Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 126: Time for Spiritual Concentration

11 Jan 7450

Attack magic penetrating the dirt wall landed on Al's flank.

If it is a normal attack magic of the type to fly warheads generated by magic, the warhead disappears as soon as it lands, or if it is more powerful, it penetrates as it is.

But the sorcery I just received doesn't seem to apply to Al's known offensive sorcery.


By an unusual shout, the escorts paid attention to Al.

Al nearly collapsed while holding his flank with his right hand.

- Shit! What the fuck!? That's not normal!

The feeling I saw was a small warhead about the Arrow system, but the power was out of step.

It has high penetration and shock waves as if the warhead were spinning at high speeds, and Al's wound would not be enough in the expression that the exit open to his back is overwhelmingly larger than the entrance......

My right flank is missing.


There was also a scream from behind the formation.

Apparently, the magic warhead that pierced Al also sacrificed another soldier who was in the line.

"Ah... oh... goop"

Al knelt down as he exhaled bright red blood, either because of a sudden increase in blood pressure following a strong shock wave against his gut, or because he also suffered a stomach injury and bled badly.

But at the same time, there is a pale magical light in Al's hands.

-... induce (trigger)...?

Al taking his reflexively trembling hands aside.

but inside the large hole that opens into Al's torso, organs lost from before the hand reaches the affected area are rapidly regenerated.

Because healing magic doesn't have to touch the affected area if it's your body.

In particular, it is easier to concentrate mentally when touched, but not this time.

Because induced (triggered) witchcraft forces you to focus your mind on the healing witchcraft you have used in the past.

"Or, my lord. Ah!!"

A threesome who was escorting Al realizes things and shouts out.

The two rushed over to Al, one standing on the north side unprotected by dirt walls and saying, "Enemy attack! scream."

Enemy attack from within the formation almost at the same time! Enemy attack! and multiple shouts.

Al uses even more continuous and advanced healing magic when he confirms the healing magic effect that was set to induce (trigger).

It's not long before a runaway escort activates healing magic.

- Phew, now what? But......

Al used the magic of life sensing (detect life) as he glanced at the dirt wall in the front of his right.

- Shit, aren't you over there?

Despite extending the sensing range to a radius of 200 m, nothing is hooked in the direction in which the magic was shot in.

- Have you run away yet? In this short time?... No way, missile? Or sniping from a distance...... is it possible?

Al took the sensing range even further and used life sensing again.

This time, the sensing radius is 400 meters, which is twice as high as the previous one.

Behind Al's brain is a resurgence of reports of the fall of the village of Comin, which he received last year.

- Are you the reborn Dabus?... you should think about it that way.

I concentrated on witchcraft, smearing bitter thoughts.

"Are you hurt?!?"

Because he concentrated on the magic of life sensing (detect life), which expanded to an unfamiliar range, Al couldn't even afford to answer the knight of the escort who ran.

- Is that it? That's a long way off.

There were six reactions quite far away, about 300 m away.

Use life sensing again to see if it's moving.

- I'm distant...... no, are you trying to go around north with no walls? Anyway, if you're heading in a strange direction, you can't go wrong thinking of enemies. Is that so, even the villagers are moving a large number... I don't know if this noise is natural...

Now the battalion is making a fuss over reports of enemy attacks.

Those of the knights who wore armor flew out loud instructions to their men as they rushed over to the horses, and those who were still waiting in the order of their wearing are equally loud with only weapons jumping on horses in their hands.

It's about 300 meters away, and even though it's in the woods, most of it is farmland with nothing to stop it from doing so.

There's no reason not to notice if so many people started making a fuss at the same time.

It's normal to think something serious has happened and make a move back to the position, or keep waiting without moving on the spot.

- North.... North? Not good!

Claws, Values, and Dannicks patrol the north woods for watches.

They didn't even hook up to a threesome reaction to life-sensitive (detect-life) sorcery, but the general position is grasped in troop formation (partisation).

I am now between 600 and 700 m northeast of here.

If you were so far away from the boulders and deep in the woods, you wouldn't notice anything unusual.

"My lord!"

"Now heal...!

The escorts who guide Al through his mouth.

Naturally, not only is there blood scattered on the ground behind Al, but even sprayed skin, muscle tissue, and parts of the gut.

"I'm fine because I've already healed. Instead, the opponent has a hands-on magician. It's dangerous if we don't take him down now, so I'll chase him right away, but you guys need to consolidate your formation. There is also the possibility that they will attack us from the village by multiplying this mess..."

When Al said that much.

"So, enemy attack! Enemy attack! Coming out of the village!!"

Reports of enemy attacks rose from objects that were climbing on dirt walls and monitoring the village.

"I knew you were attacking me. Well, I'm going to finish off the magician."

Al tells the escort as he stands up.

The right flank under the armor he was wearing is torn wide and holes open, his complexion peeking.

But contrary to the flash-dyed blood around the hole, the flank had regenerated beautifully.

"But, my lord,"

"We have your protection...!

Al grins bitterly as he shuts his mouth to the guards who say so.

"You can't let all those magicians go wild, can you? At least we must only prevent any further attacks on the line. All of you, please alert us to the rear attack."

Al said as he pulled both Zulu's swords (Bastard Sword) out of his sheath to see if there were any anomalies.


The escorts argue, albeit barely by Al's words.

"I think it will probably be an advanced sorcery battle against more than one. Unless you have some magic arm to my sister, sorry if not, but it only gets in the way...... well, I'll be there, so thank you later"

Speaking of pissiery at a rate that would not allow objections, Al ran out.

- Well, I guess you see that there's not one magician over here trying to get around. I guess he's trying to attack by pinching the position from front to back......

I can see Claw and the others in Al's brain.

They also seemed to notice that Al had suddenly started moving, and felt that the three of them had gathered in one place.

Perhaps, even soon, they'll start moving towards Al.

- You may not notice if you leave him alone, but he who unleashes such sorcery has an awesome guard on him. There's no way they're going to miss it.

Running north, Al used life sensing again.

Dozens of minutes ago.

Through the eyes of the objects on Lomberto's side, Toni entered the village at the end of the line well.

In doing so, I am careful not to be blamed for the defensive team's side of the spectacle and shouted at.

He offered an order for Sir Damon, the defensive captain of Kincade Village, to be flowered after showing soldiers around the village the White Phoenix Knights badge and having them reworded each month, even checking their status.

"You, Toni Devans? You've seen it before. Are you Lane's shield guy?

The soldiers in the defensive squad who examined them suddenly get a lively look.

"That's right. We don't have time for this, so please take care of the defensive captain, Lord Regon."

The Dabus army, which stood caged in the village of Tankur, knew that there was a Lane shield stationed in the neighbouring village of Kincade.

Few have seen them fighting demonic opponents between patrols and troop training.

It is often called the common name of Lane's Shield, not the third independent guard platoon, which is a regular troop name because of its awesome battle.

Lane's shield, which he says has just been founded with royal liver burns or is also the child of a court magician (Court Wizard), is out of the normal chain of command.

The villages around here are protected lands by the Black Wolf Knights and have a different chain of command than the White Phoenix Knights to which they belong.

But not to mention the Royal Knights of the White Phoenix, an elite unit that doesn't like it, the face of Lane's shield is just a bunch of combat slaves.

It is imperative that in an emergency it be incorporated under the command of the local forces, and it is difficult to resist the lives of the noble local commanders.

These things are well understood by the Dabus army, which protects the village of Tankur, "They always come to cover when they have to. And that if they fought together, how much would the Lomberto Army be," he was connected to the peace of mind.

The defensive captain of the village of Tankur, Sir Regon, was pleased to hear Toni's report.

It is only natural that we have received very happy information that the face of that lane's shield has just arrived in full, or that half of the Kincade Village defense team is headed this way as a hindsight.

Toni further described the operation.

He will be in the enemy line before the hindsight arrives, and will stir up the Romberto army.

Bring it into the skirmish with a village defense team.

Don't go too deep, be thorough in your defense and strictly admonish your entry into the enemy line.

But don't be ignored by continuing to shoot in bows, attack magic, etc. like harassment.

Of course Toni also helps with attack magic.

The assumption is that Lane's shield, which bypasses the village in the woods, will be the first to tailor the sorcerer, so there is no great danger at this point.

Once the skirmishes begin, it is expected that only a minimal number of objects distributed around the village will be left to hit the defense of the position.

The longer the skirmish prolongs, the fewer things will look.

If the hindsight arrives there, the formula is high for us to storm from the sides of the enemy, possibly the east, while kicking through the sights that have become very few.

In the unlikely event that you don't attack me, the defense will be greatly strengthened with an increase for that amount, so you don't have to look at the situation and make another full-scale attack at that time or wait for further reinforcements.

The number of infantry troops has swelled considerably with the arrival of the Lomberto side, but it is possible to stick to the protection of the village for a considerable period of time as long as even the skilled magician is finished.

"All right, gather the archers and shieldmen to the north gate. Never be tempted to replace a soldier!? Start attacking the opponent with a signal to make a scene!

Sir Regon's decision was quick.

"Hmm? Dear Gene, someone from the formation..."

Said Solin pointing to the line.

"Are you trying to escape on your own?... Let it go."

Donovan replies to throw up.

In the wake of a bonfire burned within the formation, a single figure runs.

"No, he's headed this way"

I stopped my leg and saw Solin point the finger. Hero said blush.

"It's troublesome even if it gets noisy. Ursula, finish it. Let's go!"

Gene took the other four and started moving.

"I'll finish as soon as I'm in range."

Ursula, ordered by Gene, stops his leg and points his right hand toward the approaching shadow.

Immediately after that.


Ursula raised her voice of surprise.

Everyone saw Ursula in that voice, then the person who was her target.


"Ugh, you're lying, right?

"You were running...?

"No way."

Undisputed sorcery unfolds in front of the shadows coming this way.

"Anti-Magic Field?"

"Even though you're running?

"Stupid! It's decided to be another magic trick just to look alike!

On the front of the shadow, a thin, shiny, purple plate-shaped force field was unfolding.

"You were still there. He's a new magician! It's gonna take all of us!

Gene gave the order quickly.

"It may be another magic trick, but it takes care of it. Eat and break that field of power with the intent of anti-magic fields!

Ask for advanced offensive witchcraft. They are not equipped with bows that require hard and long training to be alone.

I can tell you I was fooling around about a bow that would easily be affected by the wind.

Even a crossbow with a high initial speed and a long range is no match for attack magic that has extended its range.

By Gene's life, everyone but Donovan turned to the shadows on the spot.

- I've been using all that attack magic. You were right to expect me to rely on magic.

Al chuckled in recognition of the multiple magical lights rising in the woods as he headed to a place where he thought there would be Lane's shield.

As a matter of fact, I was not sure whether to make it a shield sorcery until just before.

- Mm-hmm. Not enough magic light. What's this all about?

Al doesn't know about Donovan, who's losing a lot of magic.

- Is one a bow? I knew the escort would accompany you. Shh. Let's hope we don't hit the bow. It's this distance, and you're still out of range.

There is still about 150m open between Al and Lane's shield.

Even though we are close because it is not a direct target distance, it is not so easy to hit a moving goal.

That's how Al stopped his leg a little closer again.

There is still a distance of more than 100 m.

"I stopped your leg!

Donovan draws attention, but everyone is focused on witchcraft and no one responds.

With only the moonlight, I haven't even noticed that there's a big hole in Al's clothes because there's still a distance.

and Al cancelled the anti-magic field he was deploying.

- Is that it? Shoot me? Hit me... you mean you're still out of range?

I thought Al ate a shoulder watermark when he expected an immediate attack magic to fly in.

Magic doesn't change when you start concentrating.

"Okay, I'm out of focus!

Donovan raises his voice of joy, but as usual, there is no response from anyone.

Well, let me take a look.

Staring at the five magical lights that kept shining forward, Al smiled invincibly, appraising sequentially from the edge to begin looking at the status.

- Am I right? There's someone with unique skills. Aren't you a reincarnator? That's a big deal. No, you had another one.

But it's hard to find a hidden figure in the woods without a landmark in an appraisal.

- I don't know. If you're not gonna shoot me, I'm gonna go this way. I'm angry, too. It's on me.

Al started raising his right hand to use a super turbulent mass (a halikenic cluster).

but I just started concentrating around the corner and canceled.

The target magic light began to disappear.


Al is on the spot.

Magic light lights up again.

Now there's only one.

It was Ursula who lit it.

- Have you extended your range? But...

Reaching for the sword hanging on his left hip, he tries to pull it out.

- It's a little heavier than my sword. No matter who's watching, let's stop dressing.

Unlike the sword I'm used to using, the swing speed would be different and the balance would be out of balance.

It was unlikely that it would be possible to swing in the desired orbit while using witchcraft.

- I just want to use life sensing (detect life), but I don't know what he fires when. If it was a lightning bolt, I'd cancel my life sensing (detect life). The anti-magic field is unlikely to make it to the boulder.

Al started walking slowly.

Another thing, a potpourri and a magical light light.

This one's a hero.

It seemed like the same place that glowed from Al.

At least the two of you who are lighting the magic light now don't seem to be on the move.

- Look, it's defenseless. Shoot me.

110m to go.

- Is it not over yet? It's been five seconds since then. You have a triple-digit MP but it's no big deal.

When Al thought so.

The first glowing magical light gathered and an electric shock was emitted.


The blue and white electric shock reaches Al in an instant by tearing the air apart.

But at the time he admitted to the agglomeration of magical light, Al was using an anti-magic field.

Ursula's lightning bolt disappeared in front of Al just leaving behind a few purple lights.

Shortly after, Hero was releasing Stone Javelin, but this one was similarly dismissed.

Lane's shield, which included the two of them, can't hide the surprise.

"Pull once and get back on your feet! We lured him into the woods, and we're gonna get close and we're gonna finish him off!

Five people who follow him, Gene says, started running to the back of the woods all at once.

"Please come closer."

Toni asked the shield guarding him.

The two shieldmen, with their thick and huge tower shields, advance.

A Romberto soldier climbing over the dirt wall and releasing a bow entered Toni's range.

"I'll go. I'll shoot you exactly three seconds after the signal. Please widen the shield gap only then. Yes!"

The shields who received Toni's voice swallowed Gokuri and spit.

... three seconds later.

Stonejavelin was released over the dirt wall and the archers died instantly.

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