January 16, 7450.


At the same time, I made a small pause.

According to Guineh, Weed's farmland is only a few miles away.

I've reached quite close range, but I can't help but pause here because the sun has completely fallen and I can't remember my feet on the boulder.

The moon is out, but its position is still low, so it is close to dark and dangerous.

During the small pause, I picked up eight suitable stone places and hung the magic of the lights that extended the effect time.

When the sun goes down, lights three on the front and one on the rear of the carriage, and lights around the four buttocks that hit half of the military horses ensure the overall light.

Naturally, a carriage capable of illuminating the front will take the lead of the entire squad.

The order of the queues is a little weird, but I can't help it because there are no Bulls Islanders that can converge the lights and illuminate one direction at some distance, like a searchlight.

There's a regular lantern, but either way, there's nothing better than putting the stone in a coarse net of eyes and hanging it than not being able to secure the lighted stone internally.

Get the lights ready and start over.

It takes about 30 minutes to get into the city of Weed because it's about the speed of a leg.

Upon entering downtown Weed, most of the shops were already closed and the lights were only lit up for a few fancy restaurants and taverns.

The streets are really dark after sundown because later there are only about weak lights that leak out of the window clearance of the building.

I still have about an hour left to travel today, so I'm not staying here today.

It should be noted that, naturally speaking, Ralpha and Guine have their homes in Weed.

Now even Whiteflame, a Knights squire, can see Fushi wanting to say hello to Zenom.

Burral Street, which is going now, crosses the south district of Weed Street east-west, but just a short trip from here you can get to the Firefrid family mansion, Lord of Weed.

There was something in my fantasy last night about "letting Ralpha and Guine work on the remaining checkpoints as soon as they broke up at Weed," but that's unrealistic.

Because Marr and Limby, who will accompany them, are in Beglitz, and so are the dwarf (Gnome) slaves who will help the district.

When I checked the time with the clock's magic prop, it was only a little around 17: 00.

"Hey, what's up?

The carriage began to slow down in front of a certain crossroads, so I asked him to go beside your podium.

Your duty now is white flame, but are you sure?

"Huh? Oh, say hello to His Excellency Firefrid..."

That was no way.

"Fine. I'm in training."

That made me look sorry.

Copy that, sir.

Whiteflame accelerates the carriage again when he returns to his stern face, going straight down the crossroads.

"Is that it? The house is the way it is now, isn't it?

Then Ralpha stops by and says with a face and voice that looks unexpected.

I guess he's going to be kind enough to teach me the way.

"We're in training, right? There's no way you're stopping by. Besides, there's still an hour left to travel."


Listen to my reply, Ralpha will look disgusted.

"Camping again today...?

I'm in training.

"Um, Mr. Al. That store, the bird food is delicious..."

When did Guine come to my side?

Is this guy... wondering if I should change my mind when I say he has good food?

"We're in training, right? There's no way you're stopping by. Besides, there's still an hour left to travel."

I returned the exact same words I said to Ralpha.

"Is it 'dry bread' again today..."

Looking at Guineh, it didn't seem like my change of heart would have happened if I had simply not trained for a decent meal.

I can't help it, these guys...

"I want to sleep in a soft futon, too. I want to eat something tasty. But for one more hour, we'll keep up the pace and move on. I'll camp there today."

Ralpha and Guine all got a desperate look, but soon they got a disgruntled look.

"If you can do a face like that, it's proof you're still healthy. Be patient."

I slipped through an area with a diner or tavern while I was talking.

January 17, 7450.

I arrived in Mead village before noon.

It took a lot of time this time because it only gave me a lot of speed to get to my feet, but considering that there are 40 "from weed to mead, it's still a phenomenal speed to step in just five hours.

As a result, the railway line was firmly extended for about one and five kilometers in the last ten days.

This will prove that it is okay to pull out Zulu, as well as to the left that Zulu has been well handed down to his successor for what he has previously supervised.

Work is not the best thing about someone falling out and losing their efficiency all at once.

Because it means he was obsessed with certain individuals.

The most important thing for an organization's management is not to allocate jobs appropriately or improve the atmosphere at work to increase collective efficiency.

Of course, it does not improve your knowledge and skills about your area of work and make you an excellent worker.

That's very important, but not the best.

Because they should be worn before you become the leader of a group.

The most important, and most important, priority must be to develop a successor of your own who can do so.

Well, this is often the hardest job, so I don't go overnight.

But Zulu seems to have lived up to my expectations beautifully in just a few moments.

Nothing more than not fixing it and fully understanding the part I most expected.

A glimpse of Zulu gave me a horrible look.

I laughed and nodded at him because my eyes met me, and he looked happy.

Around I was horrified, even though I could see thirty ways, I'm still in my twenties. Lovely place like that.

"All right, it's a small pause in Mead Village. I want to get to Beglitz at 14: 00, so you can do your own lunch break."

Declared as he went through the side where he was working on the railway line.

And 14 o'clock.

We arrived at the Knights headquarters outside Beglitz.

"Alright, everyone, thank you so much for successfully completing the inspection without even sending out a major injured person..."

And so on and so forth came a group of people who were guarding their absence while they managed to say something.

I also see faces that are surprised at their return considerably earlier than originally planned.

Recover Breeze Horseshoe, a breezy hoof that was being worn by carriages and Values' horses, to ensure that a large number of members are gathering.

"Okay, everybody. A little early but I'll introduce you...... Hey Ralpha, Guine"

Pull closer.

"Some of you will know, but the first woman in this Hume is Weed's Taisei, Baron Firefrid's daughter and Ralpha Firefrid. Hey, say hello."

It was a sudden introduction but Ralpha greeted him without graduation.

"Then this Dwarf woman is Grinell Akdam, Baron Firefrid's squire as well."

Guine greeted me before I was prompted.

"They will all be joining our Knights from March. I want you to welcome me warmly."

Having said that, Ralpha and Guine looked a little unexpected, but bowed their heads honestly and graciously without saying anything on the spot.

I've just said this for the first time about the time of joining the Knights, so I guess I was a little surprised about that, but I've been talking about joining the Knights for quite some time, so maybe it's a feeling of "is the time".

"It should be noted that the rank comes naturally from the lowest squire -"

Yeah, the Royal Army is officially... the Knight Candidate's squire, so you were third on the seventh floor?

Many people don't know or forget that there is not much awareness in de country Knights like the Knights of the League.

For this reason, my official rank within the Royal Army is third and fourth.

Does it feel like Sansa's rank?

Is it appropriate because the number of people in command is about a squadron of militia?

"-But you better not lick these two, huh? Especially if you're Brigadier Firefrid, I and Mizuchi have lost a mock battle without magic."

Well, about once or twice years ago, but I'm not lying.

I don't think the odds of winning are less than 0.1%.

But I was concerned about the slightly surprising mix of glances.

The vast majority are convinced, though.

Asked why, Ralpha said he had lost before in a simulated battle with Value without being able to get a bottle in.

To be honest, you're such an idiot.

Sure, the value is pretty much better to do, but I can't believe Ralpha can't get one in.

"Well, I heard you were one of those guys who was exploring the labyrinth with the captain, so I was afraid how much it was..."

The value says in terms of spare time.

Was this what the Value was dealing with with Ralpha in a spare manner during this inspection row?

"Hey, you out of hand? What's this all about?

I asked Ralpha, standing next to him with no expression, whispering.

'Cause I couldn't use the axe...'

Oh, you mean that.

Then I'm convinced.

The army becomes swords and spears unless it is also a unit equipped with an axe as standard because unified action is fundamental.

After a mock fight with Value, he used an axe to play a good game with Mizuchi, but if you try to make it a Value, Ralpha and Mizuchi's mock fight would have felt like an exhibition match.

I'm sure you're right.

"Value. It's nice to be able to afford it, but like you can't go wrong with your true strength? I can't complain that my opponent is a sword or an axe on the battlefield..."

I didn't mean to defend Ralpha.

"Except for the fact that some of our squire need to learn unifying behavior, but Associate Sir Firefrid will also be allowed to use an axe if he becomes a knight, and the new squire Whiteflames will be promoted to a knight if they become a long-lasting weapon (Paul Weapon)."

The Knights of the Earls of the League today cannot afford to create a unit made up of only cavalry, so the knights will all be commanders of the infantry unit.

It is therefore my personal interpretation that it is not until the infantry that the unity of arms is important.

Especially in the future, I'm going to build a cavalry unit, but by then, the old purgatory flames (Gehenna Flair) below Whiteflame will be serving the Firefrid family, and Ralpha should be directing his own Knights.

When that happens, I'm just starting with my squire because I need my skin to know what it feels like to be on the lower end of the infantry, what kind of behavior I'm good at, and what kind of behavior I don't like.

It is only with that that we prohibit the weapons of excellence of the adventurous age.

Well, it would really be a knight who is the commander of the infantry, but it is more desirable to be a united army than to have the possibility of organizing a cavalry unit on an ad hoc basis.

But if the person who was originally a first-rate adventurer came to that level, it would be more useful to use a weapon that is good at it.

Active in the lead will boost the morale of the troops, as well as the morale of the person.

"Besides, like Associate Sir Firefrid, Acdam doesn't pull it that way either. Perhaps not so many will spare her poking"

Now, I want to stop talking about boredom.

I have a loving wife waiting for me.

In the labyrinth of Balduk, its fifth layer.

"Six gools! Vix, Nell! Correspondence!"

Adventurer, Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) leader Red Andersen's voice woods the room.



The members ordered by the leader each ran out into a herd of ghouls who had been summoned to exit the battle against Gargoyle.


A dog tribe (dogwart) man called Vix wields a battle stick (mace) to restrain the leading ghoul.

In the meantime, the gnome woman, called Nell, turned her left hand to the herd of ghouls and began her mental concentration.

Behind them, other members are struggling against Gargoyle.

... The battle is over in no time.

Four gargoyle corpses have rolled in the room, and all six orchid ghouls, which originally looked unharmed, are also immobilized.

By contrast, there are no victims in Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz).

Only one person ate Ghoul's attack.

Several people have remained traumatized with minor wounds like plunder wounds, except they were paralyzed to see what was wrong with the hit of that attack.

"Nell, can you look at Roll's paralysis...?

Andersen ordered the recovery of members paralyzed by Nell.

"Yes... but..."

Nell hasn't made the magic of paralysis entirely his own.

"Is the magic getting tough now?

"Yes, no, I can still go. But I'm not used to it yet, so I have time..."

Nell seems worried about the raid while he's focusing on sorcery.

"You can take as long as you want."


Don't worry, we'll take care of the perimeter.

To Andersen, Nell still looks anxious about something.

- Not sure you want to use Paralysis (Remove Parallax)? I would have shown it already......

I think so, Andersen, but I also think that Nell can't help feeling anxious.

It was only yesterday that Nell came to a magic level where he could use Paralysis (Removal Parallax) magic.

Andersen was extraordinarily pleased when Nell reported it to Andersen, who noticed the level of water magic had risen last night.

Until Nell joined, he possessed special skills in water, earth magic, and magic, all of which exceeded four levels because he was only one leader, Andersen.

For the convenience of taking command of the battle, she also wanted to instill a limited amount of magic into attack magic at the stronghold.

However, before attending this party, Nell has had many experiences diving into the labyrinth of Benkerish in the Kingdom of Davas.

And I saw several times that the magic of Paralysis (Remove Parallax) was also used by an adventurer mage who belonged to it at the time. Yesterday, Andersen also showed it up close where he used it.

Try Andersen, who knows that, and there are some annoying things about Nell who butts in about sorcery failures.

Whatever it is, as much as I failed the magic of Paralysis (Removal Parallax), it doesn't happen fatally for a veteran party called Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz).

- He's smart, he's a good kid... They have more magic than I do, too. Scared quality by the habit, right?

"Because I keep a close eye on you while you use magic. Or do you still want to see an example?

"No...... Ya, I'll try"

"It's okay. Nell will be able to do it."

Seeing how Nell seemed unsure, Andersen said, smiling gently so that she could feel safe.

If you try Andersen, you don't want to miss out if you get a chance to practice to increase the amount of magic Nell can use.

For this reason, he divides that there is no alternative to some danger in order for Nell to be able to use his witchcraft quickly.

That said, since we have already defeated the Lord of the room, there is no great danger because we are just wary of demons entering from outside the room.

When Nell sat beside Roll, who remained down on the ground, he touched the two arms of Roll, which was a bump, and began his mental concentration.

- Well. Nell needs to do his best... but it's just his introduction and it's a big deal.

Andersen had hoped from the outset that Nell's magic power would be more than that of a common sorcerer.

Anyway, it's an introduction from an unusual man.

I couldn't have told him not to expect it.

In fact, in general terms, Nell is a fairly good magician.

Andersen has seen Nell's introducer fight several times up close.

- A man reborn from another world...?

The battle the man waged plucked him from nothing.

Nell continues to concentrate in front of Andersen.

- With that said, my shitty father...

Andersen had been summoned from the royal palace early in the new year to hear what was from the lord of the royal palace.

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