23 Feb 7450

The dragon's nest, in addition to the military men of Lomberto and the military men of Dabus as its ingredients, was also used equally by the inhabitants of the village of Tanquer, without division.

They are made by stacking them like molars.

In all cases, the building materials that were thought to have been taken from the surrounding buildings were pierced to become core materials and even reinforced.

The diameter of the molar is about 10 m and the height is about 5 m.

There was a great stiffness in the center of it, and apparently he rested lying on the stiffness.

That's the size of it.

The number of bodies used would be well over a thousand.

I was also somewhat tempered to go up on the nest as I stepped on the body (because it's rotten so it would slip on the way up, and it's dangerous), so I built a dirt mountain next to the nest, and from there I rode into the morgue to try to remove the united body from the top and it started to collapse.

Sleeping beds are in terrible condition so I didn't want to get as much into my sight as I could, but any day...

As a result, from what I have seen, the body was not [anyone's body] in the status open or my appraisal, and I could no longer distinguish between personal names, such as [corpses (sperm people)] or [corpses of the Pu people].

Perhaps not only because it is corrupt, but also because it is like skewering with building materials, spears, etc., or even with great force to keep it from going out loud and severely damaged.

Working with less nausea for half an hour.

Someone was found wearing a Barkud rubber protector from part of the wall of the molar.

I can't read the status, but my face wasn't crushed because I was wearing a helmet.

"... you're Mr. Rankles. Indeed, it was named Joshua Rankles..."

Cut the protector's band while fixing the oddly twisted body as well as possible.

And then he stuck a knife in his chest and picked the demon stone beside his heart.

"Status Open"

[Joshua Rankles' Demonic Crystal Stone]

"I'm fine. The Demon Stone has a name."

I recovered Mr. Rankles' demonic stone.

Vivid story, everyone in the First Knights is highly paid, so if the Demon Stone can be recovered, that's all you can expect from the survivors.

It would cost at least a few gold coins.

We fought so hard yesterday, we have to earn as much as we can.

Hmm? Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz)?

I just came along on my own, and I don't know.

And I just wanted to say, I don't think so.

I can say it's definite that Andersen will be my direct squire next year, so it's nothing like splitting up a lot of stuff with them underneath.

There are demonic stones roaring in the village of Darbin. Plus, there's still enough swords and spears in the village of Tankur to roll like a mountain.

Besides, they never worked at all.

That's how I started breaking down the dragon's nest for a while, and the tired colors began to float in everyone's faces.

I noticed it because I was on the molar with Ralpha and handed it to everyone downstairs after removing the bodies that were piled up at my feet.

There will be physical fatigue, but we keep removing each and every corpse that begins to rot, so let's not lose our appetite.

It's about time we got a lot lower where we stand, and we could get a little clothes in here.

I don't know, I need a break to finally get in.

The bed-like part of the mortar was covered with miscellaneous objects, including swords and spears.

However, more than half of it is applied to the guts that appear to have protruded from the decay juice and corpse stained from the corpse lying on the floor.

It's been a long time since my nose has been stupid, but I still can't stand how stinky and disgusting it is if I haven't turned my back on my sleeping bed.

"Yo...... and. Ah. Something's stung. Bad. Ralpha, pull it out because it's dangerous."

Once the small body was removed from the wall of the molar, a sword was stabbed on its flank.

"That's an unspoilt sword. But it's strange to lose yourself."

With that said, I pulled out one little sword that looked like a spike sword (Rapier) Ralpha was poking a little at the body and said.

The tip of the sword that was stabbed in the body is wet, but the rest of it is dry because it was not soaked in rotten juice. They were soaked before just to be dry and really dirty as Ralpha said.

I guess that's why. Ralpha has about the inside of the blade. 'Cause the pattern is kind of creepy about whether it's a dry gut.

"Sure. It was on the bunk, but it's weird to stay out of it."

Mizuchi answered as he received the body of a dwarf (Gnome) woman that I had given him.

Right. But come on.

"Mm-hmm. If you fought the dragon, wouldn't it be weirder to stay in the sheath?

Tris says as he lends a hand to Mizuchi.

Yeah, well, that's what I was trying to say.

"That's true, but you slept on the sword of the stripper, and that's it, isn't it? Wouldn't you get hurt if I hit you over the top?

Me and Tris nodded face-to-face at Mizuchi's words.

If you ask me, it sure is.

Next to me like that, Ralpha threw the sword he had in his hand unconstitutionally under his mortar.

"You're in danger!

"Don't leave me alone!

Next to the sword thrown by Ralpha, Belle and Guine, who relied on clothing, protective equipment and other things to separate the body, are voicing dissatisfaction.

The attention of the black-yellow balls (Black Topaz) who were collecting demonic stones from bodies scattered around the nest, either because they raised their voices out loud.

But when we made sure that this dirty sword was just rolling, it brought us back to our own work.

Even Ralpha (this guy) would know a lot about brain deficiencies.

I also glanced over my shoulder and saw the sword Ralpha threw at me.

From what I've seen, it looks like a very dirty little spike sword (Rapier) with an old smelly design pattern.

Then, I made an appraisal in a cheap way.


[Oak and iron]

[Condition: Good]

[Generated: 17/10/7269]

[Value: 1]

[Durable value: 11204]

[Performance: 127-157]

[Effect: Ignore defensive performance by metal (non-metal defensive performance applies as usual, including magical objects)]


No, I just thought I'd take it personally from the name "Piercer” on this little spike sword (Rapier), but this is a magical weapon (Magical Webbon)!

Huh? You're not Sting. What do you mean, "boring circle”?

Okay, I just felt like I'd heard it somewhere, and it doesn't mean a lot.

Unexpectedly looking back towards the center of the molar, he uses the magic of magic sensing (detect magic).

... Ugh!

I can feel the magic reaction of a bin from all over this bunk!

I've appraised the appropriate long pattern weapon (Paul Arm).

It's a very artistic delicacy involving the intestines of a corpse in the pattern.

If this isn't the case, I'm even hesitant to put it in my sight.

[Harvard of Mow Down]

[Black Walnut Material/Iron]

[Condition: Good]

[Date Generated: 19/3/7314]

[Value: 1]

[Endurance value: 12602]

[Performance: 60-250]

[Effect: When attacked with this axe spear, if the target is below human size and below the user's level, the axe spear will always succeed. However, the target must be within the turning radius of the weapon. In addition, the number of eligible persons is up to one third of the level of users. Note that if the target level is the same as or higher than that of the user, it is as usual]


I also appraised the long sword (long sword) that was beside it.

[Sword of Slicing, the sword of cleavage]

[Burke Steel]

[Condition: Good]

[Date Generated: 16/9/7289]

[Value: 1]

[Durable value: 29991]

[Performance: 89-159]

[Effect: Auto Repair (Automending)]

[Effect: The penetration is 32% higher than normal only if the target of attack does not have metal armor. Also, wounds made by this sword take twice as long as normal to heal, and the healing magic effect is halved]

What is this...!?

[Heavy Strike Hammer "Mace of Striking"]

[Oak and razor steel]

[Condition: Good]

[Date Generated: 9/6/7374]

[Value: 1]

[Durable value: 46201]

[Performance: 95-145]

[Effect: 20% if the hit point is metal armor and 30% if wooden armor, each with an increased chance of being able to destroy. Also, if it hits a target steep point such as the head when the attack hits, it will cause double damage]

Oh, treasure......

[Sword of Swing "Sword of Swinging"]

[Red Iron]

[Condition: Good]

[Date Generated: 16/9/7329]

[Value: 1]

[Endurance value: 13960]

[Performance: 110-180]

[Performance: Hit Power: As Usual - Plus 10%]

[Effect: When the user is willing to attack, the target appears to be swayed and the attack is easier to hit. However, only if the subject has some kind of optical vision]

No doubt about it!

A treasure!

That's so much too!

Looking back again and noting the area where the Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) guys are working.

My detect magic sensing range is now nearly 40 meters.



I don't have any reaction.

Except for the Devil's Sword that Mizuchi, Tris, and Bell raise on their hips.

Looking back again and shifting my gaze into the nest, I have a magical reaction from everywhere.

"Are you looking at me? I skipped out on you, didn't I?

Ralpha is complaining to me as he strips his mustache old man's body from the wall.

"This guy... Hey Ralpha, give me a hand"

Taking Ralpha's right hand without even asking her back, she turns her ass toward the bunk and stretches her opposite leg down when she kneels one knee over the corpse.

'Cause when you jump, you're going to get rotten juice.

"Don't let go, okay? Never let go of my hand, okay?

It's time to put my legs down as I vomit a line that's bound to get my hands off me in a good place.

My right leg is fully extended but it still doesn't stick underneath.

With Ralpha's hand in his hand, with his left hand over the corpse, he also begins to lower his left foot.

"Hey, are you coming down?

I heard Mizuchi's unpleasant voice from under the molar.

"Are you going down in 'Seriously'?

Ralpha also says with a wrinkle between his eyebrows.

"Slowly. Slowly."

As I began to lower myself to my waist, I was cautiously concentrating on not just slipping off my body a little bit and falling off at once.

Hook the tip of your right foot onto the body that makes up the wall.

Does it seem okay to weigh in like this?

Oh, no.

One body below......

Does this look okay?



My face will be as much a place as Larfa's leg.

I stepped off my left leg onto the floor.

Slowly weigh in on your feet.

The depth of the debris accumulated on the floor of the bunk seemed to be less than a few centimetres, but when I stepped on the stacked body, I thought I'd buried it to my knees.

Bitter, the unpleasant sound and feel comes from the sole of the shoe.

"All right, put me down slowly. Please be careful."

I look up at Ralpha, who seeps sweat into his forehead, and say:


Ralpha grabbed it in that hand. He lowered it gently without releasing my right hand.

If this...

"Enough is enough."

Not as good as when he died and stomped on a flashy corpse, but there was nothing more to bury my leg than I imagined, and I stepped down into the Dragon's nest.



He slipped his leg because he stepped on a flat sword soaked in rotten juice up to the middle.

In a hurry, his right hand grabs Ralpha's hand, which he nearly let go, and his left hand grabs someone's arm, which jumps out of the body of the wall.

The flesh on the grabbed arm collapsed.

Crawling out of someone's orbit buried in the wall, it felt like a big bovine worm had fooled me.


Ralpha was grabbing my arm with her teeth eaten up.

I was spared from putting my buttocks in the rotten juice in its shade.

Looking roughly at his left hand, the rot creaks all over his glove flat.

I left a hole in my back to appraise myself, and I also have some disgusting feeling in my gloves.

... I can't do this to a boulder anymore.

I glanced up at Ralpha with my shoulder flat.

The gloves I have used dearly until now, but will be new as soon as this series of tasks is complete.

"Take a look in the nest using detect magic."

Speaking with a grin, Ralpha immediately began his mental concentration.

In the meantime, skip the instruction "Mizuchi, the sword just unleashed by Ralpha, retrieve it immediately".

Carefully re-orient the body while checking the scaffolding, and again I use magic sensing (detective magic) magic as well.

Ugh, ho.

Nice view...... but I fucking laugh at the reaction so much that I forget even what it feels like to be meat on the arm of a dead body that I dropped it.


I felt an agitation shrivel because of it, but I pick up the flat (broadsword) I just stepped on.

[Sun Sword (Sun Blade)]

[Mithrill Steel]

[Condition: Good]

[Date Generated: 22/3/7144]

[Value: 1]

[Durable value: 143215]

[Performance: 110-160]

[Performance: Hit Rate: Only Plus 3% for vs. Undead]

[Effect: Triple damage when an attack is hit against an undead. By chanting the command word "Zolt" up to 10 times a day, you can turn on the lights equivalent to Light's sorcery. Increases user proficiency by 1]

Well, this is...

There's also a reaction from a long sword that's rolling a little further away.

"Ah, Al..."

Ralpha says something with a grumpy voice, but ignores that stuff.

Come down if you want to take a look.

I don't have time to help, though.

Sincerely, but more than half, I pick up the long sword that remains soaked in rotten juice.


[Galium Steel]

[Condition: Good]

[Date Generated: 21/5/7251]

[Value: 1]

[Durable value: 352461]

[Performance: 110-160]

[Performance: Weapon Defense: As Usual - Plus 25%]

[Effect: Performs semi-automatic defense when it is available to defend against enemy attacks]

Does this feel like a... guardian... sword of protection?

You're halfway through it!

Oh, is that a spear?

[Shark killer]

[Jurarmin Chill Iron]

[Condition: Good]

[Date Generated: 4/8/7411]

[Value: 1]

[Durable value: 17652]

[Performance: 120-210]

[Effect: Triple damage if attack hits fish]

Nice... I think I won't be able to eat it if I use it for fishing.

"Hey, Al! This...!

I heard Mizuchi.

"Just hold it. There's more!

Um, this one looks like a big spear (Swordspeare).


[Trent Material/Mithrill Steel]

[Condition: Good]

[Date Generated: 1/4/7299]

[Value: 1]

[Durable value: 44820]

[Performance: 100-210]

[Effect: weight loss (weight alleviation)]

Sakuho has about a sword (short sword) for infantry, and that's a good name for me, isn't it?

What the hell is this?

A sword caught on my leg.

Short sword?

This is also magical......


[Blue Miss Lil Steel]

[Condition: Good]

[Date Generated: 4/8/7341]

[Value: 1]

[Endurance value: 63251]

[Performance: 110-160]

[Performance: Hit Rate: Plus 5%]

[Performance: Weapon Defense: As Usual - Plus 5%]

[Effect: Auto Repair (Automending)]

[Effect: Healing (Healing): 5 HP per day]

[Effect: Increases user's muscle strength and acumen proficiency by 1]

That's a lot of stuff.

Skirmisher... What kind of fighter is that?

Hand Ralpha the five weapons you recovered because your hands are full.

Dirty, but Ralpha received it without one disgusting face.

Of course.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

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