
Moving about 20 km northwest along the provisional border from the village of Darbin, there is a lake named Selvonne, which extends to several km in diameter.

The northern shore of the lake is Lomberto territory and the southern shore is Dabus territory.

The lake has a small island.

Only one island floats on Lake Selvonne, so there is no particular name.

It is simply called an island.

but no one in the neighborhood knows the island.

A long time ago, there was a battle on that island that later became legendary.

It was a battle that broke out between a green dragon like the incarnation of evil known as Bergoflocti and a group of brave adventurers named Ethereal Flame (Blue Flame).

I am told the battle spanned several days.

Blue Flame fought bravely and managed to defeat the Green Dragon while taking many casualties.

Evidence, the Demon Stone, has also been brought back, and it is now said that the Demon Stone sits in the treasure trove of the Kingdom of Dabus.

Because of this, it has been conveyed that there are two or three Demon Stones, but the details are unknown because they have not been published.

Also unknown to anyone, Bergovrokti lay eggs in one of several wetlands on the Dart Plains not long before he was killed by Blue Flame.

Immediately after laying the eggs, it would also be possible to commend the fact that it was a period of weakness when Bergoflocti was defeated as a major factor.

That being so, the number of dragon species present in the oath is very small.

For this reason, the majority of dragon females can be preserved without deteriorating male semen to a special organ in the body once they have intercourse.

After intercourse, it is possible to fertilize and lay eggs whenever you like.

A dozen eggs lay at a time.

They lay eggs about ten times in total in their lifetime, but most of them never grow up to adulthood.

The cause of this is not parenting and eating together.

However, the dragon also seems to have parental love, and it is rare to produce multiple pieces together in one place.

Even so, the distance between eggs and eggs is often only a few dozen meters away...

The time required for eggs of spawned dragons to hatch varies from egg to egg.

It takes hundreds of years in the Black Dragon (Black Dragon), supposedly relatively short, and about two hundred years in the longest Golden Dragon (Gold Dragon).

Parent dragons can't be divided into eggs.

Although no spawning can be divided, it is quite unlikely that those with metal epidermis will be produced, often without a single egg being produced.

And now, deep in the mud of the wetlands southwest of Darbin village.

One egg swayed small.

The swing keeps constant speed and gets bigger and bigger.

The vibration continued to connect the air bubbles that had been contained in the mud that had covered the perimeter of the egg, creating a small space around the egg.

Still, the vibration doesn't fit, and the space takes in new air bubbles and gradually increases.

It may be said that there is already no space around a few centimeters of eggs.

Then what do you think?

The eggs stopped vibrating.


There's a crack in the egg shell.

The hibi grew a little bigger, and when it became somewhat bigger, a small shard fell off when I wondered if there was any kind of gas emitting inside.

After a few hours, gases develop again in the eggs.

Along with that, the small shards began to fall off the perimeter of the hole where the shards fell off like a puffy peel.

Repeating it several times, the hole gradually grows larger, and finally the tip of a sharply bent nail like a raptor peeps from the inside.

The nail scratched the edge of the hole to make it even bigger.

And finally, the eggs laid by Bergoflocti succeeded in hatching.

Little dragons like chicks had beautiful green scales and golden glowing eyes.

Both are of exactly the same color as when the devil and the feared Bergoflocti were born.

The dragon begins to scratch the mud as it breaks its shell.

Instinctively, we're going to the ground.

In this way, we learn how to use the body and, if possible, learn about magic at the same time.

The newborn dragon finally reached the ground after days of hanging.

For the first time in my life I was exposed to sunlight, I saw the blue sky, and drank flowing water.

I ate fish swimming in the water and worms clinging to the grass.

I also tried the birds that flew in after them.

All this was wonderful and delicious.

And a little big prey caught my eye.

- It looks more delicious because it's so much bigger than the guy I've ever had.

That's what Dragon thought.

The place where the prey is is a little far from here.

My feet get caught in the swamp even if I want to get closer.

but I immediately spread the wings growing on my back.


11 Jan 7450

"Next, I'm going for that guy at the left end!

Toni began to move gently when he declared to the guard's shield.

- It's too late... what does Master Gene have in mind?

Toni was unhappy as he gave himself up and hid behind his shield, aligning his feet and making a small run.

We were able to confirm that noise had occurred in the enemy formation, so we struck out, but since then, there has been no major noise in the enemy formation.

In a pre-arranged operation, Jeans Lane's shield was supposed to go around the position on Lomberto's side and shoot enemy mages from behind.

However, a considerable amount of time has passed without even raising a voice like that in the enemy formation.

- Too late. It would be strange if I hadn't been able to turn around for a while.

He has already unleashed as many as nine assault sorceries, and as a result he has laid down six enemy soldiers.

Besides, two of them were supposedly magicians, and one of them was wearing black stained metal armor (plate mail).

It's a very big martial arts medal for an individual.

- It's time to limit ourselves to boulders...

Toni possesses much more magic than the average magician, but the rest is still cut in half.

Because it was quite magical to increase the speed of the magic warhead.

To make matters worse, it has become badly noticeable because it has been too active, and enemy soldiers on the wall are beginning to make Toni their enemy.

Around here is the reveal of little battlefield experience and a young man trying to improve his kung fu, but an honest and genuine character would take at least another decade for him to figure it out.

We should get back to the good stuff.

I know, but it's his job to divert attention from the Genes, so I can't go back unless there's a sniper coming from behind the enemy lines.

"Good luck reporting"

Following reports of the return of Value and Danik, Sir Fireblaze, the Commander, replied.

The two men had brought the bodies of two enemy soldiers that Al had planted to this point.

"What about that body?

"I am the magician of Dabus, whom Lord Gried has taken over."

The destruction of a sorcerer against his enemies is a great battle, and even if he is dead, he is usually eligible for a greater reward.

If you capture him alive, the amount will multiply.

Therefore, many of the enemy magicians who have finished battle take it home because even corpses are evidence of their own battle.

"We are both slaves, but we are slaves owned by the Dabus court magician, the Baron Gegran family...... please check it out"

Speaking of slaves owned by court magicians doesn't necessarily mean magic can be used.

According to two reports, there were six Dabus magicians, all of whom the Earl of the League had laid down.

When Sir Fireblaze, intrigued, checked the status of the body, both names possessed multiple elemental magic skills.

"... sounds like you did use magic. Maybe he wasn't a slave before... I didn't know he was still young enough to wipe out as many as six magicians on the battlefield by himself... uhm"

The two reported that the Earl of the League had just defeated all six of them when he arrived, although he had headed for backup or shooting to detect a battle in the vicinity while on alert standby in the North Forest.

"And, Regiment, the Count says there are no more enemy soldiers around there. Since the battle began here, it was up to us to return first due to the life of the Count…"

Only they returned first because only the two men who killed them were ordered to keep them and precede them in order to allow them to cover the formation that entered the battle.

Count Riegle and the other knight say they will capture the remaining four or go back after stabbing a stop.

"Right. That's what the Count said..."

Sir Fireblades smiled lightly when he received the report.

- That's the Count's assertion that he's so good at detecting the enemy's signs. … then can I assume that there is no concern of hindsight?

I thought one of my worries had been removed.

But Sir Fireblades immediately reconsiders and silences for a while.

- Aren't you coming for reinforcements other than mages...?

It would be weird if a good number of reinforcements weren't sent in normally.

However, I recall Sir Balmish's words that the time of the raid was adjusted to take into account the considerable distance between the nearby villages and the troop travel time.

"Okay. I'm sorry to rush you, but there's no cavalry yet. You need to wait behind the wall."

Sir Fireblades, who lowered the two, called one of the squadron commanders who was climbing the wall to check on the war situation, but left no significant change, so he decided to return half of them from the squadron that had him on the north side alert.

"What do we do with this guy?

Claw said, pointing to Mekui, who is being held on the web while passing out.

He holds a long sword wet in blood in his right hand.

"Mm-hmm. You've been fainting, haven't you? I don't think they saw you using your unique skills. In my position, it must be true to take him prisoner alive and ransom him... '

Al also answers as he puts Donovan, turned into a corpse, on Claw's military horse.

The magic of glamour (Succession) or charm (Charm People) doesn't work against hostile opponents.

The king's men had no animosity towards Al.

It will therefore take a great deal of time to get useful information from Donovan, who was hurt but did not throw up.

And just because I spent a lot of time doesn't mean I can always get accurate information.

At the time I thought so, Al had no reason to keep Donovan alive.

'I'm not sure about that. As far as I'm concerned, I just want to kill you. "

Claw replied as he shook his sword and shed the blood on the blade as if to shake off the hinge of the rain umbrella.

At his feet there is an out-of-the-box Solin rolling.

'... hold on, you. You whispered love earlier, but you're rude. "

When he sees how it is, Al tells him as if he was frightened.

"Unplug it. This is how I ate it before I met you. Well, I didn't kill him, but now I do. And you can't even talk about people? If I answered correctly, I would keep my word and I would kill him."

Claw replied as he threw up watching the rolling soline at his feet.

but there is a deep wrinkle between his eyebrows and a sinking look on his face.

"Have you forgotten one thing? If I answer my questions honestly, I will only save my life as a prisoner. Otherwise I said I'd kill you on this spot, didn't I? Now, I think if I had answered honestly without lying like you said, I would have kept you alive. I wouldn't have had to use your help if you'd thrown up with a pepper. Candle.... I didn't even kill the irresistible. '

Sorin, imprisoned by Claw's temptation, confessed, so he quickly found out about Donovan's lies.

Baron Gegran's child was his daughter, and he had dark hair and dark eyes.

He was the same age as the Al's and his birthday was with him.

Finally, I found out that I was holding a new key position as a court magician (Court Wizard).

"No... 'Cause you were curing that old man even after he lied..."

Claw looks unexpected referring to Gene, who turned into a corpse just like Solin.

'Sure you are. But I didn't even say I'd kill you as soon as I lied. This is the first time I've seen you use temptation. I didn't know what was going to happen, and I was just trying to get that woman upset in jail. "

Al used the anti-magic field to solve the web when he went to Gene's side.

The majority of the web disappears leaving where Gene's blood has been stained.

'Uh, yes, sir. You know, it's the same place.'

At the back of Claw's brain, the face of Begle, who sometimes laughed at Claw, floated.

They were all criminals, but some were embedded in Al's words.

'Bullshit. So, she's the one, but she probably hasn't seen you use seduction. Still kill him?

Al asked as he took charge of Gene.

'Oh. A slave who can use magic would get quite a ransom, but sometimes just in case. As far as I'm concerned, I want to kill you so you don't rot. You don't give a shit about that kind of money now, do you?

Claw also answers by taking up the soline.

'Well, that's not a waste of money. But I can also increase the amount of expedition allowance I pay you guys.... you should have some easy to understand bonuses, right?

Al replied as he rambled Gene up over Donovan.

'... is that what you're really saying?

Claw raises questions as he carries Solin's body next to Donovan.

'You think I'm not serious?

Al said as he headed towards Mekui.

"Oh, you don't seem serious."

Claw answers instantly as he pulls the rope out of the saddlebag.

'Heh? What makes you think that? I'd like to know why.'

Going as far as Mekui's side, Al turns around and says as he arms around.

'First of all... you still can't deny the possibility that you've been seen about my temptations. If the woman were to return to Dabus alive, she would surely have been ransomed for being your husband's court magician or something. He's the same reincarnator we are. "


"If he had a brain miso that he could think about properly, he couldn't have gone back safely. You'd ask what kind of opponent a bunch of child sorcerers were captured by, or hit by. Even if not, the woman will be very aggressive with the report. Whether or not my temptation was being seen at that time is an important issue. I might be cautious."

"So? If I'm cautious, can I prevent your temptation? I didn't think I could do it."

'Sure it is. But it's the difference between heaven and earth to know that there's someone who can do that, and what you don't. "

"I see."

Al looks just a little happy and stares behind Claw, who ties the body so it doesn't slip off.

"We still have it, huh?


Al turned out to be a fun face.

"It's you."


'That's right. You, you said you were hit by attack magic you didn't even know about, right? Pe, Pe, PentaTrooper or something.'


'Yeah, that. As much as I had planted in a slave in front of me. Even the owners will be able to use it.'

"Well, I guess so"

Al answered, clapping his shoulders.

"He's not even an adventurer, but he's like planting such a special attack magic on a slave. It's not crap. '

"Why not? It's nothing, okay?

Al seems a little strange.

"... Damn, it's my turn when Tris gets far..."

"Huh? What?

"If you're a battle slave owned by an adventurer (Versatiler), you don't know. But, Courtme, you're a court magician, right? Besides, he's like sending him into the army without even putting a janitor on the slave in front of him. Aren't you usually wary of rebellion and teach advanced sorcery?


'Come on, don't be silly.... If I were to teach you, it would be enough to equate such magic to a toy... Court Mage... I guess that's what this is all about. "

Al understood exactly what Claw was trying to say.

The reborn Dabus, who owns the Jeans, is a magician enough to work for the Royal Palace.

It may not be as good as Al's, but it would definitely be the first to see him as a very good user of magic.

Returning Mekui in exchange for ransom as a wartime prisoner means, in short:

It is known that there are those who defeat the "quite a group of combative slaves" where Al refers to them alone.

Whatever you think, the Mequis either grew it on hand salt or they bought it all up with a huge load of money.

It costs a lot of time and money.

From tens of millions, even if you are rich, you will inevitably feel angry if the gold that may exceed a hundred million is returned to the blister, according to this.

Or it could have been adorable, like Zulu for Al.

In that case, it would not be the noise of the degree of thought mentioned above.

In any case, there is a good chance that the person who defeated them, or Al, will be resented as an individual.

And most importantly, it is very likely that such a person will be the same reincarnator as ourselves.

'... so?

Al asked pleasantly.

"So... you'd have expected it too."

I don't think Master Lantier and I can even hide it from you.

"Huh? Why? I don't know who did it if I killed him... '

"Hmm, the Kingdom of Romberto, from the eyes of our Japanese, is somewhat better in peacetime than in Kamakura and other warring countries. Still, other countries are in the middle of the Middle Ages, in the 10th century or something like that. It's like the middle of a peacetime, and I'd say it's a lot better than that. '

It seemed like Al suddenly started talking irrelevant if I tried to claw it.

'But only military is pretty decent, this is it. The concept of class and troops is also solid. I don't know what class Davas is. They only have about one hand type of how many chiefs, and the soldiers are under the command of the Knights at once, but they're like how many chiefs of private soldiers were there just now. I guess that can be taken for granted from the time of the world, but it's not surprising that Romberto's military personnel, if compared to an army like that of a rogue, would all have been insulted by that alone. I don't think such a royal knighthood would miss a merit award. "

'But you didn't officially join the war this time. Miso.'

When he heard Claw's reply, Al gave him a flashing look.

I haven't been able to hide my surprise.

You seem to be feeling unexpected.

'... you, aren't you terrible miso? I worked pretty good, didn't I?

'Mm-hmm. Well, miso was terrible. But you weren't supposed to be here. "

'So? That's no reason not to get the Arbitrage Award right, is it?

'Yeah. That's right. But think about it. If you're going to investigate the annoying guy who killed so many slaves you can use...'

"It's easy to find out what kind of guy made a big deal out of this fight."

'Listen to me. That's right. You're right, we'll find out. Finally, you'll do enough to take the back so you don't get the wrong information. Doesn't it make sense to say it in Japanese common sense or out of vengeance?

Al glanced at Mekui and appraised him at the same time.

Looks like he's still unconscious.

'... I guess so'

With that reply, Al looked amused to see if he had thought of anything.

You think that would make you realize something strange?

Al and I are quite serious about the look on Claw's face.

Something strange?

"The travel time from the territory is unusual. What would you think if it was you?


'I'll just tell you what I know as soon as I do a little research. The Earl of the League, Alain Gried, is a new America as Earl. Apparently, he was narrated by the Earl who defeated the big Wyvern in the Labyrinth of Balduk and ruled the West Dart by giving him the magical armor he had made from that scale. "and then defeated the dragon."


Al listens in silence after just lifting the edge of his mouth a little.

But at the same time, he seemed impressed with Claw, who kept talking.

"At the end of last year I was in Wang Capital. Anyway, a lot of people are watching me, and I've been planning on doing this for a long time, so I can look into it as long as I'm not a spy who's missing a lot of time. So, and less than a month later, I'm in the middle of the Dart Plains participating in the war. In the meantime, I might find out that you're going back to your territory. Zydritz is a royal crook, isn't he? It's not weird if a Dabus man dives in. Like that Begle. '

Al's smile turned bitter.

It's hard not to deny it with confidence.

"Well, as early as, um, you're in the realm the day after tomorrow, aren't you? If you're the court magician over there, how do you judge this? You think of a magic hoof or something? Do you imagine they even made it in automobiles? You'll find out about the carriage railroad, but construction has just begun, a situation that hasn't even opened up satisfactorily inside the territory of West Dart. If anyone could have imagined that, it would have been something other than human. Then you should just bow your head and let him go."

Al, who heard so much about it, consciously erased his expression when he finally realized that his expression was moving.

'In short, you shouldn't even give this kind of live information to someone like that. You're going to be involved in my future, so think about it a little more. "

Al only comes up with a slightly mean thought when he hears that.

- You, weren't you going home to Keel with Marie when you repaid your debt?

But soon he looks niggly and happy.

'Oh, right. Follow me. I'm not gonna make it worse.'

Al appraises Mekui again, seeping in a slightly happier voice.

Still unconscious.

And I say it as I erase the web wrapping Mekui in the anti-magic field.

Then I'll take advantage of her experience.

To be honest, it was just irresistible, and I didn't want to kill a woman with my own hands.

"... luxury. But you just talked a little bit. We have to hurry. '

'Fine. It hasn't been five minutes. That's all there is to it. Five or ten minutes won't do anything about it. "

Al answered with a rope in his hand to secure Mekui's body to the horse.


Winged dragons try winging quickly.

I already understood how to wing because I ate birds.

On rare occasions, dragons gain memories of eaten organisms.

Sometimes we learn the sociality of the species we eat and even the language.

I tried winging like a bird, but I couldn't jump off the ground.

- Winged birds (good ones) covered in feathers (fluffy ones) and myself (me) without feathers (fluffy) may be different.

After trial and error, my body rose slightly.

Then progress is fast.

Successfully rises to about half the height with the next wingspan.

What prey did you just find?

Looks like he's still on the spot.

Take two or three more wings to further altitude.

Even the little birds, small animals and fish that were beside them leave the scene at full speed.

The prey is now well visible.

The prey is solidified in a group.

By taking altitude, the prey seems to have noticed here.

I got the impression that I was going to turn around and run away.

- Let them eat!!

I spread my wings and glided away.

Getting closer to Gungu and Prey.

The prey turned this way.

The color of terror floated over its face, but the dragon didn't really understand what it was.

But I feel pleasure.

I was just a little surprised that there were things other than appetite that made me feel happy.

When you approach a group, you know that they are bigger than your own body.

But there is no sense of crisis at all.

My instincts made me think they were weaker.

And when I jump into a group, I go around thinking about it.



The scream echoes.

Poor Centaur was devoured and killed without being able to resist.



"Dazedoh! Gorzon dokuri wag!!"


- Golzondokouri?

I didn't understand it at all, but I liked the sound for some reason.

And after enjoying enough killing, when I ate the first head, I suddenly understood.

- In the golf zone, strong. It's dokuri, oversized. I see, is that what you mean?

Knowledge increased again when I ate my next head.

- Females are softer and tastier in meat than males.... Hung? Female? What?... Hmm. Is that what it is?

The chick dragon with beautiful green scales was only about 1 m long when it came out on the ground, but it has now grown rapidly to about double.

Somehow, I still felt like I could get big enough to eat for a while.

And look for prey again.

I found a new prey in the distance.

Looks like a pale mass.

Once again, understanding the shape of its prey brings about a greater, if not more instinctive, underlying desire for sickles.

- If I ate him, more...!

Take altitude again and cut the sky for new prey.

I noticed something strange around pretty close.

- I don't know if I'm a prey.

It was my first feeling.

- He... might not be a good idea if he gets his hands on it...

When I thought so.

A pale mass moved.

Spread wings similar to your own, stretching long necks that were round.

Overall, I can't say it looks the same, but there are many different parts of it.

I saw each other.

His golden eyes are delightful.

The blue dragon spread larger wings and wings than double the green chick dragon.

I'm more used to flying than chick dragons.

- Shit, run!

I manage to kill the speed, get down to the swamp, and hurry to change direction.

At that time the blue young dragon is shaking with joy.

On rare occasions, dragons gain memories of eaten organisms.

Sometimes we learn the sociality of the species we eat and even the language.

And you also get the magic it has, only if you eat the same species.

This is the fifth time a blue young dragon eats his kind.

I can't hope to grow fast eating any more.

Big prey is good, but you should eat all kinds of things and grow in a different way.

I got sleepy again after eating.

- Golzondokouri. I (I) liked it too.

On the verge of falling asleep, young dragons with pale scales become aware of their own existence for the first time.

It's not listed in the status, but the young Blue Dragon (Blue Dragon) had his own name.

- The next time you wake up... let's get away from here.

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