11 Jan 7450

Sir Regon, the defensive captain of the village of Tankur, chose to surrender.

Some resisted some of them afterwards, mainly those who were originally inhabitants of the village.

But it was also suppressed in a short time, and the village of Tankur was completely under Romberto's control.

And it is a situation in which we receive a significant number of dwelling houses and devote them to the accommodation and rest of knights and soldiers.

A relatively small one of them.

There was the Knights of the Earls of the League mixed with an infantry platoon that had been entrusted with one wing of the assault unit, starting with Al.

Remember, they are borrowers, sitting back in the upward frame (a town) that leads to the earth without stepping indoors.

The assault platoons are all going indoors to eat what was stored (drinking is forbidden at this point) and there's also a fuss about the excitement right after the win.

The luxuriously valuable oil is also used to light the lamp, probably because we discovered the oil that was stored.

By contrast, the Knights of the Leagues do not have a particular job to do because the battle has ended once and for all, and Sir Fireblades' command over them has vanished.

The assault platoon had only a little bit of the hard bread they discovered and was dedicated to quietly resting their bodies.

"Are you still hanging..."

Danick says as he checks the state of the spear tip.

He's talking about Marie and the others who sent him to pump crude oil.

Everyone who hears that word is aware of troop formation (partisation) again.

The seven of them have yet to make a big move while gathering in one place.

and started moving in alignment.

The direction is south.

Looks like he's starting to head this way.

"From beside what I said..."

Value laughed at Danik as he sipped his tea.

Tea was brewed by one of the assault platoons to distract me.

"... don't get there in half an hour. Claw, go and guide those carriages in a little while. I'll come face to face with command."

Close your eyes as if to show Marie and the others in your brain, Al says as you concentrate again on troop formation (partisation).

Were they measuring their travel speed?

Al stepped out of the drawer that was open when he lifted his hips.

- Ooh. I don't know if it's going to be occupied, but it's cruel.

On a block a little further away, plunder was just about to begin.

A woman's cry, a humble burst of laughter, and a shouting voice arrived.

Residents and village defenses on sight have already been quarantined, so the cry now would be because those who hid and then leaked were discovered.

Beginning with the Kingdom of Romberto, no country around here is in the habit of blaming it for acts of looting when it occupies villages and other settlements.

It's a natural right to put your lives on the line and work hard for the soldiers.

Still, the Kingdom of Romberto is better off because there are strict rules about looting areas, the order of each unit, etc.

...... but in the end it's fifty hundred steps because what we're doing is together.

For this reason, there is no area to be assigned to the Knights of the Counts of the League who are not duly in the war.

They can only get rewards for the enemy soldiers they defeated in battle, which they knew from the beginning.

Built around the center of the residence, a large building is the Lords' Hall.

Now it's taken in and the command is placed.

Al was walking towards it.

As I passed in front of a house, a voice came through Al's ear like a female soldier to whom Romberto seemed to belong rambling a young man.

"Whoa, hold on!

"Oh, stop it! hey, like this in front of my wife watching...... ahhh!

"You! Oh, stop it!

"Hehe, you, not if you're worried about your husband, hehe, just open it!

"Ahhh! Ro, Rosalia!

"Yes, it hurts! Oh, you!

"Ha ha! Mr. Tsubaki, next time!

"Uhh!? Oh, no!

If the Royal Lomberto Army discovers anyone who leaked into the first quarantine, you will be blinded by whatever you do to be plundered.

Whether you rape me or kill me for play, I'm allowed to do whatever it takes.

Especially since you can be a slave to gold, you rarely have to put up a weapon and kill unless you are even resisted.

- Property and food...... I can't help but hold onto my figure and enslave it, I can forgive you. But you take away your pride as a person...

Al has bitter feelings, but it is true how difficult it is together with the power he currently has only.


I spit on the side of the road wondering how I could no longer stand it.

An obviously grumpy look appears on its face, with deep wrinkles engraved between its eyebrows.

- No way, my sister is like this... No, you don't have time for knights like that.

Al opened his eyes and looked at the house where his voice had been heard, as if he had felt the chills that had crawled through his spine.

However, I gently stroke my chest, recalling that knights who are not limited to the First Knights, but who should also be said to be officers in the modern army, cannot afford to be plundered, etc.

Residents and defensemen spared the death of war are gathered in the square surrounding the Lords' Hall.

As he tried to step into that square, Al was voiced by the First Knights of the Old Knowledge.

The team is a female knight by the name of Jacqueline Robain, with several men.

"This is Lord Gried. Hmm? Your face doesn't look great, but it's okay if you're still on holiday."

"Oh, Sir Robain. I was wondering if there was anything I could do to help… it's hard to do something about that on a boulder right now"

Al said as he pointed at the dirt wall over his shoulder with his thumb.

It's because I pretend that my magic power is quite diminished now.

The more days have passed since the magic elements appeared, the harder it becomes to erase them in the anti-magic field.

Specifically, after magically producing an element, after one day, it takes ten times more magic (MP) than it did when it was released to erase it in the anti-magic field, and after two days, it takes twenty times more magic (MP).

It should be noted that after more than 10 days, the magic power (MP) required to extinguish is fixed at a factor of 100, but it is assumed that even oaths will have a very small number so far.

There's that, and if you don't need it, you better turn it off quickly.

Even if it cannot be completely erased because some parts of the impurities are mixed, there is also a straightforward reason why it is easier to restore arable land by erasing as many parts as possible.

"It hasn't been half a day since we made it, has it? How much more magic is left to erase it..."

"... Mm-hmm, you just want to take the night off"

More than two hours have passed since Al last unleashed his attack magic.

Actually, I was almost done recovering.

"It sure must be. I asked you nothing."

"No, that's okay."

Sir Robain had never seen such massive elemental magic.

I have seen the earth bases created by Miloo in the past in the same way, but even comparing them was an obnoxious amount.

Especially not just her, but most of the people here as well.

Therefore, I was only assuming that it was not such a short and recoverable amount of magic.

"Then shouldn't you be off already?

"That's it, but I see you got a little excited because it's the first time you've seen a fight. I can't seem to sleep very well for a while."

Al flaunted his shoulder with a slightly shy look on his face.

"Oh was the battle in the first place...... But, my lord, you don't have to be shy. I couldn't sleep after the first line either. To be honest, I confess, it was an honest feeling that the face of the defeated enemy soldier was nowhere near falling asleep, so it's something I've been trembling about. Compared to that, your Excellency, who is flat on the surface alone, is bold. The boulder is Dragon Slayer."

"What's the compliment, but it's not that big of a deal. I was just watching from the safe wall...... which way does that go?

Al asked a little strangely.

Being one of the platoon leaders of the First Knights, she should have taken the time to pack it in the command and think about dealing with the recapture operation or interrogate the prisoners, etc.

Asking that gave me a slightly unexpected answer.

Anything is that there are still many in the defense who remain disobedient and dissatisfied.

Even if it's Al, I guess so, but I don't give it to him.

Reinforcements will not show up for a while now, and the majority of those who are resistant are getting bigger, but still some say words of hope openly.

They always said something like, "Watch it now," and found out that they were expecting something.

Sir Fireblaze and Sir Balmish, who received that report, seemed to have thought of something and said they had ordered Al to bring the body of the sorcerer he had tailored.

The Knights of the Second Knights were extremely busy overseeing prisoners and looting, so a white feather arrow stood against her and her men, who happened to be handy.

"Oh, if it was that corpse, His Excellency the Commander would have commanded..."

Sir Robain took his men north to thank Al politely.

Al turns around and then drops him off.

"Fuck, fuck!

"Ah, you!

"Ahhh! Yikes! That's good, you! See, it doesn't look like you won't be in front of your wife!?"


"Is it over? Ah... show me the man, dude! There you go!"

"Chi, motherfucker! Ola can't beat you!

"Oh, oh, oh, you!

"Ro, Rosa...... Leah! Oh, Ola...!

"Huh... Good luck, ah, Rue. So... it's Lios..."

"Ah, sister. I can't wait any longer."

"Soon, so..."

"Ugh! Ahhh, ahh!

"Phew, you kept me waiting. Hey, take turns for him."

"Uh-oh, sasu but lios! Not yet! Ola, just...!

"Well... you guys! What kind of salted plums are you eating and golden-eyed!?"

"Sister, look at me. I found such a good one!

"Oh, that's Rosalia!

A loud voice echoes from the earlier house.

"Ugh. Looks like everyone's still feeling better."

There was a voice in Al's ear that Sir Robain said to his men.

Anyway, the pleasant tone cripples my seizures.

Al shook his neck left and right as he meditated his eyes and sighed, looking back again for command.

- Hmm, I still haven't either... But... damn it!

Inside the temporary command.

Al was in conversation with Sir Fireblades and Sir Balmish.

"... is that all right? As far as I'm concerned, thank you."

It was Sir Balmish who said it in a slightly confusing voice.

But I can see that voice clearly has a mix of delightful colors.

"I don't mind. It wasn't originally a reward for joining the team."

Al who responds is targeted for flat voices.

"Even for me if Your Excellency wants me to do so...... but I'm sure it's a thankful story. Never mind."

Sir Fireblaze is the one who doesn't boil it down just a little bit.

The color of relief floats in his voice like that.

The distribution of rewards in any winning battle bothers the Commander.

There is no denying that there will be more allocations.

"Yeah, no problem at all. As you know, I was able to see the battle up close for the first time. That's enough for the harvest. Besides, please don't hesitate to ask for permission to leave before noon tomorrow."

Al offered to give the second Knights squad, led by Sir Fireblades, the reward for ending the watch around the village and for the ranks his men had named, to the first Knights, led by Sir Balmish, for destroying the Sorcerer's unit.

There's no big reason for me to split it like that.

I'm pretty sure the Mage Squad has better strength if you insist, so it's only to the extent that those who deserve it would be the First Knights over the Second Knights.

Because of this, I intend to pay from my own pocket money for the procedures mentioned by my employees.

I don't care about the amount if you try Al for the amount.

Instead, in some cases, if there is no immediate counterattack so that we do not have to accompany the troublesome post-occupation work that lasts more than a month, we were given permission to return.

Specifically, if there is no major move by noon tomorrow, everyone below Al will be behind Tankur Village.

The original plan was to garrison in the village of Tankur for about a month after the occupation and to take some look at the post-occupation work and measures, starting with the separation, transfer and ransom transfer of prisoners.

But it made me feel so bad.

In particular, post-occupation work and measures have been firmly tapped into with education in the Wang capital.

There was also a prediction that from what I saw, it didn't seem like anything more than I had imagined.

"Uh, if that's okay with you, I declare it so anyone can see it. There will be no strange misunderstandings among the soldiers when we ourselves say who merit belongs to. Then I'll break even the mind of a prisoner who's about to bounce."

It is surrounded by more than a thousand people fully armed with more than a thousand prisoners.

Al advanced into that circle.

A burning bonfire engraved a deep shadow in Al's face.

Apparently, some of them are oriented to mistake Al for the commander of the invasion unit, and resentment leaks from some of the prisoners.

"Quiet. Hey!

The neighborhood calmed down as Al shouted up like squeezing out of his belly.

"I tell the inhabitants of the village of Tankur and the soldiers of the Kingdom of Dabus! I hear some of you are still hopeless!?"

Some of the captives sitting in front of Al are like laughing and kicking at the words they hear and mock.


Al turned around and said Sir Fireblaze.

Many have found out in its shadow that the true commander is a disappointing physique dwarf.

"May I?

Ask respectfully towards Sir Fireblaze.


Sir Fireblaze answers in a dignified way, but probably because he is in front of a prisoner.

"With your permission, Commander, I will teach you fools to understand that such a thing is a fantasy!

When I said that to yell at him, I turned away from Sir Fireblaze and signaled.

Then the corpse of the shield face of the lane struck on the doorboard is carried.

"I don't know if anyone knows their faces, but these guys are battle slaves owned by the Gegran family, court magicians (Court Mages) in the Kingdom of Davas! They attacked us cowardly!

Of the Dabus captives who heard this, fluctuations similar to small stiffness ran around the regular soldiers.

Because they knew about the rough operation, and a few of them had seen the faces of the members of Lane's shield.

"Are they the ones you were entrusting to?

When Al said, Sir Balmish entered next to it.

Seems like a planned action, and its steps are grand.

"How could it be, it seemed a great deal of arm, but this is true if it falls on Sir Balmish of the First Knights, our majesty representing the Kingdom of Lomberto!

Al turned his hand to introduce Sir Balmish, who stood next to him, but immediately said with a vigorous finger, as if cutting off the sky against the face of Lane's shield, which was being stuck on the doorboard.

"Do you understand me? As long as Sir is willing to attack this village like a daybus. It's another dream! They'll kick your ass without some reinforcements or anything!

And hold my fist and theorize.

"There is no hope left for you at the earliest! And remember!

Those who supported the doorboards at the same time that Al proclaimed so unleashed indiscriminate violence on every corpse that was put in place.

I'll give you the body, so if you doubt it, I'll tell you to look at the status and everything.

"Oh, that's good. We're just here to dig for oil, huh?

After Al's declaration is finished, Ralpha, who was already in the village, says on the fudge side.

Neither Kibunal nor Laheute's two squire are complaining about not being able to enter an important offensive strategy.

"Don't be. Sorry."

Al apologizes with a demeaning attitude.

"Oh, no, I'm not blaming you..."

Ralpha panicked a little about Al's attitude, which he hadn't anticipated.

"No, you guys, I'm the one who did take the chance to get a handle on it. Forgive me."

I don't bow my head, but Al keeps apologizing politely.

If you try Al, this word is genuine.

"The same goes for Knight Balladik, Khybnal the Khybner, Laheut the Khybner and Whiteflame the Khybner. I'm sorry. I want you to wait till the next time."

I apologize for saying that. Seeing Al, Guineh wondered a little why he didn't have a voice.

But I didn't officially join the Knights, so I remembered that I followed them to create a map, and one person became convinced.

Speaking of Zulu, who, like Güneh, has no voice at all, I'm thinking about how and when to say about exchanging Al's butchered dragon (Dragon Slayer) with his own sword.

"If I were you, I'd have had a hard time. Get some rest today."

Al turned to the carriage to say sorry.

I thought I'd burn it before the complaint came about the smell of the pattern and buckets used to pump oil.

12 Jan 7450

Early morning.

The arrival of reinforcements from the village of Kincade, which the Dabus side had hoped for, was confirmed.

However, it is easy to confirm that the village of Tankur has already fallen into Lombert's hands, that the Lombert army is an overwhelming majority compared to the number of reinforcements, and that the Dabus army stationed in the village has been disarmed and taken prisoner.

The reinforcements who admitted it sometimes had a huge difference in my strength, and I just turned back.

It was expected that there would also be some leeway on the soldiers of sight during their retreat.

However, Sir Fireblades thought it would also make sense to abandon the recapture, and decided to leave it alone unless a little bit was put out on the village.

And this afternoon, the Knights of the Earls of the League left the village of Tankur and arrived in the village of Darbin after the sun had set.

Unlike going, I take plenty of time home.

This is also why another person, such as a preaching order to the King's capital, is accompanied when leaving the village.

I had planned to be in Tankur Village for about a month in the first place, so there's nothing wrong with the schedule.

A decree happily reporting the victory to the rear forces that were stationed in the village of Darbin.

Spring Fourth Knights.

Initially Al also looked at the scene with a gleaming look.

but by the time the decree started talking pleasantly about the looting, it was off the spot.

One of several wetlands in the Dart Plains.

Several of them are in Central America.

One of them had a pale mass.

A pale mass is a dragon that shrinks and sleeps like a roll.

A young dragon with a beautiful bright blue scale circles her body and sleeps shrunk to hide her head with her tail.

- I'm hungry...

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