11 Jan 7450

In the woods stretching over the Dart Plains.

There was a little bit of open space in some of it.

There, things are slightly different from similar squares elsewhere.

There is a fountain in the center of the square, but it is not clear water that accumulates there.

Black water is accumulating.

The quantity itself is not a big deal.

The spring is about 15 meters in diameter.

And the black-colored water has an unpleasant smell that I'm unfamiliar with sniffing.

Seven men and women were gathered by that fountain to light the magic of the lights and immerse themselves in some task.


"Eh heh heh!"

Ralpha and Guine continue to laugh as they felt touched as they discovered the oil well at the tail and drew loose and viscous crude oil with the prepared pattern.

But the work itself is cautious and polite, even as the guerrillas laugh off.

By their side, the three whiteflames, Kibunal and Laheute similarly draw crude oil, but unlike the Ralphas, the tension is low.

Even over a cloth wrapped around his face instead of a mask, I guess because the smell relentlessly pokes him in the back of his nasal cavity.

Zulu is silently immersed in his work, but he can't move.

"Zulu, put the sword back in the carriage. Am I interrupting?

Marie, who was spying on the surroundings, was seen and spoke to Zulu.

"No. This sword is your husband's dragon slayer, so to let go..."

"But it's dirty. Isn't that a good idea?

"Ugh... And yet..."

Zulu keeps from contaminating the demon sword he raises from his hip's sword belt. Too much care is being taken to make the work inefficient.

"Then I'll keep it for you"

"No, I'm sorry, but I can't do that either"

"... you can't help it. Then use this."

Marie took the bandage out of her lumbar compartment and handed it back to Zulu with some folds.

"Try to carry it on your back, not lift it on your hips."

Using the strings he was given, Zulu made the sword oblique and carried it when he made something like a tweezer.

"Hey, Zulu! I'm not skipping! Look, we're full of buckets!

Ralpha flies his attention blaming Zulu, who was crafting on the sword.

Zulu, with a bitter laugh, headed towards the carriage as he lifted the barrel placed at Ralpha's feet.

At that time.

Everyone but Zulu, who is on his way to the carriage and not participating in the formation of the troops (partisation), faces each other as a piqun.

It was felt in their brains that Al began to move rapidly.

Everyone drew attention to Marie, the top man on the scene.

Future action depends on her judgment.

There are seven large barrels for transport loaded in the carriage.

Oil has only accumulated one and a half.


Al keeps moving while he does.

- This speed... running, not a horse? More than two kilometers to Al's...? Claw and the lieutenants...

Marie bites her right thumbnail nail.

- Even if we move right away, it'll take you ten minutes to withdraw this place. Quite a bit of time if you include travel...... What do we do...?

Marie was cruising, feeling Ralpha and the others gaze.

but I was relieved to feel the claws started moving.

Al seemed to be heading in a different direction from them, but the distance was still a little narrower and closer.

Perhaps the distance between Al and the Claws is just over 500m.

And soon I feel Al's movement stopped.

"Mr. Al. You've stopped."

"Didn't you go pick up even the money that's falling? He's humble."

Hearing the voices of Guine and Ralpha, Kibunal and Laheute look annoyed.

Whiteflame, speaking, is peeling his eyes when he hears Ralpha's words.

"Hey, lady!

He seems worried that Marie can blame him for Ralpha's lack of gratitude.

And, Al started moving again.

However, the speed changed and slowed down from earlier.

I guess I'm walking.

"That's it for nothing. I'll keep working. I'll leave you to the deputy commanders."

Marie said pizza.

Then he said, "Keep your mouth shut about Zulu right now. 'Cause I could tell you I'd go alone if you found out," he said, enchanting the light again on the pebble he had in his hand.

"This is... su, that's amazing"

Danik looked at the surface of the burnt trees and said.

The voice probably contains a color of inspiration.

"... you don't burn"

Value to say as you look around.

There are burning marks all over the tree's epidermis, but they're not burning.

In particular, the dead weeds and the like are lit with flaming tongues visible all over the ground.

However, the fire seems to be weakening and will eventually disappear even if left alone by the fact that there is also a lot of raw grass.

"It's something that wouldn't trigger so much if the temperature didn't last if it wasn't so high that it was just instantaneously exposed to high temperatures. Well, it seemed hot about the brink of a fire..."

When Claw said to answer the two questions.


Someone's groan reaches Claw's ear.


The value spoke low as Shirana pulled out her sword.

Maybe the Lord of the screams I heard earlier.

"Right there. One's down."

While pointing to the ground a little further away, Danik also pulls out his sword.

"I'll go see how it goes. You two stay away from the horses."

The value went to one person, a person who was falling down while sneaking his legs off the horse.

"A woman..."

The woman appears to have suffered a major burn to her leg.

The carefully approached value found three more down a little further away.

Some of them are dead, some don't seem to move at all.

"Come alone!

Claw came when the Value ordered it.

Because he raised his voice there, besides the burnt woman, he also saw reactions to those who were falling earlier.

But he seems to be seriously injured and his movements are dull.

- The captain is a little further... what do we do? Should we speak up and let them know we're approaching? But it would be bad if they were counting on our backup. There seems to be no great danger, and we should go back to the horses and join them.

When the Value thought so.


"Dear Gene! Goddamn it!

Until then a scream echoed over the quiet wooden tree.

- Well, we both have co-fire magic...

Al was calm while appraising escaping Gene and Donovan.

- Shall we start with this guy?

Gene has two levels of elemental magic skills other than magic.

- You can't do that magic.

When Al anticipated the timing, he immediately unleashed the magic of lightning (Lightning Bolt).

The electric shock released from Al's palm hits Gene's back with a sound that rips the air apart.


Gene collapsed trying to relax when he shouted.

"Dear Gene! Goddamn it!

Donovan looks back with his sword in his hand when he sees Gene fall, who was running a little further away.

To him, whose magic had become scarce near the limit, he could hardly hope for a calm decision.


The magic has been unleashed earlier, so the distance should be a little wider.

That's what Donovan expected, but Al was unexpectedly close.

"Knock, knock!

Pay the sword to the horizontal beard.



The sword I paid was bounced up to make a clear noise.

And in Donovan's sight, Al zooms up to make a grumpy noise.

- Not good, nostalgia...!

Everything was slow when Donovan thought.

Fist solidified, Al's left hook surrounded by blue magical light pierces Donovan's right flank.

Al releases the magic that wrapped him in his fist at the same time as he punches him.

The sound of a short electricity called Batchi reaches Donovan's ear.

In an instant I felt my whole body muscles cramp.

"Ba... Ka... I can't believe I hit you with Shock Clap" Shocking Glass "..."

There's no way I can do it - Donovan lost his freedom of mouth before I could finish saying that.

Donovan desperately tries to remain calm as he cramps and can't even close his eyelids of his own will.

- That was a shocking glass. Then you can outrun the paralysis for a minute or so......!

But naturally, we also know that Al used witchcraft.

I'll give Al a minute's respite. He has no muscle, no brother-in-law.


I was stabbed with a sword in my right leg.

- Goddamn it, whoa!

I'm not even going to be able to stand up if I get paralyzed.


"You're safe!

I heard multiple voices and footsteps.

"Oh, there are no more enemies around here. See those guys down there?

Al's voice also reaches Donovan.

"I saw it...... so, Captain! You're hurt!

Under Al's armor, the Values rush to Al when they see the empty big hole on its flank and the blood staining around them.

"I'm fine because I've been cured for so long. There is no problem. See?"

Al shows off his bare skin peeking under the hole and appeals to him that there is not one scratch left.

- Oh, give me that... did you get a fire penetrator? This guy? Why can you move? Treated by other magicians? Enough to move in this short time?

Gene and Donovan were still conscious and upset to hear the conversation between the Al's and the others.

- Is that a completely different story?

But he succeeded in restoring calm immediately.

"If you still have breath, just treat the wound. I'm gonna drag these guys... oh, just don't die... all right, status open... you're a slave. Status open......... is this guy a slave too? Check their status, too."

Earlier, six Lane shields were arranged in a square that stood around multiple opponents.

The square is rolled with stones hung with the magic of lights, and there is no shortage of light.

Only two people are dead: Hero, who was first severed from the neck artery, and Ursula, who was steeped by Al's sword.

Three of the four remaining traumatized - Donovan, Solin and Mekui - have been kicked over where they crawl and try to escape, treated to a minimum where the wound has been rampantly trampled and extinguished, and then become like a scroll in the magic of the web.

Gene was still convulsed with paralysis caused by electric shock.

Al's interrogation began when Donovan and the others calmed down a little.

"Are they all slaves to the Baron Gegran family..."

Al said as he put his helmet back on his eyes.

The corpse is still in a state where the status can be confirmed, so we know what it is.

"Value, Danik. Have you ever heard of the Gegran family? I'm pretty sure I heard it somewhere..."

Al asks because he thinks that they would have some knowledge of Dabus' house as well, which has been the position of a true knight for years.

Especially since Al has appraised the wrapped lane shield when arranging it in the square, he has the knowledge to go through the street once.

"Indeed, one of Dabus's court magicians (Court Mage) said he had such a name..."

The value answers.

"Oh well. So have you ever heard of it? Dabus's court magician hey..."

Al replied as he scratched up his brightly red-dyed hair when he took off his helmet.

And I open my mouth when I get a look like I just remembered.

"Oh, yeah. Value, Danic. Then carry the body to the formation first. If it looks like this, I can still check the status for a while. It's my game."


"I'll be there soon, too. Anyway, he's under attack from Tankur Village right now, so join him. Excellent swordsmanship and equestrianism. I need that. Hurry up."


"It's...! I'll be right there!

Turning the two people out of the way for Al now to the formation first, Al looked at Claw.

Claw, who meets Al in the eye, nodded lightly and helped put the body on a Value and Danish military horse.

Behind the saddle, Donovan and the others look up at the bodies being loaded unwrought with resentment.

Al kneels beside Donovan with his helmet on his head again as Valt and Danik disappear.

"From now on, if I answer honestly about what I ask, only life as a prisoner will help. Otherwise I'll kill you on this spot."

I spoke with my hand in the helmet's eye.

"Right, Captain! These guys, you can use all the magic!?"

Claw says surprised when he hears Al's words.


Because it is normal for slaves who can use witchcraft to be of considerable value.

Those who have died have no choice, but if they captured them alive, they can get a fair amount of money if they sell them to the country's largest slave trader, the Bainish Chamber of Commerce, after the battle.

Well, Al is from the Labyrinth Adventurer of Balduk.

You can't be unaware of its value.

"That's okay."

Al said without even looking back at Claw.

"Was that the first thing you aimed at me?

Al asked Donovan in a quiet voice.

Al, who can see the total and residual amount of MP by the appraisal, has an idea.

"That's a big arm."

Donovan doesn't talk in silence.

"Hmm, not a whole bunch of times ago. What makes you wait too long, and answer within a minute of now. Or I'll kill that woman."

Even though healing magic blocked the wound, Al said, pointing to the bug breath mekui because he was temporarily depressed to negative HP.

"Answer me, coward who abandoned his people and fled"

Stuck with cowards, he was a pretty Donovan, but he didn't just outburst.

"Donovan, and I don't care what the enemy tells me...... ahhh!

You took Donovan's feelings into account, and Solin nearly said something but was stuck on the claw around the burned area and smothered.

"If it's a monkey, I'll take it, I'll take it!

Said Gene without turning around Lu Rhythm.

"There's nothing I can do for you. Shut up."

When Claw, who heard Al's words, picked up a stick of wood of appropriate thickness, he stuck it in Gene's mouth.

In addition to his mouth being blocked by a wooden stick, his oral cavity was cut and bleeding, causing Gene to clog his throat and cough up like a pharynx, but at least he couldn't talk about anything.

Al wonders if the older Gene is a line of leadership, but he had no interest whatsoever in him with a low level of witchcraft and no total amount of magic.

"You're a boulder coward. I can't spare the lives of my people."

Al pulled out his sword as he stood up to look down at Donovan, who did not answer.

'I'm sorry. In the worst case scenario, I might rely on your temptation, so I'll apologize now.'

Al apologizes to Claw with a look of sorry.

"Uh, seriously. I just wanted to say, you didn't even say that, did you? My wife won't complain if I don't do it."

Claw had no choice but to clasp his shoulders, as he said.

"What, you don't need it? I paid for the corner. '

Al asking in an unexpected voice.

"You're the one left. I don't have that hobby."

Claw looked disgusted and replied.

'I don't know if I've seen it either. But you can't ask questions without me, can you? I have to make sure.'

Al also replies reluctantly.

"I can tell Mr. Mizuchi that you were trying to have a nice peek, right?

"Give me a break about that."

Looks like we can afford to make jokes.

'Well, if this guy talks to me slushly, I guess that'll do it. But what the hell happened?

"I ate attack magic I didn't know about. Because of its power, it probably eats quite a bit of magic."

"The Hole......"

'Oh. They took every flank. I was in a rush for boulders.'

'Seriously... Courtme...... sorry'

Claw mumbles when Al stares at him.

I remembered that mixing oath-specific nouns might be speculative about what we were talking about.

He said, "The court, the magician's fa, the baron's house." Other than us... '

'Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Make sure of that. "

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