11 Jan 7450

More than 100 horseback riders, including Al, were beginning to push the shortest distance to the village of Tankur.

It is in the woods with no decent path, not to mention that there are objects gained from operations carried out in the past and maps that the patrol team was working with the tricks.

Of course, it's not a big speed.

It is still a military horse that does not wear heavy horse armor (birding).

With a firm foothold, we were approaching our destination momentarily.

"Captain, report on my unit."

Al makes a report when he stops by the Balmish, who will take command of this unit.

In order to be a cavalry unit of rapid construction, it is to grasp each person's armament because it falls apart.


Just turned to Chirali and Al. Balmish immediately glanced back at the paper on the plate raised from his neck like a drawing board.

"Two horse spears (Lance). Spear (Spear) is two. Longsword is four."

Al also answers without precipitation.

Balmish, who took notes with the abbreviated symbol, nods.


Al answers Balmish's reply briefly, "Then" and lowers the horse.

Alternatively another knight occupies Al's position, making a report.

- Is that where the slack is 30% Lance, 30% Spear, and the other half?

How difficult it is to have fewer rampant lancers if you are a steep horseback riding unit.

That said, the breakthrough by the thirty horsemen Lance is high.

- I don't even wear armor in my busy days.

No matter how powerful the Lancer is, its power will be halved if it is not armored to prevent bows and arrows.

- What are we gonna do?

The only thing Al is asking is a cavalry unit to gather and raid the village of Tankur.

Somehow, it just turns out that it's not just a raid, it's a power reconnaissance, and no other information has yet been lowered.

Al pulled a horse over beside Sir Valet as he moved to the area where his troops were solidified.

"Did you have any orders?

"No, just a report on troop composition"


Sir Value is holding on to his reins with a look like he's out of his mind.

"What do you think?

"What do you mean?

"This operation."

"Honestly, I can't solve it"


The color of interest floats in Al's eyes when he hears Value's response.

"What does it precede just the cavalry for?

"I've only heard of the assault on the village of Tankur"

Al answered, clapping his shoulders.

"Yeah, I know that. But I can't weigh it down."


"We found something, so I think the effect of the ambush is weak."

"... ineffective?

Al questioned the words of the Value.

"Yep. It's only if you make me think this one hasn't arrived that the enemy won't have consolidated their defenses thinking that the attack hasn't taken place yet...... an ambush is enough. I think that's when we attack, and that's when we're going to get the most out of it."


Al prompts ahead in silence.

"But this time... we've found something here. We should assume that our troop build-up has been spotted."

"Hmm. What would you do if you did?

"Not all the sights have been captured, but we will wait for the rest of them to return."


Al thinks as he looks around.

- If you think in common sense, yes.

"But my lord is with us."

Al turned his gaze back on Value for saying unexpected words.

"If I were Commander-in-Chief, I would march to protect His Excellency and make a breakthrough with His Excellency's sorcery. Destroy some defensive facilities and wait for the Squad to arrive to launch a total attack."


"If I were commander-in-chief, yes. But if you think about it without your Excellency, I will wait for the return of the rest of the objects, as I said earlier."

Valuate laughed niggardly as he clapped his shoulders like Al did earlier.

- If you do know me... does Mr. Bal know both of my moves? But it wouldn't make sense if I didn't volunteer this time, would it? Besides... I didn't tell anyone outside the realm to watch this fight in the first place.... leaked information from my squire, Zydritz? No, even if he knew, how did he tell you that in this short time? Are you just thinking too much of me?

In fact, Al overthought this point.

I didn't know until I heard the story when I saw Al's face, which has also joined Sir Fireblades, the overall commander, about Al watching this invasion operation.

Of course, the First Knights' Balmish platoon leader didn't even anticipate Al coming.

Seeing how Al had conceived, Valuate glanced at Claw and Marie, who were right behind her as she clasped her shoulders again, and shrugged her jaw.

As soon as the two advanced, Claw advanced the horse in front of Al, and Marie pinched Al and stuck opposite Value.

- Oh, shit!... I'm the one who got in. Besides, when I was in Garhe Village last year, I thought I'd let you know my powers for a while... security costs aren't overpriced now, and I don't get paid, shit!

It was then.


"What's that smell?"

"You stink."

A voice rises from the front of the line.

Very slightly, but with a unique smell that punctured my nose.

Perhaps only the reincarnated are likely to be able to guess who they are, it's a stinking stench.

Would it be close if I told you the smell of asphalt was close?

"My lord!"

He spoke sharply to Al as the leading claw opened his eyes in amazement.

Not aloud.


Although Al also responded with a surprised face, he says in Japanese, 'Just shut up' when he immediately turns off his expression.

Claw and Marie regained their composure as soon as they saw how Al was doing, but they are jumping their gaze around as if to tell the source of the smell.

"What is this smell? Did you know?

Values have called out to see how Claw, Marie, and Al are doing.


"Your Excellency?"

"I'd rather hear that. Do you know what this smell is?

Al, who had leaned over for a while without responding, asked Value when he looked up softly.

The leaking day hit Al's helmet, and the shelter created a shadow in Al's eyes.

I didn't notice the value, but there is a thin blue magic light in its eyes.

"No, I don't know. Because your Excellency knows?


The magic light was already foggy when Al blinked when he replied to the value.

But his eyes have a disturbing shadow, and his eyes are sharper.

Seeing that face, the Value couldn't hide its inner upset.

Somehow, it was the first time I had ever seen a Count with such a face.

Al hung his mouth up.

Give me a vicious look.

Note that the smell just happened to drift in the wind from afar and quickly disappeared.

Ten minutes later.

"How'd it go?

Al asked Marie, who had pulled the horse over.

"It seems to drift from time to time. Nobody seems to know who they are."

Claw and Marie had been ordered by Al to ask members of the Second Knights garrison in the village of Darbin if they knew who the smell had been drifting earlier.


"But what's that smell..."

'Maybe, though. I'm pretty sure.'

"I knew it......"

'Was there anything else you said than that?

"Only in the southerly wind, and only when I approached Debuss somewhat like I do now," he said.

"So you're going to stay away from me a lot."

'Right. Could it be any further south than the village of Tankur?

Claw came back there.

He has gathered similar information from Marie.

Before he was reincarnated behind Al's brain, that also brought up sights of middle school, high school, and in some cases elementary school.

My friend's grandfather, who was close at the time, was a fisherman who owned a small fishing boat.

The fisherman took over the family business to his son, who had bought a new fishing boat, and himself retired from active duty, practically fishing on the road.

Instead of letting kids who like to fish clean their boats and fishing gear on school holidays, the old man did so by letting them fish on the coast to the extent that the shore was visible.

Fishing boats in season make unique noises and operate, the so-called pompous vessels.

It was a common ship with a semi-diesel engine called a baking ball engine, but in the 1980s most ships had replaced the engine with a more horsepower engine, something rare there.

Al, Takeo Kawasaki at the time, had taken care of the old man many times.

He also has a low component score and has done dozens of disassembly and cleaning of the structure's easy baking ball engine.

In particular, there are no children of fishermen's households at the time or some time ago who do not know how to structure or maintain a baked egg engine.

This is not such a rare story, as this engine was popular throughout Japan to such an extent.

The baking ball engine can be easily serviced and operates with a wide variety of cheap fuels, starting with heavy oil.

The baking balls engine, which can be used for practical operation even with simple construction and low tool accuracy, is a reciprocal engine characterized by high productivity.

It was also built in large quantities in small ironworks in the city during and after the war.

Many objects are made of cast iron.

"Hehe. The Oil King. '

said Claw as he nibbled.

"You can't be like that."

'Yes, who's going to buy it?

Al and Marie say like they made a little fool of themselves.

'I was just trying to tell you. That's what I know. "

Claw answers with his mouth pointed.

But I immediately asked Al to change his expression.

"So, what do we do?

Al glanced across the street and opened his mouth quietly.

"There are also examples of Knobfom we met in Bell and this previous king's capital. It's not strange that Dabus has reincarnators, either. '

He had a thin grin when he glanced back at Claw and Marie.


"That's right."

There is also a thin grin on their faces.

'We just have to catch them before they notice, don't we?

Say it pleasantly.

"Well, I guess so."

Claw also said in a pleasant way, and soon became true-faced.

'But even if you occupy the village of Tankur, the possession...'

Marie, by contrast, seems a little worried.

'That's the problem... we don't have time. Let me hear your two opinions.'

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