4 Feb 7450

He arrived at Lombertia Castle around noon, but was soon passed into a meeting room at the First Knights headquarters in Two Rounds.

Viscount Gendyle, the First Knight Commander, had a long neck and waited for me, apparently, but he said, "You'll want to hear a lot about the dragon that showed up on the Dart Plains. I'm actually going to call the relative, so you should hear the details directly from them," he said, greeting him out of the room there as well.

Soon four men came in: Sir Robein, Sir Zamorph, Sir Harijan and Sir Feenun.

They were all part of the Tanqueray Village offensive.

Ah, Sir Feenung is named Huckleberry Feenung, about Mr. Huck.

I couldn't help but make the pageant in silence, so I first expressed my condolences to the deceased, congratulated them on their survival, and expressed my regret that they had returned earlier.

Once the gratuitous words have been rewarded, they begin to speak as much information as they know about the dragon that struck the village of Tankur.

It was Sir Robain who spoke to me centrally, and the other three remain to supplement her if she lacks words.

Because of that organized conversation, I even thought it might have been a summary of what I was going to say to you in advance.

Especially the content of the story.

Since their return, they will have spoken and reported many times, so they also nod that they are organized and accustomed to speaking.

So far, so few stories seem new to me.

The brace attack wasn't the energy drain that Shadow Dragon had thrown up before, but the fact that he was throwing up a shock-like brace was just as Mizuchi had asked him in the short time before he left.

Sure, the red dragon spit out flames, the blue one was electric shock, the green one was poison gas, the white one was cold air, and the black one was acid.

The shape of the dragon also painted something like a simple ponch painting.

According to that, he's like a guy who grew a pair of bat-like wings on lizards like Iguana with a long neck.

It's different from the Shadow Dragon there, too, but it's rather close to the dragon I know, and it's also common with the shape Mizuchi and everyone else imagined.

Shadow Dragon had two to four much smaller wings compared to his body length because all four legs were small and short, so it was closer to a dragon than a dragon.

Especially since he seems to have a lot in common with Shadow Dragon except in shape.

Fly in the sky.

Make a brace attack.

I can't confirm the effect of an attack with a normal weapon.

Equipped with resistance to magic.

And by roaring, it damages and panics the spirit of an organism that is probably lower in level than the dragon.

Salvation for me is about the last item.

It seems that quite a few people were spared the effects of the roar, so it seems that the level of the dragon is much lower than Shadow Dragon's Longalzamruzolphalene, only one point.

Now, of the four people who explain the dragon in front of me, they weren't even affected by the roar by Lord Harijan, who has eight levels and the lowest.

Yeah, that's a helpful point there, too, because he said he didn't use magic.

I don't know if I could use it or not, so I can't say anything.

That's how Viscount Gendail came back while I was listening to the dragon.

I'll see His Majesty, so tell him to follow me.

Well, what will Your Majesty say?

Well, there's only one thing...

But what about that?

Dragon exorcism is no different than exorcising orcs and hobgoblins that attack villages.

It is completely different in nature from foreign invasions and wars that prevent foreign invasions.

In short, we can say that it is exactly the same as Godzilla appeared and rumbled in one part of Japan.

In this case, would it be appropriate to consider the West Dart region to be Osaka Prefecture, Osaka Prefecture Governor to the extent that Godzilla appeared in Nagoya or so?

Leaving aside how the King and those around him perceive it, the situation is the same.

In Japan, Godzilla is first certified as a vermin.

If the damage was done to people living there, cultivated land, etc., the vermin certification would be done without question.

Well, Godzilla will have an impact on aquaculture farms and such for fishery products because they come from the sea.

Some fishing boats will have been forced to overthrow.

Beyond being a vermin, the police, who would otherwise have jurisdiction over the area, take care of it.

Aichi Prefectural Police in this case.

Since this is the extermination of the vermin, it is a case where a request to exterminate the vermin should be made to a local hunter or something in Japan.

And, naturally, Godzilla is beyond the reach of Aichi Prefectural Police, who only have the equipment to deal with a single hunter or a small number of people.

It is normal to be a militia outpost.

Perhaps from the outset, a request was made by the Governor of Aichi Prefecture to deploy to the militia, and the Cabinet will order the militia to deploy to the "Disaster Dispatch" together with "live ammunition training".

If it is still before landing on land, there may be enough to temporarily designate waters and beaches as training waters, projectile bombardments, or exercise areas.

That way, there's no legal problem with civilians getting mixed up or evacuation delayed.

Since it is not an armed attack from external forces, including foreign countries, it definitely does not fall under the category of "defensive deployment".

I can assure you that something super-legislative won't happen first.

In any case, if that were the case, it would be reasonable for police organisations in another region, in this case mobile units, including SAT and SIT, etc., but there would also be no such thing as outposts being laid down on such units.

This means that my Knights and I will not be ordered to leave.

In short, we are not talking about the kind of people who can officially give orders to me, the Count of Leagues, who rule the West Dart region.

Well, it's dangerous to think about the Kingdom of Lomberto as it is because it's not Japan, but the laws of the Kingdom of Lomberto and the exorcism of demons attacking villages are to be dealt with by the Knights of the land, so it won't be a thankless out-of-the-box view.

I checked a little with Insenga's aunt, a living crossword of national law, just before I left, so I think I can shield it if I have to.

The king, who called me all the way out, opened his mouth as soon as he gave a shapely greeting.

"Why don't you and the First Knights (...) or (...) plant a way to defeat the dragon?

"Uh, what does that mean?

It was a bit unexpected, so I overheard it.

Go exorcise the dragon that appeared in the village of Tankur, it was not.

If you're going to answer honestly to this order, the whole element first...... yeah. I can't.

"Nothing like this. Isn't that the only dragon slayer in our country? And he is also a nobleman who vows allegiance to the rest. So, if so, can I expect you to hear the rest of my wishes?

Oh, whoa. Is that it?


But this old man, he can't help but plump the challenge......

There's no way you can plant it or anything, think commonsense.

"Hmm? Do you mind if I take that as a sign of acceptance?

That's not why, give me as much time to think about it.

"Yes, no. I know what I can do, even if I'm told to“ plant ”it in one bite."

To be honest, there's very little I can think of but to raise the level, to make you possess a magical weapon.

It will teach you how to deal with it.

There's no way I can run it from what I said.

"It's probably just a dragon slayer... but there is no one else in our country who has killed a dragon except that. I don't care about any trivial things, so why don't you give me some advice?

Is that it?

Would that be a statement aimed at contrasting effects in the art of negotiation?

The first guy to pluck high prices (train the Royal Romberto Army to fight against dragons) and see that as impossible or lower prices (regardless of the fighting laws, impart knowledge of precautions, etc.)?

I can't seem to hurt myself because I talked to my own army, so I'm going to keep talking to the perks, but I'm not that dumb either.

No, it's not like you want the price of the knowledge teachings you need to exorcise a dragon.

If that's what you really need, and it helps, you don't feel any problem with what you say.

In short, it's just useless to teach you anything.

In the first place, from what I said, it seems impossible to achieve it first, and it would even be difficult for you to believe it according to things.

And the trouble is - maybe - that this king (the old man) even understands what he's saying.

You see, in just a few moments, my eyes changed.

"... Your Majesty understands..."

I thought I'd give him a look that seemed deliberately thoughtful, but I remembered something important at the spot, so I said it without moving my expression.

"Do you understand? Tell me what?

The king who heard my reply seemed to understand what I was trying to say.

Nonetheless, he still continues to play a boring little play.

Well, I understand the mood because even if I were king, I'd have to keep playing the little play.

It must have bothered your head.

However, the conclusion that could be twisted out should have been clear from the beginning.

Anyway, in addition to the fact that there were many of those elite First Knights in the village of Tankur, there were also Second Knights and Fourth Knights who were accustomed to war.

That's more than a thousand people in total.

When I heard about it, the dragon was about five meters long, but I still couldn't win.

Not even a thousand troops could resist.

Sir Balmish and Sir Fireblaze bought their time by throwing themselves away and just crushing them to death.

In the first place, there's no way I could flip this because it's a training tactic, beyond the fact that a non-magic attack didn't work and its magic couldn't even have a busy effect.

In short, personal swordsmanship tactics are almost pointless to dragons.

Well, this also means that there are other true offensive points.

... You must be aware of that when it looks like this.

"Well, it's a dragon that attacked Tankur Village... but if what I heard earlier is true, I don't think you can win it where I've taught you a lesson from past exorcisms"

Yeah, well, the dragon I shot was set to work with a regular weapon.

He said he shot out a hole pierced by a bullet that demon-bounced him with a crossbow.

"... well. I'm angry that the rest of the army has been ridiculed, but it's a dragon slayer, but if that's what you're saying, it is."

Oh? Am I forgotten?

"No, it's not something I can do very well as a non-talented person, such as to belittle His Majesty's army. If that's what you mean, I'll withdraw my foreword and apologize."

Whoa, I didn't mean to, so let's just apologize.

"Heh. Still no such thing, then. I suppose you're trying to tell me that Shadow Dragon that you defeated had an attack and a magic trick? I know. Make me hate it."

Oh, I don't know.


Are you trying to tell me that Shadow Dragons over 30 meters long, which I defeated, are inferior to the five-meter little dragons that showed up on the Dart Plains?

... Well, if you're judging the overall information you're getting, you could say so depending on what you think.

"But even so, it doesn't change the fact that he defeated the dragon. You mind if I tell you about how to fight as an experienced man?


"What, are you dissatisfied?

"No, that's not why..."

"Of course I don't say impotent to just coach. I came at the end of the year to watch the game on my feet, and when I helped occupy it, I went back to my territory, and I finally got back. Now I guess I was called by an arrow to get into work."

If that's what you know, think of a few more ways to say it.

"I'm going to lose a little money next fiscal year. Let's make it 30% to 20%."


10% discount is huge!

"Ha. Thank you. And how long?

Regardless of how indefinite it is, if they say a month or something, it won't be seriously stylish.

If you think about the round-trip detention time, it will be at least 10% of the time of the year.

Besides, if you're going to say that, this summons is going to be enough.

"How much time do you think that would take?

"If you're simply going to talk about your experience, one day is enough today. I know there's nothing more I can do..."

When he heard my reply, the king looked slightly down.

A day, then. High on boulders?

But the king instantly smiles nimmari.

"Damn, you lied, didn't you?



"I made it clear that there was nothing else I could do..."

No, no, that part wouldn't be the answer to the question in the first place!

It was time for you to share your experience!

Besides, that's not a lie!

What do you mean by counteracting dragons, other than raising the level above your opponent, tapping into high-level attack magic, and slashing them with magic weapons?

Even though one of them is difficult, there's nothing I can do about it.

At best, we'll just have to talk about what we could get out of that fight.

There's a lot of important information about the speed of flight, the range of braces, and air mobility in battle.

None of this is easy to get, isn't it valuable information?

"Don't look so unhappy. I know you can't do the rest."


I hope so.

If the king blamed me for "spitting lies" or something, even though I didn't mean to at all, I wouldn't have to be in a hurry.

"Anyway, it's valuable to talk about your experience. You defeated the dragon somehow. But regardless of the teachings of the experience gained from it, I know that I don't have time to make it into a thing for a long time. If you let it go, the next thing the dragon will hit is the northern village of Darbin. There are still many soldiers out there, and the evacuation of the inhabitants is beginning, but it will still take some time to complete."

It's in the east and west. The village of Dabus is closer, so if the dragons attack next, isn't that it?

But I can only say it's likely from distance, and it's just a hopeful observation that I barely saw it in the eye because there's no other basis.

Count of the League, Alain Gried.

The king, who had made his dwelling right, said in a solemn voice, striking and changing from before.


I noticed that the atmosphere had changed, and when I got up off the couch, I politely responded by thanking my subordinates.

"In the southern part of the kingdom, give the heavenly realm the right of arms. Take command of the soldiers stationed in the realm of the Earls of the League, Lancel, Dressler and Ellers, and destroy demons that do harm to the land!



The king looked suspicious because I remained silent without responding.

"What's up?

There's nothing wrong with you or these things.

Military rights? I don't want it, that's not it.

No, I want it so bad I can get my hands out of my throat.

I don't want it if that's all.

"You, come on, if it's a rough guy, be impressed, I'll take care of it. You're about to say a word of it, right?

The king said with a bitter smile.

Really, already, over this period......

Sometimes the tone is suddenly shattered and the truth is hidden.

I don't need a belly searcher anymore, do I?

"Now, with all due respect, First of all, it's called the destruction of demons that do harm to the land."

The king didn't say anything.

"This isn't just the dragon we were talking about earlier, is it?

No, well, that's good.

I wonder why. I guess that means wacky.

But I'm not that free this time!

"Hehe. Did they see you?"

The king just said a little bit unfortunately.

"Naturally. On the contrary, it's unfortunate that they thought you'd be hooked if you said so much."

Saying so, the king grinned as if to say, bad, bad.

"I'm sorry about that. But you only have to get rid of the dragon. I apologize for trying to hook you up. I'm sorry."

A king who looks down at me from the top of the couch and apologizes with sorrow.

"No...... keep your head up"

Being apologized for by the king of Lomberto, a great power, is not a bad thing in itself.


"Then, we deposit the military rights and exorcise the dragons. It's inconsistent that the consideration should be a discount on the payment."

You know, I don't have that much free time.

Will I be deluded with that amount of money?

"Again, say that too..."

You bet!

"It's a consideration payment, but how about a discount for the rest of the future?

Oh!? Then! Does that fool you?

The land would be rough to such an extent that it would not be advantageous if the dragon were to break out, and many people would die.

Wouldn't it be too easy for a bug to pay a discount on my payment?

But since the west dart I own is far away, there won't be any direct damage from the dragon, okay?

It's too short-sighted for boulders.

If, for example, a dragon runs north and all over the place toward the Lomberto side, the defense of the land falls apart.

It doesn't matter because it's not my territory, but maybe Davas will attack me on that plane.

No wonder he didn't attack and occupy it, but only did so to harass it, further defensive gradients and confusion.

Eh, an exchange man who doesn't do that in this day and age is an idiot.

It is not a modern planet, and there is no country that can afford to reach out to others.

Even the developed countries of the planet can afford to invest money everywhere because their own people are relieved, and they put in a multinational army called the UN Army.

If you look at such a spare country on a global scale, do you have 10% or 20%?

You can't afford me and my territory like that.

I don't even have this look.

Even the Kingdom of Romberto is a privileged power compared to the surrounding countries, but I don't think its substance even extends to the Roman Empire of the 900 's A.D.

If there is a country that has reached out to other countries in need at such a time, I want you to let me know.

That's even the situation in the Lomberto kingdom, which is known as the Western Orad One, so whatever the other countries are, they don't say anything about me and my territory.

The upper echelons of Dabus won't have bottomless favorites and idiots either.

Anyway, when that happens, it's a homeland defense battle, so the king can issue a dispatch order with a big name for me and my army, and it's hard unless it's not too big a reason to say no.

I can't help but be glad I got the right to fight at that time.

Rather, I think it fits the reality better that I'm about to be pushed.

Of course, depositing the military rights in the south of the kingdom is huge and, above all, very honorable.

Normally, I'd be happy to rub my forehead to the ground.

Hang on, that's it.

I see the point of calling me on purpose.

To get rid of dragons and demand that I become a jetty to the kingdom of Dabus?

That's understandable in itself, and even I, the king, would want to take advantage of the odd currency, so I'm not angry about it.

I'm sure this one's for real because it hasn't been made clear about the deadline for military rights.

Well, it was the other side that made it feel like no abdominal arts.

"It's not something you can take on just the discount on your payment and your military rights"

answered in a quiet tone.

"Shit... you're a really annoying guy, you..."

The king says with a sincerely disgusting look on his face.

"I'll take that as a compliment"

"It's annoying in places like that, too. It's not cute."



The king sighed deeply.

"But well, I guess it has to be this kind of guy..."

You seem to be squeaking bumps in your mouth, but you don't hear me very well.

"... I thought it was too early for boulders, but when this happens, there's no other way. I'll do all the Count Lancel territory, the Count Dressler territory, and the Count Ellers territory as well. Now you can name the Marquis who owns the Dart region. But the soldiers stationed in the garrison will have to pull a third of the way around for the next ten years or so at the latest. Don't make me feel uneasy from the south because I'll give you the rest, okay? If so... if you know what I mean"

Is that it?

No, I'm judging now, isn't that what you can do?

Anyway, at any rate, it's equal to being told to step on it for at least ten years.

In the meantime, if it were Borocus, all the soldiers stationed on the Dart Plains would pull their swords against me.

After that I packed a fine part in two hours.

The main focus was to take over the dragon brilliantly, including the Duke, and then do it within a year, and the deputies on duty could be rented up to twenty years.

I can't afford the time, and I have to put it behind me otherwise.

And on my back trying to get rid of the dragon, the king called out.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Siebect or Reface. Marry Forcain and this girl. Anyone. Anyway, marry my daughter."

I looked back breathlessly.

"... that's all the terms. I'm not going to say I don't want to hear all that information about my territory right now. Or don't you like to call me stepfather?

I don't like it.

"Oh, I don't mind the Second Lady. You can think of me as a hostage, but if you're a hostage, I'm holding this one. Did I say Marsilio? Or is that your sister?

It was a punctuating gaze.

"Either way, I'm inviting you to the royal palace now. He's my future son's family. It's a family that matters to me. Oh, my sister was a loyal man, too."

The king's voice contained only a few ingredients that he could not do.

Didn't you really want to say this?

But if I did, I'd be with you!

"Build your tracks quickly and reassure your old, short, old man, okay? He's not here yet, is he?

Ko, this...!

"Huh. Nice face. There's something cute about the show and you, too. I didn't know that."

Fuck you!

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