11 Jan 7450

The man who newly emerged from the village of Tankur was still a new messenger, as everyone imagined.

The messenger said, "We have not yet been able to unify our opinions. Finally, I ask for a further three hours of respite".

In contrast, there was disagreement between Balmish and his proximity, but it was eventually decided to grant a three-hour moratorium.

However, as a penalty, if the withdrawal is not completed within three hours, the conditions were to be set in motion under any circumstances and the prohibition of the use of horses, cattle and the luggage used in them, in addition to the fact that the withdrawal of the serfdom class is not permitted.

This is also a declaration that in three hours' time we will launch an attack without question, even if we are in the process of withdrawing.

And it was also possible to make a choice because it was found that the main unit would join us in about an hour.

- Hmm, are these ants too...

Al, who was just listening aside to the discussion, was just watching what happened with his cold eyes.

- If it's possible, you want to be a prisoner of the military or a lord or something, but then you'll be desperate over there to resist. Is the renunciation of slavery still a good place to drop it? What do you think?

Seeing Balmish order one of his men to write an arrow sentence, Al confirmed the time with a pocket watch that was inside the lumbar compartment.

- Four o'clock in the afternoon... it's this time of year after three hours, and it's a good place to be dark. Oh, those guys stopped moving... are we there yet? I thought you were so far away from dinner. It's been three hours... I'm free, can't I go in the meantime?... That's right, Mr. Balmish's decision is that you want to avoid combat because you want to reduce the damage this way as much as possible, and I'm not personally convinced to go, but well. But if you're over there...

There is also a feeling that Al would not have stretched this far in the first place if he had made Balmish's decision.

However, Al is only going to do what he is instructed to do unless something else happens on this battlefield.

Of course, the aftermath is like something that occurs that concerns the lives of Al and Al's men.

Even if Lomberto's side was defeated, there was no such thing as what was said and the intention to actively do something other than defend ourselves.

Especially since I don't even have the authority to speak out for the operation from the start.

"Balmish Platoon Leader. It has already been decided, so I will not make any further disagreements. But we should increase the number of people on perimeter alert in villages. The other party may be counting on the arrival of reinforcements…"

One of the knights nearby is speaking to Balmish.

Until recently, he had a different opinion from Balmish.

He was using Al to advise him to carry out an immediate attack because two hours of his promise had passed and the main unit was approaching.

- Is that him, Mr. Hack? He was definitely the first customer. You got a replacement order last year... that said you became platoon leader in 2nd Squadron... Mr. Balmish is in charge, so he's following you downstairs...

He's just as nostalgic for Al as Balmish, but he hasn't had much conversation so far because he was in operational action.

"That verse was a great help," to the extent that he had stated in his past thanks, at best, like other members of the First Knights.

- Unlike Mr. Balmish, Mr. Hack likes to use my thing as a pawn... after all, it's also used as a pawn by Mr. Balmish, so doesn't it make much difference?

Apparently, Balmish decided to increase the number of perimeter guards to accommodate Hack's opinion.

Such a fold, yet another preaching order of the main unit arrived at the position.

According to the missile, the main unit is still here between 30 and 40 minutes.

- Does that mean there's less than a mile away from the cultivated land? Seven to eight hundred meters?... Oh, it's moving again... I don't seem to be in a hurry, or was anyone even pissing... at that speed, don't even get there in 20 minutes...? Shall we go?

Al, who thought so, volunteered to increase perimeter vigilance, but was refused without regard.

However, it was accepted that Al's subordination be placed on perimeter alert for about five hours now.

- Right. Even if I'm Mr. Bal, there's no way he's moving me out of position in this situation... You can leave it to me to pump the oil that's overflowing. I'm sorry we had to prepare a pattern for the number of people.

Below Marie, Al decided to let three people, Kibunal and Laheute, go as far as the carriage and put the remaining half on alert.

The alert range entrusted to the Knights of the Counts of the League is on the north side of the village, a place that is supposed to be relatively safe, but not necessarily without meeting a detached monster.

Especially that's the same for Marie and the others, but once they're in the woods, they can quickly pull apart the monsters and the like because they'll go around the main unit at full speed and head to the rendezvous point.

"Claw, you know what I mean?


You know, in the unlikely event of any major movement or important event, Claw and the other three, the arrangement is to rapidly move one person away from the fixed position in order to communicate their desire to get in touch as soon as possible and to seek backup.

[Troop formation] is perceived as the direction and distance between members from each other, but is not entirely accurate.

There are some errors.

However, it is almost precisely known whether it is moving or almost immobile.

They use it as a simple means of communicating information.

As soon as the six of them disappeared into the north woods, it was felt that three less than Marie had increased and left.

You don't have to take into account the fact that Marie and the others can't see each other because they can understand Ralpha, Guine, Heggs, etc.

From the outskirts of the village to the rendezvous point, it is about two square meters in a straight distance. Even if you go around the approaching main unit, it won't take you ten minutes to get there thanks to the magic hoof.

"Well. An hour or so until dark. We need to find the oil fields by then, okay?

Al turned to his beloved horse Uranus, talking to himself small.

Two hours later.

About an hour has passed since the sun set.

The face of Lane's shield, which assembles east of the village of Tankur, was wrapped in great shock.

"Hey, what the..."

From their point of view, on the left hand side, a huge fortress is built on the cultivated land on the north side of the village.

It still only looks far-sighted, but across the wall, it also seems to be burning in a bonfire.

It can be seen that the large dirt wall is divided into three parts because the light is leaking from the gap.

"Big... magic that one...?

I don't know the thickness of the walls, but as far as I can see, they are as tall as five meters, and they boast a beauty that seems reckless to attack from the villagers.

"Dear Gene, what do you want to do?

Ursula asked in a voice containing a rush.

"Calm down. We need to check the enemy formation first. Start by moving north as you finish your watch, until you leave beside the wall. Let's go."

Forming at Gene's direction, Lane's shield began to move without sound.

A few minutes later, the right hand of the leading soline is pushed out to the side.

It's a signal of enemy discovery.

Turn your right hand protruding to the side toward the enemy who slowly discovered it.

Confirmed the appearance of enemy soldiers in the moonlight plugging between the trees.

I can see two horseback rides, just like earlier.

Everyone pays attention to Gene.

Gene looked at Solin and Mekui and nodded.

When they confirmed it, they moved without sound.

Break up second-hand on the way, using trees and sesame grass to approach.

And the moment the two cavalry turned in the complete opposite direction.

The two threw knives at the same time.

The knife that ripped the night air and flew through the two necks straight from side to side at the exact same time.

It was an angle that crushed the vocal cords while also severing the blood vessels in the neck.

Sorin and Mekui rushed over instantly pulling out their previous swords, stabbing through them as they poked up the cavalry's flank with a sword in their hand.

Lie gently on the ground with support to hold the two bodies turned into corpses, and pull the reins and tie them to the appropriate trees as they stroke the horse's neck.

By that time, the rest of the members had gathered.

"So was the lookout earlier, but these guys, why aren't you even wearing leather armor?

Donovan speaks to himself in wonder.

"He said the Rombert side was the only cavalry at first. I guess he made a rendezvous with the infantry on that condition, but he just hasn't alternated yet. We're going next."

In reply to Donovan's soliloquy, Gene began to move forward when he gave in again.

"Do you want to go more north?

"No, it wouldn't make much difference if I went any further"


The face of Lane's shield revolved around to the northeast of the arable land.

"Look, there are over a thousand people..."

"Oh, probably not."

The brilliant, burning bonfire lights create a great contrast, making it difficult to grasp the full capacity even as you circle around the walls.

"Most of them won't be here long."

"You're wearing it"

Though there is no great hustle and bustle in the battalion, people, equipment, etc. are all over the place.

It seems that the luggage cars that have been pulled by manpower are dotted, and the cavalry gear that was first arrived, etc. are gathered like hills everywhere.

"... hum. I can only see the gap between the walls."

"Is there only two places"

"... weird shape... there's nothing to protect if you go around..."


I mention what I noticed in my mouth after looking at Lomberto's position.

Though seemingly uncontrolled, this is their method of gathering information.

Speak of what you realise with dizziness, and overlook less as a whole.

"By the way, you didn't build this wall all by yourself, did you?"

"I guess."

"... it was about five meters thick... I can't do anything alone."

"Master Lane Tier will be able to make it with his magic..."

Its thickness has also been seen through the process of circling the wall.

As far as they know, there's so much soil over there that it's hard to make even the lane in one shot.

"If you're a Lane Tier now, that's about it..."

"... Indeed. There was something wrong with my expression. No one but Lady Lane Tier can do it. So I should have told you I wasn't the only one who made that one."

It was hilarious that Mekui, who rarely panicked, rushed to rephrase it, seemed to have a little leeway back in the faces of the members.

"Anyway. Let's first tell the defense that we have arrived. Toni, you know what you're supposed to do? You go."

Gene swallowed the gokuri and spit while looking at the dirt wall and ordered.

"Oh, yes... I'm coming"

Toni went back into the woods bending over.

Returning to the eastern side of the village where he was first, he went into the wheat fields as he crawled through the land, lowering himself to escape the eyes of the knight who was looking around the arable land.

The wheat ear height of autumn sowing is still about 30 cm, and the toni that has to hide in it is almost affixed to the ground.

If Al saw it, he would rate it as "similar to the fifth crawl, but you're unusually fast and disgusting".

Of course where it should stop, it stops moving and overtakes the vigilante's eyes.

Meanwhile, Al, speaking of, had plenty of time in the corners of the line.

- Ah, thank you so much...

Marie and the others seemed to rendezvous well with Ralpha and the others, gathering only once, but then scattered in all directions for a while.

Did you claw immediately after that, everyone is sidelined somewhat apart to move slowly east, and everyone is gathered again in about an hour.

You can see it as discovering an oil field and pumping crude oil.

The claws have also solidified and rolled around the north of the village for three, with no particular anomalies.


I stretched out my hands and gave them a big yawn.

"My Lord Riegle"

There is one who has spoken out there.

"Oh, Mr. Darestose. What is it?

Sounds like the First Knight of the Old Know.

Apparently, I have a favor to ask from Balmish.

Not Balmish when Al went out to command, but Sir Fireblaze, the commander, advanced.

"My lord, I apologize for being on vacation. I'd like to ask you to work another one."

Sir said he wanted the dirt walls to be extended further on both sides of the dirt walls he was positioning.

However, instead of building a wall against the village's residence, he wanted it stretched north so as to consolidate the sides of the position.

- It's a boarded ship, and, well, good.

"Oh, and the side walls are thinner than the front and don't need that much height"

"Really? How good would that be?

"The height will be enough for the infantry to hide itself, some two meters. I think the thickness should also be about 1m. Length… yes, about 30-40m…"

"Really? I get it. Then I'll make it quick."


- My armor, in the carriage... didn't you have an idea to give it to me?

With that in mind, Al headed west of the position.

I was going to build a wall over there first.

The face of Lane's shield was waiting for him in the village's northeastern woods until the time seemed to pass when Toni, who headed for the preaching, would arrive.



But when I see a wall suddenly appear behind the position, I raise my voice unexpectedly.

That said, the voice is low on boulders and contained by small things.

"That one."

"Fine, but it doesn't look as good as the front wall"

"Idiot. Ursula, you've made that one so many times."

"Oh, yeah."

I feel like I saw it, about 30 1/2 m long, would it be a dirt wall about 2 m high?

I'm not sure about the thickness because it's the shape I'm looking at from the diagonal.

"Hmm. You could go to that extent. Donovan, what do you say?

Gene asked the young man crouching beside him with a calm voice.

"Perhaps. But in addition to being far away, I'll make some obvious enhancements just in case... think that's what I'm up to today"

"Hmm. That's no choice."

In reply to Donovan, Gene speaks to everyone.

"By the way, did the operator understand?

"No, it's too far away..."

I can't help it.

There is quite a distance from here, and the formation is full of people.

"But I built a wall in that way..."

"Yeah. You're gonna make it on this side, too."

Gene nodded at Hero's words.

"Don't miss the guy approaching you"

Gene intends to discern Rombert's operator first.

Everyone replied yes and started making their eyes look like plates.

Continuing his observations for a while, one man began to roam the eastern side of the position.

"Isn't that him?

Donovan points his finger at the man.

"Maybe so. Are you looking down because it's dark?

Says Solin.

Everyone thought that was likely.

"... wearing something... a helmet? I don't think he's wearing any armor."

Mekui said blush.

"Are you letting me vacate the place?

There are several other people beside the man who are calling out to those who were nearby.

Those who were heard immediately moved behind the line.

The man wearing something like a helmet is walking north from the western end of the formation.

Walking a few dozen meters started returning again.

"It still is. It must be him. If I show you how to use magic, it will be confirmed. Donovan, finish it."

Gene ordered Donovan not to look.


Donovan began drinking water when he hung out when he removed the leather water bag he had raised on his hips.

"Oh, for me, too."

"Me, too."

Several spoke to Donovan and the water bag began the journey.

It's completely empty when I get back into Donovan's hands.

I took out the knife and disconnected the hardware that was the mouth of the water bag, putting only the hardware back in my pocket.

And when I put my hand in the water bag, I pointed that hand at the man who looked far ahead.

Now Donovan's magical light will be greatly reduced, and he will not be noticed first by those who are in the front.


A man who stopped on his feet in the distance raised one hand over his head.

"... using magic. Confirm."

and soil balls with a diameter of as much as six to seven m soon appeared.

"All right, let's go!

Donovan stares at the man.

I frowned a long time and ate my teeth.

The goal is the abdomen, which is the biggest part.

Soil balls quickly deform and quickly grow elongated.

Its tip comes into contact with the earthen wall that was there from the beginning while it was being seen, and it also extends on the other side.

The man is raising his head as if to confirm the sight spreading at the tip of his hand pointing up.

Slowly the dirt wall went down...... I couldn't see the man's head.

The face of Lane's shield, excluding Donovan, looked alternately at the sight and Donovan.

but I don't see the look of impatience.

The earth walls keep lowering their altitude, and there is little clearance from the ground anymore.

The lights of the bonfire leak from that gap into a straight line to become a line of light.


A short temper breath leaked out of Donovan's mouth, while an arrow burst out of the water bag and was engulfed in flames.

- I'm building a new wall, so don't let them notice. Slowly and politely.

Al manipulated the dirt walls carefully and was rotten to avoid making loud noises when landing.

- Okay. That's it...

Thanks to careful manipulation, the dirt walls land on the ground with little noise.

I smile satisfied when I see the wall landed in front of me.

and then.

From Al, a flaming arrow flew in without sound from the dirt wall in the front right!


After a sudden event, there is not a single m away between the dirt wall and Al.

Making an unpleasant sound of Zubi, the arrow of flames plunges into Al's right belly.

- Through my dirt wall!?

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