January 28, 7450.

Adjacent to Gumroy, the royal castle of the Kingdom of Dabus, Darlings Palace.

Duke Jules Dantes opens his mouth with a bitter face on the seat of the pre-emergency meeting held there.

"Don't ask too much, Your Highness."

"But he said it was the truth that the dragon emerged from so many testimonies..."

Alexander Bergrid, who holds the rank of deputy minister in the Ministry of Military Affairs, is stubbornly devoured by the Duke of Dantes, who is above the title, position and age.

Only Alec outranks the Duke of Dantes at the moment is the ranking of succession to the throne.

"We've come to the conclusion that we should wait for the investigation team to return."

The Duke of Dantes, the minister of the ministry of the ministry responsible for the economy in general, is a narrow, mid-thirties man with a line, but has been credited with excellence since his youth and has been minister of the minister of the minister of the ministry of the ministry for two years now.

Although somewhat extreme with ministers in this year's decree, Alec, who is a young deputy minister, remains a human resource in the Dabus kingdom, where he is often questioned about his native qualifications.

Preach the truthful argument in such a tone that the Duke of Dantes can deceive Kimball.

This is why this Duke of Dantes' eldest daughter and Alec have been engaged for over a decade and are seen as getting married this year or next.

The emergency meeting convened by the King, the Duke of Agenor Belgrid, and chaired by Alec's uncle, the Chancellor, the Marquis of Rannal Belgrid, presents a picture that will run out of time with little progress on this day.

It's hard to make progress because opinions are heavily cracked in two and follow parallel lines.

What Alec claims is, "We should get rid of it before the dragons strike other villages. Therefore, it is preferable to expel as soon as possible. We should put our maximum force into it and put Keri on it all at once," is a fairly positive opinion.

In contrast, the Duke of Dantes insists, "Says the dragon appeared in the first place, but isn't it like a fluent language? If it's really a dragon, it's not stingy to invest in it, but it's also undeniable that it could be a demon similar to a dragon such as Wyvern. If we are to mobilize our forces, we should conduct a full reconnaissance and calculate a fair number. In the first place, we need funds to move a great battle force, and we want to reduce the likelihood of wasting money".

The facets attending your meeting have, in their hearts, a lot of endorsement of the cautious opinion claimed by the Duke of Dantes, and about a third of the endorsers of the positive opinion claimed by Alec.

However, Alec, who planned last year's operation to occupy the village of Comin and decorated it with great victory, not only increased his voice within his own ministry, but also within the court, where he had half the opinions that were spoken of in reality, including his obedience to him.

In such a fold, Count Solmonne, the Minister of Justice, raises his hand a little.

On that clap, a long mustache covering the lower half of his face white shivered.

It doesn't seem to be a very strong (wobbly) quality mustache for a dwarf plugged into old age.

"This meeting is also the second day. Isn't it time to come to a conclusion?

The Earl, who has been nominated as Speaker, has not even tried to hide his feeling of boredom anymore, but only his voice is heavy.

And he seemed to think that the king, who had narrowed his eyes and listened to the Count, should also make a decision.

"It's Alec. I know what you think. But shouldn't we also consider Minister Ozo's opinion? Doesn't what the Duke says seem like a mistake?

In the Kingdom of Davis, the King's remarks can be weighed considerably, but only considerably.

Close to the council system of the three Dukes of Belgrid, Stoles and Dantes, it accounts for nearly half of the reason that they are the most powerful nobles in the country.

It should be noted that the Duke of Lormott Stoles, who serves as Minister for Foreign Affairs, is not present at this previous meeting because he is going out with the ministers of the Ministry of Military Affairs to negotiate over the military boundaries open near the border with the neighbouring Kingdom of Cambit.


In response, Alec remembers coming in the other day and discussing it with everyone surrounding him.

That goes back a week now.

By the time information gathered from those who fled the village of Tankur to a certain degree and reached a certain level of trust...

Discussions about dragons were held around Alec at SS headquarters.

'... So, how big is a dragon usually?

Barnes asked Alec.

"Once upon a time, it was said that Bergo Frocti, defeated in the Dart Plains, was more than 20 meters long."

Alec remembered the inheritance he had heard from a court magician who was a tutor and taught him.

"What about this guy?

Now the mule asks.

"Summarizing the reports I've received so far, apparently it's about 5m"

Cell answered, not Alec.

'Huh!? You weren't so small you didn't have enemies? You had more than a thousand enemies, didn't you?

I said as Arco looked up at the face of the cell sitting next to him, feeling incredible.

"Come on, a five-meter creature's a mess."

Cell told him to hobble for Arco.

'That's right. Cave coming out of the labyrinth. Great bore-like or more...... if it's plain to Arko, does it feel like you've turned the rhino around? Well, the dragon would be thinner, so I think it weighs much lighter. You want to see it for once or so.'

Val says, nodding yeah.

Arco also remembered the memory of Cave Great Bore, who had only met the fold that went into the labyrinth once.

'Oh, well. Is 5m bigger than that...... But you can take him down, right?

Still, Arco eats down.

'Well, then, even if you're big enough, you're a pig. But dragons fly. "

A mule claps his shoulders and says.

'There's only enough way to attack me to come in. There's a lane over here. "

Barnes also affirms, but what would Alec do if Lane wasn't here? I thought.

Zed seemed bitter about what he said when he said it felt like he saw it.

'It's a dragon by the way... did you spray fire or something?

Alec stopped thinking boringly because Chris, who happened to be able to participate because he was back in King's Capital, said it in a sense of intrigue.

'They didn't spray fire. He said he sprayed something thunderous instead...'

"Thunder? Not a lightning bolt?

Lane has been interrupting.

'No, he said he opened his mouth and released something like thunder from it...'

Alec answers as he shifts his gaze from Chris to Lane.

The topic starts to move in that direction, like the dragon's ability to fight, or if he's really there, he wants to see it.

By the way, have you forgotten something?

Until then, Zed opened her mouth for the first time, listening in silence.

Even Zed wanted to see the dragon, but everyone forgot what was important and was frustrated not to touch it.

"Forgetting what?


Everyone asks orally.

"It's important."

"Don't wear it."

'That's right. Forget what?

Zed unwrapped the arms he had been putting together until then and reached for the cup arranged on the table.

"It's a Level Up"


Zed told me and everyone was hacked.

'I knew you'd all forgotten. It was supposed to be the conclusion that all creatures would level up, just like we would level up. "

'Sure. The level is "Yes" as typical of the magic special skill…'

'That's right. That's why we're doing the same thing as executioners. "

'So, the dragon too...?

"Of course you should think so -"

'Can't we somehow direct the dragon to the Lomberto side?

'Good idea, but how?

'You can't...'

"Where's the closest thing to Tankur?

'Kincade village to the east, isn't it? About ten kilometers away. "

"What's next?

"It's the village of Denang. About 10 km west '

"What about the village of Lomberto in the north?

'It's obvious, but it's a lot farther than this village. Reconnaissance says it's 15 km away. "

"Whether or not the dragon goes on its own, that's a bad bet."

"If I were a dragon, I'd attack you."

Heritage tells me that dragons are very powerful.

Especially since it was defeated by a group of adventurers in one place, the tutor also said that it would be adequately addressed if a strong man were chosen from among the Knights and court magicians.

Even the memories from previous life that Alec had seemed to me that the tutor's opinions were reasonable.

Of course, I've never seen a real dragon or anything, but I was about as keen on computer games.

In them it was at best a treatment to the extent of a medium boss, and was only a presence that was put on Cotempan at a few parties led by brave men.

But now that we've had more than twenty years of new raw life, seeing real demons and even killing each other, it's not hard to imagine that we won't be able to do anything without a good magician.

Alec continues to respond to the King after recognising something important in a few moments.

"- Indeed, I can understand Minister Ozo's comments. But even in the meantime, the people of the Dart Plains may be ravaged by evil dragons! When I think about it, I...!

Alec has bitter feelings as he answers the question of his father, the King.

- Shit. You have to do something before the dragon gets stronger, but don't be teethy......

"Forgive me for speaking"

A cell that was on guard in the corner of the room suddenly raised its voice.

It would not have been very acceptable, but I am aware of the fact that everyone here is the eldest son of the Third Duke and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cell.

Sooner or later, he's a qualified person who should be at this table.

Now I just happen to be worshipping the royal SS chief over the issue of star patrols.

"... forgive"

The king gave permission only after a few thoughts.

"Ha. Then overtake... Certainly, Minister Ozo's thoughts are particularly relevant. The great victory of last year allowed our country's finances to take a temporary breath, but what we're looking at is temporary. We should caution against extra spending, as this has not led to permanent physical improvement"

Alec meditated on his eyes and began to hear it as Cell began to speak and draw attention.

"... As you all know, Dart Plains is a very geological land. The fall of the village of Tankur means not only the breakdown of the life of the folk grass that lives there, but also the decrease in the taxes that will be collected in the future"

Cell is talking through his upright immobility posture, keeping a strict look on his face.

"I am not ashamed that it was taken by the Kingdom of Lombardy, but I am only glad that the Dragon defeated the Lombards."

Its gaze is fixed diagonally over the sky and does not move at all.

"There is only one thing we should not forget here. The village of Tankur is our national territory in the first place. To the north it is held by the Romberto, but also to the east, west and south is our village. If the damage is done there, the tax revenues will be even lower."

Much of the tax has not been taken due to the strong character of villages originally cut and developed within the Dart Plains.

Therefore, the perspectives from there were a little new to those present here.

"And above all, we are nobles who guide this kingdom of Dabus. Don't appease the lives of the people who live in the territory. What would be nobility! I don't care if it's the dragon that attacked Tankur Village! Defeat or drive away that dragon and the village of Tankur will return to our territory again and the Royal Army will regain its prestige!

It has been induced as if at some point the Royal Army had lost its prestige, but it is certain that it had failed the village of Tankur in earlier offensive warfare, and the fact that many had escaped by dragon raids, even though they had been captivated.

As an army defending the front lines of the Dart Plains, you will undeniably have been underpowered after all.

Especially in the struggle over villages cut into the Dart Plains, both countries won or lost, so it's hard to appreciate.

Don't say anything in the dragon.

Because it was a difficult issue to mention, it was just not spoken of by everyone.

"What do you think of the lords and folk grass who will rule the villages around Tanquor if they don't spare a small cost and even send out reinforcements for the defense team!? Yes, you can blame us even if you think we abandoned you!

As Cell said, in the past, neighboring villages were occupied by Lomberto, and there were even villages where every defensive force went back to sleep.

And vice versa.

"A dragon is rampaging right next to the village. Maybe my village will be the next to be attacked. But the country hasn't been able to send reinforcements. If I were the general in charge of Dart Plains in Lomberto, I would just send a messenger to encourage you to be respectful. I'm sending you a defensive team to pledge allegiance to the Kingdom of Lomberto as far as the unreliable Kingdom of Davez is concerned!

I can't hear one cough in the room other than the sound of a good cell.

"... of course, I know you are not on such a sweet note, and you are also oriented to try to confront me with garrisoned defensemen and squadrons. No, the Lords are also proud Dabus nobles, so it would rather be more so. But then it's like telling them to die!

Alec smiled lightly with his eyes closed.

- You're an actor, Cell.

In ancient times, countries that perished under the attack of powerful forces were regimes that could not abandon and cut off their exhausting ends.

When this one is on offense, take care of it to the end, and cut it off relentlessly when it turns to guard.

It can also be described as a grand principle governing the state.

And from Alec's point of view, the cell was not a vessel that I didn't understand.

- I couldn't say very much. But thanks to you, the fool seemed to be able to broil. Burn it.

"Our country is a proven, so-called righteous country that has defeated Bergoflocti, a demon nesting in the Dart Plains in the past..."

Cell's long tongue still goes on, but Alec didn't miss a few of the cabinet members who disagreed with Alec, who changed their minds as if they had been moved.

For this reason, the king is one of them.

The kingdom of Dabus is sweet to those of the Three Dukes, also known as your three families, not to mention the up-and-coming young people.

In the guest room of the village lord's hall to Gal, Zulu had finished his report and request to the master of the hall.

"I did tell you. Just in case, please stay in Debucken by the 10th of next month. He said the inn could be anywhere, but the Lords and Mistress Firefrid and I would like you to check the location locally."

That being said, Zulu gets up off the floor and bows his head.

"... ok. Me and Belle are gonna come in handy this time."

Tris replied, glaring at Guillari.

"That's me too. Even if you want to forget the ugliness then... then"

Zulu also replies with a thin smile.

Al received a report of the appearance of the dragon and anticipated that when responding to a summons from Wang Du, he would request his expulsion even though he had not been clearly told.

And he had sent first those who would have a high level of flesh among the territories, and had set up Zulu as a messenger to rendezvous locally.

The members of the dragon exorcism that Zulu is hearing from Al are Al's wife, headed by Al followed by the higher-level Mizchi, Zenom, Tris, Bell, Ralpha and Ghine.

Plus I was thinking of hitting it with a member who added Zulu himself.

It should be noted that so far, Ralpha and Guineh are on their way because they seem to be hitting the Beige Village checkpoint.

Return with them to Weed to rendezvous with Xenom, where they await Mizchi's arrival and head to Debucken.

So far, Mizuchi's troop formation (partisation) has only been used with Al.

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