Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode One Hundred and Thirty: Claw of the Claw

11 Jan 7450

"Well, that's a question. Let's start with the owner, Baron Gegran."

When the magician knelt again, he grabbed Donovan's hair and asked his face toward himself.

Perhaps he is quite a nobleman using the dual name "Sora".

On the side of Donovan's face is placed a stone hung with lights, with a tannic surface floating from the glare.

But thanks to that, Solin could clearly see the magician's face.

Aside from Mekui, who seems to have let go of much of the pain, he probably looked like Donovan and Gene.

It may not be accurate because it reflects the lights emitted from the stone, but perhaps black eyes.

But the hair peeking from the side of the black helmet is red as it burns.

The man who seems to be my subordinate left on this scene with the sorcerer has dark hair, but I don't know the color of his eyes from Solin's position because he's just sticking a wooden stick in Gene's mouth now.

- I remember your face. I will surely take the vengeance of Hero and Ursula!

Sorin vowed revenge on his companion as he suffered the burn pain and stared at the side of the sorcerer.

"... you think I'd say?

After a slight silence, Donovan answered the sorcerer.

Having heard the answer, the sorcerer immediately stands up with his hands abusively apart, grabbing his hair.

Donovan's back of the head made a dull noise and hit the ground.

Gotun, the sound reaches Solin's ear.

"There's not much to pull, is there? Parents are like this..."

The magician tells Donovan as he slowly walks from his mouth to show off the sword in his hand to Gene, who is still growing a wooden stick.

I guess Donovan had to admit it.

I heard a voice I was going to regret.

I could imagine Donovan's face being obvious to Solin, who was forced to be unwilling.

"All right, answer me. Speak slowly and clearly so you don't miss or mishear. You wouldn't want to answer the same question over and over again, would you?

Coming back beside Donovan, the magician said in a quiet voice.

You don't feel comfortable wearing the helmet, you seem to be teasing the shelter tightly and adjusting the angle.

While doing so, go on and mouth the question.

"Baron Gegran himself, or is there someone in his family with black hair and black eyes?

I'm surprised Solin overheard the question.

Earlier, the magician said, "Was that the first thing you aimed at me? I should have asked."

I thought that was going to satisfy my vengeance, or else I was going to ask you about the magic of the Fire Penetrator (the name that was written in the old book Lane referenced) who was shot out.

Solin, only a little calmer, managed to start moving her right hand in the cocoon where she was twitching her body.

When she was being held captive by Webb's witchcraft, she had her hands on her feet to cover her burns.

On the ground, with his right half down, he's falling sideways.

The spat I was wearing on the boot is burning and worn out, but the knife I was planting inside the boot seems fine.

He suffers burn pain, desperately shrinks his legs and reaches out.

"Hey, turn around, you coward. How dare you ask your guardian to answer me on a cowardly note?

After being asked unexpected questions, Donovan seems to have skipped his gaze toward Jean.

Thorin once remembered one thing while Donovan was stuffed by a magician.

- Speaking of which... When was it, Lady Lane was once told to look for someone with dark hair and dark eyes? Donovan, don't answer honestly!

I don't even know I was born again from another world, but Lane has dark hair and black eyes.

- I need to thoroughly mix deceptive information with questions that might concern her.

Including Solyn, Lane's shield faces don't just pull Lane's legs.

"I can't stay. Even if you were here, you'd be a relative I don't know."

Donovan replied, as if her thoughts made sense.

"... right"

Strangely, the magician said with a thin grin.

"Earlier, I heard that the Baron Geglan family was the family of a court magician (Court Mage), is this true?

- Almost... Almost...

Fingertips touch the tip of the knife pattern.

but I don't get to grab the pattern thanks to being restrained.

Thorin was wondering, aggrieved by the burn pain that resonated with the bumps.

"True. My lord Doolac works for the Royal Castle as a silver cup."

It is customary for courtroom magicians in the Kingdom of Davas to be courtroom magic masters for those titled Golden Cup.

Naturally, the silver cup ranks lower than that, but its number is not double digit.

It should be noted that the court magician, because of his close proximity to the cabinet, can also be called general information such as his surname, so hiding it doesn't make much sense.

"... a silver cup. Oh, good. So what is the gender and race, age, of that Doolac lady?

"Man, it's Hume. You can be 46 this year."

Solyn looks around softly.

There is no particular difference between a mage who seems to be paying attention to Donovan and a man standing beside Gene and turning his back on this one.

Mekui seems to remain a bug breath, completely letting go of consciousness.

"Right. What about family structure? Do you have any kids that could be your heirs?


Solin, who hears Donovan's response, accidentally wanders off.

Your gaze intersects with that of the magician who turned to you.

"Is that your son?


I was unintentionally relieved, but deliberately stimulated burns and distorted my face.

The magician's expression doesn't shake as much as a hair.

"What's your name?

"It's Master John."

"How old are you? About forty?

"No, I won't allow you to insult Master Doolac."

This mage is totally making fun of this one.

I have just said that the year of Doolac will be forty-six.

"Oh, I'm so sorry about this.... now it's 21?

Being told how old Pitali and Lane are makes Solin unwittingly flirt with Vikri.

Thanks to this, I was able to pinch the knife pattern with my right index finger and the tip of my middle finger!

"No. Twenty-one or wherever..."

I hear Donovan's chilling voice.

"How many?

"I can be 17 this year"

He would be old enough to be a four-five year old son.

"... can John and I use magic enough to carry on after your father?

"... That's quite right, they say. I don't even know the skill level."

Upon hearing so much out, the magician stuck the tip of the sword he had on Donovan's neck.

Watching how it goes, Solin slowly pulls out the knife by carefully bending her fingertips.

"Enough about your husband. Next up is your own story. Who did you learn magic from?

Has the sorcerer begun to rush?

I don't even seem to be able to afford to worry about the two names anymore.

But it seemed to me that Solin had a better way of calling me this.

"... it's my father"

"Hmm. There's magic like a slave..."

"True. My father could have used magic."

- Donovan, keep buying time. Almost......

"... so now you can use magic too? This woman, that woman, and the old man there can use magic on the slave's ass. Is there such a coincidence? Don't lie to me."

A look of contempt appears on the magician's face.

I don't even think it's "impossible" for Solin.

Certainly too unnatural.

"... it is not impossible to think so, but your husband is told that he has gathered magical slaves..."

"Okay. Enough. Next question. Ask again. Are you the first one to aim at me?

"When was the first time..."

Thumbs on the knife pattern too!

"Don't delude me. Right after I put the dirt wall out."

"I don't."

Sorcerer's consciousness seems to be directed entirely exclusively at Donovan.

But those of his men slowly began to peek around.

Solyn also irritates the burns and exaggerates his face.

"Hmm? Then change the question. You know the kind of attack magic that runs through the dirt walls that you magically put out?

"I don't know. As much as I'd like you to tell me if you have anything like that."

- Still about Fire Penetrator...?

"... it was Baron Doulach Gegran's child who taught you that magic?

"He says he doesn't know"

"Answer me properly"

"That's why I'm saying I don't know. Why would Mr. John come out here in the first place?

- You said you didn't know!... Huh? Kid? I just said he's my son. Why? Are you stupid?

"Ugh. I have no choice."

The magician, who had so much conversation, walked out to Gene, who had just roared with a moga with a stick of wood stuck in his mouth, when he had a discouraged look, as he put it.

"Claw, I don't have much time. Take the information from that woman your way."

'Okay. All right, that's a topic I've been talking about, okay?

"Oh. But you can't take much time."

I'll do something about it. Well, let it be. '

The sorcerer and his men are having a conversation again with words that Solin has never heard of.

I could totally grip the knife pattern.

To avoid being blamed, I gently pull the blade part when I carefully hit the cocoon-like web.

Looks like we can cut it somehow.

It will take some time, but Solin is slightly relieved that his self-escape eyes have appeared.

The magician, who cut his gaze off from his men, slowly poked around Gene's chest with a sword that remained in his hand.


Jean, with a wooden stick stuck in his mouth, raised a voiceless scream.

Sorin is breathtaking to see how it goes.

The same goes for Donovan.

"Gu... obu..."

Looks like he bled a lot out of Gene's chest under the web.

It stains red from the inside as the web, which was like a white cocoon, looks at it.

Bright red blood overflowed from the edge of his mouth with the wooden stick stuck in it.

The magician's men crouch beside Mekui, who remains unconscious, without even looking at Gene, who made death his present.

"If we don't treat him soon, this man... will die in about ten minutes. If you answer, I'll treat you."

Earlier it was a seemingly unproductive penetration, but it seemed to have been added or subtracted to the extent that it did not die instantly.

It doesn't make any sense when I find out about it.

- No, Donovan. Don't answer that!

The resistance of the web that I was feeling at my fingertips suddenly changed, and I heard the tip of the knife scratching the ground.

I guess I could cut it to the surface.

All you have to do is cut and expand this hole -!

"Was it Baron Doulach Gegran's child who taught you the kind of attack magic that would pierce the dirt walls you magically put out?

"I don't know any such magic."

"Don't you answer yet? That guy's gonna die, huh?

"I can't answer anything I don't know."

- Dear Gene, bear with me for a while now. Soon......!

I think I'll be free about my right arm in a few minutes.

"Then another taught you?

"I would say no!?"


The magician who heard Donovan's answer seemed to have used healing magic when he unexpectedly went to Gene.

It looks like Donovan was taken lightly, too, and he looks like he's stuck in a fox.

"If you answered properly without lying, I'll keep my word."

By the magician's healing witchcraft, Gene seems to have taken off the abyss of death, but it doesn't change that he's a bug breath, just like Mekui.

The wound is not completely healed.

"Claw, are you there yet?

"Oh. This woman seems sure to be losing her mind. Just in case you have to be careful."

A subordinate who was crouching beside Mekui rises.

They were making sure Mekui remained unconscious.

Solyn exposes her face as she suffers from pain so that she can look well at her men approaching her.

I thought it would be unlikely that he would suddenly be killed over this period.

Hands still holding the knife have yet to regain full freedom.

"Uh, what did you get? No, status open."

My men saw the status when they touched Solin's cheek.

Almost free at the wrist.

We need to buy some time......!


Said Solin, suffering the burn pain, with a large wrinkle carved between his brows.

"Solin Solanyl. Nice. I love you."

Suddenly Solin looks surprised by what the man says.


Once again, biting the meaning of the word, Solin felt the less spine of joy creeping in.

"Ah... ah..."

to the cerebral cord, was devastated as if he had also run electroshock to the spirit.

But it dominates Solin in such a way that it is sweet, gentle, and paralyzed everywhere.

I can't help but love a man whispering love in front of me.

Is it burning in the day, slightly shallow black but fine skin with chimes.

A comfortable voice stroking your ears like a summer evening breeze.

Deep pitch black eyes as if even consciousness were swallowed.

Just as important as your eyes...... yes, dark hair with the same color as your precious Lane Tier.

The thin eyebrows, which were foolish if they weren't manly until earlier, now feel the same colour as they smell.

"Yeah, me too. My darling."

At the same time I felt a slightly damp fever in my lower abdomen.

This was the first time I've ever lived with this feeling.

I can't help but want this man to hold me.

He was held in the arms of the man in front of him, and even hallucinated by the sight of the morning as he wandered.

For this man, I think you can do whatever it takes to get this man.

- Oh, you mean this loves people?

I did a little bit of madness.

My leg burn hurts.

But I don't want to see an ugly face distorted by pain.

"Sounds painful, huh?

The man calls out worryingly.

Worried by his loved ones, Solyn gained a deep sense of satisfaction.

Only at this moment is he completely conscious of himself.

Nobody else, just yourself.

"This much...... Ouch"

Though I gained satisfaction, what hurts hurts.

"Solin. Are you okay?

The man asks worried.

"It hurts... do something about it. And this web... I want to touch you."

Hearing a sweeter Solin voice than I'd ever heard before, Donovan seemed to instinctively feel like she wasn't acting, making a slight face.

"Solin! What's up!? What are you talking about!?"

The magician standing beside Donovan also stared at Solin and the man with his eyes round, but stepped on Donovan's injured leg with momentum.


Screaming from Donovan's mouth.

"Shut up, that guy. How dare you stand in our way?

In front of Solin, the man he loves zeroes his discontent.

"I guess so. Donovan's been aware of me lately."

Indulging in burn pain, Solin uttered words ridiculing his fellow man.

Thorin himself was surprised that those words came out naturally, but he reconsidered that it was true, so he had no choice.

"Heh, were you close?

"Mmm...... well, old dating"

Talk so far, Sorin gradually feels restless.

I remember not even knowing the name of the man I love.

"Hey, what's your name, man?

"Claw. Look, look at the status."

The gentle smiling man said as he touched Solin's cheek again.

Warm fluctuations can be felt from the place touched.

"Status Open...... Awesome! You're a knight, aren't you?

"Oh, I did my best for you."

Hearing those words, even tears come to Solin's eyes.

"Thorin! Solin! You, what the hell!? WOW!!"

The magician looked at Claw and squeezed his jaw as he stepped on Donovan again.

I love Claw more than anything, except that magician!

A great deal of anger springs up suddenly and uncontrollably.

"Hey Claw.... that magician is an enemy!

Sorin disturbs like he panicked.

"Calm down. That man is my Knight Commander. Don't say that to my loved ones. Does Solin want to put me in a bad position?

"Huh? I don't... I don't know... but, uh..."

"Please, Solin. I need you to think about my position."

Solin gets confused.

Why does Claw shelter his enemies?

"Ugh... Gu... Solin... Whew!

Donovan is confused too.

It didn't seem to him that Solin was acting.

"Solin. Solin. My precious Solin. Please help me."

"What's wrong, Claw? What's bothering you?

Thorin wandered around wrapped in too much web worrying about Claw and looked at him with burn pain.

And it reminds me that I kept my knife in my grip.

"Wait, now there's such a web..."

Claw finally realized that Sorin was busy and began to move his wrist.

"What are you doing? Hmm? Isn't that a knife? It's not safe."

Smiling gently, Claw took the knife from Solin.

I'll take care of it.

"Thanks, Claw"

Solyn smiled when she saw Claw's face she could count on.

"Try harder."


Claw began scratching the web wrapping Solin's body with a pattern, not a knife blade.

"... by the way, Solin"


"I want to hold you fast. I want a hug."

Having heard Claw's words, Solin felt her spirit exalted enough to temporarily forget even the burn pain.

"Oh, Claw. Me, too."

With a gentle face, Claw stares at Solin.

"Fuck, shit. Solin! What's going on? Yikes! Awwwwwww!!"

Donovan is even weeping.

"Baron Gegran himself, or is there someone in his family with black hair and black eyes?

"Huh? Why would you do that?"

Somewhere in Sorin's head the warning rang.

"Look at my face. Black hair, black eyes, right? I'm looking for a family I broke up with alive."

Solyn was relieved to hear Claw's answer.

- Claw and Lady Lantier are your brothers and sisters!? No, sister and brother!? Either way, but it's a lovely thing!

"Solin! What!? GOOD!!"

There is a wrinkle between Claw's brows when he hears Donovan's voice.

Donovan is a total loser to make Claw uncomfortable.

"Lady Lane Tier, whom we serve, has the same black eyes on her black hair as you! I've been looking for someone with dark hair and dark eyes!

"Oh! Right! You mean lane tier! That's a beautiful name!

"Yeah, Claw. It's not just the name. That's beautiful, just like you. I think everyone would say beautiful."

"Are you sick? Healthy?"

"I haven't seen you in a while, but you seemed fine then."

The magician's eyes narrowed as he stepped over Donovan on the verge of extinction.

Looks like he's laughing.

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