move, so I'm going to go ahead and take a rest so I don't get tired today.

Hit it the other day and it changes and goes on with Noronoro.

Even so, it's a tremendous speed, seven to eight knots an hour on average.

Normally, even a unit made up of horseback riding alone would be superior if this speed could travel for two hours.

"In the future, in some cases, there is also the possibility of creating dozens of horseback units made up of horseback riding alone. In that case, I don't make rest days on the way, like this one. Get used to it while you can."

And when I told the Value, I thought they would say that, but he looked so strange and nodded.

The value seemed to go from the horse not being tired and what I would say to the fact that an operation close to a revolution could be executed tactically.

"Great for a detour blackmail."

There are various variations when it comes to detour pinching in one bite, but among them, detour pinching after the battle begins to take the general's head is the closest thing to winning a fancy way.

However, as an operation, it is very difficult and has a low success rate.

In the past, the number of successes has been minimal compared to the countless challenges that have been made, both on Earth and in Aus.

In one way or another, it is close to a measure to show the enemy army the troops trying to bypass the battlefield and let them create a Ranger by allocating the force to respond.

Because it is easy to predict the speed of the cavalry's movement, etc., so "in about this much time the pinching unit will arrive on the battlefield," they will, by the way, read it.

But if it is possible to travel at a rate that exceeds the target's expectations, it would be possible to break the formation of enemy forces and create chaos even in dozens of horsemen. Even if you can't take it to the Admiral's neck.

"Or isn't it a good use of serial pinching in conjunction with the ambushes we left lurking before the start of the fight?


It would also be effective to set up a continuous sandwich with a time difference.

Alternatively, it can be used to direct ambushes to the location where they were lurked by a detour unit.

Especially since this may not have to be a fast unit.

However, it is also possible to illuminate the opponent that he has used the trump card, so unlike the previous method of warfare, which is really likely to work only about the first few times, it is likely to be used more times.

Whatever you do, there is a sandwich unit here, and if you can make the opponent assume that it is a normal unit, you can expect it to be highly effective.

Of course, it would be more obvious than to see fire that it would only be effective to take assault and thrust on horseback without fatigue.

Well, dreaming is a good thing.

To be honest, as far as I'm concerned, I just rot into where I use the first one before they spot me, and once I do, I think I'm going to have to use it a whole different way the second time.

The idea is to use it as a defensive force to deal with the "opponent's” detour unit until you use that first time, is that the closest you can get?

Even the war dead will be out there, and I don't want to be robbed of horses until the time they should come, and I don't want to use them for high-risk surprise attacks, not least because I can't believe they're taken prisoner.

Well, in the case of a “simultaneous assault” or something, I guess I have no choice but to make them assault.

Well, when it's time to catch up... I still can't even see the tail of the invading unit because I know how to see it on the path through the woods.

To ask if it's a tax-paying carriage or a merchant's carriage that's definitely getting close from time to time, is there any rush?

I finally caught up when a good deal of time had passed in the afternoon as well.

It was the Heavy Squadron of the Fourth Knights dispatched from my territory that was consolidating the rear of the troops, so I could come to the headquarters of the invading forces without being suspicious and wasting any time.

"... is that okay?

Sir Fireblaze, the third battalion leader of the Second Knights of the Kingdom, who is being appointed commander of this expedition, confirms with a slightly bewildered voice.

Sir is a Mountain tribe (Dwarf) so the heavenly side of my head is lower than my jaw.

Unexpectedly, this man in command of this invasion unit belonged to the Second Knights, not to the First Knights.

A total of three platoons, equivalent to one squadron, had been dispatched from the First Knights, but the Squadron Leader had not been dispatched, and everyone who had been dispatched had entered the battle as a tabernacle of each unit without becoming a commander.

I wondered if you were seriously unwilling to succeed in the operation, or if it was another thought, but on second thought, it would always be a bad idea to stick to the First Knights.

Evidence of this is the size of a squadron of the First Knights.

Besides, I heard that I sometimes entrust commands in addition to the First Knights once every few years or so, and at that time I also heard that the Second Knights' Great Captain class often became commanders of dispatched troops.

"Yes. Copy that."

Nod and show attitude to his will.

You are lucky to have been granted permission to sit in command in an observer capacity as a spectator.

Speaking on Earth, it's close to the spectator martial arts officers that used to be there 20 centuries ago, but in the end, they're self-armies, so depending on the evolution of the battle, they'll be incorporated under command of the command.

I'm flat out sorry I can't look at the whole thing by letting you take part in the fight, but even for me, I'm breaking it off that I have no choice there.

Me and my Knights are usually allowed to wander around the vicinity of Command as reserve troops.

The day revealed the night in the village of Zend in front of the village of Darbin, which is the starting point of the attack.

Because of the Count's sudden participation, those who were supposed to be able to stay in the Lords' Hall would have stayed in the squire's house, and those who were supposed to be able to stay in the house would have been forced to sleep in the miscellaneous fishes on farm roads running through the vacant and cultivated land of the village, just like the Values.

I'm sorry.

That night.

Vacant land within the residence of the village of Zend.

A large carriage stops around the edge of a group of beautifully aligned carriages.

The other carriage was loaded with luggage, only stringed over cloth to cover it, but the carriage carrier was distinctly different from the other carriages.

It's like a truck with a tall front in the box.

All that or the rubber pull cloth is laid on the ground on either side of the carriage, and this one unfolds in a box shape to cover it.

Just stuck to both sides of the carriage, in the shape of two square tents being built.

Finally, the empty space in the carrier and the floor of the tent were even laid with something like air cushioning.

Two men came out of the carriage carriage in the center of it.

Sir Value and is a knight dainic who also hits seniority in a row.

"I don't like it..."

Touching the outside air, shaking my body when I blurt, says Danik.

"Oh, absolutely."

The valuer also answers by clapping his shoulders and shrinking his neck.

"It's cold out there on the boulder..."

"Mm-hmm. You say you can sleep in this neat environment... it's a luxury, us..."

"Sure. But that... can't you handle it?

"I haven't officially joined the club yet... and I'm stuck in a boulder going to that space"

"... Indeed. But it's pretty good outside the carriage."

"Right. You're blocking a lot of noise from this front..."

They seem to have lost sight of each other without sleeping well.

He speaks in a low voice as he draws water from a small barrel provided in the back of the carriage and drinks it.

"Let's make sure the compartment is made of the same cloth as the front."

"Oh, right. But this time, we're gonna have to put up with it."

You woke up with their talk, or one woman looked out of a tent strewn beside the carriage.

"What's wrong with you?

Guine asked rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Ah, oh. Did you wake me up? I'm sorry."

"Sorry. Never mind. Get some rest."

The faces of the two apologizing apologies are illuminated by a bonfire that is burning a little further away.

"There will be tomorrow, and you two should take a quick rest..."

That's it, Guine admitted that there was a wrinkle between the two eyebrows.

And then I get a look like I thought of something.

"Ah... erm, if you don't mind, shall I change my bunk?

Upon hearing Guine's suggestion, the two faces floated with joy but soon disappeared.

"No, Marie and Rita are sleeping..."

"It's okay. You're going to wake Marie and Rita."

That said, Guine pulled into the tent.

As the two looked at each other like a bum, two of Marie and Rita came out with blankets for a while.

"Ral's snoring was loud, wasn't it? I'll replace it."

Marie smiles and says.


"Lieutenant, we need a blanket too..."

"Oh, right. Just give me a minute."

In exchange for the two of them coming out of the carriage with their own blankets, the three women boarded the carriage.

There is a partition in the carrier with a thin cloth, but you can hear a great snoring from behind the partition.

"This, of Associate Sir Firefrid...?

Rita was wary of the snoring in front of her.

I didn't think it would be loud and very sleepy.

"It's okay. Me, this way, okay?

"Go ahead. Can I have Mr. Rita too?

"Ah, yes"

Marie wrapped herself around the blanket as she lay down in front of the partition.

"I knew it was a little warmer than on the ground..."

Mumbling in a small voice, Marie meditating on her eyes.

The snoring continues in the meantime.

"Oh, you know, Mr. Akdam. I..."

"It's okay because I'm going in the back. Rita's gonna be by the entrance, okay?

"Huh? Yeah. Absolutely."

If you try Rita, who wanted to take a little distance from the source of the great snoring, it's a ship over there.

"I'm sorry. I'll shut up soon."

With only one extension, Guine pulled up the partition.

At that moment, a few steps of loud noise makes Guo and Snore burst onto the carrier.

An uncomfortable wrinkle carved between Rita's eyebrows as she was about to lie down.

Proceeding behind the partition, Guine searches by hand for Larfa, who sleeps on her back with her big mouth open.

And when I kicked him in the habitual motion, he turned Ralpha's body sideways.

"Ngu... Munyu..."

"You're disqualified as an adventurer for not waking up with this."

Gliding aside to keep Ralpha's position on the sidelines from returning to her base, Guine groans small.

"Mm... hiu..."

- But in the labyrinth, then...

Snoring subsides and turns into a regular breathing sound.

"I'm the only one who can sleep beside you like this..."

As she cleverly wrapped the blanket around her body, Guine, back-to-back with Ralpha, shrugged small.

10 Jan 7450

The invading forces, including the Al's, arrived at their original destination, the village of Darbin, this evening.

In response to Lord Sir Georgmand, who appeared to greet him early in his arrival, the Commander, Sir Fireblades, began to receive a status report from the Squadron Commander of the Second Knights, who had originally garrisoned in the village, there as well.

A rough plan of action is to take a few days off here and get rid of the fatigue of the entire troop movement.

In the meantime, send a small reconnaissance team to the village of Tankur.

Naturally, the reconnaissance team also sends them from the troops that were stationed in the village of Darbin, but since they are disguised as normal patrols for the deception of this starting point of action, this is mandatory because there is only one time, and many months old, information about the village of Tanquer.

The scouts will be waiting to grasp Dabus's lineup for that purpose, but the meaning of making sure they haven't noticed about this arrival is stronger.

If not noticed, the scouts will likely discover the other scouts close to the village of Darbin and at the same time be discovered by the other side.

It's very difficult, but if you can capture it and destroy it, you can make some sort of surprise tick attack.

If the arrival of this main unit has already been noticed, it seems that the reconnaissance team sent in can safely reach the vicinity of the village of Tankur.

With any luck, we'll be able to bring back information on the state of defense in Tankur Village.

Unfortunately, even when discovered, warfare near enemy lands is strictly admonished, so it is unlikely that it will be wiped out unless it is too much to do so.

Staring at Sir Fireblaze's back, which sent out the scout squad, Al was single-armed.

- If I go... no, I'm here to see it because I don't know the war of the Aus. This time we should just keep our own safety in mind and focus on learning...... Besides, if I get my hands on it badly, I can't correctly recognize the strength of the Royal Army or the strength of the Dabus Army...

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