11 Jan 7450

"You stink, I can't stop."


The smell of oil culminated around more than half a journey to Tankur village.

That said, the smell itself is not that strong because the amount of self-spraying itself is not a big deal by our standards, and it is more than a mile away from this place to the oil field.

It's like sniffing a few dozen meters away laying asphalt on a Japanese road construction, to the extent that if you don't like it, you're concerned and feel somewhat uncomfortable.

"Hey, what's this smell like?

Balmish asked a member of the Second Knights guiding the road beside him.

"I'm sorry, I don't know something. But I was asked earlier by His Excellency the Count of Riegle's men to do the same as His Excellency the present Sir. Noble people on boulders are sensitive to odors."

The team replies with disgust.

He garrisoned in the village of Darbin for a second term, about three years.

There are personal circumstances to his long assignment at the end of the period, but this is irrelevant here.

"Don't you care?

Balmish said in a snotty way.

"Yeah, it doesn't bother me that much"

This smell itself is used to because he started doing it a year or two ago, but originally he also had a dull quality to the smell.

"Right...... but it stinks disgusting"

Shaking his head, Balmish answered, touching the clock magic prop he was carrying to ascertain his time.

"Have a break in an hour with a meal"

Perhaps the next one will be our last break.

To Balmish's words, the Knights immediately left the side and began to convey the break an hour later.

"Oh no, this"


Claw and Marie's couple sit back on the same stone, slightly larger, to zero discontent with the portable food they were given prior to departure.

The portable food employed by the Royal Army of Lomberto presses and solidifies the bread of the Karasumugi, which has been cooked even harder and twice, and the weight and volume of a single meal is not so great but it tastes very strong and unsavory.

To say how unsavory it is, you can easily imagine that the hard bread we call hard tack is mostly made of wheat and flavored, while it doesn't taste anything on top of what is made of raspberries.

They don't use anything weak like fat or baking powder.

The average labyrinth adventurer still carries better preserved food, because it was not considered busy for food.

Because the portable food of the Knights of the Marquis of Webdos, to which the two previously belonged, and of the Knights of the Counts of Leagues, to whom they currently belong, was close to the so-called rusk, which was properly cut into thin pieces of bread made of wheat and then baked twice, so the volume, whatever it is, is not even comparable in terms of taste, ease of eating, etc.

It should be noted that dry bread has not yet been officially adopted.

"Don't say that. It's like a meal during an operation."

The face of a value that embarrasses those two is also sinister.

"Yes, yes. You better think it's as good as you can eat."

That's what Danik says, but the taste and ease of eating are told by their faces.

- That's what I'm talking about. This. I think I'm gonna break my teeth.

Al doesn't put it in his mouth either, but he was unhappy with this portable food.

It should also be noted that Zulu is wearing bread (iron plates) that is equally rugged by Al's faceless expression.

- Crow wheat or something, isn't it a step ahead of the weed... oatmeal (oatmeal) would still be better with the same kind...

I think so, Al, whilst I'm eyeing Zooloo like that, scrambling my cell phone food.

Even oats wheat has developed as a cultivar species of crow wheat, so the flavour is higher on oats wheat.

It should also be noted that crow wheat is native there, but it takes little effort after planting, so it can also be grown widely.

In other words, it is the cheapest of cereals.

"Our Knights are better..."

"The food situation is up there, right?"

Listening to the Claws, their squire Rita Laheute and Osmand Kibunal said as a little surprised.

"No, just portable food. What doesn't taste good?"

"The usual meals are no different from ours."

Value and Danik answer to the squire who has pinched his mouth.

Of course, the Knights of the Kingdom stationed on the Dart Plains have no trouble with wheat.

However, the main tasks of policing and exorcising demons in the territory, unlike the Knights of Webdos to the extent that they travel around every few years for outings and defenses, sometimes they are unable to receive supplies for days.

Mobile food is therefore only a more sunny choice.

"... I can eat decent food at night. Patience for a meal or so."

Al excused everyone by saying that if he could make the rendezvous with the main unit, he would not need to eat portable food.

When everyone finally finished roaming hard mobile food.

"All, gather around."

Al hung up the rally and began to explain the operational outline of the offensive strategy: "In the attack on Tankur village, I will act separately from everyone initially".

"Don't look like that, Zulu. I've heard that only one of you can stay by your side. Stay away from me."

According to Al's explanation, the operation was roughly three ways due to the defensive situation in the village of Tankur and its flow.

The first is a glimpse of the normal offensive strategy that Balmish has been thinking about since the beginning.

First, we all go as planned to the village of Tankur.

It is assumed that the defensive facility will only have the degree of horse fence covering the village's residence.

In this case, everyone raids and simultaneously investigates the ruggedness of the horse fence and the strength of the opponent in which area it is thin.

If possible at this time, make a few breaks in the horse fence and use it as a clue later.

It is said to hit and retreat and re-enter based on the information obtained after rendezvous with the main unit.

Since rendezvous with the main unit is likely to be fulfilled before evening, there is no need to worry about the arrival of reinforcements on the other side.

The operation, in which Al had participated, placed great expectations on the destruction of the horse fence, but it was also seen as a matter of time for the exercise of witchcraft, and the recruitment was eventually dropped off.

And the second.

The approach to the village of Tankur goes hand in hand, but just in case you create a separate task force in Al with a few of the members who joined from the First Knights before the raid, and the separate task force uses attack magic from a distance to the village of Tankur from another direction.

It will be accompanied by a raid, which will later be almost identical to that described above.

This is an improvement to the first operation, which was considered for Al's magic exercise time.

Until now, there have been numerous successes and failures on both the Lomberto and Dabus sides in the past, as well as countless practical examples.

After occupation or repelling, the cultivated land is quite rough, but not all of it will be damaged, and it is easy to restore by hand where it has become rough.

And finally, the third.

This assumes the worst in the first place.

If Tankur Village's defenses were stronger than expected.

For example, if the horse fence surrounding the residence was also robustly built using stones or more than expected numbers of people were stationed.

Alternatively, such as when the defense facility does not have a horse fence covering the village residence, but also has a small position or position within the surrounding arable land.

It should also be noted that small positions and places convenient for building "" can be assumed in advance based on tactical theory.

Of course, it's good to give up the offense itself, but that's too passive.

We build a separate unit and raid from both directions together, but we use ground magic to create a position that will serve as a bridge headrests for our offensive strategy, with everyone else breaking into it and putting the position under control.

If possible, continue to maintain the position and wait to rendezvous with the main unit before moving on to a full-scale offensive strategy.

At this time, Al and the rest from the position construction are expected to recover quite a bit of magic power, so if possible, they will provide backup with attack magic and so on.

In the unlikely event that it seems difficult to maintain the long term, pretend to be chased and retreat quickly, aiming to join the main unit.

For this reason, the positions to be built are easy to work with each other to attack villages, on the other hand, when attacked from outside the village, which is the rear of the position, the condition is that it can be created in such a way that it becomes a weakness.

Even if it was a defensive system as envisaged in advance, Al believes Balmish intends to adopt this third operation.

"I think this will be this third time"

Some questions were asked about Al's mouth of anticipation, but Al gives a well-reasoned response.

"A more robust defense system than expected is something that is not so easy to achieve because it takes time, money, and manpower. Then I'd say it's more likely to be a defensive system as expected."

"In that case, if it was a third operation, human damage would be difficult, and if carried successfully, Sir Balmish would have adopted it in order to succeed in occupying the village of Tankur without much difficulty."

"Sure looks like a hassle after all. I think the restoration of cultivated land will take quite a while, but we're going to go home as soon as the battle is over. I can't take care of the rest of it."

Al, who replied so, also had only one doubt.

- The construction of the position is good, but what are you really going to do with the aftermath? Although temporarily incorporated under command, there is no urgency in the aftermath of the battle, so we can't help you at that point, and I can't stop you from returning...

When Al put his arms together and thought about it, movement was seen at the head of the unit.

Apparently the last break is over.

-... do you not consider the village's role as a cereal production hub? No way, is that why...?

It was almost thirty years ago that the village of Tankur was occupied by Dabus after the defeat of Lombert, the owner of the time, in a battle in the past.

There have also been several subsequent attacks by the Lomberto side, but the village lord has not changed because all of them were marches and other attacks for positive motion.

The size of the village has increased considerably over the course of three decades because it was under the control of Dabus, and the current population is estimated to be over 600 and close to 700.

This was also corroborated by the results of reconnaissance carried out in the past.

At the same time, it has been found that until a few months ago there were no special defensive facilities.

I mean, there's a lot of cultivated land on that scale.

- I can't believe I'm going to lose use of that for a long time... is that possible?

It's hard to think in common sense.

Al at this point had no predictable rationale such as Balmish's personal circumstances or the intention of the kingdom centre.

- Damn, notice... can't it be bouldered? I've been close to 30 meters since I discovered it, and what do I do?

Al asks himself when he discovers objects on the Dabus side using life sensing (detect life).

Because he had met a reconnaissance officer who had returned on his way to the march, the Dabus side has been found placing a watch about 200 m into the woods from the village's cultivated land.

Apparently, the placement interval is around 100-200 m.

At last, information was also received that he was beginning to build defensive positions inside the cultivated land.

Therefore, Al's magic has automatically become an essential element in strategic manoeuvres with reduced sacrifices.

- More than I build a position now. I don't have a choice.

"Front left, two in less than 200m. Front right, this one's about 200 meters away. You have two. I probably haven't noticed this one yet. I think we can move forward a little bit and end it when we get a good look at it?

Al suggests to Balmish, who was accompanying him.

"... Huh?

Balmish stared sharply in the direction Al pointed out, but could not find such a distant lookout.


Try to get yourself out of the horse and stare. Balmish asks.

"It's over there. We're still quite a distance away."

"You know very well..."

"Forgot? Many people die in the Labyrinth without feeling any sign of their enemies."

Al misled when he said a cover out of his mouth, but Balmish and those around him looked at Al with admiration.

"What do you want to do? I think if I approach it alone, I can snipe it with magic."

"And then what about the position...?

"There will still be as far as the village, and I don't think it's a problem. Besides, it's better than being noticed that this one is splitting the troops."

"I'm sure they'll notice that one. Got it. May I ask for the end?

"Yeah, I'll take care of it"

Getting off the horse, he turned around and Al approached the left-hand watch.

- Mm-hmm. You don't even look like me. We need to get closer......

Direction and distance, number only, but invisible.

Magic is difficult to exercise accurately unless you acknowledge the subject.

-... you're not moving.

Al approached carefully as he lowered himself and buried himself in an all-you-can-stretch weed.

- Don't remind me of the seven layers.

The seven layers of Balduk's labyrinth were covered with woods, meadows and wasteland.

The ground alternated with a short weed about knee length, or a long one about chest, or just a wasteland, dotted with deeply growing woods on it.

Alu and the others approached Auga using the weeds and shade more than once.

-... there he is!

Looking softly ahead, he discovered a pair with spears a few dozen meters ahead.

The bush in front is in the way, but the only reason I could discover it was because they were having a conversation.

Naturally, I can't hear you from far away.

However, he noticed that one man was using his opposite hand with a spear to make an exaggerated gesture.

- You're not chatting...!

Al who opens his left hand and identifies himself from an empty hole in his glove.

Hold in other than your index finger and gently reach out and hold your finger.

- I don't have any grudges against you guys... bad.

I pointed my fingertips at those listening.

- I'm not going to remember your name.

That one is apparently feminine.

A slightly higher laugh reached Al's ear in the slightest wind.

Knowing a woman without appraisal and distorting half the face without consciousness.

- Be my fertilizer and live.


In an instant a pale magical light gathered at his fingertips.

Release the stone javelin.

- One too!

Next is the Stone Javelin missile with added inductance and increased speeds.

The first stone javelin released pierced the woman's neck from the side as she was listening.


The woman on the lookout with a voiceless voice collapses on the spot.

Immediately after that, almost simultaneously.

The man he was talking to died instantly with a surprised face, pierced through his side head and scattered his brains.

- Were they lookouts on the boulder with no big deal at the bottom... Sorry to make you fattening that doesn't even reach oak or hobgoblins.

Staring at his open left hand again, Al used the magic of Diect Life again.

Nothing was showing significant movement to the life form that was in the sensing range.

Turning his back, Al, buried in the weed, approached his next prey.

At the end of the day, when Al returned, Balmish nearly issued a decree for a change of assembly to the offensive squad led by Sir Fireblades.

"Zulu. Return to the village of Darbin with the decree. If the order joins the main unit and nobody sees it, we can give it full speed."

Side by side Balmish, who conveys instructions to the decree, Al whispered and ordered Zulu.


Zulu accidentally responded to the unexpected order with no other than an acknowledgement.

"It's more important than my protection. Tell Ralpha and the others. Buy us enough empty barrels and patterns to load up in the carriage by tonight. The one that can seal it properly, right?

Al continues with a quick mouth without going through Zulu's disrespect.

"In the middle of the night......?

Zulu looked surprised and asked to confirm.

"I changed my mind. Don't worry about that one."

"Ha. So where's the rendezvous point?

"Mm-hmm... where I ate just now is fine"

"Roger that. I'll make sure we get it ready to go back."

"... tell me for yourself. What, because I can't help but have fewer empty barrels? Then take this one."

Al handed it to Zulu when he removed the slaughtered dragon (Dragon Slayer) that remained stuck in his sheath from his hips.

"Give me your sword instead. Look, I'm not going to let this sword die."

"Yes, sir."

Zulu traded his lower back sword for Al when he changed his expression.

Al only called out, "I asked you," and headed to Balmish.

"Sir Balmish. I'm sorry, but it looks like the escort has bellied... excuse me, could you accompany the order?

Al's approached from the gap in the woods to a point where they barely had panoramic views of the village.

"First on your right. Next, the center please…"

pointing to the map, then Balmish gives instructions to Al while pointing to the villagers.

The magicians of the First Knights, who have accompanied them, are in charge of a position on the left hand side close to the distance, which is also a small part of the end.

Naturally, from the entire position to be built, only a quantity of soil can be released to the extent of positioning.

"I understand. Shape is fine with this, right?

Al confirms by looking at the model of the position he made easily at his feet.

"Yep. This is for the right hand side. The center is this. My left hand is this."

Balmish broke down the unnecessary model with his feet while saying so.

"If there's no noise in particular, it's about half an hour away."

And I say it with my hands on the clock demon props.

Copy that, sir.

... thirty minutes after fulfillment.

A huge position had appeared on the farmland in the village of Tankur to fill the defensive position that was under construction.

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