22 Feb 7450

In the village of Darbin, the killers (Slaters) led by Mizchi finished the formation, pulling the handshank and waiting for the blue dragon.

They also capture them moving around the village, even those of Gorzondokouri approaching the village.

- Doesn't it seem like there are few but none at all...?

Seeing how much prey was there, Golzondkuri was just a little concerned that what had flown so far had not been a complete waste.

There are several figures in the square in the centre of the village, paying attention to the approaching Golzondokouri.

In the last few days, there were only prey (humans) in the village that raided to the point of filling the belly of the day.

Golzondkuri wonders about the matter, because he is scared, that he has fled and has not yet returned, and it is hard to say that the idea is wrong.

- That looks like there's still prey in Yeh.

Golzondkuri, who thought it was because they had humans to protect because shadows were recognized in the village and they didn't even have a bare gesture to escape, unknowingly licks his tongue.

If you pass over the village, you can roar at him, and some of the humans there will be powerless.

And Gorzondokouri saw.

The only people in the square are Zenom, Tris, Rocco and Guine plus the five Ralphas, but some others climb on the roof.

Of course, there are three: Mizchi, Bel, and Zulu.

The three of them are also fitted with optional parts to the rifle guns in their hands.

The thick, long silencer (silencer) and the engine part as if to extend the barrel are also fitted with a rubber drum receptacle to cover the drain opening.

Considerable sound-reducing effects have been observed in the tests that have been carried out for several months without having to go until the firing sounds are completely turned off.

The bullet used is also not a subsonic (subsonic) bullet, but the firing sound was definitely employed as sufficiently effective because it was reduced by a few percent.

- Again for nothing... you guys with no progress.

I wondered if they would make a futile attack with crossbows, bows and arrows, etc.

It should be noted that the proximity of the dragon has also been detected in the garrison of the Lomberto army set up north of the village.

but they are unnoticed by golzondkuri because they lurk in the woods without entering the village.

Altitude 50 m.

Golzondkuri is breathing heavily to roar as he approaches Darbin village from the southeastern side where he flew in.

"Block your ears!

Just around the time it reached over the arable land, Mizchi shouted.

But because it was thorough in advance, the faces of the slayer (Slaughters) have put their hands on their ears long before Mizuchi skipped the warning.

Mizuchi himself remains bowed without blocking his ears.

Gungu and the impending Golzondkuri finally reached over the residence.


The roar of loud voices shivers the billies and the air.

Such as a water bottle that was placed in front of a house, the surface of the water was so small that it wobbled.

None of the members of the Killers (Slaters), however, have been affected by the roar as one.

Naturally, the growl itself was loud, with some surprise because it's a horrible scream, but that's all.

Maybe the fact that you blocked your ears just in case did work.

Golzondokouri swirls to the left as he lowers altitude as he flies to the outside of his residence.

And from what I saw, I learned that the cornered roar was over for nothing.

- Well, fine. Some of the guys will be down in Yeh. We've got to get away with a lot of prey. That's enough.

Golzondkuri, who dropped altitude to about 10m, figured out when to kill him.

- I didn't make it...... shit.

Al drew his mouth from his own reflection as he flew at full speed down the road leading to the village of Darbin.

According to [Troop formation (partisation)], the distance to Mizuchi and the others is still more than five kilometers.

Even if you fly at full speed, you'll need seven to eight minutes to get there.

Looking back once, Andersen came with him for a few dozen meters to delay.

But the distance seems to be gradually opening.

- If we get any closer, we'll have the ability to slaughter dragons...

The information he's getting right now is not enough to tell if it should be used or if it should still be tolerated.

- If it seems unfavourable, you'll hear from me... and it's still a little far in the first place...

Uranus rushes at a flying speed.

Holding onto that outline, Al looked forward again.

The dragon, approaching from the western side of the village as it lowered altitude, appears to have set a goal for Zulu, about three blocks across the building from Bell, heading straight towards him.

As he watched, Bell was slightly hoisted up the edge of his mouth in a lightning rod built on all sides of the roof with a thin grin.

The dragon didn't fly as fast as Al used to ask.

Arrow on the bow, the distance to the bell that I started to erect is already clogged to about 30m.

At close range, but only at this distance, even the boulder bell is hard to shoot at the dragon's little eyes.

The opponent is also a moving target flying in the sky.

- Fast is fast, but this...!

I squeezed my bow.

The arrow you're watching is the blind arrow Arrow of Blindness, a powerful magical arrow with the ability to deprive the target of his sight for a few minutes if hit.

Bell carefully set his aim.

For the convenience of handling rifle guns, the bow (tab) on the right hand side that pulls the string is not a glove type commonly used in the past, but is made by combining metal parts on the palm made of horse butt leather (cordovan).

The leather area that hits my fingertips is dry and comfortable.

If this feels wet, you will be sweating from nervousness, so you can also be aware of it.

A breeze stroked Bell's cheek fluttering.

- Calm down. Aim well......

Minefield is not the only thing standing on top of a house in Darbin Village.

Nearly all buildings are built with poles and elongated cloths, like bowl rolls, tied at their tips, so that they are well visible from the position where bells and mizuchi wait.

Now you read the wind.

Furthermore, in her (Bell) case, the hit rate is greatly increased with the use of unique skills.

- Here!

Bell let go of the bowstring he was pulling.

Magic arrows are released with deviations that take into account the speed and direction of the flying dragon, as well as the speed and wind direction at which the arrows themselves fly.

Terrible foresight.

- Medium!

Bell was confident of the hit.

Reach for the arrow barrel as you see the end of the magic arrow you unleashed yourself.

But Bell doesn't know much about dragons.

This applies to all who are here, including Mizchi.

They don't actually have the experience of fighting dragons.

Especially though I wouldn't even be able to say I'm familiar with it where I had some combat experience.

On the verge that the arrow unleashed by Bell seemed to hit him, the dragon opened its mouth with a wide deflection of its neck.

It's for the brace attack.

Because of this, the arrow hit the lower right tooth growing in the open mouth, not the right eyeball that Bell aimed at, and was bounced back.


The unexpected sight makes Bell speak out unexpectedly.

But the hand has succeeded the two arrows with precise movements reminiscent of the machine.

In the meantime, the dragon threw up an electric brace toward Zulu, who lay on the roof with a rifle gun.

Bubba Bubba Bubba!!

Tearing the air apart and thundering.

He behaved as if he had hung it in the air even with a sudden brake, either because he exhaled heavily to exhale the braces, or because he shook both wings wide forward.

Consequently, the dragon was throwing up his braces as he slowed sharply in the air.

Despite this, strangely, the dragon's altitude has only fallen slightly.

The electric shock hit a lightning rod that stood in front of Zulu, with the dragon.

- What the hell is that?

Golzondokouri is stunned as he throws up his braces.

The spit braces are stopped with weird sticks along the way without reaching their goal.

Even if you try to shake your head in the meantime until you get close to your goal, the braces are twisted toward the stick and do not fly straight out of your mouth.

I finished throwing up my braces while I was surprised.

To restore the lost velocity and positional energy, Golzondkuri again feathered heavily to regain a little altitude and velocity.

The brace was an extra powerful electric shock, such as a lightning bolt, but all of that has been missed in the ground.

The lightning rod did a brilliant job.

That said, it was also exposed that the minefield needle was far from complete.

Even though the copper wire connected to the lightning rod had a low electrical resistance value, it quickly became red heated and dissolved, and was disconnected everywhere.

There are four lightning rods standing in the house where Zulu is located.

One of them just happened to run out of time.

That appearance was visible to the Tris and the others who were on the ground, so they immediately warned Zulu.

The warning was issued, so Bell, who moved his head, saw.

Where a single arrow is heading towards the dragon from another direction.

It is about the moment when the dragon began to rise with wings.

The arrow was thought to have been released by Mizuchi.

Not as good as Bell, but Mizuchi also boasts quite a few arms about the bow.

From the angle of flying, I could expect a hit from the neck muscle to the shoulder mouth.

If that arrow is also a magic arrow, similar to what Bell unleashed, you can expect it to blind as long as it hits you exactly.

Bell prays for a hit as he hangs an arrow on the bowstring and pulls his bow.

But Mizuchi's unleashed arrows were vainly bounced by the scales of the dragon.

- Not a bow. I knew it had to be a gun...!

Bell cleverly removes the arrow barrel as he pulls the bow back and retrieves the arrow he was pulling.

Then, he quickly pressed the bow (tab) into the arrow barrel and bare his right hand.

Stand on your knees as you grab the rifle gun you left aside.

Due to the silencer attached to the muzzle, the overall balance of the gun is somewhat different from what Bell was used to using.

but the effect of greatly suppressing emitted sound and emitted light is a priority.

- Let go!!

As Bell expected, Mizuchi received an order authorizing the use of rifles.

By then, he's already taken a knee-shot stance and peeked at the shooting gate (rear sight).

I could see the illumination star (front sight) that caused it at the end of the rear sight of the round hole, and at the end of it I could see a silencer as thick as Balducky.

The silencer installed is brand new, so no test shots have been performed.

The interior of the silencer is divided by a rubber plate with a hole in the center.

Since the accuracy is not good for handcrafting, the hitting with long-range shooting will naturally be low.

This time, however, the distance to the target is tens of meters at most, and the figure is as much as five meters.

Also, the mounting of a silencer at the muzzle reduces the power somewhat, but with this close range, that's only a number that can be almost ignored, too.

In the first place, I'm not going to shoot a small steeple like an eyeball with a gun with a silencer at the muzzle, etc., from the beginning.

If you use it as a bell, it's a short-range shot that can be hit without the need to use unique skills.

I tried to squeeze the finger I hung on the trigger and fired.


Instead of the usual refreshing sound, the bullet was fired with a slightly caged sound.

At this level of sound, it will be heard enough by the Tris and the others in the square in front of them, but hardly by the reconnaissance forces hiding in the northern woods, a short distance away, to see how things are going.

Unless you point the gun at us and fire.


As he flew, Gorzondkuri screamed small with sharp pain, as if he had even been penetrated by a cone.

Bell's unleashed bullet was hitting around the base of the dragon's left forelimb.

Confirming the hit, Bell regains his composure.

The next bullet has already been sent to the pharmacy (chamber).

There must be a dropped pod that I just finished using to receive the pod.

Bell was worried that the heated pod would dissolve the rubber pod receptacle, but he remembered the story that the pod receptacle would be almost full with about 20 rounds at most, so only during that time should it be kept.

At the same time, it was recalled that whenever the silencer fired, the bullet rubbed past the rubber plate that divided the air chamber, reducing the suppression effect of the firing sound and making it almost useless in five to six shots.


Looks like Mizuchi fired too.

The distance between her and Bell was dozens of meters, or much smaller than the sound of her own firing I had just heard.


A dragon raises a scream of pain.


"Pain (Ts)!!"

Now Zulu fired.


Golzondkuri was just a little confused by the pain that was heterogeneous to what he had experienced, coming from where the bullet hit him.

- It's called the weird stick just now, it's called the current attack, this time it's just something I don't really understand...


When I wonder if it sounded weird, I get stabbed in the pain.

This attack itself does not have the power to do what happens immediately, as it did the other day when it was speared by magic.

What's troubling is that it's an attack that doesn't work with either [Magic Resistance] or [Low Demon (Minor Globe of) Law Invalidity (-Invarnerability)].

Even if the power of a single shot is no big deal, I realize it's dangerous if it accumulates.

- You don't know your magic?

Golzondkuri realized that the world was still wide open.

- Then I'll eat you!

Despite several injuries, its willingness to fight does not show any decay.

Around flying up to the eastern edge of the arable land, altitude recovered to about 50 m.

Swirl left again and pick your goal again.

- You said something earlier...

Golzondkuri had heard the warning that the Tris and the others had yelled at Zulu.

but at that time I was surprised that the braces were twisted, I hadn't heard much, busy.

Since humans have only said things that don't make much sense in the hunt they've been on, it would also be because you don't think you need to listen.

- I need to find the guy who has unleashed that sorcery first, rather than that...!

Golzondokouri burning in wounded vengeance, but I don't even know who the hell wounded me because I don't know the existence of a gun.

Finishing the swirl, dropping altitude one by one and increasing speed at the same time, Gorzondkuri flew to slip, aiming again at his residence.

Now the intrusion (approach) from the northeast side.

And set goals.

Now it's Mizuchi (human) on a big building.

The human being, who has set himself a goal, stands on his knees and builds something.

- Sounds a little different, is that a crossbow? Hmm.

I could see that abominable stick standing beside a human.

- Chip, then grab it without going through...

There are still 100 meters to humans.

Extended right forelimb.

The tip of the human stick shines small.


I've had my witchcraft earlier again.

Almost simultaneously (maybe after a bit of witchcraft), I heard a bang!! from around where humans stood.

Now it's the base of the left wing.

Quite painful.

That magic range seems pretty long.

"Pain Gena, Conoyalo!!"

Extend the forelimb further to the right as you approach.

At that time.

"Ah, guh!!"

Two more shots, stabbing sharp pain struck him.

Right flank and right shoulder.

It is a shooting by Zulu and Bell.

I cut my eyes off too much of the pain and lost sight of my goal.

- Shit, do you want to pull it once?

Only for a moment in Gorzondkuri's mind did the weak bug bring his head.

But Tris and the others pulled the handshank and watched as they flew over the waiting square.

- That's a treasure (sparkle)!!

I braked suddenly ignoring the pain.

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