Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 132: The Strategy of Tankur Village

11 Jan 7450

"Oh, my lord. Are you back?"

When Al and the others reported their return, Sir Fireblades stopped talking to his men who had spoken until then and walked over.

"I'm back now. And Commander, you just let your men out of position on their own, or you let them head this way. Please forgive me."

Al bows his head softly.

I sincerely thought so about this.

"No, if the rear worries are gone, it makes sense to thicken the main formation at all. There's no problem. More than that, that one?

Sir Fireblaze asked in a slightly discouraged voice.

He thought he was capturing the "magical slave" alive and expected it.

"Yeah. I'm a battle slave for Dabus. Unfortunately, they resisted until the end, so it wasn't better than killing them."

Al also answered unfortunately.

"Then you can't help it. But it's a shame."

"Absolutely. One more important report. When we captured these guys, we tried to interrogate them, but apparently reinforcements are approaching from Kincade village in the east. They seem to be an advance party for that reinforcement."

While Al is making his report, Claw is silently unloading four bodies from his horse.

The information now comes from one of those bodies, Solin.

"Hmm...... still. Do you know the scale?

"It seems to be about 150 to 200."

"About half to two-thirds of the defense team..."

Following reports of reinforcements, Sir Fireblaze's face changed.

- About 1500 are stationed in Tankur, and if it has been found that more than 10% of reinforcements are huge but definitely coming, there is no direction whatsoever.

"... valuable information, helpful. We will hold a military conference immediately, so if you wish to be heard, Your Excellency will remain here and your men will be ordered to take a brief break."

Copy that, sir.

Sir Fireblaze seemed to think that now was the time to use the Cavalry Squad of the Tiger Child.

After a short military council, Al was communicating an operation decided by the military council in front of three of his men.

"… so I will act differently again. Then he asked me to come under the command of the cavalry unit again. Deploy to the front of the formation by storming from the right exit. It is my life to enlighten and protect the assault path of the 1st, 3rd and 4th Squadrons, which will serve as an entry force into the village, but right now there are only archers and sorcerers in front of the formation, and the shields who will protect them, so there won't be much danger."

Al explains quickly.

"The cavalry unit will then attempt to enter the village as appropriate to the entry of the earlier entry unit, but you will maintain the assault path as it is. Any further details will be conveyed by Sir Balmish, the commander."

There are no questions on the faces of my men.

"Then go. Pray for good luck."

The three men ordered by Al ran towards their respective horses when they replied.


For a while, after dropping off his men's backs, Al pulls his sword out of his sheath only once to check his condition.

Here's the operation I decided to do earlier.

First, defeat the skilled magician with Al climbing on the wall wandering in front of the formation.

After confirming it, attack Dabus archers and magicians who remain archers and magicians simultaneously.

At the same time, a cavalry unit led by Sir Balmish is put out of the gap of the formation in order to open and maintain the assault path.

Then, Squadron I, III and IV, led by Sir Fireblades, flesh out to Tankur village through a cut and enlightened assault path, breaking down the gate.

It is an operation where part of the cavalry unit is pushed and spread there when the breakthrough into the village is cut and enlightened, and then each squadron's infantry unit also falls into an avalanche.

Sir Fireblades is a commander but will assume command of the advance, but many parts have to be judged ad hoc because of the operation of falling into an avalanche in the village, so naturally in combat of this magnitude in this era.

"Shall I go too... Mr. Bal, people are rough, already"

Solitaire with your sword in your sheath.

As a result, Al claimed that he had little room for magic in dealing with an earlier enemy mage squad, and showed difficulty in participating in the fight, but Sir Balmish pushed him away.

To justify that opinion, Sir Balmish saw Al back in line and asked if magic was depressed to the natural irreparable realm.

As for Al, he replied, "I'm not that depressed" because he also has the brilliance of not wanting to be seen by a man who uses magic without looking that far.

Sir Balmish, who confirmed it, said when he touched the bodies of the Dabus magicians, who were also Al's feat, he made sure everyone's body temperature was quite low.

"If it's as cold as this, the magic will be somewhat restored."


The first Al to look good was answering, "To the extent that I can do anything with about one more person to this extent".

They took the word for it.

Al's face smiles bitterly as he climbs the stairs to the wall.

Either way, there's only one amazing magician left in the enemy with the assignment that was given to him.

After that, I can watch the offensive strategy from the privileged seat.

- Well, maybe it's not bad depending on what you think.

Al thought as he looked back and looked down at the formation about to climb the stairs.

There are plenty of bonfires on fire as well as a shining moon in a circle.

As expected, the view from a high position tells us what's going on in the formation.

The operation is being transmitted and the soldiers are starting to move.

I can see the flow of the person beyond anything else.

- Oh, this is literally a sight of height. Nice. Nice.

Having only slightly fixed his mood, Al climbed onto the wall.

"I've been waiting for you, my lord"

A familiar First Knights member called out.

The operation already seemed to have been conveyed.

He said he would put on a select shield to protect Al.

"What is your goal around now?

Did you change your mind, Al asked with a sharp eye.

- Shit. Not yet? It's really the limit now.

Toni wiped the sweat floating on his forehead.

Lipid sweat is not the only cause of mental fatigue caused by the continuous use of witchcraft.

On its face, maybe there is a rushed look.

There is also a considerable decrease in magic held.

If you're a regular demon hunter, all you have left is the amount you've pulled up a long time ago.

Much time has elapsed since the first noise broke out in the enemy formation.

Since then, there has been no similar noise.

"Me! Are you there yet?

One of the shieldmen protecting Toni said he would play the arrow with a big shield.

"I think we're almost there..."

Toni answered with the same thing in his heart.

"Huh! Isn't it too late for anything? On the way around a little..."

Another shield man spoke of an ominous anticipation.

I can certainly think of something like that.

It's not like that didn't even come to mind as a toni.

But the idea was that he was forced to erase it from his brain that it was difficult to think of a bunch of six familiar faces that were not enemies.

"Stop. You can say that now... duh!

The first shield to open his mouth played the arrow again, embarrassing the other side.

It's a bright night on the moon, but I guess these two are still fairly skilled soldiers.

"Hmm? Looks like you're up here alone again."

"Damn. How many Lomberto guys are there!?"

Knock it down or knock it down, there's no kiri.

Nearly a dozen more soldiers have been laid in the threesome alone, but the number on the wall continues to be constantly replenished.

Moreover, the pace at which the Lomberto side is being held is falling for less far-fetched behavior.

"Don't say that. You knew there were a lot of them, didn't you?

"Well. But instead of putting me in here, I'm going to gennary you."

Toni was determined when they heard the blurry words.

"Maybe something happened. So maybe the attack from behind is delayed...... let's back off once we finish the other one. You're both tired of straining your nerves."

I ran out of words.

But the two shieldmen laugh and say niggardly when they look at each other.

"Don't be silly. Soon what? Maybe when I get back here, they'll notice me spinning around back."

"That's right. You're the one who said your people could go around because you're drawing attention to us, right?

Hearing the two words, Toni gets hot in the back of his chest.

- You're absolutely right. If the attack starts from behind, we'll hit it out of here too. Then I can rest...

I thought as I looked at the man who had newly climbed onto the wall.

I can only see it around my chest, but apparently I'm not wearing armor with just my helmet.

but the two shield soldiers are tightening their sides.

Could be the big guy in the command class.

- All right. Get him...

Flame Arrow, which has speeded up the warhead's flying speed, can still shoot a few shots.

"I'll do him."

The words alone inspired the shields to Toni.

Toni begins his mental concentration on one knee when he moves just a little.

A skilled shield consolidates both sides of him.

Stick your target out of the slightly empty shield gap and stretch your right fingertip.

- All right, let's do it!

A pale magical light gathers at your fingertips.

And it looks like they noticed this one, too.

I just turned my hand toward this one.

- It's late!

Toni mocks the person who has been turning his hand to him a few steps behind.

His magic will be complete in three seconds.

- Huh?

The moment I thought I recognized the magical light in the palm of the man on the wall, it scattered pussy.

When he noticed, Toni was looking up at the moon shining in heaven.

A severe pain runs from his right arm, which should have been directed at him.

I couldn't even afford to transfer my eyes to my right arm, but his arm had swelled up to nearly double the thickness.

It was pierced by something speared from the tip of his hand to the base of his shoulder.


I heard the shields guarding him screaming something.

- I should have been right beside you.

Toni had been flown three meters back by the shields.

"Sooo... mmm..."

During the swinging moon, Toni suddenly understood when he saw the little black dots.

Even though the man on the wall started his mental concentration later than Toni, he finished his magic faster than he did, and the warhead was much faster than Toni uses it.

The black dots quickly get bigger.

- Is that a missile?

Toni's consciousness is gone.

Under Al's eyes, a cavalry unit is poking in front of the position.

Immediately an infantry unit of the Second Knights rushed out after it.

The Dabus also seemed only prepared for the battle, sporadically releasing arrows from the inside of the fence surrounding the village's residence.

However, a robust cavalry unit, firmly wrapped in armor, was pushing without any object, such as an attack to that extent.

- Oh, is that a value!? Nice handle!

Al grins when he sees a valet who was put in charge of the one in front of him, either because he is not wearing armor, or where he pierces a Dabus soldier who is late to escape with a spear in his hand.

Nearly a hundred archers lined up on Al's left and right like that, curving arrows toward the village.

The arrow released over the diagonal sky doesn't look like it hit the slightest bit.

but across the fence I could see soldiers like rice grains going right and left.

It should be noted that only about ten of the archers appear to have different commanders, shooting firearms into nearby buildings and fences.

- Hmm... can Belle guess even at this distance? I guess I can't.

Al confirms its effectiveness even though he thinks something foolish won't happen.

- Steady, I thought it would burn as soon as I shot the fire arrow in, but you don't burn unexpectedly. But you can break the other guy's manpower more than you think.

A straw roof that is not a straw roof either (straw roofs that are highly insulated and require maintenance are commonly used for houses above the squire, and such houses are not located on the outer perimeter of the residence), and it is natural because they do not project every flammable liquid like a flame bottle.

In the first place, a flame bottle is a weapon made even on Earth during World War II.

There is no reason to be in an era where we are happy to discover crude oil wells.

- Nevertheless, bows and arrows are perfect for breaking formation. Even if it does, I don't think it makes much sense because it's not a plain or forest match......

When the commanders of the archers direct their aim and release them simultaneously with the decree, the arrows fly like chunks, pouring down into the perimeter they instruct.

The moon is bright and the arrow is in full view, so by then the Dabus side is also evacuating from the perimeter of the landing position or putting a shield over its head to prevent it, but it can be seen that it greatly hinders defensive action.

- Ooh? Ooh! That, what did I say? Oh, it's a cat.

One thing, like a trolley with a triangular roof around the formation to a large extent, went out of the formation.

This trolley is fixed with thick round-tails, and the infantry is pushing it inside.

In short, it is a broken castle hammer.

I guess we'll hit the thin spot of the fence surrounding the residence and destroy it.

It had been completed without being disturbed by the Dabus side because it was able to work hidden in a large wall.

It is usually made by sourcing ingredients locally, but this time it was assembled in just a few hours because it was disassembling and transporting relatively small ones, which also overshadows the Dabus side's expectations.

It should be noted that only Marutai, mounted in the middle, is locally sourced.

A trolley with a triangular roof began to gain momentum in front of the fence.

- Ugh, if they punch me like that, I'll get a wooden fence or something. Wood end mijinko in one shot...... oh? You don't.

Only the village that holds the front line on the boulder, not to mention the wooden fence, did not seem to be destroyed by a single blow, but did a great deal of damage.

Al looks at it intrigued.

It also appears that arrows have been shot through the clearance of the fence from within the village, but the cat can see that it has quite a defense as well.

The second shot broke the fence.

It was thought that the infantry would flock to the breakthrough at the same time, but the front line was the work of the First Knights led by Balmish.


Sir Balmish-like figures are shouting something and waving the sword in their hands.

First of all, we don't talk unless we kick the Dabus soldiers waiting on the other side of the fence.

"Okay! It's the other side of the fence, 20m to the right of the cat!

A voice reaches Al's ear that the archer's commander commands his men aloud.

In order to avoid fighting each other, after destroying the fence with a broken castle hammer, it is planned in advance which area to aim and release the arrows.

"Ahhh, wow!

Al unwittingly raises his voice when he sees the Balmishes and the First Knights storming toward a crowd of enemy soldiers coming out of an empty breakthrough on the fence.

He has just defeated a crowd of enemy soldiers in less than a dozen places.

It is an exposition of very advanced riding combat technology that cannot be very imitated by Al today.

The momentum on the part of Dabus was weakened by the excellent work done by the advance line led by Sir Balmish.

Anticipating the moment, Sir Fireblades orders the infantry to storm.

The Dabus side also seems desperate to try to resist, but the quality of the soldiers seemed to be difficult together, and they managed to enter the village without delay.

And just minutes after that, the Dabus side has surrendered.

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