22 Feb 7450

"Ugh, uhh..."

Al is gasping heavily on the dirt mountain.

The capillaries in his eyes were torn and his nose bled out of both nostrils, but the look on his face made me wonder how that was possible.

It should be noted that the dragon slaughter (dragon slayer) fits into the sheath for a long time, but Al, of course, did not make any difference to the monsters.

Apparently, the ability of a sword once used is something that can't be cancelled.

- The amount of magic left...

Twenty minutes have passed since then, but the number of demons gathered in Al doesn't show any decrease.

Instead, demons with slow legs or physical distances are mixed up and out of reach.

In particular, the number itself plotted on Al's brain radar by the ability of the sword is already about half the original.

It seems that they are now unleashing attack magic around their opponents climbing the southern slopes of Tuyama.

Would it be salvation that only demons that can give some speed, like flying, are knocking off all of them?

And the demons, which flashed from the southern slopes, also spread to the north side of Tushan.

- Are you going to cut 4000 already... oh, the level again... no, no, I need to refrain from appraising.

I've defeated 2,000 monsters so far.

Not only is the Magic Power (MP) used in sorcery forcibly lost, but also the same number of Magic (MP) as the defeated Monster, due to the passive activation of the Talent of Heaven, Al's unique skill.

Al had already felt spared even the magic power (MP) used for the appraisal.


He unleashed a chain lightning and blackened a bunch of approaching oaks to the top.

An oak of great stature becomes a corpse and rolls down the slope.

With a slight gap made by it, Al began to work out his magic for massive attack magic.

The demons, who approached within 50 meters of Mizuchi and placed them in sight, were attacked by Al, while they were distracted.


Turn to the north side and release the ice corn with extended range.

Demons who fall to fold with butterflies.

However, there are still demons like Stag Rhino and Giant Rock Lizard who continue to go for the Mizuchis, with cuts all over their bodies.

- Just do something about it now... or you can reduce the number a little bit.

Al's eyes upon Mizchi and the others even seem to pray.

That said, there are a large number of monster bodies rolling around the Mizuchi and their surroundings that are not 100 or 200.

Al looked back.


Bite your back teeth to the point where the guts and sounds sound, concentrate your mind, and unleash a new attack magic.

Stonelight catapults are shot into the middle of a group of Lamia who have a person on the lion's torso.

A stone spear as large as a small telegraph column penetrated the four lamias, and the cobolds and knolls that were looming behind them also penetrated like dough.

With all this concentration and overlapping monsters, even uninducted attack magic can be expected to destroy quite a few.

Though it is the magic warhead that remains, such a tragic corpse is rolling everywhere, and it would even be possible to describe the slope as already devoid of a foot trail.

"Another shot!

Shift the angle to release more stone light catapults.



Monster's Terminator overlaps.

"Besides one thing, Konoyarrow!!"

So when we create another slight gap, we look back north.


Al breathed.

A bunch of hairy mammoth-like monsters came into sight to hit the dirt wall on the north side of the residence.

"All right, then ask for this guy next! Guiney, take that!

Zenom, a famous adventurer and head of the Baron's family, had commanded not only Guineh but half of the Royal Army to move horses and carriages unconscious for fear to a place that looked safe.

Initially, Guine and I had no choice but to entrust boredom by the horse we were visiting, but that's what we could do because 30 soldiers and as many as 10 military horses rushed us here.

Bring the old blankets and futons borrowed from the nearby private houses and lay them under the fallen horses together.

They're roping it in there and letting the horses pull it and evacuate it.

"Jean, you guys need that guy over there. We're this guy. Let's go, that!

The captain of the Royal Army also commands the other half to evacuate the horses.

Now that the exorcism of the dragon is over, you can't lose your precious leg.

The captain had been advised by Mizci that it was only natural to send a decree to Debakken in the territorial capital asking for reinforcements for the reoccupation of the village of Darbin and Tankur once the dragon had been exorcised, and that it would be better for everyone remaining to move immediately to Tankur village.

In contrast, there is no denying to the captain.

Anyway, because there was a dragon nesting in the village of Tankur, if even the dragon could be eliminated, that village would be a stuffed shell.

It is self-evident that it would be more advantageous to send even a few dozen ahead if we were to aim for a full reoccupation.

Because it has already been found that there are only about the number of reconnaissance units stationed in this Darbin village around the village of Tankur.

Naturally, the Kingdom of Dabus will also be exploring trends in the village of Tankur, but there is no reason to know that the dragon has been exorcised.

Naturally, the village of Tankur, inhabited by dragons, is not only this Darbin village, which is also closest to the village of Tankur, but also the villages of Zend and Ingel beside it, evacuating the inhabitants and narrowing the number of troops stationed to a minimum.

It is also too dangerous for the villages of Denan and Kincade in the Kingdom of Davas, which are naturally but deeper than the village of Tankur, to even afford to send scouts for reconnaissance.

It is conceivable that the Kingdom of Dabus will remain much the same.

It would be odd if, at any rate, Al wasn't surrounded by massive demons at the time he used his sword's abilities, even if the scourge of the Kingdom of Dabus had come to the side of this Darbin village.

For those reasons, horses for mobility can be considered the most important strategic supplies.

The captain who understood it was eager to move the horse.

It was Xenom who first noticed the anomaly.

At the end of the North Gate, we saw something moving over the earth wall made about 200 meters.

It's something hairy.

I don't know the full story yet, but Xenom thought it must be a demon.

"What? What's that?

Xenom pointed to the north dirt wall and asked the soldier beside him.


The complexion of the soldier staring at it (...) for a while as well as Xenom changed.

The soldier said it was with a giant demon named Trope Olyphant.

Olyphants are monsters like mammoths that originally live in the tundra zone.

Fangs are not as long as mammoths, but they are ferocious monsters that will be nearly three meters tall.

Its body is covered in stiff bristles as well as mammoths, and it also has a high endurance commensurate with a large body.

The heavenly side of the demon's head and the tip of his nose are seen flickering from above the wall.

There seems to be a few as far as I can see.

There are still three horses left, including Uranus of Al, who have not yet been allowed to evacuate.

"Guine! Here we are!

When Xenom skipped the warning, one oliphant hung his forefoot over the wall and a huge upper body appeared.

"Captain, I asked for the horse!

Xenom said as he grabbed the Demon Axe pattern he was raising on his hips.

"That's... Olyphant! My lord, that's dangerous! You should evacuate......!

The captain screams at the back of Zenom as he proceeds towards the open gate.

Xenom looked back when he heard the voice.

"Evacuate? Where to? I don't know if it's horse evacuation, but we're doing it now, right?


"Well look what the avant-garde (Vanguard) of the killer (Slaters) looks like!

With that said, Xenom looked back again and ran out the road stretching out of the North Gate.

"Anyone with a spear, come with me! I'll cover Mr. Xenom, so let me focus on the magic!

Guine also began to follow Xenom when she held the demon spear that was standing against the wall of the house beside her.

"Ku, shit! Hey, you guys! Hurry up and evacuate the horse! Then Ken, Nick, Fard, Lily, Buds and Mary follow me! Protect that girl!

I command my men, and the captain begins to follow Guineh.

One trope oliphant has already climbed completely over the dirt wall, behind which other oliphant forelegs, parietal heads and extended noses are beginning to be visible.

- Can you climb!? Two and a half meters tall!?

Moment after moment, Al glanced, but immediately looked back and used the magic of chain lightning.

A group of goblins and hobgoblins were climbing the southern slopes of the earth mountain.

He was electrocuted and died as the hobgoblins blew away as he let the arc light in the aftermath.

- But it's four meters wide. Can't we even crumble into boulders...

And then, looking back again, he reaches north and reaches left.

- That's a long way off, motherfucker.

Around the open palm, the magical light gathered at an instantaneous speed.


Exhale briefly, while the magical light scatters.

Because of the distance, the Stone Canon missile got enough acceleration to fly.

From Al's nostrils, his nostrils drip again.

Without looking distracted by it, Al continued guiding the stone spear.

- If you let them circle in from the side...!

Under Al's guidance, the stone spear transitions to a course that traces the outer circumference of the northern dirt wall.

Too bad one of us got on the dirt wall, we just have to ignore it.

- Oh! Even a big guy like that can penetrate quite a bit if he's straight from the side.

Eight heads pierced the oliphant, which was dense on the north side of the dirt wall, and Al looked satisfied.

Then he looked back again as he wiped his droopy nosebleed with the back of his right hand.

Xenom is grinning bitterly as he runs down the road stretching north.

- If this is the case, should I have run a little too?

Refrain from being fifty years old at present, and your health decay is significant.

Your breath is disturbed and your heart strikes an early bell.

- Really, this is the last time you're gonna be so tough, okay?

Olyphant, who was climbing the dirt wall, is starting to descend.

The distance is still a hundred meters and is out of range on the boulder, albeit with a nasty magic axe.

Looking back slightly, I found Guine leading the way, with some soldiers running after Xenom.

And when Xenom saw Olyphant again.




From across the wall, I heard screams that many oliphants would have raised.

- Yeah, looks like you took care of him. You want us to take one of those guys down?

Starting down the dirt wall, Olyphant seems to have inadvertently freaked out his body by overhearing his compatriot's interrupter.

For this reason, he fell to the ground so that he could slip from the high dirt wall as close to his height.

I approached 30m to Olyphant trying to get up.

Zenom threw Cold Axe of Returning, a hand-wrestling throwing axe that was shaken with his right hand, as he lowered it to the earth to step through his left foot.

The Devil's Axe flew as it twirled and spinned, piercing Olyphant's skull.

Turning right without looking at it, Xenom raises his open right hand overhead.

The axe trembles with a blurb, and when it falls out alone, it comes back spinning again and fits into Zenom's hands.

"The figure. Then you're gonna die to that extent, aren't you?

Sure enough, Olyphant was trying to get up while spraying blood from his head.

"Mizuchi! Your father and Guine!

Ralpha shouted when he noticed that Xenom and Guine had started moving by force formation (partisation).

"I know!

Avoid the corner of Stag Rhino, which was imminent in front of him, and the moment he crosses, he also screams back Mizuchi as he pierces his skin as hard as armor with Dureau's sword in his empty torso.

Mizuchi, who had finished the big man and breathed slightly, ran his eyes around him.

- Looks like you still have plenty of room. Can we get some more? But Mr. Zenom and the others headed north.... means that the north wall has been breached.


Rocco is sticking out his long sword.

Shortly after, the big Reem Hobgoblin, who was rambling in front of him, collapsed to collapse.


Next to it, Tris is waving the Flaming Sword (Flame Tan), inflicting fatal injuries on another.

"Damn it!

Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) hasn't lost either.

A giant bar lined up in Zulu snaps an oak's neck as it wields a battle axe.

"Elland! Take the right! Victor, stay back for a while!

The voice commanded by Andersen sounded.

In the rear, Zulu, who has fallen back to replace Mizuchi, has undergone the healing magic of the bell with exhausted arrows.

Nell, a dwarf (Gnome) reincarnator, also seems busy treating injured members.

"Guys, I'm gonna stick around for another ten minutes!

Mizuchi shouted as he bathed in return blood.

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