14 Jan 7450

Around the time the Knights of the Earls of Alda League arrived in Debucken, the territorial capital of the Earl of Dressler.

The village of Tankur was still very busy.

First of all, we must consolidate the protection of the place of residence.

The repair of the destroyed fence should naturally be carried out, as should the demolition and repair of the burned building.

As for the dirt walls, Al has erased a significant part of them before he returns, so it is salvation that there is no need to manpower this aspect, as even if the recapture operation were carried out, it would not serve as a base in the quantities remaining.

Of course, if it is necessary to treat prisoners, starting with the treatment of wounded soldiers, the body is also disposed of because it will also be the source of the outbreak of disease.

That's not all.

The status of the prisoners must be checked, sorted by the soldiers who belonged to the garrison or by the inhabitants of the village, and the respective rosters must be drawn up, and the procedures of the soldiers must be recorded for later rewards.

Above all, the knights couldn't even rest in their hectic schedule, as they were pillaging every infantry unit until this morning in parallel with those tasks.

It should be noted that objects thought to have been released from the villages of Kincade and Denan were frequently discovered, but so far have been ignored.

I can't afford to deal with it, and I can't cut it if I'm dealing with a scourge of sight, etc., so naturally.

In the meantime, Ser Fireblades and Ser Balmish were holding discussions with each other across the forehead at the command.

"As close as it gets to one village or the other at least...... what does Lord Balmish think?

"Ha. The question is which way to go..."

"The prisoner says the village of Denang is closer..."

"In the past, information from scouts and other sources suggests that Kincade Village is in better condition on the road closer..."

Since the damage to the troops during the occupation of the village of Tankur was minor than originally envisaged, it seems that we would like to keep enough pressure on another village to show the aggressiveness of the Kingdom of Romberto.

"You did. The prisoner lied in an attempt to impose a burden on our army..."

"Sure... but Commander. Because it's already different from the original plan…"

"That's it. Well, I guess it doesn't make a big difference which way I headed, but even the amount of food I received is still under investigation..."

Even while the two thus continue their conversation, the decree brings in more and more notes.

The contents are a mix of jade stones, including where we discovered how many enemy sights there were, the progress of repairing the fence, the completion of the list of those who can use magic in addition to the list of more than civilians among the prisoners, and the fact that the Defense Corps in the village of Denan was 300 until last week, but now 1000 people should have been added.

but it stinks and I never say, "Don't bring this information."

Because it makes less sense for commanders to shut out information in an army to a little over a thousand high.

Either way, the military debate has not progressed as late by those cluttered reports.

"Heavy forces should be leaving this morning, so they will arrive in the evening"

"… and does it look like we should gather information until the prisoner's evacuation is over"

"Right. Leave the evacuation to the Heavy Squad to hasten the repair of the fence"


It's a win that I didn't initially anticipate, but the two of them were never proud of it.

Because I've had too many thoughts about the winning cause of the shelf.

It seems to me that we should come to the conclusion that we should try to keep the occupied territories until we have evacuated the prisoners, who could also be a source of enrichment and insurgency, and have reconfigured the troops.

"... whoa, you've totally spoken in. It's 1 4: 00."

Sir Balmish said as he touched the clock demon props he had left on his desk.

"By reason...... I'm hungry too. Shall we eat?"

The two interrupted the military debate and raised their voices to let them carry the meal.

That's when it happened.

There was a lot of screaming outside.

The hour returns only slightly.

Several Lomberto soldiers were sending a sharp gaze around on the objects in the residence where they had finished the repairs.

There are probably six pairs of Dabus scouts, a total of around twenty, visible in the woods surrounding the cultivated land.

"... Enemy group Zee is moving east. No other movement."

"Wait, Ar started moving east too...... are you going to rendezvous with Bjar?

"I'm gonna go report it once."

"Wait, I guess I just avoided looking around the sentry... holla"

"Oh, those helmets, Mr. Baines from Wu Squadron? The knights are in trouble."

"Really. We're taking a break in less than an hour."

"Damn, I've always enjoyed riding a horse, so you deserve it."

"That's right."

While we tap each other lightly, we basically don't fail to monitor the orientation that serves as a platform for each.

They have excellent vision, chosen from within their ranks, and, unlike the soldiers in general, they also have the pride of being specially educated as objects and scouts.

And finally one of them noticed.

I was only sending my gaze into the woods surrounding the cultivated land outer perimeter, so it is true to say that I overlooked it, but many birds fly over the woods, etc., so it is also impossible to say that I noticed it before.

"Oh, man. What is that?"



I don't see any particular anomaly in the direction of a man holding his finger.

"Straight these fingers... what the fuck, that one?

Fellows gather around the man holding his finger and watch you at the same time.

"Is that it?

"That's weird for a bird."

"Me, I know. A bat."

They seemed to have something like a bird flying far west in a strange way.

It's pretty low, close to the woods.

"... oh, hey. Isn't that pretty big?

"... right. Pretty big, man!

"That shape...... hey, hey, wah, wah, wyvern!?"

"... Huh?

"Ugh, you're lying, right? Why is Wyvern here!?"

"I've never heard of you on the Dart Plains!?"

"So, what is it?!?"

The soldiers are nailed to the creature they see for the first time.


"Change your orientation..."

"They're getting closer!

"And reward me!


The young soldier, who hurried off the sight, shouted, "Wyvern approaching!" Running out to command, screaming.

The Third Battalion of the Second Knights of the Kingdom, led by Sir Fireblades, has neglected its experience in action against Wyvern and has not even seen a living Wyvern.

The squares surrounding the command in the Wyvern nearby newspaper instantly became noisy.

Those who rally yelling at the quarters where their men are resting, those who rush into command, and those who are wary that the prisoners will not rebel multiplied by the noise.


Sir Fireblades peeled into the newspaper of the decree that had rolled into command.

"Yes! The object says it flies towards us from the west...!

The decree answers by making sure to scream while maintaining upright immobility.

"Circulate all units. Rest is now over. Prepare for battle. Think we don't have time for armor!

When the commander ordered, the order immediately turned. Turned right and left the room.

"... Sir Balmish. Has Sir ever seen Wyvern?

Sir Fireblaze asked as he put his sword on the sword belt, which was standing against the wall.

"When I was only thirteen or four... once when I just joined the Marquis of Rhodail... but Sir Robain should have joined the Knights of Lean Flight in the exorcism of Wyvern about ten years ago"

Sir Balmish also answers with his sword equipped.

"She did? Ok. Let her take command here."

"Naturally. We won't forgive you."

Around that time, the soldiers who remained in sight are watching Wyvern with their hands on the helmet's sight.

"Oh, you've changed direction again."

"I don't know what it is."

Wyvern is still far away.

A few kilometers is a distance, and it doesn't seem to have shrunk since I discovered it.

And the way it flies is strange, like spinning sharply, changing direction, dropping altitude, and raising altitude a little again.

Sometimes they fly like they go into the woods.

"Can Wyvern only fly like that?

"You suck."

"Are you hurt?

Initially, some thought they were after prey, but for that it was a strange move, and I had no idea what they were doing because they seemed to be moving.

"But they're getting closer."

"Oh. Uh, what did I say?

"Hmm? What?

"A village to the west"

"Denan Village?

"Yeah, that. Do they realize that, too?

Soldiers say as they stare at Wyvern.

"I don't know. Well, I don't think it's weird to notice, but it's not weird to not notice."

"Okay. I'll take command. First, gather those who can handle crossbows (crossbows) as soon as possible. Plus those who can use assault magic as the subject of interception."

Sir Robain, who was entrusted with command of the Wyvern interception by Sir Fireblades, was superficially calm.

But the inner part of it cannot be serene.

- Even though there are no crossbow guns (arborest), they pretend to be unscrupulous... Even so, I can't help but ask if I'm the only one who's had the experience of fighting Wyvern.

Before joining the First Knights, Sir Robain had the experience of fighting and brilliantly destroying Wyvern in the second spring of the Knights of the Counts of Lean Flight.

At the time, he poked his spear multiple times as part of a direct attack unit.

Only less than 30%, including her, survived the battle at that time.

- Unlike then, we now have the First Knights (all of us). The number and quality of personnel are incomparable. But the gear...

The only effective anti-aircraft gear against Wyvern is the Crossbow, except for attack magic.

Normal bows can't even do damage.

but the number of crossbows is less than 40 when combined with the received items.

The number 40 is too much for a normal Wyvern hunt, but it has an arborest.

The Commander's qualities are being questioned as to where to place valuable anti-aircraft firepower without an arborest capable of dealing significant damage with a single blow.

"The cavalry is hidden over spears or lance gear. Use the building well. Hide on the other side of Wyvern's approach! The other infantry will stand by in the house because it will get in the way. Leave the prisoner alone!

Apparently Sir Robein set his liver.

Skip the instructions.

"You, you six, go up to sight. When you're in range, shoot guns. Yeah, leave some of them behind."

I ordered the young soldiers in charge of the crossbow.

In total, it is possible to climb as many as ten people.

It was distributed to objects that seemed to have a slightly better hit rate.

Wyvern hasn't approached me inside yet in a strange way with a nice little hiccup.

Also, it seems that Dabus scouts observing the village of Tankur had something happen, but there was no way to know what was going on.

- All right, that's about it.

Golzondokouri immerses itself in satisfaction.

He left the wetlands where he had spent some time since birth and practiced quickly shifting positions in the air.

If you find your prey while flying, your belly won't swell unless you capture it before it hides you from your prey.

Unlike wetlands where there is little to hide oneself from, there are many places in the woods to hide oneself for the prey.

It was said that mastery of flying techniques through the trees was essential.

When I woke up hungry, I noticed after eating the right animal.

This guy had a fuller belly when he ate before.

Aware of his own growth, Golzondokouri decided to move in search of a new feeding ground, thinking that it could no longer be found in this place.

He was now learning a little advanced flight methods prior to that.

- Time to fly a little higher...

Golzondkuri tried to increase altitude for the first time.

- Oh, you look so far away.

Under his eyes were scattered with slightly open areas all over the woods that lasted everywhere.

Not only are there places similar to the wetlands where they were born and raised, but there are also mere meadows, etc.

It is also easier to find prey that escapes among the trees by raising the altitude than before.

But I haven't gotten good at flying enough to say it's still perfect.

Flying too high was hesitant.

- You're still a little scared.

Drop the angled altitude.

I had already learned that it was easy to swivel by adjusting the angle of the left and right wings at that time.

- Hmm? What is that?

I saw something in the distance.

Golzondkuri, who has learned his interest, tries to increase his altitude again.

Looks a little different from the open places I've seen so far.

Somehow the center is messy with something I don't really know.

I've never seen a place like this before.

- That's a long way off. Want to come a little closer?

After a fairly close observation, I also finally figured it out for Golzondkuri.

- There's a lot of prey. Each one is much smaller than Centaur, but there are incomparable numbers!

Makes me just a little happy.

- You can eat all you want!

My throat rang as I rejoiced.

"Oh, now you're flying a little high... that, so, no!

"Well, it's no big deal. I saw the Dragon say Count Riegle took it. Just my head, but it was huge."

"N, go eat some ramen, you can still see it, so I'm not proud of you."

"Are you peeling? What I'm talking about is an ice-cooked guy. The stripping shrinks a little, doesn't it?

"Something like that?

"Don't shrink."

"Heh, I saw Wyvern too. It was much smaller than the dragon."

"Hey, I turned this way."

"Right around the corner again, isn't it?

"No, haven't you come this way?

"Let me tell you something... Wyvern, we're getting close!


"It's the blue Wyvern!

- Hmm? You're at your feet. That's a taste first.

Golzondokouri, which was flying towards the village of Tankur, discovered several preys in the woods that spread outside the village's cultivated land.

The dumb prey hasn't noticed us yet.

- Sora!

I shrink my wings slightly and descend sharply.

He also tilted his body to slip through the trees.

From the front, it leans 90 degrees to the left.

The perimeter approached me while I saw it.

Slightly widen and brake the wings while passing the body through the gap.

- There's a moron!

Spread your wings cleverly and kill your speed.

Fluffy landed in front of the prey.

I guess I noticed that sound.

The prey looked back in unison.

With a swing of wings, the three Dabus sightings were simultaneously deadly.

- What are these guys...?

Even the Centaur I had eaten before was a little more alive.

Especially since the golzondocooli at the time didn't have as much power as they do now, and because of the size of their bodies in the first place.

The young dragon also felt his own growth here.

- Too strong (Gorzon dokuri)! I'm Gorzon dokuri!

Learn about new flavors while chewing down the likely torso of eating.

- Yummy! We'll eat more!

Golzondokouri jumps up again when he eats only one bite.

When his leg strength alone jumped a few meters above the periphery, he spread his wings and began to rise.

There must be plenty of prey in front of you.

"So, I'm out!

"Up there......!

"Stand up!"

On top of them, soldiers are shouting at each other.

Some of them had a dialogue called "Blue Wyvern".

- There is no blue in Wyvern that I know......

Sir Robain became aware of the cold sweat running down his back.

More than half of the Wyvern that has ever been exorcised are gray or blue-gray.

Sometimes they have a smaller number but darker color, brown lineage or black brown.

In recent years, what Count Riegle has taken over in Balduk's labyrinth is clear black.

- Did you mistakenly see it as blue-gray?... No way!

"It's still far away! Attract it!

It sounded like a meaningless noise accompanied by a sense of unreality that sounded like a voice screaming on top of an object from some distance to Sir Robain.

- No way, no way...!

A demon appeared over the western perimeter.

Looks like it's rising.

He looks like a big lizard, but a thicker, more disappointing torso.

A pair of wings like a bat growing on the back.

A demonic and beautiful blue scale that covers the whole body except the abdominal side.

Large hook claws grow on thick legs that give you a snugly clogged muscle feel.

And apart from the wings... he had much smaller but firmer arms than his legs.

"I'm out!

"It's Wyvern!

"Aren't you tiny?

"It's big!

"I don't want you to be small."

"You don't have five meters, that"


He said, "Wyvern, it's small."

"What, that's what you mean"

"I'm just here, you know, to that extent, whatever."

"Wyvern is an awesome scale. What's in gold?

"It should be."

Knights with demons in their eyes whisper to each other.

It was the end of those that came out of the shadows of the building, to the appearance of Wyvern, who was small to hear the sound.

"Oh, oh, that's..."

Sir Robain is stiff with blue demons in his eyes.

Sir Fireblaze, who saw it, immediately noticed her anomaly.

"What is it, Sir Robain? Command..."

The demon that appeared above the perimeter does look horrible, but seems to be small enough.

"Sir Balmish, what the hell is going on...?

Sir Fireblaze looks up at Sir Balmish and asks.

but soon I realized that Sir Balmish was also staring at the demons in a tremendous shape.

"Hey! Then!

"That's not Wyvern. I think it's a dragon."

Sir Balmish said in a quiet voice.

- You're here, you're here. Oh, there are so many of them there...!

Golzondkuri rejoiced once again with his throat ringing.

Golden eyes distort with joy.

And he started a steep descent in pursuit of massive prey.

Let's start by enjoying mass murder.

"Be decent! Sir Robain!"

Sir Balmish rejoins his colleagues aloud.

"Yes. Excuse me. I'm surprised. I'm a little disturbed. But it's okay now!

Sir Robain immediately regained himself.

Dragons are so small.

Perhaps its total length has reached five meters.

In contrast, there are more than one battalion of Second Knights in addition to the equivalent of one Squadron.

Plus, all of them are willing to ride the other day's victory.

"Are you worried about the absence of Count Riegle?

Sir Balmish uttered the name of Dragon Slayer, who is not here.

Behind Sir Robain's brain, a figure of him emerged the other day.

The embarrassing face of being hit by the first line of air and no longer being able to sleep.

- He said he and only two combat slaves defeated a dragon that was as long as 30m... Huh. Did I get Yaki around, too? That dragon, it's smaller than that peel!

Indeed, the volume would be smaller than the peeling of the head decorated in the ramen shop in Wangdu, or at best as much.

- There's enough, lots of crossbows, and what do we need to be afraid of?

"Regardless of the dragon, you're the only one with real experience with Wyvern! You can go!?"

"Of course! Crossbow! Attract enough and shoot! If you shoot me, move!

Sir Robain skipped the instructions out loud.

The dragon is taking altitude and stopping in the air with wings flapping, but fluttering.

"And then, look! Get out of there now!

If that is a real dragon, then those in sight are very dangerous.

"It's okay!

"I'll make you a hive when you get closer!

"They're flying, and it's better here!

But contrary to her intentions with a sense of crisis, the youngsters do not try to get off the hook.

"You guys! Listen to my orders! Do you want to be punished for crimes against life!?"

Sir Fireblaze yells.

And he bowed his head shyly, "I'm sorry I didn't get an education," he said.


"I don't have time to be down!

Looking up at the dragon to the scream, it was moving into a steep descent.

Apparently, the target is the captives who are left numbered in the corner of the square.

- Is it okay to look at things for the first time? Besides, you're the one who ate me into captivity.

Sir Robein did not worry any further about the sight, but raised his right hand with the spear aside.

The building surrounding the square not only houses Knights of the First Knights, but also a large number of Knights of the Second Knights.

They were paying attention to the blue dragon and Sir Robain's right hand, which plunged from the sky in solitary spit.

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