11 Jan 7450

'Again, yes... you can't...'

Al, who discussed it with two people, Claw and Marie, said with a look like he had chewed up a bitter bug.

We were both of the opinion that it would be difficult to take possession of the village of Tanqueray, regardless of the procedures put in place in this troop outpost.

As a matter of fact, although Al himself had made similar predictions, he had asked the two of them for their opinions with a single desire.

"There's no way I'm digging in boulders anymore, and the oil or gas fields that are out naturally..."

Face to face, Claw says.

'Anyone who's reincarnated would be interested... Hmm, if they'd noticed earlier, could they be starting to dig... but I don't know how to use it...'

Marie also told me to whine.

"Even if it can't be refined, it can be fuel for lights, and it can be used as heating fuel, so it won't be wasted. Stinky though. '

Answering Marie's questions, Al begins to summarize his thoughts.

- It's over a hundred miles from my territory, even at a straight distance. The closest geography is to the village of Ghar or Beige... either way, it won't be very different...

It is not possible to attack the village of Tankur directly because from Al's territory it intersects the two earl territories that are heavenly.

There are only two paths for Al to obtain the village of Tankur in a completely unpleasant manner from within the Kingdom of Lomberto.

One is the path south of the village of Darbin, as it is now, after gaining control of Count Lancel's territory, which lines the east of his own territory, and of Count Dressler's territory, which is now there.

The other invades the territory of the kingdom of Dabus once southbound around the village to Ghar as its starting point and occupies the appropriate city or village. Later, however, it is the path of continuing to attack from there to the village of Tankur towards the east.

We have to choose a second route to march ourselves and keep the village of Tankur in our hands, even in that case there are too many problems, than it is expected to extricate difficulties in obtaining control of Count Lancel's territory and Count Dressler's territory legally.

Of course, dropping the villages on the Dabus side of the road would in itself be possible for Al to do it alone, as long as he was concerned about it.

However, the maintenance of the occupied villages becomes a major problem.

They have sent garrison troops from the centre of the Kingdom of Lomberto to defend Al's occupied West Dart region.

but this force is a force to defend "the territory at the moment," so I'm not going to convert it to anything else on my own, and Al doesn't even have that command in the first place.

In addition, it simultaneously carries with it the problem of the territory becoming elongated to the east and west.

Moreover, in the middle of it will be the south side of Count Lancel territory, which is frequently attacked from the Kingdom of Dabus.

It could be just a jetty.

Besides, we don't have all the power to maintain the occupied territories because it's going to bring the plans for invasion of Dabus forward considerably.

If we turn people around ready to delay the opening of the railway line, we can do something about it, but even if we rushed to education and training, it would likely take three years to directly occupy the village of Tankur.

- Even my Knights don't have room for numbers. Even if we let our squire out of the realm, we'll defend one village at most, so we can only gather the best number of people... No, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

"What's up?

When he suddenly looked up at Al, Claw asked.

"Hehe. I think I can handle it."

With a nigga and a grin, Al replied.


What are you gonna do?

Claw and Marie ask in wonder.

'Mm-hmm. Well, because even if I say I seem to manage it, it's a story ahead. Not in front of you. "

Al answers with a slightly sorry look on his face.

but immediately changed his expression and opened his mouth immediately after being slightly silent.

"Aren't the oilfields closer to this side than the village of Tankur? I don't know the truth yet."

'Really? Well, even I've never seen a real oilfield or anything... I can only tell you by the smell how far away I am'

"That's right."

Two people nodded at Al's words, but Marie, who said earlier that the oil fields would be farther than the village of Tankur, is just a little dissatisfied.

'Yeah. It hasn't been an hour since I left Darbin Village. Forty to fifty minutes. Our travel speed will be between three and four knots at most...'

"I smelled it a little over ten minutes ago, and the place I smelled just now was about a quarter or two miles south of Darbin Village."

Al goes on and on as he nods at Claw's words.

'... then. I was in Chiba. "


"What was that time...?

"During the Great East Japan Earthquake. It was when we were having a business meeting at Chiba's department store."

"Oh... I was in elementary school"

"Yeah. But that's it?

Claw and Marie look strange.

'Don't you remember? There was a fire in the oil combinator about ten kilometers from Chiba. "


'Oh, put it that way. But why now?

'Well, well. So, the oil combination was on fire for about ten days afterwards. "

"So much?"

'Oh. I guess there was something windy about it when it was burning. Even a hundred miles away was a little stinky. "


'But then... I did quench the fire for a week or two... and then I have business to go to the same customer again. I went, but by then I didn't smell anything anymore'

'If that's what you did to quell the fire, isn't it?

And you know what? But I'm going to tell you because I don't seem to remember before. The fire was caused by a tank of liquefied natural gas (LPG) that collapsed and the liquefied gas leaked, but the fire lit. "

"It's not that earthquake."

"But it's not just liquefied natural gas (LPG) tanks that broke in the earthquake. The asphalt tank next door was broken and the asphalt was leaking."

The color of understanding lights Marie's eyes.

but claw remains a strange face.

'Is that...?

Claw asks in wonder.

Al smiles and nods at Marie, who says she said something to Claw like that.

You want to tell me not to talk.

"By the way, it wasn't until two months later that the leaked asphalt was fully recovered"

'Hmm? Two months?... I mean'

'Yes. That asphalt remained overflowing when I went to Chiba again. But it didn't smell. It's common for people to think that if you're ten kilometers away from Japan's metropolitan area, most of the time between a combination of examples and a Chiba department store is the sea. "

"That has something to do with what we're talking about..."

'Well, listen. Claw, you wouldn't remember because you were a kid at the time, but it was a big story. Around summer the year after the earthquake? In the same combination the tank of asphalt broke again and a significant amount of asphalt leaked out. Some of them also spilled out into the sea and were even stretched out to an oil fence'

"... so?

"Even then, it didn't smell like a thousand leaves away..."

While clapping his shoulders, Al continues to talk patiently.

but had to be interrupted because a decree from Balmish came.

Apparently, there's been a drop in the operation.

"I can't say very loudly, but I want you to fail to occupy the oil fields in order for us to get them."

That's all he said quickly, Al increased the horse's speed and left.

"What a sod. Sometimes it's hard to talk about Al. Marie, do you understand?

I recognised that your otum is weak.


"Al's story gets roundabout because he's trying to get you and me to think with our own heads."


'Okay? If the tank broke in the combination, the leaked asphalt was quite a bit, right?

'Well, I guess so. One tank will go in for hundreds of thousands of litres.'

"What's the amount of oil that comes out in an oil field that's stained naturally?

'If you're spraying big, you know a lot about boulders... aren't you a little bit? No, compared to the overflowing asphalt.'

'Right. But if Al's story is true... maybe it's true, but the smell won't tell you ten kilos.'


'Yes. Is that why the oil fields are between the villages of Tankur and Darbin?

'I know that, but so what? The fact that you should fail to occupy... oh well'

"Yeah. If the oil fields are further south than the village of Tankur, you might be able to claim the rights to the oil fields by attacking and occupying them further south. But if it's further north than Tankur, if the kingdom takes possession of Tankur, it's troublesome. '


Claw was convinced and nodded deeply.

"I think Al wants you to come up with something on your own right now."

"Uh-huh. Not at all...... '

The two continued their conversations whispering afterwards, which lasted until Al returned.

"Can I use a fireball? Oh, no, to the same extent as your sister,"

"I think the power is reproducible, but I don't think the exercise time is that short," Al replied to Balmish's words.

"It's something that I've often dealt with demons as adventurers, so I think I can use it in as much time as my sister can if it doesn't have to be as powerful as she's good at," he adds.

"Really? Fireballs are great for appearance and intimidation.... If used with the same power as my sister, how long is it going to take to activate?


- Sure you want a warhead power of eight or sixteen? You've been using it for, like, seventeen times? Either way, I'm not practicing, so it wouldn't be surprising if it took me more than ten minutes. Unlike me, my sister would have used it sensibly because of how much of her total magic. I'm also good at 5x or 10x.

"... excuse me. I didn't even practice what I knew was" about the same power as my sister, "so what would take a hundred minutes..."

Al answered with a face that seemed sincerely sorry.

"No, I don't think I can... Your Excellency and my sister will be practicing in different directions, and I can't help it."

Balmish spoke gently as if to comfort the unfortunate Al, but his eyes said "it's a good place to fall short of expectations, too," he said.

In the deep woods, Balmish thought for a little while manipulating the reins without jeopardy.

Balmish has a good grasp of reality and as a soldier he is an excellent man.

Thoughts can also be somewhat flexible, but are often seen as too flexible and lacking in seriousness.

In short, it is an intermediate commander stop in the field that holds many, if not several hundred, and is not suitable for commanders of the entire invasion force.

He also understands that it would be a negative assessment and he would not want to be born any more.

But I've only eaten dinner in the First Knights for years, and my loyalty to the kingdom and the royal family is, naturally, high.

Balmish had been wondering how he could incorporate him into the force since he heard Al would join the troops to watch the game.

By collecting military horses, which are valuables, Al's participation in the battle came true as he aimed.

In particular, he initially thought that Al would stay with the main unit by letting only his men enter the battle.

If you put Al's men in the lead or in the palace when conducting a power reconnaissance, they will be injured anyway.

Of course, the ability to mount a riding battle is invaluable, so I don't intend to target Al's men's death in action.

Anyway, if my men and military horses get hurt and drained, I can also aim for Al's participation in the war.

Because he's a senior nobleman and a lord, but he's a knight leader.

Assuming that only his men continued to be involved afterwards, the pride of the nobility, of course, was going to trickle down his pride as chief of the knighthood, who should be on the battlefield, if he seemed to decide to watch the game hard.

I've read from the beginning that Al himself would not be so likely to enter the war, and it was truly an unexpected surprise.

There is no way to miss that survival.

He approached the village of Tankur while defending Al with a horseback riding unit and was looking to destroy appropriate defensive facilities with Al's sorcery (fireball).

Once pulled because the interception unit will come out when one or two places are destroyed, intercept in a place like a square dotted in the forest, if possible.

If that were impossible, we were going to use the mobility that everyone was riding to retreat at high speeds and to join the main forces.

Although I am not guided on geography myself, the troops include those who have been garrisoned and patrolling Darbin Village for a long time, and I have no problem with the extent to which I will return straight thanks to coming through for the march.

Anyway, the aim was to strike the defensive facility and put manpower and time on it to repair it.

However, if it takes about two to three minutes to activate the fireball, it won't take more than a hundred minutes to use this measure.

Balmish recalls several invasion operations in which black witches have participated in the past.

Is there anything in there that might be useful?

But there was nothing that just seemed good.

But soon I recall the exercises that took place last year in the First Knights alone.

It was done several times on the way to Mirhia's marriage and northern border security.

There was something in it that also matched the purpose of this operation.

"My lord. I hear your lord is good at earth magic."

Al affirmed with a bitter laugh.

It's not hard to imagine that "I heard" would be from Al's sister, Mirhia.

- Sister, how much are you talking about me? Well, it's normal to talk if you belong to the First Knights. Besides, I'm a nobleman of the kingdom, and I should have declared it myself.

"Here and here. And I'd like to create a position around here."

Balmish has a brief perimeter view of the village of Tankur to explain.

"Sure, if it's around..."

- Isn't that right in front of the village? If they built a position like that, the enemy wouldn't have accumulated it.

The position of the position designated by the Balmish is easy to provide mutual cover and consideration is given to such a place as to reduce the damage as much as possible in case of withdrawal.

"Isn't it?

Balmish continues ahead as he nods back at Al's words.

"So you want dirt on all positions. It's about three meters tall and about that thick, finally in this way."

I started making demands on Al again.

Its contents are unscrupulous demands to the entity.

The requested number of earthworks is three, but regardless of height and thickness, the total extended distance named width is unusual.

It is not just in the form of putting a giant stick to sleep, by the way, it is ziggy and the total extended distance is not one hundred meters.

It is difficult for even kingdom-leading magicians to make that much huge earthwork.

"We hear this degree is possible. My sister has done similar things in the past. In doing so, I also hear that you are more familiar with earth magic than you are."

"Ha. I think I can probably make it..."

- A defensive wall of dirt...... but like such a sturdy fortress......

Al questioned the shape of the earthwall designated.

There are too few gaps to send out an attacking unit.

- I think we should have more gaps if we're going to attack... besides, dirt walls are hard to end if blood, sweat, or piss seeps in. It's going to be built on arable land, and it's going to do a lot of damage... why not?

The elements produced by witchcraft can be wiped out with almost the same amount of magic as long as they appear for a day or so.

But the more time passes, the more magic it takes to erase it in the anti-magic field.

Furthermore, if impurities are mixed, the time will be shorter.

"Really? How long is it going to take to build this wall?

"... take a look, is this one where it's a minute or two?

- Let's put some waste on. But this, then, I'm the core! Me, what am I here for... damn.

"Damn, that fast!?"

Balmish rounds his eyes.

When he built a similar wall, Mirhia had a little more time to plastic surgery, regardless of the amount of soil and projection.

"Well, that's right. But......"

Al tried to say, "Well, then you can put out a little more soil and bury a part of the village with every horse fence," but he mumbled in a critical way.

- That could occupy it. Even at this stage, it sucks... oh, this oil field can be managed a little further... no, I don't suppose it's ant to dare ask the kingdom to secure it?

Al often thought a lot of things because of another thought in Al.


"No, then I'm almost useless until I rest..."

"Oh, you came to watch the game."

"Yeah, well..."

"Sorry, this time..."

When he saw Balmish, who looked really sorry, Al looked up at his shoulder and gave up.

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