12 Feb 7450

- N... you're brighter...

In the middle of a tiny meadow glistened in the woods, Gorzondkuri woke up.

Stretch out your body with a big stretch.

With the giant dragon moving heavily, the small animals who were in the surrounding woods escaped simultaneously.

- My stomach is ticklish. But before that...

I felt quite hungry, but as I pushed and killed it, Gorzondkuri glanced at me when I chose one from the trees standing around the meadow.

Soon a small magical light begins to gather in the forehead of the golzondocouli.

"...... ugh!!"

In just a few seconds the magical light scattered, slightly delayed and the target tree trembled tremendously.

The sturdy trunk didn't break, but it did sound like a broken wood called Boki.

Golzondokouri narrows his eyes to the fact that the magic of the air bash worked well.

- Mm-hmm.

sleigh and body, and walked to the side of the tree, which had now done damage, put one hand on the trunk and put a little effort into it.


A flashy noise ripped the bark and the tree leaned slowly.

The trees that thrive around them were supportive and did not fall completely, but a breakage has been seen inside the trunk inside the torn bark.

- Was this magic made into a thing?

If you look closely around the square, there were many trees leaning halfway along similarly.

- All right, it's revenge, let's go!

Golzondkuri, who looked back into the square, opens his wings.

The wings, which remained wet in the morning dew, glowed pale and beautiful as scattered gems.

When I paid those Shizukuishi with one swing, I flew north (...) with big wings.

- Hmm? That? Weird, huh?

Seeing the village spread beneath his eyes, Gorzondkuri was only slightly confused.

And there must be no trace of all that destruction in the village in front of us.

There are no bodies that should be rolling in large numbers, mainly in the village residence, and the building is undamaged.

Yesterday, all that rampant, northern (...) cultivated land (vacant land) is also lined up nicely.

- What? Did I make a mistake? But I don't see any prey...

The young Blue Dragon twisted his neck as he swirled over the village.

"Oh, hey, that..."

Da (...) - (...) Bi (...) n (...) In the woods stretching around the village, in the simplified garrison stretched out to its north, the scouts of the Kingdom of Lomberto were lurking their breath.

All the tents are strewn beneath large trees with wide branches to make it difficult to find them from the flying dragons.

"Whoa, crush the tent."

By the time the captain of the scouts instructed, the majority of the tents that were stretched have been removed from their struts and can only be seen as spreading cloths.

Looks like quite a trained unit.

"Then Nuts and Hough tell Zend, Tommy and Sally are Ingel. You must tell me this."

The ordered troopers chose to go north under the branches as best they could.

I'm stopping the horse a little further away.

"The rest is on the street. Never attack when it's about to arrive. Don't be distracted, all right?

Everyone who was slowly pulling and circling the tent while hiding behind the tree replaced the reply by a gentle nod, scattered around from those who had finished the end of the tent.

- Hmm? Did I make a mistake? Wasn't it this way? I don't even see any humans... eh?

Golzondkuri was still twisting his neck as he watched the area of residence.

- No, no, it doesn't look like we have any prey, and we should go back to what we just did...

I thought so and tried to pivot in the direction I flew.

But I see humans wandering under the woods.

- Oh, my God, you're here! What... uh, less!

Twist your body and observe your surroundings as you head to where the human you just saw was.

But I couldn't find a single prey.

- Pfft. I'm not gonna miss this! I'm starving! Oh, yeah!

I've never used magic while flying.

Just right for practice, Gorzondkuri thought.

- It should be behind that tree...

He spreads his wings and begins his mental concentration as he glides towards the target tree.

Magic light gathers on the forehead of the golzondocooli.

And, feeling the altitude drop suddenly, he hastily cancelled his sorcery.

This is because the spiritual concentration on witchcraft can no longer be fixed with much effort on the wings.

- And!! It's not dangerous, it's dangerous.

Successfully managed to rise in the peripheral sleigh, Gorzondkuri stroked his chest down.

- Hmm, it would be dangerous if you didn't raise the height of the flight more or shorten the time to feel comfortable. I was almost there...... Let's go. I can still practice.

But I was frustrated by what I couldn't do as well as I imagined.

- That's why I'm not going to miss it, though!!

That's what I thought and breathed heavily in.



I barked from the bottom of my belly.


"Ah, ah..."


Many have stayed just below and overheard the voice of Golzondkuri at high volume.

But the others were silenced by veteran soldiers who were working together as partners, and they never raised a scream of fear.




"Oh, my God!

Some of them slip out of their hips and try to crawl through the ground with a loud scream.

- I found it!

Several of them were captured by the vision of Golzondkuri.

- Whatever you do, you gotta eat or something!

Set a target for one and descend sharply.

He cleverly shrunk his wings but did not lose control, sliding through the branches of the tree and landing.

I grip lightly when I catch a man trying to crawl and run away right away.

Because we thought that humans around us would react in some way.


The man let go of a scream with his body tightened, the pain of his nails eating into his belly, and the fear that made death his present.

- Mm-hmm. As always, it sounds good to be human.

Staring at the back of the man scratching algae in his arms, Gorzondkuri nimmarizes in his heart.

A little further away there are two or three more, just humans trying to crawl through the ground and escape, like their present prey, and I can't find anything else.

- Is that it? Are you only here for a little while... ugh.

It bursts when you pull your little head out, with a lot of bone parts that are just stiff and unpleasant.

Until now, the warm blood that has swept through the prey's body dampens his throat.

The tense muscles were chewed up by thin bones and sipped soft guts.


Behind the trunk of a tree a little far away, he was desperate to indulge in a soldier who was hiding and only listening to the sound was about to put it back.

Resisting vomiting, eating teeth and tying them up, and watching softly as they hide in the tumors of the goths and swollen trees, the unfortunate colleague sees and sees nothing.

The devilish dragon, picking up the last remaining toe of one leg, almost put it in his mouth, eating the meat whilst holding the tip from his ankle.

The soldier glances at his face and tilts his whole nerve to keep the breakfast that creeps up from his stomach.

At the same time, I saw another colleague crawling and trying to escape and said, "Hide quickly, Noroma!" and poisoned it in my heart.

When the dragon threw away his legs, which were almost exclusively bones, he looked around to the left and right.

- Zemel, hide! You idiot!

Swallow solidly, the soldier sends a precaution to his colleagues who crawl with their asses to the dragon.

But naturally it won't arrive.

"...... Huh!?"

The soldier almost accidentally leaked his voice, but he can push it in.

He admitted to gathering magical light on the forehead of the dragon.


A stone arrow (stone arrow) pierced Zemel's ass.

"Gaaaaaa!! Yikes, that hurts!

One more bottle toward Zemel in pain, the stone arrow pierces.

"Wow! Captain, help me!

Another bottle.

"Gu! Ah... I want to"

Confirming that Zemel had gone quiet, the dragon shook his head and headed towards Zemel.

And ate an unspeakable zemel.

- Shit...! Scary......

Soldiers could not stop watching the dragon's trends as they seeped their sights with tears.

To keep myself hidden in the shadows of the tree, moving little by little as the dragon moves.

Scattering Zemel, the dragon seemed to find another prey, pointing in a completely different direction.

- Ugh, is that...!?

What the soldier who followed that gaze saw was still a colleague who crawled and tried to escape, trembling.

- Mirabelle? Shit, how do I...

Not long after he jumped out to save his colleague, the dragon unexpectedly made a quick move to Mirabelle's place.

And I grabbed it up so I wouldn't hurt you.


Mirabelle makes a cramped, cloudy scream.

Everyone who watched it thought it would be "eaten" just like soldiers hidden in the tumor, but the dragon didn't eat the mirabel.

I use both hands to gently pull Mirabelle's hands and feet.

Of course, Mirabelle is painfully louder.

It was a dragon that used to make sure Mirabelle's body, but for some reason, he used attack magic against the Mirabelle in the corner.

- Is that... a stone arrow?

Mirabelle was finally desperate after receiving numerous stone arrows on her hands and feet.

When he made sure Mirabelle stopped responding completely, the dragon once again made a nasty noise and ate Mirabelle's body.

He then tried to kill some soldiers, and after eating, the dragon finally flew away.

The scouts, who had 50, had as many as ten victims.

Nearly half of the twenty people were originally stranded in the village of Tankur, and while they were waiting because they were sending out four as a preaching order, 40% of them were accounted for.

Those who survived this scene were unable to move one after the dragon left for more than ten minutes.

- Hey, if you eat all those fine humans, your belly will swell...

Even though Golzondokouri boasts as many as five meters of giant body, if you eat as many as ten, your belly is also bread.

- Is it this way? Oh, that stone, like I've seen it... like it's not there?

While flying to the original arrival, Golzondokouri was looking for an open place where there should have been a herd of humans who had been simmered water the other day.

- Now you can use magic, and a lot... yes, kill a lot, and that sparkle...

In my heart, I give my thoughts to the genocide that I will be able to carry out.

Just a thought made me groan excited and just have a little fun.

- Truth is, I need to make that bunk right.

From yesterday onwards, I was not comfortable sleeping in the square where I healed my wounds and rested while practicing magic.

I think I slept in a worse place when I was just born, but I can't go back to such a bad environment anymore.

- Hmm?

I think I saw something in the forest ahead.

I'll try to raise the altitude a little.

- That's...!

A murder minister floated over the appearance (kao) of Gorzondkuri, who was about to get in a good mood.

His gaze showed the Royal Dabus Army putting up a formation of rest in the village of Tankur.

13 Feb 7450


"Yes, in the village of Darbin..."

Nodding to Rocco, who had brought information about the dragon, Mizchi put his hand on its pointed jaw and silenced.

Rocco netted at the Knights' shop in Debucken and got information.

Information that a scout unit was attacked yesterday morning while remaining in the village of Darbin to explore the dragon's trends had been missed late last night, but not for a day before it entered Rocco's ear.

I can say it's an amazing information-gathering ability.

"Yeah. And then they found the scouts, and they even used magic to break out."

"Ten people were killed..."

Looks like Lal and Guine, who were just dining at a different store from Rocco, have also been grabbing important information.

They were no better than Rocco and didn't seem to have any trouble collecting rumors.

I didn't drink because of it.

"Mr. Mizchi, Mr. Al is still too far away. Let's go."

"Yes, you should go"

When they heard the information, Tris and Bell said with their mouths shut.

But Mizuchi frowned and stared at the map he had spread to the table and kept thinking about it.

The maps created by Güneh include the villages of Tankur and Oil Well, Darbin and Zend, along with their location and landmarks on the road.

"Hmm, I want to secure the 'oilfield' between the villages of Darbin and Tankur..."

"... yeah, but it's a dragon, isn't it?

Guine doesn't synchronize with Ral, who often says with his face, with his arms together.

"What do you think, Mr. Xenom?

Mizuchi asked Xenom for his opinion.

"I don't know because this isn't Al's territory..."

Xenom also answers with a sinister voice with a deep wrinkle carved around his forehead.

- Should we wait... should we go... Al would be in trouble if they razed the oil fields...

Yeah, yeah, roaring, but Mizuchi lowers his hand that was on his chin.

"I made up my mind."

I look around the table and open my mouth.

There was a cold light in Mizuchi's eyes.

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