Pickle, and a trembling twitch, Gorzondkuri slowly opened his eyes.

His sensitive hearing captured the sound of massive prey that we hadn't heard here in a while.

- This is... a lot. Lots of them.

There was quite a bit of prey when I came to the land, but this time it seems to exceed that as well.

We also know that there are three fairly large herds and several smaller herds compared to them.

- With that said, you're hungry...

I stretched my neck out and looked around.

It was in the square of the village of Tankur that Golzondokouri slept.

Beyond the square, further out than the fence surrounding the residence, there were signs of massive prey.

I notice that the signs are mixed with the sound of metal called kachakacha.

- Are you here to kill yourself? In the meantime of bait......

I already understand that metal is a material that is often used for tools for combat, such as weapons and protective equipment.

At the same time, I really liked some of those metals, such as swords, spear tips, and chest armor, because they reflected light and glow beautifully.

-... Hmm, can't you learn? A guy named Human has a lot of out-of-the-box idiots...

The number of signs approaching seemed to be quite high, and Golzondkuri decided that this place, full of shields, was unfit for the pleasure of genocide.

There is also the desire not to break the cozy sleeping floor there, made by collecting shiny beautiful treasures, such as the buildings that were built around the square and the swords and armor that were left in the village.

- Should I take the distance first?

When I made a big stretch, I widened my wings.

And when you kick the earth with tough hind legs, it wings and raises altitude a little.

- This is...! Ha-ha-ha! You brought me treasure (sparkle) on purpose?

Gorzondkuri chuckled when he saw the weapons equipped by the Dabus soldiers who were stuck at the distance of the call to the village's residence.

For some reason, it was strange that there was not one human child in the north, but I can also nod that there is a vacancy in the north if a group of humans came from the south.

- Intercept them on the cultivated land in the north (over there)?

Golzondkuri flew just a little north.

- Gu...! Looks like they learned a little too.

Golzondkuri poisoned himself in the heart while disabling the offensive magic that was made into a fishing bottle shot by a large number of magicians.

I've killed more than two hundred before, but the number of humans is dozens of times that.

And while many sacrifices have been made, morale still seems to be kept high, and I don't even show a bare gesture of retreating, unlike last time.

There's a reason for that.

One is to have an overwhelming number, the majority of which is made up of regular Knights.

Under Commander's command, the troops are strong enough to quickly line up and storm, reorient, and evacuate at the desired speed.

It also contributes to improving morale that we are proud to be powerful people who have survived hard training rather than the expropriated U.N. crowd.

The other was that the roar I feared had not had a very significant effect.

The crusade force led by General Dantes has the Black Wolf Knights at its core, supposedly second only to the White Phoenix Knights, even in the Kingdom of Dabus, but it was still expected that nearly half of them would be affected by the roar.

In fact, those who fled with their lives when the village of Tankur was raided reported with their mouths shut "about half of the villagers and garrisoned defensemen were rendered powerless by a single roar raised by the dragon".

Some of the rapporteurs reported that they were members of the defensive corps, that they were residents of the village, and that they were also members of the army on Lomberto's side, so it was thought that there would be no criterion for who the roar would affect.

For this reason, I have organized my troops prepared to be influenced to some extent by the roar, but it was in fact those who were expropriated and became carriers of the arborest, as well as those who belonged to the Knights, who had a relatively low age of servants, about 30% of the total.

For the Dabus Army, this was a delightful miscalculation, only to expect that 40% of them would be affected by the roar and that if they did poorly they might reach 50%.

Extremely, it has also been found that some of the magical weapons they possess can certainly hurt any of the mighty dragons.

Some of those who fled the raid saw the Lomberto commanders resisting the dragon.

Even the Rombert warriors, who were proud of their bravery, were not scratched by the dragon.

But "there was someone in our army who could do that" is supposed to boost morale greatly.

- Shit. What is that weapon?!?

The magical weapon held by several was a very unpleasant attack for Golzondkuri.

All the wounds received were minor and not significant, and the majority of the attacks are played with tough scales that combine rigidity with high toughness.

but for attacks that have rarely broken through the defenses of scales, what can't be deactivated is frustrating.

And there is more pain than can be deactivated, naturally.

Because it is not a great deal of pain, even if it is not enough to feel a danger to life.

What is even more abominable is that they find themselves irresistibly attracted to the brilliance that those weapons emit.

- I want it...

The comfort of the bedding I laid that must be incredibly good.

If it is possible to harm itself, it is likely to cause moderate irritation to this sturdy body.

I couldn't even say that the beds I had used until today were bad, rather I could say that they were pretty good considering I was in the wetlands, but they were just kind of fluffy and repeated over and over again to find a pleasant sleeping minister.

We have yet to find out about the best sleeping minister.

- Out of the way!

Shake only one wing wide and slap your tail as you rotate at high speed.

Only this turned a few upper bodies into blood smoke.

He stretched his arms to his prey, who had frozen in his frightened face on that side and stopped moving, trying to crush him as he remained in power.

A martial artist on a horse stormed in there and was bounced off his arm.

On the other side of the martial arts, they continue to unleash attacks that the prey of using that abominable weapon can hardly get through.

- Shit, am I interrupted?

I breathe a little while I do that.

Inhaling heavily at once to make a brace attack, they read the timing and interrupted it, so they engineered it to be difficult to read the timing.

Even that became read over and over again, but sometimes you can throw up effectively by poking a gap.

I breathed in quickly where I had some build-up and spit it out with thunder.

The annoying prey on the horse sums up and dies many.

The likelihood, as always, makes Golzondokouri feel great pleasure.

Over and over again, the prey's movements have become dull.

- Oh, come on, you're finally getting norry, and you're tired already?

The "possibility of getting scratched" had been a very good stimulus for Golzondkuri.

Of course, it hurts if he gets wounded, so I don't like it, but the result was to let him devise more white soldier skills.

Wing only the left wing as you wield your right arm.

When he bites the prey in front of him, he makes it look like it, kicks hard on the ground with one leg, and sticks it into the prey that was on the side.

If you jump up just a little bit when you throw up your braces, you won't even be disturbed first.

Especially since, unlike throwing up on the ground, if you throw up a brace in the air, you can still beat only a couple of them, so it doesn't feel very refreshing.

I still recognised that it was more suited to sex to go down on the ground and spit out thoughtfully or kill while making sure of the feeling of prey resisting in my arms and mouth.

Now he has even tried various movements, forcing a definite bleeding on the population of prey.

If we're going to reduce our prey at the same pace, we're going to be able to wipe it out after noon.

Bite and chop off the head of the prey grabbed on his left arm, chewing and crushing his skull.

I tried to sip my popped brain marrow and spewed out only a skull that was merely cussed.

When I did this, I realized that each of the prey I saw behaved funny.

He gets mucky and makes wasted attacks, or suddenly changes his complexion and screams something.

- Huffle. A human reacts perfectly well.

Would that margin have taken its toll?

I was delayed in noticing a slight change in the movement of the prey population.


I heard one of my prey scream from somewhere.

- Ha. Is he a bow again?

Golzondokouri doesn't pay attention at all.

So far, there has been no such abominable weapon in the flying tools used by the prey.

Even if there were, it's not hard to imagine you wouldn't get a lot of scratches.



I felt an uncomparable pain on my flank.

- What the fuck!? Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

For the first time, Gorzondokouri felt a sense of crisis as he scattered his distressingly vulnerable braces.

A weapon named [Thunderbolt (Sandaller)], contrary to its name, increases damage against organisms with lightning bags.

That was thrust into the flank of Golzondkuri with intense momentum, inflicting pain that I had never felt before.

- Aaaah! This is not good!?

For humans who only perceived it as prey, no, it was the first time they learned to threaten other organisms.

- For one thing, somewhere safe...!

Flew in opposite directions to those in which humans came.

The abominable weapon, which inflicted pain every time he moved his wings, managed to pull it out and throw it away as he flew.

Of course there are untrained.

But not now.

Anyway, we have to go somewhere safe and heal the wounds.

It all starts with that.

I wasn't used to it this time because I'm not used to magic yet, but I had a knowledge of the magic of healing wounds.

- Watch it now, you human!

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