Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 153: Distance Reached by the Sword

22 Feb 7450

In the square in the centre of the residence, five men and women were flying their gaze around in the woods of minefield needles.



Guine and Xenom raised their voices almost simultaneously.

Focus their gaze on the one they point to.


The gunshot also sounded.

Shots fired, apparently, at Bell.

Already she has removed the drug-casing receptacle and pulled an empty inserted bullet (clip) out of the gun magazine.


Guine issues a loud warning.

According to that, the dragon is headed for the square.

"No, it's a brace!!"

Tris rolled away a little while screaming.

The rest of us shrink in the woods as we become one.


A flashy sound roars again.

A blue and white electric shock runs from one of the roads to the square.

but I'm stopped there by a lightning rod.

- Chip, still that stick too... can't I do this?

Once again, Gorzondkuri understood that the brace attack, a powerful weapon, was almost entirely countered.

And I kicked the earth when I could put my strength in my legs again.


Zenom shouted sharply and everyone quickly widened their standing position leaving him on the spot.

- Over there...!

In the direction where Bell pointed the gun, then confirmed that the brace had stretched out onto the square. Mizuchi ran only three steps on the roof, jumping.

Jump across the road to the roof of the next house, which was spaced six meters apart.

The house next door is a bungalow, unlike the house of the lord where Mizchi was until now.

Not to mention the considerable difference in heights and lows, they are all fully equipped with nearly 20kg of weight rubber protectors and even with rifle guns, bows and arrows and, besides, curved knives (spotters).

Lightness to the point of horror.

Flying to the next roof, Mizuchi also rushes through the roof without losing any balance to the other side.

Then he grabbed the wind sight stick (Paul) that was standing there with his left hand, and as he embarked himself, he looked down.

He is coming from the left side of the road running left and right in front of his eyes towards a square with a bright blue dragon on his right.

On her right hand side is a rifle gun loaded with new clips.

Mizuchi grabs the pole with his left hand and releases a continuous bullet at the head of a dragon running down with one of his right hands.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Byrne!

The head of the bullet-received dragon approaches the ground one by one each time.

And there were five small holes in the sky above the head of the dragon... it didn't.

- I knew it wasn't that sweet.

It was only Mizuchi, who fired the bullet, who noticed that a small piece of metal with a spindle had suddenly lost momentum.

No magic weaponization (enchanted Weapon) magic hangs on the bullet that was in the clip you just shot.

The only magic bullet Mizuchi had was the first clip.

The dragon, speaking, keeps his head down and keeps going.

You don't seem to pay any attention to a non-damaging attack.

It was a great shooting position, but I also know that Mizuchi can't scratch a dragon without being a magical weapon again.

Mizuchi put his hand on the hips sword as he threw the gun on the roof, which he no longer needed.


And he jumped directly over the dragon as he pulled out his sword.


Xenom screams when he sees Mizuchi jumping on the back of the dragon.

Everyone sees the sight without having to be told by Xenom.

Bouncing against the back of the dragon, Mizuchi twists his body as he pulls out his sword in the air.

The aim is the base of the neck and torso, behind it.


Let the song knife draw an arc, exhaling briefly.

A horse and a horse rushed in from a road stretching northeast of the arable land in the village of Darbin.

It's Al across a military horse (Uranus) with a fine body.

Despite the fields that are well plowed, soft and likely to be taken off his feet, Uranus rushes to fly without even relaxing his speed.

The figure is the horse itself that runs a well-maintained racetrack.

While manipulating Uranus, Al looked back only for a moment.

Andersen, of course, is invisible to anyone on the road that was about 200 m straight to the cultivated land of the village.

Turning forward again, Al bent his torso so to the back of Uranus as if trying to reduce air resistance at all.

Golzondokouri threw up a thoughtful brace towards the square.

But just as I threw up at a human who was on the roof earlier, I get sucked into strange metal bars that were erected all over the square.

Even if I shook my head, the electric shock remained captured by a single metal rod and was rendered powerless considerably ahead of target.

Especially since I just threw up out of the hue that I wish I was in, I wouldn't let the golzondo coulis down even more when I saw it.

But it is certain that it is an abomination.

When I immediately changed my mind, I rushed out at full speed.

Now that the roar doesn't work and he's damaged by magic he can't handle even if he's flying in the sky, and the braces are once again inhibited, he's a tough flesh of his own.

- You humans! I (I) tore myself apart......

At that time.

A similar roar continued to sound from overhead to thunder.

- Guh!? Gah!? Goh!?

I feel continuous and sharp pressure around the top of my head at the same time as the roar.

The gaze height was lower each time pressure was applied.

At the same time, I realized that the roar was a sound emitted by an unidentified sorcery of examples.

- They did it... it's not working!

The moment I thought so and tried to raise the roar of joy while running.

I got a strange feeling I've never felt before.

It's an intense presence that even involves a sense of crisis like a zombie.

Its existence seemed as if it had suddenly appeared in the air above its back.

But the nearly two-ton giant that's already starting to run is suddenly unstoppable.

- Cool, then faster...!

Focus on the four legs of the earth to further accelerate.


But I scream unexpectedly at the severe pain that ran on my back.

And before I understood that it came from pain, I broke my posture myself.

Of course, to avoid any further attacks from behind.



I look at Mizuchi slashed on the back of the dragon and my voice rises from the square.

Mizuchi aimed at the back of the base of his neck, but the slight acceleration of the dragon forced him to shift his aim a little closer to his back.

Mizuchi succeeded in cleaving a large part of his back brilliantly, but was not only stunned by the fact that his aim had been taken off, but also by his response.

Her demonic sword is a magical song knife given to her by Lils, a sub-god.

I've torn every monster I've ever met like melted butter.

Under the expectation, of course, that Mizuchi and his dragon opponents would not be equally ripped apart, he was slashing them with all his might.

That's the neck that reaches 70 cm thick in a single blow if you're right on target, at least about half of it was going to be torn to pieces.

But the epidermis protecting this blue dragon's back was harder than she expected.

It was the wound that cut the back of the dragon about 40 centimeters from right to left.

But its depth would not have reached even ten centimeters, even though it had been slashed by sewing a gap in its back like a thick, gothic protrusion like a plate made of rock.

The majority of the body of the dragon is covered in so-called scales, with the exception of the abdomen and the skin membrane of the wings, where skeletons developed inside the skin, like snakes and fish, appeared on the table.

However, high defenses are required, such as around the contiguous protrusion from the top of its head to the back of its head and through its back to the tip of its tail, the elbows of its forelegs, and the forearms of its forelimbs, including its fingers, and places such as those used for attacks are covered in robust scales like crocodiles with keratinized skin.

Inside the skin beneath it is filled with scales consisting of snake-like and fish-like skin bones, which exert a very high degree of defense.

In particular, the song knife wielded by Mizuchi even cleaves the scales buried in its skin.

This also has the performance of a magical song knife, but the high muscle strength raised by the leveling over and over again is also greater due to the sword moves that kept him well arched.

- Shallow!

I used wind magic to distance myself from the dragon.

Bell fires the gun, as if he had foreseen it.

The bullet hit his shoulder, not the head he was after, either because Mizuchi had been affected by the wind magic he had used, or because the dragon had broken his posture.

Though the dragon failed in posture, its thrust did not appear to have faded greatly, and it proceeded towards the Tris and the others in the square.

As a matter of course, they have earned their fortune, and even if they don't like the brilliance of it, they get to see it.


The dragon rushes in to break through the forest of minefield needles as he roars.

"Balance Five! Pick up (Ten)!

Zenome to direct formation immediately in the wake of a thrusting dragon.

In this case, it means that Zenom and Ralpha are placed in the center with a shield (Tris) and a pickup (Rocco) in a way that opposes the dragon, making it an attack so that Ghine sews the gap between the avant-gardes.

Looking ahead to the White Soldier battle against the Dragon, we have been training around this formation for some time now.

Tris and Rocco advanced and placed a shield on their left hand.

"What dah!?"

The dragon is headed toward the Tris and the others as they widen the wings they've been shrinking so they can bark and swing easily.

One of the spread wings hit a lightning rod that stood at the far end.

The lightning rod bent the rubber pipe like a joint and rose and swayed again as the wings passed through.

"I knew we were talking!

Ralpha quickly turned to Rocco's right with a magical hand axe in one hand.

"Not now!

Guine answered with a magical spear, not between Tris and Rocco, but with a little refrain between Rocco and Ralpha.

"Come, Olaah!

Rocco barked at the dragon as he hid his half in his shield.

However, the posture leans slightly forward and toes forward.

Conscious of being able to move quickly in any direction.

Because Rocco barked, or because there's a gnee behind his oblique back, the dragon seems to have targeted Rocco first.

"Death neh!

The dragon wields its left arm wrapped in bright blue scales barking.

Its fingertips grow long and sharp nails like a curved knife.

As Rocco cut off the track, he turned further to the right as he succumbed.

As he moves, Guine also turns around holding a demon spear.

The dragon, which was hit for the first time, slowed down the speed at which it was advanced, but stuck the swing rod of the balance (balance) more than 10 m in a broken shape.


That's where Bell fired.


The bullet pierced the dragon's cheek and ripped through his mouth as he bounced with his fangs.

But the dragon showed no fright at all, and everyone changed their direction by showing an amazingly quick figure of their own.


With a short exhale, a zenome throws a demon axe that has been opened up the distance.

The axe flew as it twirled and spun, making a noise called doh, piercing the rear limb of the dragon.

but it's still not as deep as Mizuchi's attack earlier.

"Ngah! o beforekah!?"

You still feel the pain, Dragon stares at Xenom.

But I tried to jump toward the nearest Ghine without heading to Xenom and hung up.

Guine calmed down and distanced herself as she even showed the art of cleaving the wings that had been shaken with demon spears.


With a sharp voice, he wraps a flame around his body and tris sticks a demon sword into the right arm of the dragon.

But this attack will be paid for with nails.

The dragon tried to jump Tris by waving his right wing, but by catching him up with a shield, Tris made an attack.

"Fuck, fuck!

Once you fire the last bullet that should fit in the magazine, you should get off the roof and rush for cover.

Zulu is aiming at the dragon in a hurry.

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