11 Feb 7450

There was a small group of travellers on the streets from Lombertia to the southern part of the kingdom, the capital of the Kingdom of Lomberto.

A small group of two cars with two horseback rides lined up next to each other is a slightly strange combination for pedestrians.

The intervals between the two rides leading are quite close, and the riders seem to be having some conversation.

Only two people sit alongside you in the luggage that follows, and the cargo carriage is loaded with luggage.

And on the last luggage that follows, this one also sits side by side with your man, but on the carrier sat a small amount of luggage and several men and women.

A conversation is exchanged among those who sit on the carrier.

"What are you guys talking about?

said a big lion tribe (lios) man.

The man is commonly known as Barr, and Bartheinez Zom is his real name.

It is a fairly well-known name in the labyrinth city of Balduk.

"You've been talking to me and you ever since we left."

It is the woman of the elite (elf) sitting next to him who answered.

The common name Roll, Laurel Narzomelin, is the real name.

She is also known in Balduk as a high-powered adventurer, as is Barr.

"You've become a proper nobleman too, don't you hear a lot?

Says the woman sitting across from them.

She is an elf commonly known as Meme.

His real name is Mimlot Lockwise, which falls compared to the previous two, but is still quite well known in Balduk.

"Hmm... maybe so. Greed, I'm guessing your Excellency means seniors... it's hard to do, thank you."

Lol can't hide his confusion in unfamiliar words.

There are still men and women on the carrier one at a time.

It's a Puppet (Hume) man and a Dwarf (Gnome) woman.

Hume's man seems to be nervous and depressed by the luggage wall, and Norm's woman sends a blurred gaze at the slowly shifting scenery.

Apparently, this wagon carriage was a black yellow ball (Black Topaz) headed with Al to Leland.

"Hold on, we're not the squire... You were right to follow me."

"When you're a squire, Barr, what are you gonna do? Are you getting married?

"Huh. Marriage. Well, I'll see to it when I get over there. Lol, what about you like that? What about Vit?

"Vit? Stop it. He's not a hobby."

Lol answered as he looked at the back of the elf's head sitting in the lordship of a previous luggage truck.

"Come on, are you serious? It's worth taking care of and baking."

"I just take care of Lot because I owed him one. First of all, you're not old enough. I'll find the right one over there."

"Oh well... you've heard a lot of things for a long time... well, you're not the brother of an old man, are you?"

Barr told him to squeal as he looked up into the sky.

In particular, in the event of the sudden death of, for example, a housekeeper or his heirs, the person who inherits the trace will continue to take over, including the spouse and children. but I'm sure it's not something they like either.

"... what do you do with the meme?

"Huh? Oh, me? I..."

"I haven't even thought about it yet."


"It was a sudden story and I can't..."

Barr also decided to give a voice to the Norm woman who wasn't in the conversation.

"Is Nell thinking about anything? Shizuku, you're pretty lucky too... ok or bad? Well, I guess I could say fine. I can't believe this happened as soon as I got in."

"Huh? Oh, sure, if you ask me. I've only been a little over a month since I joined Black Topaz..."

Suddenly he was told the story, and Nell answered with a little confusion.

"Surely you don't know how to describe your luck. If you think you've got an environment where you can make a lot of money as an adventurer, this is it right away. But it's not a miracle."

"Right. Besides, he's still young enough."

Meme and Roll also spoke of Nell's good luck.

"What can I say, Nell had nothing to do with Lord Gried?

Meme asked Nell.

I don't care, it's just that I left the question in my mouth.

"Meme, it's..."

"Stop it. Don't ask me that, do you?

Lol and Barr were true to Andersen's words.

"I know that. But it already stinks that I was introduced at that time. Isn't that too good a time?

The facts contained in Meme's words stopped the two of us talking.

Even for Lol and Barr, I was naturally aware of that, and I'm pretty sure I cared.

"... it's true that I never met that guy until the end of last year..."

Nell started talking, and the three of them whispered.

Andersen told me not to ask Nell anything extra, because when Nell started talking, he didn't tell me to block his ear.

"... only half of it"

Question marks float over the heads of the three.

Seeing that look on his face, Nell smiles small.

"Once upon a time... a long time ago, I've seen him a few times or just talked a little bit, but he didn't remember me"

Even as he was speaking, Nell turned again to the slow-flowing view.

"Well, that's less than half, isn't it? As a matter of fact, until I met him in a proper way at the end of last year, I completely forgot... even when I met him in the first place, I had little personal relationship... one way or another, I was closer to knowing about him unilaterally."

When I heard the words that followed, the three of them snorted.

"But, well, I'm sure we had an edge. At first, he told me if I didn't work for his chamber of commerce... and I, at that time, demanded a higher salary than I had been greedily offered."

The look on Nell's face with his gaze back in the luggage car seemed shy as to why.


"Of course, the prospect was to use it as a bargaining platform after plugging it up, so expensive that they gave up without even negotiating..."

"How expensive did you sprinkle?

Barr asked.

"I said I wanted 3 million a month..."

Nell replied bright red and embarrassed.

"Sa, 300..."

We don't have to know what superior adventurers will get, and Barr and the others will all end up with too much out of common sense for mere hire rewards.

"Still... he wrote me a reference to Black Topaz without anger at all."

Nell said as he meditated his eyes and remembered Al's expression at the time.

Al didn't even have a very surprising look on his face and remained calm.

"That's... people are too good... you're a good person"

Barr glanced at Al's rear as he moved forward with only his head out as he glanced through the luggage car wall.

"Well, even when Vix in the example was fascinated by the Devil's Sword... and he helped me several times in the labyrinth..."

Lol also had a slightly surprised look but sounded like some convincing went.


Meme is silently listening to everyone's words.

"But it's hard to stably say 300 a month at our party on a boulder. Well, on average, there have been 1000 years a month in the past..."

"Oh, the year I found your armor, Rose Garb Armor. That one sold high...... But the labyrinth is dangerous... and when you die, you don't have an ex or a child."

Listening to the conversation between Barr and Roll, Meme looked again.

Ever since the full season of Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) passed, that is, I've never made that much money since about three years before Meme joined Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) through Sakura (Prim Rose).

It used to be good, and so on. There is no reason why it would be Earth to be welcomed other than the party that knew it.

In particular, even if Meme continues to live in Sakura (Prim Rose), it is as much about whether he will finally earn the same amount of money at the moment after being quoted fairly meticulously, and the reality is that Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) makes more money.

Therefore, there is no dissatisfaction at all in terms of income.

For this reason, your armor, Rose Garb Armor, is just an excellent magic armor, or a delicacy with brilliant decorations such as gold and silver on white painted metal armor (plates and emails).

On the occasion of the king's bid at the auction and his buyout, his relationship with Andersen was the cause of the restoration.

Since then, armor has been worn during soldiering ceremonies, etc.

"I don't know if that man knew then that Mr. Andersen would be described to the Duchess. But I also feel like you knew and wrote me a reference."

The references themselves are not only black yellow balls (Black Topaz), but also addressed to the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood). What a hard decision to make because two copies are allowed, but Nell thought so.

- Me plucked the unscrupulous reward on the person who got me that far...... oh shame.

Even the other day, Nell has taken an extra attitude toward Al, who has been reunited.

If you try Nell, it's only natural that you won't be dressed if you at least make more money and show it than you turned down the first 2 million a month offered by Al.

Of course, if you belonged to Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz), you could have made more money than that from past achievements.

However, during a few labyrinth rows, Nell recognized that he was still underpowered as a member of Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz).

Andersen, the leader on such a nel, had guts to hang out with me without one disgusting face.

I couldn't even complain about being thrown out.

In particular, it was Nell's personal impression that members of Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) were secretly impressed with Nell's amount of magic that allowed him to carry out a series of attack and healing sorceries.

Anyway, even though it was a degree of strength, Nell told Al he was a top adventurer who could make three million dollars a month.

Believing that, Al worked it out for me so that I could easily belong to a superior adventurer party.

Nell had a desire to treat such a man lovingly, but he was embarrassed and embarrassed, but to throw everything out now and escape, he cannot easily let go of his status as a member of the Black Yellow Jade (Black Topaz) and the near-future reality of being able to become a full squire, and even the future of possibilities of even being a nobleman.

Naturally, it was too much of a waste.

Those feelings became obnoxious, and they were so bored with each other.

Nell like that, Al doesn't look busily conscious these past few days.

I've only hung words once in the street that I don't think are already in my eyes.

As a result, Nell has spent the last few days feeling bored.

It should be noted that Al today could not afford to pay attention to such things as in Nell's mind.

More than that, it was a priority to focus on exploring the future, the impending dragon exorcism, and Andersen's mind.

A few miles north of Tankur village.

Golzondkuri, who had flown so far, landed covered with scratches when he found the appropriate vacant land.

A small creature escapes from the surroundings.

Some of them seemed to be humans on creatures called equines, but I can't afford to be on such a trinket right now.

- Ugh... shit, what was that, that?

Lie in pain.

- But there are some things... Sometimes human beings are not so easy to hunt...

But that weapon is a shame.

I pulled it out and threw it away, which is even more regrettable now.

That weapon is not the only spare weapon.

There were a number of other objects that gave off a fascinating glow.

- You humans... watch. I'll make sure you get it in the near future! But we need to heal the wound first.

Changing his posture so as to strike a turnaround with Guru, Gorzondkuri concentrates his spirit.

- Like this? No, like this?

Just a few seconds after starting his mental concentration, Gorzondkuri's body emitted a magical light.

I felt a slight connection between the injured tissues in the back of my body.

- Hmm, looks like these are the better ones...

Golzondkuri, who began his mental concentration again.

Now an even stronger magical light emanated from his body in about thirty seconds.

The wound seems to have gotten even better than when I used healing magic earlier.

Golzondokouri, who is only a little more attentive, uses more magic.

The time of mental concentration was shortened each time, and in a few seconds the magic became complete.

And the wounds seemed to be completely blocked, both large and small.

- Nevertheless, I'm angry...

I can still bear to say I've been scratched by such a small opponent.

None of the wounds I received, except the big ones I just treated, were a big deal, because they were a good stimulus.

The intolerable, though temporary, is that you have suffered such a great wound that you forget me.

- Plus, that one you ate before... Humph!

A small magical light gathers in the forehead of the golzondocouri with a different spiritual concentration than previous healing witchcraft, scattered in a puff.

At the same time a sharp, pointed stone arrow was released from his forehead, hitting the trunk of a tree surrounding the square.

The stone arrow that hit him was about a few millimeters in diameter and dozens of centimeters long, but he ate deeply into the trunk of the tree and scratched it off softly and clearly shortly afterwards.

- Sorcery... I think I (I) will be fine if I practice a little.

It is a super aptitude unique to dragon species with a high affinity for witchcraft.

- But you're a little tired of boulders today...

Golzondokouri got round imagining a comfortable bunk.

- I'm sleepy... I ate a lot, so my belly is full, but I'm so sleepy... I'd better go to sleep now... Grr.

"I did see it. The dragons have gone down around here!

The man who was out scouting around the village of Tankur reported as he pointed to circle around a point in the map spread over his desk.

He was leaving his post and returning to the report the moment the Dabus army and the Dragon started fighting in the village of Tankur.

On his way home, he saw a dragon flying in from the village of Tanqueray landing.

And I'm back on the loose.

"Hmmm... the number of Davas troops well above 3000... don't you know what kind of settlement there was..."

The captain of the garrison unit who received the report grumbled in arms.

He wanted the result that, in his mind, "the dragon was driven away by the Dabus army".

The point where the dragon is seen to have landed is between the villages of Tankur and Darbin, one way or the other Darbin is closer, but because it is proof that "people can resist the dragon" if they have come to flee losing to the Dabus army.

Conversely, if you've come kicking through a number of armies well above 3000, nothing but threats.

Evacuation of residents living in the village of Darbin is complete, so they can be combated without worry against the human losses of non-combatants, but that would quickly be swept away, such as a defensive force of just under fifty.

Either way, the battle is visible for just 50 people, so I have to withdraw, but he has a mission to stay around the village of Darbin to explore the dragon's trends and communicate them to his allies.

The troop leader decided to move the garrison to the forest in the north of the village as a first thing he could do.

He goes camping from a cozy lord's hall, but there's nothing he can do about it, and there's nothing about the dragon to that extent.

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