22 Feb 7450

Al, who liberated one of the abilities of the Slaughter Dragon (Dragon Slayer), but although only the upper side managed to remain calm, its inner surface is astonishing.

- This is...!

It was a strange feeling.

The moment he unleashed the ability of the Dragon Slayer, Al felt that the position of every hostile creature present in the surrounding Five Mile Zone was in his hands.

A hostile creature as used here is one that looks down on the entire species of dragon slayer (dragon slayer) users, hates them or sees them as predators and possesses magic.

Naturally, exceptions may also exist for some of those individuals, but the question arises as to how one sees the race of sword-users if one takes the average as a race.

In short, it is an organism commonly called a demon.

- Hostile creatures...... so many.

There were numerous hostile organisms for the Pu (Hume) within a range of ten kilometers in diameter, mainly Al.

The signs of the demon Al felt are not in triple digits.

Exceeds four digits.

- Are these numbers bad for boulders?

I could feel it, in too many numbers, and the servant Al is only weak for a moment.

Al himself, if he's most of the demon, he's confident he can win, even if it's more than one.

but it's too many anyway.

It was Al who got so weak I thought of it, but the next moment, I'm trapped in a completely different emotion.

- What's wrong with you, demons? I'll do it!

That's anger emotion.

Something similar to the fluctuations of anger, completely different from the earlier one from the carcass dragon (dragon slayer) held in his right hand, poured into Al's body.

You've been sensed by it, your unspeakable anger springs up in two.

At the same time that Al felt the signs of the demon, he could understand that the demon was also feeling the signs of Al.

- Heh heh. This one's good. You're gonna miss one of them!

A disastrous look emerges on Al's face, like a murderous one.

- Kill them all!

When Al thought so, horseback riding began to slow down.

- Are you freaking out?

I noticed you were frustrated and trying to shake up more munchies.

- To me...?

Jumping off the horse, I pull the reins, turn the horse around, and gently slap him in the ass with the belly of the sword.

The horse rushed out on a path that had come at a glance.

- Well, it looks like you can't ignore him because he escaped, too.

Al's eyes turned south again with a blue dragon in his eyes trying to finish the swirl in the southern sky and plug it over the arable land again.

"Everybody, gather around!

Rocco also stopped by because Mizuchi shouted.

The only ones who aren't are Zenom and Guine, who are asked to take care of the horses.

"Here and now... No, Al could have all the demons around him."

After Al disappeared across the building, Mizchi began to tell everyone there.

"It's the Dragon Slayer..."

Zulu tells me to whine.

Many Demon Swords are equipped with the power to make the equipped person understand their usage.

"Yeah, probably. Oh, you used to wear that sword. As Zulu just said, Al will use his sword abilities. It attracts the attention of hostile creatures around us."

As Mizci put it, Zulu has temporarily rented a butchered dragon (dragon slayer) from Al.

Everyone who has dealt with magic weapons makes a convincing face.

Andersen also has considerable knowledge of magic weapons, but naturally there are doubts.

Because it contained disturbing words that should not be listened to.

"Calling all the demons around me is such an impotent ability, what I've heard..."

That's what I say, and I'm stuck on my knees.

I realized who else she was, no one with a suspicious look on Mizuchi's face.

"Al's sword is a special demon sword he gained when he exorcised a dragon in Balduk called the Dragon Slayer... I don't know what will happen because I've never used it before, but it will definitely get the attention of demons around here"

When Mizuchi said so far, Andersen, rising from the kneeling position, peeled off his eyes.

"Um, that involves us..."

"Yeah, that's right. So... Rocco, hurry up and get all the Royal Army. All of them. No one will be wearing protective gear, but if there are people like that, let them give up everything but the weapons they can have."

Rocco, dressed relatively lightly as leather armor, ran away with zero dissatisfaction when he couldn't see Al's battle.

"First, we need to retrieve the gun and keep it in the example location."

Except for the short gun (pistol) Ralpha keeps on his hips, the only one with a rifle right now is Bell.

If there's only one thing you can do, you can insist that it's a magic prop.

After Mizchi's life, Ralpha, Belle and Zulu also rushed out.

"Then where are the rest of the black yellow balls (Black Topaz) now?

"They should be on their way, but there are two carriages..."

"You were with Al until when he increased his speed, weren't you?


"Then you'll already be in the arable land. Mr. Andersen, you climb up with me and that pod and be on full perimeter alert. I think you can see where Al fights. And if you see black yellow balls (Black Topaz), would you tell them to stay here?

"Wow, I get it"

Whether it was impacted by the atmosphere or for another reason, Andersen honestly accepts Mizuchi's words and turns to ".

"Hey, Mr. Andersen"

Mizuchi rang as he lined up next to Andersen.


Andersen replies but does not slow down the speed at which he runs.

"Regardless of who we are, the Count, why are you acting like that to me?

"I'm late for my application. I've been entrusted with Dasmog's obeisance as the Duchess..."

"Dasmog? Dasmog is a little more north...?

"Yes, and not far from His Majesty, His Excellency the Count will rule the land as Earl of Dressler."

"Huh... now is good. Let me hear more about it later."

They arrived under the cloak.

Looks like Andersen's climbing first.

By the time Al went outside from the south gate of his residence, Gorzondkuri had arrived mid-way through the cultivated land that stretched south of the village of Darbin.

Al acknowledges what a blue dragon looks like and is rushing out in a straight line towards the south.

- Is that it?

Golzondokouri's head swirls with a destructive urge against a disastrous existence (dragon slayer).

But I also realized that I was not calm.

While I was aware of it, I couldn't help but want to destroy the presence generated by the disastrous presence (dragon slayer), and I was in a state of misery.

- If there...!

Fall sown wheat fields just expand between the rushing Al and Gorzondokouri, and that abominable metal rod is not standing.

- No. This feeling...?

Shortly afterwards, Golzondokouri felt a similar atmosphere to the blurring emanating from the surrounding woods.

Understand that there are other people besides him who have felt that evil presence (dragon slayer).

I was able to calm down just a little at the same time.

- You mean I'm not alone?

I realized that there was no indication that the destructive impulse towards the evil being (dragon slayer) and the human-like who owned it would subside at all, but at least I had to treat my injuries.

Somehow, Golzondokouri succeeds in suppressing only proceeding to gunless while being driven by a destructive impulse, and descends to the ground for treatment.

"Just a little more patience."

I started concentrating my mind for healing magic.

Al immediately used offensive magic, acknowledging the golzondokouri descending on the ground.

It is the magic of an eight warhead stone javelin missile with extended range.

Blue magic light gathers on Al's forehead, which runs with his sword pulled, scattering all the way.

and a stone throwing spear (javelin) was released in rows of octagons.

Javelin takes a few seconds to fly to Golzondkuri.

In the meantime, Gorzondkuri had finished hemostasis on his right arm and was on hemostasis on his left arm.

Eight javelins were hit without particular guidance, but all of them were disabled by [magic resistance (magic resistance)].

- Waste.

Golzondkuri giggles damned when he finishes the hemostasis on his left arm.

And Al used the same sorcery again as he kept running.

- Unless this one is focused on magic, such as magic that releases from such a distance...

Golzondokouri moves slightly to the right, trying to jump.

Javelin was wondered if he could run through the space he was in until just now.

In fact, that orbit is in a straight line towards the left side of Golzondkuri.

- What? No!?

Javelin re-orbited as if suddenly twisted in front of him.

And I hit Gorzondkuri, who was alarmed because I thought I had completely avoided it, and it was once again deactivated and disappeared.

- I know what that is... I know! It's missile magic! Unmagical Six Levels!? But without the user etc...

I can only see the common sense that even if he aggregates the knowledge he has gained so far, there is really only a very small number of people, such as those who can use missile magic.

But facts are facts.

- Does that guy have that (...)... We have to kill and destroy it.

In the back of the brain, the moment these arms are cut off resuscitates with a slight sense of fear.

But a destructive impulse towards the disastrous existence (dragon slayer) of a rushing human, the feelings of hatred towards a human manipulating it (...) fill the terror.


Raising his temper voice and spreading his wings, he winged.

Sometimes I felt signs of a group that only seemed to be prey (feed), approaching to push from the surroundings.

- Nothing, first you (me)... No, that (dragon slayer) is the first you (me)...!

Though I flew again, I couldn't help but look away from the evil presence (dragon slayer) and the humans who manipulated it.

The distance from Al cuts 200 m.

The eyes of Golzondokouri show a radiant body in emerald green.

- Cut off your (my) arm, it's only by killing a strong man like you...!

Al unleashes offensive magic twice as he runs, feeling slightly satisfied that all of it has been hit.

- [Magic resistance (magic resistance)] is four more times. Do you know how many you have left?

When he smiles with a nigga, he unleashes another attack magic trick.

It's an eight-warhead stone javelin missile just like before.

It should be noted that Al did not know which of the special skills of [Magic Resistance (Magic Resistance)] or [Low Demon (Minor Globe of) Law Invalidation (-Invarnerability)] would work first.

From what I heard in Wang Du, it was thought that [magic resistance (magic resistance)] would be first.

But I wasn't convinced I was just putting on a hit like that.

At first, he was trying to fire by choosing someone who was going to be disabled by the [Low Demon (Minor Globe of) Law Invalidity (... Invernerability)].

Then, as reported by the appraisal, [magic resistance (magic resistance)] was found to have preceded it, so the second shot unleashed the same sorcery.

The blue dragon, flying off the ground, swirled abruptly to perform offensive sorcery, but not so easily avoided.

Attack magic called Stone Javelin has no great power over monsters like dragons. Instead, the turning radius is quite small if you turn it into a missile.

As Al discussed, all stone spears were hit.

The four had been deactivated, but the four, half of them, had stunningly pierced their flanks...... there were none.

This one was also disabled, inhibited by the special skills of [Low Demon (Minor Globe of) Law Invalidity (-Invarnerability)].

- Well, the hissing is over. Next...

Because of his new attack magic, he began to work out his magic while running.

- How about this one!

Al unleashes a stone catapult missile.

The number of warheads is one, considering the drain of magic.

A stone spear as huge as a telegraph pole swirled after a sharply swirling blue dragon.

And he hit me to stand on its back brilliantly.


A dragon that screams.

- Hmm? I thought I could kill you with one shot, but was it shallow? No, I didn't hit Shadow Dragon (him) properly either... Does it make you less powerful when it's the other guy who's as big as a dragon...?

Al's eyes, who kept appraising him, show that the dragon still has about 700 HP left.

- But it's already a helo, isn't it?

The dragon has become a flimsy and unreliable way of flying, and altitude has fallen considerably.

And when Al approached about 50 m, he went down to the ground.


The dragon breathed heavily in.

- Huh, it's no use!

One of the abilities of an instantaneous butcher dragon (dragon slayer), Al, uses the disabling of the braces.

Paris, Paris!

The dragon exhaled an electric shock.

Electric shock is inhibited by something like a wall a little invisible in front of Al.

Al didn't miss that gap where he kept throwing up his braces, he used wind magic on his back and stuck it in the dragon.


Glowing in emerald green, his body slit its sides as he dived into his body from the base of the dragon's arm.

It was the organ that didn't pop out, but from the large wound that was long torn apart, blood splashed like a fountain.

"Oh? You still won't die? Not to mention octaple damage, because it's a sword..."

The dragon's HP in Al's eyes is depressed to a single digit.

It is no exaggeration to say that you are dying at the earliest possible moment.


I told the dragon to squeal.

"Am I?"

I hear unfamiliar words from the mouth of a dying dragon, and I accidentally return something like a reply, Al.

"O Previous Kosoga, Gorzondo Coolida...... I (I) defeated Sitano Naraba Today Karasou Namele......"

"Shut up. Die, lizard bastard"

Al stabbed the dragon in the eyeball as he lifted his sword.

And he shifted his gaze to the woods spreading south with a tough face.

"... you're done"


I told Mizuchi to whine when I saw Al stab the dragon with a stop.

Andersen answers nothing.

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