22 Feb 7450

- That's... lots of treasure (sparkle)!

The color of Golzondkuri's eyes changed because Tris and the others saw the magic weapon (Magical Weapon) they were carrying.

The swollen weak bug quickly dispersed, and when replaced and swollen, his appetite for possession grew.

While swirling abruptly around the cultivated land, Gorzondokouri's obsession with the treasures he had just seen (sparkling) was becoming more difficult to contain.

- Huff, hahahaha! That's good, that's good!...... but.

The problem is that strange sorcery.

In addition to not knowing the existence of such sorcery, there has been an alarm that the opponent was a small number of humans, and within a few moments he has been attacked by as many as seven shots.

- Chick!! You're a jerk...!

There's a small hole in the place where he's been attacked, and from there, there's puffy blood running as his heart beats.

The wounds on the shoulders, the base of the wings, etc. are not as good as the pain.

But the wound on the right belly is complaining of unexpected and severe pain.

Because it was a low muscle mass area with little scale, the bullet scratched it with the maximum efficiency it had.

- You can't take many shots in your belly (here)...

Golzondkuri stepped up his vigilance against unknown sorcery.

That said, it took a good number of shots into the steeple to defeat him with only a bullet, which he knew too.

Golzondkuri was just a little troubled while again orienting himself to his residence in the village of Darbin.

The roar, which had been very effective until now, had no visible effect, and the braces of electric shock were inhibited by strange sticks.

Besides, you can't deactivate your opponent's attacks.

Plus, if they attack with that treasure (sparkle) that humans on earth have, they won't be able to deactivate it either.

We should put it back out if we're supposed to.

- But I want it. I really want it.

Golzondokouri is growing remarkably these days by continuing to eat humans, but it seems difficult to defy the instincts that dragon breeds (dragons) have by doing so.

I'm sure I can't deactivate the opponent's attack, but it's no big deal if I don't even get him to the steeple.

And that treasure (sparkling) attack can also bounce back quite a bit with sturdy scales if the human comes with it in his hand and slashes it.

When fighting desperately, he also realizes that humans can exert more power than usual.

But the humans, to whom he had ever been relative, were far from being high level or twenty, and were not reborn.

"Coming! Now from the west!

Mizuchi screams when he sees a swirling dragon over the arable land.

The three men on the roof stood guns simultaneously.

The dragon approaches as it lowers altitude.


Bell fires.


Mizuchi also fired.


Attracted enough, Zulu also fired.

Perhaps all bullets have been hit, but the dragon does not raise a voice of pain like before.


Zulu lays down on the roof holding the gun and rolls to shield the lightning rod.

Both Mizuchi and Bell are releasing another shot in between, but the dragon doesn't even show how it went through willingly.

Plus, he passed without even releasing his braces.

- Ouch... But I can put up with this. Besides...

Flying from west to east over his residence, Golzondkuri calmly analyzes his opponent's power of war, albeit in agony.

And when he landed outside the east of the ploughland, he began to concentrate his spirit for healing magic.

-... Phew. You're totally used to this sorcery, too.

When he used healing magic several times in a row to heal his belly wound, which kept complaining of the greatest pain, he spreads his wings wide again.

In addition to the bullet I received when I first launched the brace attack, I have also received several new bullets earlier.

Those wounds still haven't healed at all, but when I calmed down, I could see that I was attacked by quite a lot of pain just to pierce the moment I got the wound, but then I couldn't stand it.

-... that's good. Let's go.

Floating the murder minister, Golzondkuri feathered his widened wings heavily.

Fluffy, and giants float in the universe.

- There are three guys who use that sorcery. It was all climbing above Yeh too. Human athleticism is not high. I can't come down right away.

I haven't missed the fact that all the roofs climbed by humans who had unleashed nasty sorcery were hung by ladders that seemed to be for lifting and lowering in several places.

I could see there was more than one on all sides of the roof.

Golzondokouri wings further as he glances at his place of residence.

and the pale giant began to advance as he raised his altitude.

- First I'm gonna tear them apart by staying in the open and holding treasure (sparkle)!

After winging only a few times, the pale dragon was at a height of as high as five meters from its stationary state on the ground, and its forward velocity reached as high as 30 km/h.

- I can't aim my belly for releasing it from the top of Ye. Hehe.

If it's a sturdy scale-covered back, shoulders, legs, etc. then the pain is only then if it's about that kind of magic.

If you don't even take it to the steeple, just put up with it then. After that, it's not a big problem.

- I was a little surprised by that sorcery, but is it human? That's no big deal.

The sound of cutting the wind at low altitudes is comfortable for Golzondokouri today.

- The guys on Yea will eat you slowly at the end. So is that magic...

That speed has already reached its maximum speed (60 km/h) before winging ten times in total.

- Wait, my treasure (sparkle)!

Above the street leading to the village of Darbin.

Al is flying Uranus without looking back at Andersen and the others.

Especially since there are curves and so on, it won't come true to see her more than a hundred meters apart in retrospect.

- Four more? So you're saying it's okay that there's still no follow-up?

Taking his hand off the reins, Al is giving his thoughts to a killer (Slaters) who barely moves in his brain as he squeezes his right hand, which is going to stretch unexpectedly to the slaughtered dragon (Dragon Slayer) on his hip.

- Even they know I'm this close...!

While I understand that, there are not many reasons why no request for rescue has yet been made.

- If you can win.

It's not like Al has to get rid of the dragon directly.

If the men under his command could win alone, they would never have crossed it.

- But suppose you're being pushed into a situation where there's not even a gap to think about it...?

Also, Al is about to take his right hand off the reins.

- No, they don't seem to be moving around yet...

Al stared back forward as if to embarrass himself, feeling weak, and manipulated the reins firmly with both hands.

Belle and Mizuchi skip warnings when they see the golzondokouri approaching from the eastern side of the residence at an altitude of five meters.

But things are a little different this time.

As we approach, the dragon's altitude is dropping.

By the time you plug into the residence, the height of the fence is sleuth, only about two and a half meters.

Three people with guns fire simultaneously.

However, the dragon dropped altitude even further, as if it were a shield of standing buildings.


I scream around the area where Bell unraveled his setup and lost sight of the dragon at the end.

"There it is!

When Zulu screamed to answer Bell's cry, he fired a bullet.

"Huh? Where?

But from Bell's position, we can't confirm the dragon's appearance, and she's just flirting.

and then.


There was a sound that ripped the air off.

"It's a brace! Be careful!

Mizuchi's voice sounds that flies a less meaningful warning.

The five men in the square gathered near the center of the lightning rod.

But there is no harm done to those in the square, or to those on the roof.

A pale scale appeared in Bell's eyes as he flew his gaze in the direction in which the sound of the braces came.

But she wasn't already in the place when she put up the gun.

"There it is!

Rocco screams as he points his finger.

but I can't find anything when those on the roof pay attention to you.

"We just crossed that road that way!

I'll look in the direction Rocco taught me, but I couldn't find anything.

There are only two paths that you can see from the center of your residence to the fence.

Other than that, the building gets in the way and the outlook isn't very good.

Although houses were not arranged to make it easier to put up resistance lines, it is completely avenging the unplanned establishment and increase of slave houses, warehouses, etc.

And sometimes the dragons had been tied to a certain notion of flying and attacking the sky, causing them to fail to take into account ground warfare outside the square.

However, it would be harsh to blame the Mizuchis, who are not ten in all, for this in the first place.



There was another sound that ripped the air off.

"Belle! Your ladder's on fire!

Ralpha fingers and screams at the side of the house where Bell stands.

The ladder was starting to flame up and burn from near the ground.

"Here, this ladder too......!

The ladder in the house where Zulu stands, invisible from the square, also seems to be starting to burn.

This is likely due to a brace attack released earlier.


Faster than the nitrous smoke that stood up from the muzzle disappeared, Mizuchi removed the pod receptacle and began replacing the insertion bullet (clip).

I don't know if the current shooting hit us, but everyone, including Mizuchi at the time, is sure of the hit.


Three times, there was a sound of a brace attack tearing the air apart and flying.

"Mr. Mizuchi!

According to Guineh, now the ladder on the side of the house where Mizuchi stands seems to have burned and fallen.

"I'm after the ladder! Watch out for those who can see through the ladder!

The braces on the electric shock seemed to have been thrown up at the ground slate, and all the ladders were fired up from below without being caught in a lightning rod standing on the roof.

The braces were vomited several times since, but each time the ladder was burned.

Not only has the firehand gone up, but the parts that have been electrocuted have been completely carburized, from which the ladder has been broken or fallen by its own weight, rendering it useless.

This cannot be helped because it is a ladder that was originally just pulled out of the village storage.

Above all, neither the ladder that is not falling nor the fire itself is very strong enough to burn into a set house.

Mizuchi and the others are left to abandon the shooting position that seems to be their advantage.

- It's time, okay?

Gorzondkuri has almost entirely remembered the geography of his residence in the village of Darbin by flying over it several times.

In particular, he had received a considerable number of bullets in the meantime.

But with the exception of one hit in the face, all of which only caused intense pain at the moment of the hit.

When I received it beside my eyes, I couldn't throw up much of a golzondocouli or a painful brace, and I immediately pulled my head in, but the wound has already healed.

Most of the ladders that were intended were useless.

- The braces don't work? Can you use powerful magic? What's wrong with that!


It's not a roar of special abilities, it's just a roar.

- I'm a golzondocooli! He's too strong!

And Gorzondkuri ran out for the square with his posture low.

- You humans, don't enjoy yourselves (me) and die!

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