Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Lesson 167: His Excellency the Count is fat.

23 Feb 7450

"This too...... ah Al!?"

"Status Open...... Huh!

The voices of Mizuchi and Tris outside the nest can't seem to contain the excitement either.

"Hey! Shut up! We're just getting started!

He also plays the voice of Guine, who praises them both.

I guess I took care to make sure that the content of the line was okay for Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) to ask me.

"Status Open... Sword of Shake... Status Open... Sun Sword... Mr. Al, do you still have it?

Bell is also speaking fairly quickly while keeping his voice low.

It feels like I can see it in my hand to open my eyes with that beautiful face and swell it up to the hole in my nose.

"There's more. Yes, this."

Ralpha, who received a magical weapon (Magical Weapon) from me, says as she turns around, turning one pattern at a time and placing it on the wall of the mortar on the way to collapse.

Of course, this guy's voice is also wearing the color of excitement.

"Al, isn't that true, too? I'm treading now, shield."


Oh, so is this.

It's dark under the lights.

In particular, magic sensing (detect magic) is also ineffective if the gaze is not directly through.

Until now I've been completely immersed in rotten juice, I guess I noticed Ralpha too with a shade that leaned towards the clap I stepped on and made some faces out of rotten juice.

[Magic Reflector]


[Condition: Good]

[Date generated: 3/7/7352]

[Value: 1]

[Endurance value: 23210]

[Performance: Average penetration: minus 35%]

[Performance: vs. White Soldier Weapon Hit Rate: Plus 35%]

[Performance: vs. Flying Weapon Hit Rate: Plus 46%]

[Effect: Weight Loss of Attachment (Weight Alleviation)]

[Effect: 20% chance to reflect any magic hit by the shield]

Shit, that's a great shield!

The magical reflection seems far from certain, but the most important part as a shield is considerably more than a round shield (round shield) roughly the same shape as this shield.

As a result, if normal round shields are made of all wood, the average penetration rate is around negative 20%, the anti-white soldier weapon hit rate is also around positive 20%, and the anti-flying weapon hit rate is around positive 30%.

As the use of metal parts increases, each number will shake slightly more negatively, and the average penetration rate will be around negative 25% when it becomes a heavy item without the intermediate of all-cast iron, the anti-white soldier weapon hitting rate will be around positive 10%, and the anti-flying weapon hitting rate will be about positive 20%.

In short, the harder the material becomes than the tree, the less likely the attack received with the shield will penetrate. Instead, the chance that it will be properly attacked will have a negative effect on its weight and decrease.

This area seems to increase or decrease slightly due to the area that can be used for defense, the material of the components, the weight, etc.

"Yo...... and. Ho."

I'll hand Ralpha the Magic Reflector.

But for this minute, we're going to need to stick our hands in this rotten juice and look.

I feel somewhat relieved, but my hands and feet are already dirty, and I started the search.

The treasures recovered from the beds of the dragons included one or three magic weapons with four magic shields and three assorted magic metal armor.

Together, it's a range of delicacies that are so valuable that I can buy more than one item in my territory.

Even treasures gained in Balduk's labyrinth will be possible to counter, but even a servant slaughterhouse dragon (Dragon Slayer) will be sumptuous in front of this many.

"It was true, after all, that dragons have the habit of collecting money, jewelry, musketry and other glows, as well as magical objects..."

In one word Mizchi said, everyone nodded wholeheartedly and gave their consent.

Some gold and silver coins were also found in the beds of the dragons.

Though the place of origin would be the wallet of the body.

There's so much grin on everyone's face that they can't hide it, but they're not killers (us) who can feel like they've been able to get tons of treasure, as is typical of Guineh.

Though you have a nigga laugh and gather weapons, shields, etc. by species, don't forget to camouflage them while breaking down the dragon's nest firmly.

At any rate, the treasure could be buried at the bottom of the nest that we haven't seen yet, naturally.

That's how he kept fishing for treasure as he collapsed his body.


"This is it!


"Almost intact! That's a miracle!

The voices of the black yellow balls (Black Topaz) who were fishing for the bodies a little further away echoed.

I can see from the contents that I found the magic armor.

I just panicked a little while, stretching my back over the corpse.

[Body armor]

[Staglino leather]

[Condition: Good]

[Date Generated: 17/2/7418]

[Value: 1]

[Durable value: 13420]

[Performance: Physical restraint rate: 3%]

[Performance: Average penetration: minus 19%]

[Performance: Armor and Protection Average Damage Reduction Rate: 14%]

[Effect: Auto Repair (Automending)]

[Effect: The magical defensive effect makes it easier for the body to be free and therefore to attack]

Regular leather armor has a physical restraint rate of less than 10%.

In addition, attack penetration and damage reduction rates are high.

Considering that, I can say it's pretty good leather armor.

"... leather armor? Is it because it's not a light...?

Bell said in a slurred voice.

"I guess so..."

Mizuchi's voice in response also sounds unfortunate.

I see.

"But even though Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) found it, your husband's..."

Zulu says stick around.

"No, that's fine. I'll do it to them. This is how many treasures we have here. Grace him like a piece of leather armor."

When I said that, I looked a little like Ralpha and Guine, who looked like they agreed with Zulu.

What a surprise.

It's not a bad thing to sell favors to Andersen, who looks promising in the future.

It's just right for showing off your chubby spot.

... and you weren't wearing that, were you, Romberto?

If it were, the survivors would want it.

You'll get a lot of gratuity... when is that?

This time I found it, even the soggiest sword or shield can do it.

"Don't panic, it's lame. Stand with Deng."

To that extent... calm down a little.

Al, your voice is shaking.

"I don't think I have a body."

I'm not shivering!

I don't think so!

Ralpha and Guine are the same.

But shall we hide the treasure we discover from the public?

We got along at lunch.

All have gathered together, except those who stand on watch.

Andersen, who stopped by my side, submitted an example leather armor, saying that there was a report at the opening.

"Status open… is it leather armor?"

I checked my status first, and immediately used magic sensing (detect magic), pretending.

'Cause it's a pain in the ass to use magic.

Appraisal shows.

"Certainly a magical armor"

Beginning with the captain of the Royal Army, who heard my words, a voice more and more similar from the soldiers.

Some of the Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) look proud, while others look spared.

"What is the status of the person who was wearing this?

"I couldn't see it anymore. But if you're not Romberto..."

Andersen replied with a smile.

"Why can you say it all?

Andersen signaled Vix to my inquiry.

Dogwart crouches and does something when he runs over to the corpse where he's kept him a little further away.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

He came right back and offered me his hand.

What was on his hands was a single finger.

The finger is fitted with a ring.

Green and blue floating rings are made of copper, of course not magical or anything.

"What's this?

I don't feel comfortable being offered a finger.

Naturally I don't accept it.

I asked Andersen patiently as a wrinkle seemed to lean between my eyebrows.

"It would be the nobility of Dabus (over there). Looks like a man named Brigadier General Garsung. It also says the name of some kind of land you're from on the ring. The place name Rosildo is south of Dabus…"

"Rosilt!? It's from me! Besides, the Garsun family is the lord of Hablad... the ancient Viscount."

Zulu raised his voice.

Hmm. Then let's go.

It should be noted that Rosildo refers to the area ruled by Viscount Garsun and Yara around the mountains north of the region ruled by a man named Duke of Dantes, Zulu said.

"... is there any later rot?"

"Yes, an indisputable trophy."


But did the Andersens worry so much about checking the identity of the body?

Maybe that's normal, but coincidentally, we're lucky we found out who we are.

If this were the case, there would be traces on that body that would fit perfectly with leather armor.

"Good for you. It would be a fortune because it's magical armor."


The guys with black yellow balls (Black Topaz) and the Royal Army also look strange, starting with Andersen.

"It's magic stuff, and from what I've seen, it doesn't look like it's going to have any big scratches, so it'll sell high. Yeah, if anyone can wear it, I think you should use it."

I said, sticking out the leather armor I had in my hand to Andersen.


The Andersens seem to be stuck with words in unexpected circumstances.

"What's up? You don't want it? Then he is not my subordinate, nor a soldier serving the kingdom. Even though I can't blame you for not coming, I have also been engaged in work that doesn't make me feel good. I want you to stand up here and take it."

With that said, Andersen laid his hands on the foreboding.

"Yes, can you wear it? Magic......"

"Oh, I don't mind if it doesn't rot after. No magic stones and equipment for the nobles of the kingdom, but other dispositions are left to His Majesty. Don't hesitate."

"Oh, oh, thank you!

"Don't just fight with me for a minute."

Cheering from Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz).

24 Feb 7450

A few moments after the sun rose, soldiers of the reinforcements arrived at the forefront.

They had also been carrying important information besides the proximity of reinforcements.

It concerns the military rights of the four county territories that will be taken to the Dart Plains.

Once again, the soldiers of the Royal Army swore allegiance to the kingdom and knelt before me.

Look at that, listen, Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) is making his eyes black and white.

Until a moment ago, we were crawling around the basement just like ourselves, brother of the killer (Slaters).

Regardless of what the Count described it as during that time, it must be natural because he even held all the military rights in the southern border zone of the kingdom.

According to the first touch, the reinforcements have some 800 or so of the first combat personnel alone, 200 of whom have been placed behind the security of Darbin Village, and the remaining 600 will arrive in Tankur Village this evening.

"Sir Carostaran"


Tris advanced to my call and knelt.

"That's it. Secure this village with the Duchess Andersen and his ministers. I'll give you 50 men from the troops arriving in the evening."


"The rest will be divided into two hands, invading both Kincade and Denan villages. There won't be any busy people yet. We're leaving tomorrow morning."

Afterwards he rested the touching soldier who flew the horse in a hurry and went back to the damned bad work we all did.

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