22 Feb 7450

When Al pulls his sword out of the Blue Dragon, he looks back at his residence only once, not in his sheath, but holding it with his torso.

There seems to be someone on top of it, but it's too far away to tell it to his face.

- Knock... what is this? The dragon slayer (Dragon Slayer) is unconscious and hard to use... with Mizuchi... oh, Andersen?

Andersen was the only one in the residence who had not joined [troop formation (partisation)], so it was immediately understandable.

Turning south again, Al sat down on the neck of a blue dragon that turned into a corpse.

- Well... what is it?

Removing the handkerchief from the lumbar compartment, which was the only one safe outside the belt, he wiped away the blood on the sword with a slightly sparing subtle look.

Full body restores a beautiful emerald green glow.

There is something like a single map spreading through Al's brain.

When I say map, I don't know one thing about terrain.

Understandably, it's like a location map where the location of a demon present around you is plotted in real time.

- This speed...... are these monsters flying in the air like dragons?

That is no exaggeration to say that it is a perfect radar that operates with ultra-high accuracy.

- Let's take group A, which seems particularly early for these guys. So, these guys are in group B, this is group C... Oh, can't they be boulders? But only Group A seems to manage to split it up.

Group A was named for convenience only to groups of individuals with protruding travel speeds.

From the position of Al, Group A was approaching numbers about 20 from the south, about 30 from the southeast, about 20 from the east, about 30 from the northeast, and about 30 from the northwest, and it was thought that the group closest and approaching from the fastest east would reach Al's magical range in about 20 seconds.

With the exception of those group A's, there is likely to be a lot of room by the time they come into contact with the next demon who would probably be traveling on the ground.

- Is it the east and northeast that are likely to come early? Northwest, southeast, south. So, do we go with energy saving at first?

He threw a bloodstained handkerchief over the body of the dragon, and when he rose from the spot, he turned east and raised his left hand.

arable land extending into the north of the village of Darbin.

Two carriages were running for a residence in the centre of the village on the road that passes between the fields.

The carriages are both mere carriages, but they give considerable speed for carriages.

"Is he... is he Rocco?

I saw one man running from the end of the road I am now running on in the wagon stand leading, and a dog tribe (dogwart) man told me to whine.

"Huh? Rocco? Do you know him?

The man of the elite (elf) holding the reins replies.

"Oh, didn't you know? That's Rocco. He's a member of the Slaughters. What are you desperate for, that guy?

Dogwer replied, rattling and shaking, grabbing the railing beside the podium of the carriage, which was uncomfortable to ride.

The man who runs from the end of the road is getting closer and closer sometimes with the carriage coming out at considerable speeds.

"Hey, Rocco!

The dogwart on your stand shouted at the man.

The face of a man who is heard and responds with his hands gently raised is, of course, Rocco, who, as a leading avant-garde belonging to the slayer (Slaughters), was bombarding his name during Balduk.

The distance is not even ten meters anymore.

"What happened to the dragon!?"

Dogwer went on to ask.

"Our general is here. You've already been killed (rose) by now! Besides, your leader is already here. You must be in a vacant lot in the heart of the village!

The man ran away with a whisper as he yelled.

"Shit. Are dragons that weak that you're being shot?

"What are we rushing for..."

"Right. Well, don't slow down, just be careful, okay?


Even their subsequent carriage seemed to have something to say to Rocco, but the two of them sitting on your podium seemed to have chosen to proceed without looking back.

The reason is that despite saying he was shot like a dragon or something, I saw a figure around the north gate of Rocco's face and the residence I could see at the end of the road.

Dragons stopped moving in the middle of cultivated land spreading south.

At its side stands a man who looks as small as a grain of beans because of the distance away.

"... you're done"


The sight I saw the moment I climbed up the ladder and stood on the watchtower of the beacon.

A magnificent magic warhead had just been released, even visible from here, or even added to it was the induction (missile).

And surprisingly, I just think that that powerful magic was being fired while running.

It hit, and shortly after the dragon went down to the ground, the man went into the dragon fast enough to keep an eye on him.

I don't know what I did, but as far as I can tell from here, even the braces of the electric shock that the dragon threw up burst into me, slaughtering the dragon under one blow with an emerald green sword.

Looking at them, Andersen was drained of his liver and couldn't even speak.

A giant that also manages to be five meters long.

I would have taken a lot of damage, but I'm pretty sure I could still afford to even do a brace attack.

Still, it was only one blow to the cat.

Andersen kept his eyes wide open after he had finished seeing the sight, and kept staring at the man who stood in the distance as if he had even forgotten to blink.


My voice rose next door, and I turned to you unexpectedly for a strange tone of voice.

The Lord of the Voice is the Dark Elf (Dark Elf), the wife of the man who climbed to her.

The dark elves were facing each other in a completely different direction than the man.

Andersen finds himself slightly dissatisfied with the fact that his husband has not distracted him from showing him all that brilliant activity at his wife's service, but he accidentally follows that gaze.

And soon I felt an emotion of shame.

Because he admitted several small dots danced in the direction in which the man's wife was doing her eyes than the sesame grain.

I rush to look in another direction as well.

And I noticed that there were a number of other ways to dance in the sky.

The distance is too far away, so the identity of the dot is unknown, but I'm only sure it's not a busy one.

"It could be dangerous here. Please come down first."

When the man's wife said so, she laid her hands on the pattern of the sword she raised on her hips.

"I'm sorry, but it doesn't necessarily mean those demons won't catch their eyes here. Give me space to wave my sword..."

"Do you fight? Here? Without a bow?

I don't understand what she's saying to Andersen by Russia.

"Yeah, 'cause I need that guy to be where I can see him."

Listening to Dark Elf's words in an unexpected manner, Andersen feels unknowingly inferior.

- That should all be demons... If I keep staying in such a high and narrow place......

Imagination comes to mind of being turned over by a demon who doesn't know what to do.

"That, black yellow balls (Black Topaz), right? Aren't we going to need a leader?

From the north, which Dark Elf points to, a carriage came into sight running for this residence.

- I want to watch, but I can't help it, can I?

Andersen began to descend the ladder.

Underground warehouse in the Lords' Hall, which was designated as an assembly point (depot).

"Lar, that too"

Bell, who was receiving the rifle gun Mizuchi was using in the warehouse, said as he reached right into Ralpha.

"Huh? And this? I haven't shot a single shot yet..."

"Just give it to me quickly."

Ralpha handed his pistol (pistol) to Bell, reluctantly but with each lower back gun belt removed.

Besides Guine's pistol (pistol), which was put through the hall window, the crate at Bell's feet contains four rifles, including a spare one.

Put Ralpha's gun on top of each gun belt.

- Now it's all... right?

Bell closed the lid, recalling the number of firearms contained in the crate and the number available from the beginning.

The used casings should also have been recovered to receive the casings, so there are no traces of guns being used unless they can also be found in the bullet area bounced by the dragon.

By the time Bell got up from the basement, Ralpha's appearance had disappeared.

Perhaps I went to see how the horse was doing. I went around to help Zenom or help Tris with his weapon in the square.

Closed the door of an underground warehouse built on the floor, Bell stood up.

The flock of flying demons approaching from the east was a group of Dorai Harpies.

A Harpy tribe is a vicious demon that has made both arms of a man into the wings of a bird and both feet into the feet of a hook-clawed raptor.

Among them, Dorai Harpy was known, among other things, as an ugly species.

The feathers that grow from the head to the back and on both arms are based on gray, and are just the tone of a dirty impression mixed with disorderly black, white, etc., or many look awakened with disgust like an ugly old man.

- Eat it!

A large stone spear was shot out of Al's left hand.

The magic warhead is fired at the same time as it is guided by Al and pierces the chest of those who were approaching it to about 200 m.


Harpy, who turned into a corpse without even releasing the scream of the severed demon, fell to the ground.

The Stone Cannon missile pierced the harpy was slightly diminished in its power, but it changed course and hit another harpy, which also pierced it.

The herd of harpies disperses by perceiving danger.

However, the magic warhead succeeded with precise guidance.

And it led to the total annihilation of Dorai Harpy, who goes up to two or three.

- Can you still go?

Another group appears in Al's eyes looking up to the northeast.

The distance to Al had cut 300 m.

This one looks harpy, but the feather color is different from the earlier population.

This herd, based on the brown system, is a species called Danes Harpy.

He began guiding stone cannon missiles towards that flock.

- Looks like you can go.

The herd of harpies, approaching from the northeast, flies toward Al in a heartbeat when they say they have been slaughtered one after the other.

A magic warhead directed by Al strikes from the lower right corner of that flock.

- Three... four... five...

Many more are pierced by magic warheads and are doomed.

- Nine... ten... eleven... that's it?

You finally lost your power, and the magic warhead disappeared.

- That's a total of 35... Not if you're impressed that I haven't used 10 MPs... One more shot!

It also wiped out a herd of Danes Harpy approaching from the northeast.

- Well, next...

Now I glanced at the northwest sky.

The Royal Army, which was stationed in the forest north of the village of Darbin, hails as it gushes when it hears that the dragon has been exorcised.

Once the dragons had escaped from their position, they could see them descending.

- No, I'm the one who said I could have shot him, but I should be so happy... if I hadn't shot him properly, he'd probably even be hung up, right? Well, only that guy is a loser...

Rocco gives a slightly stiff look as he chokes off his breath.

Apart from the sweat caused by the fact that I had run so far, I felt a cold sweat running down my back.

"I know you're happy, but don't get sloppy. To recall the escaped dragon... erm, I don't know. I'm pretty sure I'm using magic. So, he says he'll be drawn to it and the demons around him will be called in. A hell of a lot of demons are moving around the dragon."

Rocco continued as he panicked a little while placing his hand on the patterned head of the hipster demon sword.

He also has more knowledge of the properties of magical weapons than he is a user of the Devil's Sword.

"Got it. Hey, we're moving out now!

At Rocco's request, the captain of the Royal Romberto Army reconnaissance unit gave an immediate order.

Some of my men are running toward the horses, and some are starting to get their weapons together.

No one seemed to be wearing protective equipment on the boulder, reassuring Rocco on that point.

- Whatever the power, cannons are hard on boulders. pivot radially.

The distance from the swarm of Sword Beatles flying from the south is 100 m off.

Sword Beetle is a giant carnivorous beetle that grows a sharp horn like a sword on the tip of his head, up to a metre long.

It is a dangerous demon that is said to be very difficult to scratch with swords and bows and arrows through an epidermis as hard as armor.

- But it's good to say that the magic power (MP) used to kill more than 100 people is less than 30. If I finish them off, they don't look fast, and I take a breath... will I behave like a big boy?

Al used the magic of the Flame Arborest missile towards a swarm of Sword Beatles.

The number of warheads is eight.

Momentum flying flaming spears pierce the leading beetle.

It was a beetle trying to bewitch with quicker moves than any Harpy or Forest Condor I've ever dealt with, but this one was also shot down one after the other before Arborest, which also had a considerably smaller turning radius instead of losing its power.

-... heh. A cloud up. Now, if you don't fly anymore, just a little bit.

From the plot diagram that remained deployed in the brain, Al understood that he was likely to be able to afford it for a while.

- I have to do it now or something... Oh, the black yellow balls (Black Topaz) were coming too. And the Royal Army is in the North Forest too... Rocco's going? I don't know...

As Al turned back to his residence, he stared at the sight of the object, which was slightly peeking into his face from the roof of the building.

I know Mizuchi is there.


After a while, the magic was completed.

"Mizuchi, are you hurt? Answer me if you can."

What Al used was far-sighted (telepathic) magic.

I can say it's excellent that you can normally have a conversation as long as you can see the other person.

"Mm-hmm. It's okay. Good day. That's it?

Mizuchi's reply only reaches Al's ear.

"It's not the end. More than that, monster of the day, have you attacked me?

"Yeah. But the flying monsters didn't fly near here, and I was hiding low too..."

"Right. Was everyone else blindfolded?

"I don't know exactly, but I think it's probably okay. I think all the monsters were flying for you... and what would have happened if you had been in sight..."

"Okay. So you don't know what happens when you're seen or close to a distance?

"Yeah, right."

Al was only a little reticent.

"Just the gist. I used my sword abilities, but now I know where the monster is, like a partisan."


"According to that, I think the only one who can fly right now is the one who can. There's still enough monsters approaching to rot."


"Yeah, but I think maybe we can afford five minutes until the first monster comes out of the woods..."

"Okay. What am I supposed to do?

"Rocco's the one picking up the Royal Army, isn't he? You see that?"

Asked by Al, Mizchi turned north.

The forest is quiet for Mizuchi to see, but she also felt disturbed because she said something noisy.

"Looks like he's headed this way, but it's still like he's in the woods. I don't see it."

"Well, if you see it, tell me if all the Royal Army's following you."

"Yeah. What do you do?

"Once the Royal Army is somewhat close to the residence, make a dirt base to surround it for each residence. I didn't see all the surroundings of the residence, so there will probably be a breakdown around the east and west, but I can handle it more than two meters high."

Mizuchi keeps looking at the north woods.

On top of all this distance, Mizuchi is smiling at the wonder of being able to have a conversation without yelling, even though he is facing the opposite of Al.


"I aim for a circular shape with my mouth open to those of me, but as I said, East and West are subtle. I'm going to build a dirt mountain so I can see a little better and climb on it and use it, but I haven't looked closely at the ground or anything, and I have limitations. I'll do everything I can to keep the monsters coming after me, so nobody gets near me."

"Okay...... oh, I see Rocco. And the Royal Army...... yeah. Maybe they're all here."

"Okay. Let me know when the tail comes within 200 meters of your place of residence."

"Yeah, I think we've got a couple of minutes."

"Mm-hmm. I just realized that Harpy was flying at high speeds earlier, and he probably didn't care about the ground or anything, including you, because he was eyeing me on top of it."

"So is that."

"But now we're getting closer because of the speed of travel. Almost everything seems to be moving around the ground. Especially the monsters coming from the north, the dumb ones, even if they see dirt bases, could even go for me in the shortest possible distance."


"That should get you through the residence, and even if you're hiding in the building, you can even think of coming along with destroying it. So don't hide inside the building. Be prepared to be a tough fight in some cases and refrain from wasting your magic."

When Al and Mizchi were having a meeting, it was thought that soldiers who seemed to be at the rear of the Royal Army had reached a point where they would cut 200m to their place of residence.

"I cut 200 meters."

"Okay. You can get out of there now. Everybody please."

"Yeah, you don't get hurt, either."

"Oh. Leave it to me. Bye."

Al runs up all at once when he makes a dirt mountain about 30 meters high in front of him.

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