24 Feb 7450

Reinforcements arrived shortly after sundown.

It was yesterday morning that I slaughtered the lizard bastard.

It was an hour after that that I ended the monster outburst.

It was only afterwards that I issued the order for the reinforcement request.

It was around noon when the carriage was shaking with the smell of oil, and it was after noon when we arrived in the village of Tankur.

According to the captain of the reconnaissance unit stationed in the village of Darbin, the Royal Army, which was originally stationed in the villages of Darbin, Zend and Ingel, had been gathered in the village of Roche, about seven or eight miles north of the village of Zend, so they would have traveled more than 30 days to come.

It is no exaggeration to say that there is no road between Darbin and Tankur, as far as the village of Darbin, where there is a curve, is concerned.

No, there was a big army going through my head this year, and even saying roadless is too much to say to boulders?

I don't care what you say, you could have gone through the carriage that Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) used.

It is the Squadron Leader of the 242 Squadron and the 254 Squadron belonging to the Second Knights of the Kingdom who are kneeling before me to report their arrival.

Originally garrisoned in the villages of Darbin and Ingel, the 242 Squadron was in a state of devastation with as many as 100 of the Squadron members who were more than 300 in total in the fold of the earlier invasion operation into the village of Tankur, but was in a reconfiguration as a shrinking squadron in the village of Roche, the former squadron leader who did not go to the front line.

Also, the 254 squadron, which was stationed separately in the village of Zend and another village, did not take part in the invasion battle of the village of Tankur, so it was only the dead there, but the war dead are still out because they had some of their troops stationed in the village of Darbin to look for trends in the dragon.

The captain of the Royal Army, who has accompanied me since the other day, is also one of the platoon captains belonging to this 254 squadron.

That is how there is another, the squadron leader of the 265 Squadron, who divides supplies for the Second Knights stationed in Count Dressler's territory.

This squadron is usually stationed in the city of Balcoy, between Debucken and Dasmog in the territorial capital, but only highly mobile men were pulled out of the supply unit under them to form a special unit to enter the village of Roche.

In addition to that unit this time, the squadron leader is putting together the remains of the 18th Squadron, 418 Squadron of the Fourth Knights, who are dying in battle.

Looking down at the three squadron commanders and hanging the words of labor, they were invited to a borough shop named Temporary Command.

Of course, the jailer (Kachi) gives the majority of the soldiers a quick rest.

Because of this, only my Uranus had Xenom say he couldn't do it and had him put in the carriage, but he said he was recovering a few hours ago.

In my heart I decided on the operation with a rain of gratitude to Xenom.

"But this wall is a big deal"

"Is it magic?

"I heard the story, but I don't know what I'm going to do..."

On the way to the borough shop, the three squadron commanders are leaking admirable words about the dirt wall that stands to cover the outer perimeter of the village of Tankur.

He was also creating dirt walls in the invasion of Tankur Village, and apparently he listened to as much as he talked.

I got to the borough store.

"Can you start by explaining your troop formation?

As per my request, the Squadron Leaders reported the number of military horses, luggage horses and carriages owned by each unit.

... There's nothing wrong with that.

"I will now describe the invasion operation into the villages of Kincade and Denang… The operation will begin tomorrow morning, at the same time as the sun rises…"

The operation here is also extremely simple.

Firstly, divide the troops now in the village of Tankur into three groups: the residual groups and the invasion units into each village.

The rest are 50 of the 418 squadrons who will have Tris in command.

And to Denang village, which is seen to be a little farther out of both villages, there will be only three or five cavalry members selected from each squadron under my command. That said, I won't allow anything but this on the boulder, so I'll chase back about 50 infantry and six carriages full of minimal supplies.

Supplies will last a week at best, but it's no problem because they'll be available for round-trip soon anyway.

All the rest, head to Kincade Village.

To Denang Village, they can arrive in less than two hours if the cavalry's feet hurry.

I will lead the way with cavalry troops in the back seat of Uranus, and build a dirt base just like the village of Tankur to secure every farmland village.

Have the cavalry guard the entrance and exit of the earth wall, which has been transformed into a fortress.

Without waiting for the wagon squad to arrive, Guine and I hurry back to Tankur Village and follow the squad headed for Kincade Village to rendezvous.

After the rendezvous, the village of Kincade will also be fortified as will the village of Denang, and henceforth the villages of Denang and Kincade will be defined as the frontlines of the kingdom against Dabus.

The color of my eyes changed when I told the three squadron commanders that the greatest meritorious of the three in this invasion could be entrusted with some village in my territory if they were to retire from the Royal Army.

Well, the three of them are all associate jazz, and if there's a chance they'll get a formal jazz position, there's nothing.

It's exactly what I was after.

Mar 1, 7450

Davas Kingdom.

Intellectual people, arguably the best in this country, were poking their foreheads in the back room of the SS stuffing in the corner of Royal Castle Gamroy.

'That means...'

Zed shrugged as he distorted the edge of his mouth.

"The dragon must have been exorcised."

With a small sigh, Al took over Zed's words.

"I'm sure you'll be the first to say that all three of them at once are from a situation in which they have fallen (or have fallen) the village..."

Mule also says as he scratches Momiaghe with his index finger.

'Oh, regrettably, it's true. And look at this.'

I turned the parchment that was lying down in front of the cell sitting next to me and showed it to everyone as Alec, sitting in the upper seat, said with a face like he had chewed up a bitter bug.

There is a simple sketch drawn there.

The painting depicts the village of Kincade from the back of the forest, but it depicts a huge wall like a castle fortress covering the village with every plowed plot.

Some similar paintings appeared to have been drawn from a different direction.

"According to the reconnaissance unit stationed in Guimari, he anticipated first that he had suffered damage from the dragon because he had lost contact with the troops of Tankur, Kincade and Denan"

Keeps everyone on his face who said he asked questions about sketches, and now Cell starts talking.

"Well, that's not impossible either."

Zed gets his hands on each other with his face crooked.

'Oh, right. Again, let's explain it in order. On the 23rd of last month, Guimari had to receive regular contact from Tankur, but he did not. However, regular contact from the villages of Kincade and Denang was on time and said to have been at noon. And about an hour later, there were reports from both villages that they didn't hear from Tankur regularly. "

Cell is speaking in a voice that doesn't make her feel emotional.

"Have you ever had a breakdown in regular contact?

arms together and Barnes asked.

"There were two. Both of them are from Tankur, both of which are believed to have been hit by dragons while their liaisons were on the move '

Alec replied, not the cell.

'Right. I'm sorry, go on.'

'Fine.... I thought that a liaison officer would have been hit again in Guimari because the same thing had happened in the past. This is the first time, however, that all the liaisons headed in three directions have been hit. The Guimari men therefore decided to send their own reconnaissance units to Tanqueray. The next morning, the 24th, the reconnaissance unit left.'

So Cell took a breath and included tea in his mouth.

'In conclusion, that reconnaissance unit did not return. Supposedly captured by Romberto forces heading to Kincade or Denan......'

There is an uncomfortable look on Alec's face to take over and say afterwards.

For a while, the room was surrounded by silence.

'Look at this painting there. This painting was painted by a separate reconnaissance unit out of Guimari who painted the village of Kincade. There's another one. After noon on the second or fourth, not only the kincade, but also the village of Denang. "

The sketch, which supposedly depicted the village of Kincade from a different direction, looks like it belongs to the village of Denan.

"According to the soldier who drew the sketch, this wall is ten meters high. I'm not sure, but it would have been made by earthly magic because it was built in a small amount of time. Lane, what do you think about this?

'... time made... between twenty-three and twenty-four days, but I think it's magic too'

With Lane's chief approval, Alec nodded deeply.

'Are you still right... As a result, Lane. How long would you be able to do the same thing with this?

'Whatever the thickness of the wall, it will depend on the size of the village because it has to be moved many times... I wonder if it's three hours given the travel time. Well, it's not just about getting the dirt out...... even I have to pinch a few breaks in the boulder, so you want the whole day'

This answer is remarkable, but it is now more about Lane's strength.

Nobody said anything.

As a result, the land magic level of Lane at the moment has long been seven.

Assuming a wall thickness of 5 m, elemental magic must be used less than 240 times to create walls with a diameter of 1 and 5 m at a height of 10 m.

It takes less than 3000 magic (MP) even if the magic is narrowed to minimal deformation and shaping, and the movement is repeated every time it is used.

Especially since magic will be restored during the construction of the wall, and the unwitting magic efficiency is high because Lane's unwitting skill level has already reached MAX, 3000 is too much to say.

It would be possible to do the equivalent with much less magic than she did.

'There's one thing this means. The enemy has a black witch. Or that there are more than one magician equal to or greater than Lane.'

Alec spoke in a slow tone and ran out clearly.

A sigh of vomit from each person dominates the room, and some look at Lane with a seemingly pitiful face.

Lane was said to be the best mage in the world and didn't deny it himself.

It is also a manifestation of compassion.

"... Lane is the archdeacon's mentor over the head court magician Count Robotney, isn't he? The first time an unwitting level has been Max...... '

"Oh, that's more than one..."

Zed and Mule are talking to Bosoboso.

But if you don't think about it, I'm pretty sure Tsuji doesn't fit.

Cell said it was the first time he had revealed his emotions.

Look at his regrettably distorted face, and Alko frowns at his roots.

"You just defeated the dragon, approaching the lane or more..."

"There's a big guy in Lombert, too."

"Is it a rebirth like us?

'Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I don't know that far.'

"With that said, you talked about a Dragon Slayer coming out of Lomberto a while back."

Alec said as he put his hand on his chin.

'Ah. But that, the report says, was a makeover to give a noble place to a brilliant adventurer...'

I think I also remembered the cell where I heard Alec.

'That's right. What was that? Aren't we talking about the fact that the head of the exorcised evidence was fake too?

Al Zi reinforces Cell's opinion.

Maybe it was true.

"Um, when was that? Sure it was last year, last year?

'Wait a minute, I'll look for the report... which file is it?

The story continued while the cell was turning the file where the report was spelled out.

"What's that, Dragon Slayer?

"I don't know."

Mule and Zed are looking at each other.

"Was there someone like that?

"I'll hear it for the first time too."

Val is asking Barnes, but Barnes didn't seem to know either.

"There it is. This... what?

The report that the Cell gradually found mentioned an adventurer who was told last year by the Count in the Kingdom of Lomberto.

The adventurer is a man, good in stature for the Pu people (Hume), but convincing in making rough things a business.

It also says that the look has burning red hair.

He said he exorcised the dragon in the Great Labyrinth in a city called Balduk.

However, it also said that the dragon's head was so big that no one could see the status because it was usually on display in ice pickling that it was likely to crop.

In the capital of the Kingdom of Lomberto, there is a consulate general, which is also the departure agency of the military intelligence services, from which information is given.

The Consulate General is lit with the eyes of surveillance by the Lomberto authorities, so it is not possible to carry out very flashy activities, but it can be said that the same is true of the Consulate General of Lomberto in the King's capital Landgries, so we can speak of each other.

That being the case, Lombertia is a very big city.

The agents acquired and the recipient entities are able to gather quite a bit of information, so they are not considered very problematic.

As a matter of fact, information such as large troop movements has been communicated without omission.

According to the report, the said adventurer also runs a large chamber of commerce there dealing with weapons, household goods, etc., and has been climbing the Royal Castle from time to time since before.

The research also shows that to the extent that its chambers of commerce make food on a small scale, the main function of the trading company is not the manufacturer.

I don't even know what kind of covenant there was, but the Consulate General's judgment was that it would have contributed expensive items found in the labyrinth and elsewhere, or it would have been described to the Count with a commercial promise or something.

These things are fully possible in the Kingdom of Dabus.

For that reason, it was missed that there was a lucky guy in the world.

There is also another report on the man, and it says there that the man had territory in the west of the Dart Plains last year with the Count.

However, this one has been reported in conjunction with personnel changes in the Royal Lomberto Army and other personnel changes such as deputies who rule the Royal Lomberto Emperor, which were overlooked.

That said, neither Alec nor Cell could blame anyone for that because it also coincided with a period when they were desperate to increase their voice in the court under the occupation of the village of Comin, or for the construction of an offshore sailing ship, etc.

Anyway, Zed and Mule usually pack more in the White Phoenix Knights, and Lane is immersed in magic training and research.

Barnes also usually makes maps of the kingdom while searching for his missing brother, and even occasionally when he returns, he enters the labyrinth of Benkelish with the convenient ones starting Lane.

Al Zi had a nasty time just helping Alec and Cell with their administrative work, which was growing in Al Zi.

And Val and Chris had yet to rendezvous at the time of the report.

In this case, it can be said that foreign information is almost simple.

Well, if the adventurer in question was not a brunette, he would have been released into the corner of his memory at about one of the Yotai stories.

'I'm home. What's wrong? Everybody get together. "

Good fold, Chris showed his face in the room.

She was scheduled to return to Landgries today to report to the Minister of Military Affairs, currently withholding the inauguration of the Fuji, the offshore navigation demonstration ship she was building as head of the costume crew.

"Oh, you're already in office. Did the sailors get together?

'Mm-hmm. We'll have to rely on the Carneri fishermen at first. But I'm ready to recruit in other port towns... by the way, what's up?

Chris took the vacant seat as he answered Alec's question.

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