22 Feb 7450

Running up to the top of the dirt mountain he built himself, Al deformed the dirt mountain again first.

He even the part of the staircase that had just climbed, and brought to his side the soil of the hemline portion of the earthen mountain, which was also 100 m in diameter, which spread on the side of his residence.

Looking directly from the top, Tuyama felt like he had spread a fan behind his northern residence side.

Would it be appropriate to take the form of a cut about the northern third of the circle?

At the center of the circle, around which Al stands, a flat spot was created about 30 m in diameter.

The cut north side feels almost perpendicular.

Other than that, it is enough to use cut out soil to steep the angle of the slope.

The location relationship with the residence is to the extent that the center of the dirt mountain where Al stands is about 300 m from the south gate of the residence, and the body of the Blue Dragon is still buried in the dirt mountain.

Having finished creating the position, Al looked around the neighborhood, which stretched out in front of him.

When viewed all the way to make sure there are no major obstacles, Al uses massive ground magic again.

Now it was time to create an elongated dirt wall that enclosed the entire residence.

The thickness of the earth walls reaches about four m and the height as high as two and a half m.

It surrounds the residence as if it were a wall, and its mouth is empty so that it is not even ten meters wide just on the south side where Al is.

- All right, like this? Oh, no, a little more...

He also tried to create a small earthen mountain in a square that stretched out into the center of his residence.

but I saw a carriage in addition to some figures, so I decided to smash about a cup of dirt for a bath bucket into the center of the square.

Those who were in the square rush to start moving the carriage, either because they could see the dirt being flown from Al's side, or because someone from Mizchi or the slayer (Slaters) who saw it warned them.

By the time Al, who waited until the square was deserted, set up a pancake-shaped earthen mountain on the square with stairs at the end, demons began to show up from the surrounding woods.

- Mizuchi would understand.

Al takes a big, deep breath as he turns south again.

■ Schematic

In the residence of the village of Darbin.


"This is..."

Tris was proud of Al when he saw soldiers of the Royal Army and members of the Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) complaining with his eyes wide open.

But it's also certain that he will be so devastated that he can't say anything about the magic of the earth on too large a scale.

It may be said that this is the first time he has seen Level MAX earth magic himself.

In addition, I have seen many times that I use elemental magic up to level eight for things that do not extend to level MAX.

That said, I've counted the level eight elemental magic as well, and in most cases I've only seen it add or subtract and use it.

In fact, I have also seen Level MAX earth magic in the great depths of Balduk, but at that time it was a state of panic of cardiac loss, and I did not remember the earth magic earth sphere in my eyes for a moment only.

In the meantime, I feel slightly jealous when I look at Zulu, who is flatly confirming his gear, starting with his weapon.

- With that said, you said you saw something like this in the village of Tankur at the beginning of the year...

In Tris' eyes one other person besides Zulu, the figure of the one who is flat, can be seen.

It is Mizuchi.


I'm just saying something to the captain of the Royal Army.

Apparently, they all want us to join Zenom and Guineh, who are moving north of their residence to protect their horses, and hit that defense in conjunction with the wagons and wagons used by members of the Royal Army's military horses and black yellow balls.

Having spent the past few days friendly with them, the captain began to skip instructions to his men.

By this time everyone who stays is also paying attention to Mizuchi.

"We're going south. That wall only has a small mouth on the south side, so protect it."

All the killers (Slaters) standing on this spot tried to move south, starting with Tris when they heard it.

"Hey, give me a minute. We just got here..."

Black yellow balls (Black Topaz) dogs (Dogwars), Vicks pinched his mouth as he sat on the wagon table.

"Oh, and what the hell are you protecting...? I already killed the dragon..."

Likewise Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) elite (elves), memes wrinkle between eyebrows, he says.

She doesn't get along very deeply not only with Tris, but with most members of the killer (Slaughters).

I've met her before in the labyrinth, but I have a strong impression that when she entered Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz), the killer (Slaters) was trying deep into the labyrinth, and Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) was in the midst of a struggle to rebuild the half-destroyed state, so she was new.

Earlier on, Tris is under the impression that he seemed unfortunate without seeing the moment to defeat the dragon.

"Roger that, ma'am. Come on, leave the carriage and horses to the Royal Army. We're going south, too!

Andersen, with his head hanging over Mizuchi, said in a strong tone, so it did not develop into an argument.

At that time, someone touched Tris' arm.

It is his wife.

"That guy..."

Bell said in a voice to the extent that he could only hear.

Needless to say, she stares at a dwarf (Gnome) woman with black yellow balls (Black Topaz).

Getting out of the carriage and weaving a robe from above the leather armor gives you a somewhat atrophied look.

But from Mizuchi, Ralpha, and the sight of ourselves, of course, we could see the complex emotions that crossed even archaeology and envy.

"Oh. Someone named Surge found him..."

Tris turned his foot south urging Bell to cut his gaze from Norm's woman.

- Is that... Centaur...

From the south side, close to the woods, a number of centaurs have jumped out that have grown people's upper bodies in the bodies of horses.

The total number would be over 200, as opposed to 100.

All of that goes half frenzied and goes for the dirt mountain where Al stands.

Al reached out his left hand toward one of the heads running that lead.

- If it's so solidified, a cannon doesn't work a small turn on the boulder...

The Centaurs are only a few meters apart from each other.

Still, if you had lined me up in a straight line, you'd be able to capture a lot of goals by letting me penetrate like a skewer with canon-based offensive magic, but this time it seems difficult.

- Then how about this one!

A blue and white electric shock was emitted from Al's left palm.

It is a sufficiently thick electric shock, although it does not extend to the brace of the dragon that was shot earlier.


Centaur, who was running the lead, falls with a long tail pulling scream.

When the electric shocks split from there into two strands, they each captured another centaur, where they also split even further.

And a total of as many as three centaurs were fed by the electric magic Chain Lightning.

A sequel penetrates them when they fall, but the Centaurs cleverly jump over the body.

- It's not bad... it's early for that, but no. Shit. That's when you got pretty close and needed to clean instantly, to use.

Al was injecting extra magic into the magic of Chain Lightning to increase its power.

Chain Lightning can target many goals as attack magic.

I have used it as powerful as I have now.

But like this one, I never really used it for many goals.

If I tried Al, I used it out of the suspicion that the number of divisions was increasing, but I could only confirm that the number of divisions was still four and the maximum target number remained 31 as before.

This doesn't deserve to infuse more than 40 magic powers (MP).

There are still many demons plotted in Al's field of consciousness, all of which are coming towards him.

Generally speaking, I can say it's a good sorcery that reduces the number of enemies with very high efficiency, but that still didn't feel good enough for Al.

- Then next time...... fireball would be a big waste.

He cruised slightly, but instantly chose and exercised one sorcery.

Conical cold air radiated from Al's left hand toward the Centaur herd.

Countless blades of ice clutter through its cold air.


Many Terminators rise again.

Al eats up his teeth and stays focused on witchcraft.

Al's body is slowly swinging from right to left with his left arm extended.

The ice cone extending from the left hand continued to maintain its enormous cone while reaching as much as 200 m earlier.

"Gah, goff"

One of the broken throats fell to the ground as he breathed out blood smoke.

"Ts, izedo!


There are those who jump over it with spears in their hands, scratching all over their bodies but raising their voices.

"Guh, gal jarri! Gaaaaah!"

"Hit, azz, ah..."

"Gwah! Ghun Ji!

"Sa, sazuya!!"

"Im Sazyah!! Aaaaaaah!

But neither such a person nor dozens of meters nearer each other, then they run out with one scream after another.

Only a few of them were able to reach the earthly mountains made by Al, and even a few of them died in the end with all their might.

And the Centaur herd literally wiped out in just a few decades.

- You were right to extend your range thoughtfully...

Slightly disturbed his breathing, Al lowered his left arm and turned around.

Centaur and the others rushed in a straight line after him, also from the woods north, east and west, in Al's eyes.

- Hmm... are you intelligent enough to avoid walls? It's good to build a wall. No, does intelligence matter......

Centaur, approaching from the north, was beginning to split left to right, deciding that he could not exceed the earth bases surrounding his residence.

Naturally so.

In running through the woods, the growing trees and so forth would have come avoided, because if they were to be rushed through the ground, it would be better to bypass them than to exceed the soil bases as tall as they were, so Al could arrive early.

"Chip, there's still that one left..."

Al, who looks west, punches his tongue with his eyes at the demons flying over the woods.

I know there's still more than a dozen of them, but I found out they're pretty big.

Until then, we don't know who it is, but we can only be reassured that it doesn't seem like a dragon, but it will never be someone we can be alarmed about.

It's not one, it's a few wrapped up.

- You're late.

The demon doesn't seem to fly that fast, but it feels faster than Centaur.

It was thought that it took me a while to get close simply because I was far away.

- Huh, there was even that one here...

Al looks out when he sees a demon who has newly emerged from the western forest.

The demon was a giant that managed to be five meters long and was shaped like a rhino.

It also appears to grow to a large corner on the head and tip of the nose.

Al frowns slightly in regret at the appearance he has never seen.

It's been about a year since I was sealed up in the territory, but in the meantime, I haven't been busy conquering demons or anything nestled in the Dart Plains.

I have received reports of known demons, so I have a general knowledge of demons.

But that was it.

I have knowledge, but I have little experience fighting.

I mean, I didn't do an appraisal or anything.

Even now, the knowledge I learned that "that would be Stag Rhino" teaches me, but I only know all about its strength and so on in hearsay.

According to this, he's big enough to have to be exorcised by the Knights.

- Horned bear class...

It brings back memories of Al when he was behind his brain and in Barkud on the day.

- If I ate his attack properly, I'd be dying right now... but the day I got it on my head, I'm sure of a single ascension.

Fly your gaze eastward with your shoulders up.

- Is that goblin? Is that Knoll? It's too far. I don't know, but those guys who were relatively close.

I also saw a small human form mixed with a herd of centaurs.

Somehow, there's nothing like arguing with the Centaurs, getting along (?) It's on its way.

I accidentally lift my right hand and stare at the dragon slaughter (Dragon Slayer) that stays in my grip.

- Shit, it's such a pain in the ass...

I lowered my sword and looked around the slice of dirt base about 200 m away.

I saw a shadow approaching coming out of inside the residence toward it.

- Zulu to Mizuchi, Tris, Bell, Ralpha, and Rocco? Is Zenom and Guine a horse?

The numbers don't match the shadows, but I guess there's also a mix of black yellow balls (Black Topaz) or the Royal Army, starting with Andersen.

- I'm going to show you in a special seat (SS ticket)... did you enjoy it?

I had a small grin when I remembered Andersen, who would have climbed into a quarrel earlier with Mizuchi.

At the same time, I recall saving the predicament of black yellow balls (Black Topaz), including Andersen, and running the labyrinth together to save the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) that was assaulted by vampires.

"Oh, you didn't advertise, did you? Look at me like an eyeball cup!

When I said it in my mouth alone, Al gave me a look that could be described as awesome.

From the top of the dirt mountain in front of him, another giant stone spear was shot out.


An exclamation rises from a member of the Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) who saw it.

The stone spear pierced the torso of the manticore flying through the air.

Stonecanon, penetrating the torso of the manticore, whilst keeping its warhead smaller, flew through the excess and pierced another manticore torso when it showed an unnatural swirl (curve).

It emitted a cloudy scream and Manticore crashed to the ground.

It may have lived to crash, but it's a fall from that height.

Death cannot be spared.

Next to the crashed manticore there was a Stag Rhino giant rolling around that was killed like a bug pin stopped on the ground, but we know very well that the manticore is much bigger than that.


"Dude, jokes are tough..."

When he heard the voice, Bell realized that nature and the edge of his mouth hung.

- It's always a boulder, isn't it, Al?

If you try it on her, if you're a man named Alain Gried, you take that degree for granted.

He is the leader of their killer (Slaughters), who has set an unprecedented record of breaking through Balduk's labyrinth.

- Killers (us) do not flee the monster in front of them.

Stop looking over and run your eyes left and right.

A large number of demons had arrived in pursuit of the earthly mountains on which Al stood.

Bell's eyes show what can be described as a relative familiarity around the village of Garhe for nearly the past year.

Starting with Centaur, Goblin, Knoll, Kobold, Oak, Hobgoblin and many other demons run uncontroversial with no quarrel with each other and with a loud voice.

It's as if I'd say they can't get eyes on them standing here or something......

At that time, a loud noise sounded like the wind was blowing.

Unexpectedly, Bell looks up at the sky again.

The sky west of the residence, by the way, I could see the air swaying as if it had changed the concentration of air as if it were a pneumonia.

It is a wind magic level IX attack magic, super turbulent mass (hurricanic cluster) unleashed by Al.

A few manticores are trapped in the turbulence that suddenly appears, circling through the air as if even sucked into a giant tornado.

A giant between the mantia cores, as long as seven meters long, collided in the air, and where one neck was broken, it caught my eye.

"That's attack magic... I didn't..."

Someone told me to whine.

- Sure...

I lowered the large arrow barrel (Quiver) that was on my back to the ground.

There are as many as fifty large arrows packed inside.

Take one out of there so you can pull the bow at any time.

- I'm still fine with Al now...

Yes, Al, it's not like magic can be used forever.

Until now, I've never seen Al do that once.

But I'm pretty sure I've never dealt with so many demons before.

About ten minutes have passed since Al unleashed his first attack magic.

"All right, so far, it's all about me, no, you're after the dragon slaughter (this guy)..."

Against the slopes that spread to the south of the earthen mountains, and also after unleashing the magic of the icecorn, Al spoke to himself.

In anticipation of this situation, he cut off the north side of the earth mountain and was corrupt so that, except in the air, he would never get behind it.

There is no single radar that unfolds in the brain and it continues to function normally.

- Still nagging, I'm getting sick of boulders...

Thumbs against the right nose and blocks, inhaling heavily.

And he made a noise of Zubi and snapped his hand and nose.

Blood erupted misty from the left nostril.

The attack magic Al has unleashed so far counts thirty.

Magically, we still have plenty of room, but every attack magic we've unleashed demands very advanced magic technology.

Al's mental strength was definitely being polished down.

"Heh, I'm here to train for times like this. To this extent…"

The blue magic light gathers in Al's left hand.

"It's a snag!

The agglomerated magical light scattered to bounce and fly.

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