January 17, 7450.

"Bye, Zulu."

"Ha. Excuse me"

Zulu munched as he crossed the military horse again and went back to Courtzil Castle.

Besides the Values and the knights, I retrieved the magic hoof from the horse that was towing the carriage.

I just need to remember to collect this.

Hmm? I keep it on Zulu and Ralpha and Guineh's horse, but it's from before and that's fine.

Of course, so is my Uranus.

"Of the carriage load, the barrel... hey, do you have a dungeon you haven't used? No, it's not the room, it's the one that doesn't use the whole thing."

In total, there was an empty dungeon No. 3 that could accommodate about 30 people, so we decided to let it be transported there and stored.

Naturally, for the time being, the internment of criminals there shall also be prohibited.

There's three in the Knights. It's the smallest thing in the dungeon, okay?

Crude oil should be stored where it is not popular and there is no fire, and it is an efficient use of dead space.

The value I have been commanded to lay the barrels in the dungeon with a harsh voice.

The squire responds instantly to the understanding and is following the movement with acne.

I used to be a militia member myself, but the Knights personnel have no immediate mouth for it, even if they have doubts.

If you try to be the ordered squire, you'll want to know what's in the barrel that leaks a smell that's so hard to describe, and you won't understand why you have to carry it to a dungeon or something where nobody else is.

The principle that information is given only to those who need to know and not to those who do not need to know is called the NEED to KNOW principle.

You've probably heard about this before I was reincarnated, because it's a principle that was commonly applied in any organization in any country, right?

For this reason, it is normal for this principle to be that military organizations do not even allow questions.

Anyway, I was a little satisfied that it was thorough.

Especially the fact that I hardly had to tap into this NEED to KNOW principle.

It's a time of nobility and otherwise thorough ascending and descending identities in the first place, and only within the military is the difference between a righteous knight and otherwise heaven and earth.

That is why there is no way in the Knights of gathering the elite of the land such idiots as to speak questions and questions before the order is executed against the superiors who issued the order.

The other day, there were idiots out there who wanted to go home during training or eat good bird food, so they seemed to worry about it unnecessarily.

Well, the folks below Whiteflame are going back to the barracks, and it looks like Value and Danick, Claw and Marie, are going home, too.

I'm in the house too... Mizuchi would be the administration, do you want to go to the administration?

It should be noted that Ralpha and Guine were surrounded by squires who had left a message, either because they said they would join the group from March, or leave them alone.

It's not a bad thing to get close while you're at it.

Walk the horses with the Values towards the city of Beglitz.

Free time I could have.

As far as I'm concerned, I wanted to have a brief reflection on this inspection line.

I wouldn't have been responsible for not telling you to have a proper reflection, but Marie, who didn't take part in the actual battle, started a hard talk about crude oil pumping.

It's the end of starting Claw, who never saw an oil field, and both Value and Danick would listen to it.

All I can think of is a bitter laugh.

I was wondering if I could blame him for coming home with very little to see about post-occupation measures, but that didn't happen.

I tried to talk a little bit, but the topic didn't go in the direction I expected.

Still, Claw and Marie seem to have drawn on my intentions, and soon the answer began to be a passive one.

But neither Value nor Danik seemed to be very interested in you in the first place, and he says about the evolution of fighting during the Tankur Village offensive and how the placement was then.

Well, they've been in this, uh, Knights of the Earls of the League defending West Dirt for a long time, too. It was a world without any connection to doing anything against the land and residents they just occupied. Barely, naturally, I wanted you to think a little more, like this, about what to say.

I feel that education is an important thing to make.

The high level of education in Japan comes with origami, but the majority of people living in Aus, starting with non-decent school-educated values and dainics, are decidedly lacking compared to reincarnates.


The absolute amount of basic knowledge across all events varies at an uncomparable level.

Knowledge becomes the basement of imagination the more it holds.

In other words, it is no exaggeration to say that it will be a difference in field of view as it is.

Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge has its limits, but imagination envelops the world," he said, "but this word often tends to be interpreted inadequately, lacking an important part, that captures only literature.

Is it important to stick around and work your imagination?


Breaking the “shell” of knowledge with your imagination, and looking around from it, you can have an even new view?

Especially so.

But it's about someone who knows something at a level that Einstein is familiar with in physics.

I don't think there's anything like how close a normal person, including me, is to the truth than he thinks where he put his thoughts on the truth of the universe.

It is unlikely that those who do not have a busy knowledge of a thing will approach the wings of their imagination as much as those who have a deeper understanding of the thing imagine.

That's not what I'm saying.

It might be easy to imagine if you asked a farmer of the same age in modern Japan, "Think of flying tools". Which would have more answers?

In the same vein, I think asking the question "When do people feel happy" would be a completely different answer for a good percentage of modern Japanese middle school students and [nobody] of the same age who would root for Beglitz's back street and even be able to eat that day, and I think middle school students would come up with many kinds of answers.

But if it's such a [nobody], Tor wouldn't be much different from Japanese middle school students, or he'd give more answers.

As well, I guess it's only “at this point in time" or so close to oblivion that seeks the same imagination and thinking for Values and Danes as Claw and Marie.

It would be nice to make something like a school that puts the Knights as students fast, but it would be years after the effects would be visible if you made it, and that would be about a handful of good guys... rather than not?

Well, about school, you can start with a Knights opponent. I'm pretty sure it's the closest thing to a school in the Kingdom of Lomberto in the first place.

Huh? For the general public?

I don't even care about the guy to the point where he can't even get into the Knights, but you can't afford to go that far.

It is the Knights who are sorting out the nobles, the civilians and, at best, those who excel in swordsmanship and strength from among the free people, so the "Knights" are those who were able to build up their efforts against them at least at the time they were allowed to join the group and link them to the results.

It's natural for such a person to be given priority first.

An update to the Knights curriculum….

I'll have to do it this far, at least.

Oh, after breaking up with Value and Danick, Claw and Marie were stuffed with "it's growth and chronic heart that I went to study corners but only half of them learn on the ground".

You're right, so there's no word.

You wanted someone to tell you, I'm sure.

January 18, 7450.

Lantia Gegran, who was summoned to Gamroy, the royal castle of the Kingdom of Davas, at a time like dinner, received a report from the Dart Plains.

"Is that true?

Lane was shocked to even feel dazzled.

He beat faster and trembled slightly at his fingertips.

Of course I don't think it's a lie.

But it was a lie, and the thought of wanting it to be a false alarm made me say it.

'True. A week ago, the White Phoenix Knights Third Independent Security Platoon was wiped out in the Tankur Village Defense Battle. The status of the body has also been confirmed'

Prince Alexander, sitting in his seat, replies in a calm voice.

- Gene. Donovan. Hero. Solin. Ursula. Mekui. Toni...... Oh, my God!

Lane meditated remembering the face of each of his precious slaves with what was told again.

"They were killed by a man named Balmish of the First Knights of the Kingdom of Lomberto."

- Balmish!

Hearing the name of the vengeance that killed the slaves, Lane opened her eyes cuttingly and looked at the prince.

"This material seems to be a platoon captain, so if it applies to Dabus, it's something like a ten-man captain."

The prince keeps talking with his eyes dropped on the report.

'... but I'd be surprised to hear this. That Balmish was also shot by a dragon who then attacked the village...'

There is also a slight tremor in the voice of the Prince who continues to report.

But not by grief or fear, but by a tremor of profound emotion.

And that was common to most of the reincarnates of the Dabus kingdom gathered here.

They were also impressed by the reality of dragons that they had only heard of in legends and gaga.

A dragon that has been discussed many times before and whose existence was even expected.

That's what really happened.

And it wasn't even a sacrifice made by an edger.

I don't even know anything about the faces of Lane Kids White Phoenix Knights Third Independent Security Platoon except Lane.

"Lane. I'm sorry. The slaves you adored were killed... '

As soon as I realized Lane's grief and shock, I skinned Prince Senraid Stoles's apology, and other faces seemed to be sorry.

- Guys, I'm sorry. I'm the one who made you go by saying level up or something. I'm the bad one.... Yomis and the others aren't good enough yet. I bought it every year if this is the case...

January 20, 7450.

AM when heavy clouds cover the sky.

The capital of the Kingdom of Lomberto, the King's capital, Lombertia, is time for a surge of people to come and go before lunch.

One lightweight cavalry rushed into such a lombertier.

When the cavalry rented a new horse at the nearby Knights' outpost, it ran out the road leading to the royal castle again.

The hearted spoke to the guard standing on the side of the road to the unattended cavalry who seemed blind, such as the people who came and went, but the guard who saw the sign of the decree wrapped around his right arm in a disgusting manner did not respond to the appeal.

Arriving shortly at the gate that cements the entrance to the royal castle, the cavalry lets the gatekeeper check his own status and crosses the bridge that leads to Sanomaru as he rides.

He also went straight into two circles and gradually jumped off the horse at the headquarters of the First Knights.

I'm not even connecting the horse to the horse holding pile.

By the time the squire working downstairs at the headquarters seized the horse released while black-and-white his eyes and connected him to the horse-holding pile, the cavalry rushed into the building in haste.

"What? Dragon!?"

The First Knights Commander, Viscount Takrad Gendail, who received a report from the cavalry, did not carry on much of the surprise.

"Ha. It's definitely a dragon. It was a blue dragon."

The cavalry, drenched in dust and sweat, knelt on the floor of the commander's office and continued to report.

"... ok. How long has the damage survived?

"To the best of my knowledge, the First Knights are four other men besides me: Sir Robain, Sir Zamorph and Sir Harijan. I think more than half of the Second Knights got away with it, too. By the life of Sir Robein, I headed this way one foot away, so any further details…"

"Right. What are they doing now?

"I think Lord Robain is on his way here after the reintegrating of the remaining soldiers in the village of Darbin, so I was wondering if he would arrive in a couple of days at the latest."

"Okay. Thank you for your hard work, Hack. Get some rest today. But there's a sudden call for you to stay here. I'm going to report to Your Majesty."

Viscount Gendail left the office early enough to say so.

And a few hours later, a set of decrees came out of the royal castle.

What they aspire to is the land of the south of the kingdom, the West Dirt.

January 22, 7450.

A room in the heavenly basement of Castle Lombertia.

Late at night, there was a beautiful castle called out of place.

"Doh, dragon...? You want me to go?

"That's right. Few adventurers are called first class in Balduk. And I hear that you are in a position to be called fully first-rate."

"Your Majesty..."

"It's just me and you here. Your Majesty, stop."

"Yes. Then I won't hesitate. I've been called out for a long time so I thought something was up and you said you were exorcising dragons!? You tell me to die!? I knew you were shit!

"... I'm definitely a shitty father, but don't be quick"

"Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey if the dragon is out The best dragon slayer of our time! Compared to him... I regret it, but I..."

"I'll call that one, of course. And it's him who fights. Not you."

"... what do you mean?

Parent-child conversations persisted for a long time.

27 Jan 7450

The day after his arrival in Beglitz, Ralpha and Guine, in addition to Mar and Limby, had left for the village checkpoint at Beige Village and Gar with two slaves.

I guess you want to finish the job a little early and make the time you have left before joining the Knights meaningful.

I dropped them off early in the morning, and I did a rough baking engine design in the course of that day, and a few days later, I had even finished the prototype.

Crude oil itself hasn't finished distilling so far, so it's useless.

I'm so out of my mind, aren't I?

I don't even make fuel, and I'm even suspicious if it works because I was just relying on harsh memories, but I'm willing to recreate this as many times as I want.

In addition, Tor had not only completed the type of hand pump for the well, which had no problem with mass production, but had also set design guidelines for large press machines for oaths.

And as for the administration, Mizuchi had begun to assign rulings to the officials below about the administrative processing that Mizuchi and I had been carrying out so far.

Especially since I'm just getting started, not a big amount yet, but still pretty much easier mentally.

Then Jabba, but the boulder, as I expected, was a strong man for numbers.

Mizuchi told me to look at his spare time and plant him accounting, but when I taught him, the cotton absorbed the water but instantly turned it into a thing.

Jabba would be definitive as a tax collector if there seemed to be no more problems in the next few months because he had also come with appropriate pointers about the presentation of the problems he had mentioned shortly after his inauguration.

The current chief taxpayer is an old man who will receive 60 this year, so I will retire him.

I woke up in the morning, ran, ate dinner, mocked battle with Mizuchi, and went to work for the administration.

In the afternoon, Mizuchi and I take turns for a day at the Knights for archery, and after eating dinner in the evening, the day ends with making something and doing the rest of the clerical work.

Ten days back from the battlefield.

I was having such a peaceful time, but that was broken by an impulse from the King's Capital that came after noon this day.

"What? Dragon?

According to the rush, the village of Tankur, which I was able to occupy safely because of my activities before this, was abandoned two days after my return by a sudden blue dragon.

All that or even a considerable number of casualties in renunciation.

Apparently, the life and death of Sir Fireblades and Sir Balmish of the First Knights, who were commanders of the invasion unit, are still unknown, and the reliable information given by the decree alone is causing great damage to the unit.

"I have given my life to bring His Excellency, the Dragon Slayer, to the Royal Castle. Instead, three squadrons will be dispatched from the Second Knights' Immediate Battalion and two squadrons from the Fourth Knights until His Excellency returns to the land. You should have already left the Wang capital and hurried on your way, so they think you'll be arriving inside and outside in a couple of weeks. You can rest assured of the defense of the territory."

That's what the hurry said and looked up at me from the floor.


You're not even taking a day off today?

You want to come right now?

It's too sudden.

But if the dragon came out unwillingly, I have to convince myself of it.

The only decent way to hit someone like that is to shrink the force.

Hold on. What do you mean you won't let me go directly?

Oh, don't you know I was in the Tanqueray Village offensive?

No, the village was attacked by a dragon two days after I left the village.

And I guess the order came out after that, so there's no way they haven't reported me joining the war.

There's nothing wrong with being in the war per se.

He gave me a hand, too.

But it's a dragon...

I didn't want to deal with that again.

Um, I went to King's Capital with this guy for six or seven days, a day or two over there.

From Wang Du to Tankur Village... you won't tell the boulder to go with your bare hands to me, so maybe three weeks?

Well, even if the First Knights followers followed me, I also wonder how far I can go on dragon opponents.

It's been less than six months since I gave birth. You won't have a sister.

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