12 Apr 7450

After noon.

Earlier, at the end of a line of Associate Baron Cove headed to Zondir, the nobles who had invited him to the banquet table, which was open until yesterday, returned from Beglitz.

The door was knocked as Mizuchi and I proceeded with the verdict in the Lords' Office of the Executive Branch, hovering a sandwich for lunch a little late.

Count, the secretary is here.

I heard a squire standing guard in the hallway.

When I touched the big clock standing by my desk to confirm the time, it was close to 3 p.m.

Starting at three o'clock, he started as secretary general, and had meetings scheduled with a total of eight people almost every ten to fifteen minutes, such as Vice Knights of Value and Jabba.

"Let it pass."

Insenga came into the room when she answered as she compiled the documents that had been spread out on her desk.

I'm saying hello in the morning, so I can't say hello.

The truth is that it's the right way of nobility to start a greeting conversation, but this week my administration has been busy looking around since yesterday because it was almost closed for three days.

I'm running out of time. I'm issuing an order to "skip everything but morning greetings this week".

"My lord, last month, no, did you see your report for the first quarter?

"Which one?

I heard it with my hands showing me to hang it in a chair that I left behind at my desk.

There are many kinds of monthly and quarterly reports, so I don't know which one it is about.

This is a report on the number of deaths among the inhabitants.

Oh, that one.

Was it the day before the banquet or the first day?

It was the first or second day I read it.

But I don't remember much about the content.

The fact that I don't remember it wasn't a bad thing.

Besides, I remember reading that report obliquely because it was limited to Beglitz, even when it came to the deaths of the inhabitants, it was not a figure for the entire territory.

"Hmm, I don't think that was a big number?

He wrinkled between his eyebrows and answered correctly because he remembered that there were about ten fatalities.

Insenga's eyebrows trembled pickly.

Is that it? Was it different? I think you're right.


Then I was surprised to see why you looked so serious.

"Today we are reporting on the number of births. This past quarter, births in Beglitz were noble one, civilian two, free folk one, and slave three or four. Of which the stillbirths were civilian, slave, and the deaths of the mothers were zero."

What, so there's two or six more deductions?

Isn't there a problem?

Reminds me of that at the same time.

Statistics limited to Beglitz don't come to me by nature.

Around autumn last year, Insenga told me, "All I need to know about the statistics that you bring to me is from all over the territory. I'll take care of Beglitz."

And sometimes the physical distance is away, and the information about quarterly reports across the territory can't be gathered until it's about two months late.

But at the same time, I also remembered the figures for the entire territory.

"Two or six!? You've got two or six more in the last three months? Just Beglitz?

The statistics we saw last month show that the number of deaths across the territory totals two, four, three, from nobility to slavery. In contrast, the number of births should have been 576, with the exception of stillbirths.

It should be about one sixteenth of this figure, given that Beglitz alone accounts for roughly a quarter of the territorial population, and that the statistical period is also only three months.

When that happens, the number of deaths should be between fifteen and sixteen and the number of newborns, excluding stillbirths, should be about thirty-one.

The number of newborns has increased by 10%, but to this extent the statistical period is short and it cannot be said that the error range.

But the death toll is down to almost two-thirds!

Thirty-three percent for boulders is too big for error.

"Yes, as you have already noticed from your wise lord, it is presumed that this was due to the absence of the death of the mother who gave birth..."

That means it was still worth enforcing that law.

Yes. That guy called "Slaves Can't Get Assistance In Birth".

On my mind this year I repealed the law and liberalized it about assistance.

That's what brought me home as a number.

I'm soaked in satisfaction, but Insenga's face was a little subtle.

"What's up?

Corner It's kind of not funny that I seem to have been watered cold where I feel good.

"No… it is believed that the maternal mortality rate will decrease extremely throughout the territory. Estimates suggest that the number of deaths this year will drop by about two-thirds to around 160, and in the next few decades it will change to the same extent if there are no large-scale wars, etc."


As a result, approximately 20% of newborns die within one year of birth, and about 10% die before adulthood.

This means that of the 576 people born last year, only about 400 can grow up to adulthood in good standing, which is the equivalent of 70%.

Given that the population of West Dart is more than 34,000, the increase is 400, compared to 260 deaths, and the natural increase is 140, an annual increase of just over 0,4%.

When that is two thirds of the deaths, the natural increase will be from 140 to 226, and the rate of increase will be less than 0,7.

If it is an oath, it can be said that the population will continue to lead to various enhancements such as territorial productivity.

Isn't that a good thing?

That's what I said.

"No, my lord. No. The fact that the mother does not die means that it will be possible to have children even after. My estimate is that this year will be the rate of increase, as your Excellency has said, but since then it will increase more and more every year, and in less than five years the population growth rate will exceed the large platform of 1%. Well, it's hard to imagine how many people will gather, and we're hiring a construction worker for a railway line, so we're likely to exceed even this year's estimate."

No, I know about that.

But what's wrong with that?

That's a good thing.

Ha ha, let's see...

"We can still afford the wheat harvest now, but we will take into account the opening rate of the land and the time needed to be able to use it as farmland. In the next fifteen years or so, West Dirt will have to import wheat from other aristocratic territories and heavens. The area of agricultural land cannot keep pace with the expansion of the population. There will be three more territories starting next year, and more momentum…"


What Insenga would like to say is that after fifteen years, the population growth will increase the annual food consumption by more than 1,000 tons in wheat conversion, and as a result will exceed the amount of food produced in the territory, from food export territory to food import territory.

This quantity of 1000 tonnes slightly exceeds the quantity of wheat that can be produced in one small village.

I raised my hand and stopped speaking.

"I see. But since around the summer of this year, I'm thinking about a new policy."

"Oh. boulders, my lord. I'm fine with the draft, so could you tell me?

"Hey, Mizuchi. Can you explain it to me?"

"Yes. Secretary, this way."

I decided to leave Insenga's persuasion to Mizuchi.

This policy was originally conceived by Mizuchi.

When I checked the time, it hadn't been ten minutes.

All right, your next interview was with Sir Dixon from 3: 30.

I think I can get rid of some more clerical work.

I reach for the paperwork that I gather because I think so.

"What!? Wouldn't that be more!?"

Insenga's moaning voice sounded.


The policy to be introduced around summer is that of supporting childbirth and parenthood.

Earlier, I said that 20% of newborns die within a year of giving birth and 10% die before adulthood, but with the aim of reducing it.

For example, when the expected date of childbirth approaches, the government will provide disinfectant shochu, a new clean cotton cloth, or make it compulsory for the city or village to create a nursery that gathers at least several places and toddlers who are unable to work.

Naturally, everyone will not be able to save the neglected majority, etc., but it will be possible enough to halve the number of deaths within a year of giving birth.

Well, growing up to two or three years old, a dying child will die, but we believe that we can raise the number of adults from the current 70% to about 10% plus 80%.

Leaving it alone will make it harder for the mother to die, so the number of births will slowly rise from about 600 to her right shoulder, but if 10% of these can be adults without dying, the number of natural increases will rise by more than a comma point.

Reach out to the next document by signing the documents required by the ruling.

Looks like Mizuchi's explanation is over while we're at it.

There's still time.

"Insenga. You have nothing to fear that much. We have a solution."

Well, it's a measure I've been warming up since the other day.

If you have a plan, just say so, but call out the insenga, pointing to the map of West Dart on the wall.

"Apart from the wetlands and the back of the Dart Plains, you can cut new villages around Kudomna and the north of Burri. Two or three would be possible by next year if we were to make it along the forest or around 1-2 km from the forest the center of the village. As soon as it's enough to cut down a tree except for the opening... don't look like that. I can do it when I say I can. Even the workers are killing their applications now, aren't they? If we recruit settlers, we'll have two villages soon, I suppose?

That's all I can say because I could try it in Barkud.

Until then, to be honest, I didn't really want to do it, but to that extent, plus Alpha.

13 Apr 7450

As requested by Insenga, he had written a letter to the effect that he would interview for the noble offspring who had applied for the construction of the railway line.

It's mostly after the second son of a nobleman from Wangdu or the surrounding area, so if you put it around today, it will arrive by the middle of next month at the latest.

Hmm? I only use relatively inexpensive slow flights that I keep with my caravan, even though they're more expensive.

I've just been stuffed with time here for about a month, and it doesn't make much sense overall because I don't even think very good people are applying in the first place.

Still, as early as next month, they're all interviewable, so no problem.

Isn't it the kind of people who are going to get a call for recruits?

For example, a rural area that is remote even in heaven?

Somehow you'll be used to civil engineering differently, because you won't have the experience of the noble children of Wang Du, of neglecting such work, or of directing manual labor carried out by a significant number of people.

Incenga also said that the applicants who are now arriving are better off if they have experience of working as officials and employees of the Chamber of Commerce in Wang Capital or tens of thousands of years of service in the Knights, and if they are terrible, they don't even have the experience of labor.

The only thing that seemed better was the noble third son who ruled the village right next to the king's capital, about a guy who barely had a noble title left because he wasn't married.

If you do that, it seems too close to the King's capital, so it is likely to be between kings, so you have to look through the colored glasses, so it comes down slightly.

But well, besides the seven people I was hearing from Insenga last month, I also feel bright ahead that there are as many as nine additional applications at the moment.

In addition, I don't feel much of a problem because I am beginning to come and see about non-aristocratic applications.

Besides, I still haven't heard from the Fios.

Well, I guess I'm just being quick because it hasn't been a week yet.

April 18, 7450.

Eventually something happened that I feared.

A Knax user appeared in the city of Zondir.

According to the report submitted, the user is dusty and the source is unknown.

It should be noted that the wood dust is for the time being pushed into a cell in the mansion of Associate Baron Cove.

The reason is because I rammed for Knux during the investigation.

Probably a withdrawal symptom of drugs.

Here is the testimony of the person obtained by then.

First, the way to get it.

One day last year, the woodcutters went into the mountains to work.

Then I met a bunch of orcs who apparently were resting in the back of the woods.

They got it from the luggage that those orcs forgot when they ran away.

The quantity is surprising because Santa Claus didn't have enough, but he did have a head sack of that size.

But the Zondir squire and the Knights sent did not believe the testimony.

Speaking of me...... although I thought it was likely that I could believe it when I heard it, I couldn't really make a decision.

Anyway, the testimony didn't come down to the bottom.

Wooddust saw the oak in the distance as a few of us were climbing the mountain trying to cut down the tree.

Trying to escape thinking it was a bad idea, the orcs said they ran away like they panicked, even though the number of orcs was higher.

The behavior of this orc cannot be first of all common sense.

They prefer battles that may be won, and they have the nature to prefer those who have been captured as prisoners.

Conversely, it is rare to challenge an opponent with a larger number than ourselves, unless the opponent clearly seems weak, such as Goblin or Kobold.

Except for circumstances such as no place to retreat.

Anyway, Oak's judgment criterion is the number of both parties first. Next is the other race.

And if you're relative to a person, if you're outnumbered, you'll come joyfully brave.

This was also the case in the Labyrinth of Balduk.

Maybe he saw the axe and the axe used by the woodcutters and was afraid, but in the woodcutters it would even be a difficult undertaking to beat half the oak, and in the first place it is suspicious whether the axe or the like was well recognized because it seemed to be far away in this case.

Did I see the number of people on the wooden side by adding or subtracting light, etc?

That was it, anyway, the wooddusts who confirmed that the oak had escaped, got the oak forgotten as a trophy.

There are past examples of how to obtain it, so I can't help but snort.

But I can't figure out that Orc ran away without a fight.

I guess the Knights thought the same thing.

And the biggest reason the Knights weren't convinced was that the orcs, who were not usually likely to farm or anything, had so many cigarettes.

But some sen procured this by stealing it from cigarette fields, etc... hey. To boulders.

Next is the intake and duration of how much Knax you have used so far.

She said the first time she smoked it was on the autumn entrance from last summer.

I tried to sell the nax I got from the example oak at Zondir and they didn't buy me anywhere.

The reason is that, on top of being too low quality, the taste was deteriorating and changing too much.

It is presumed that this would also be caused by the fact that the opium was stained and degenerated.

We had no choice but to give up selling Knax for the wood dust and decided to consume it ourselves.

To be honest, I don't think it's stupid to smoke a cigarette that monsters think they were smoking, but cigarettes are such an expensive hobby, so well, I'm convinced.

Everyone will think it's a waste to throw it away.

That was the first.

Many times since then, I have seen a group of oaks when I went to the mountains, and in all of them I had forgotten my cigarettes and escaped.

What the hell does this mean?

Because there are too few ingredients, I don't know...

I can't fit in, and it looks like he's not the only one who's ever used Knax, and I decided to put a few on Marie and send her to Zondir to bring her all the way to Beglitz after securing all the woody settlements.

Well, you feel like sending reinforcements, although it's likely that the guys who made you go to Zondir and the squire of Associate Baron Cove are making the same move.

He also sent Claw to the mountain where the wooddusts usually enter, and ordered him to bring the oak alive if possible.

19 Apr 7450

Finally Limby came home.

Marr and Limby are temporarily selling to Cunningham, who is in the administration on this assignment, and letting them have their status as civilians after liberation.

Cunningham is noble at first because he is an Associate Duke, so he can give the status of a civilian as a squire to a free people who have become liberated slaves, and he has no other intention on the grounds that his name is unknown because of his foreign origin.

The same can be done in Ralpha, but the Firefrid family is famous, so it is likely that they will soon be reached by their identity.

I just took that into account.

To come and go freely beyond national boundaries will absolutely require the status of a civilian.

For this reason, it was appropriate for those among the slaves who were somewhat ancient and had high loyalties.

Simply put, I can't do it without someone who, because of their value, deposits tens of millions of yen in cash in Japanese yen and can put their credibility in the likeness of people who go abroad and bring it back with them.

Because you have the status of a civilian, you can escape at no risk if you try to escape because staying tuned up won't make you a fugitive slave.

... Regardless of that, according to her report, Heroscol and Grace have managed to enter the building of the Nigiwana Order, which is splendidly located in the village of Balzas.

Although the first day did not come out for an entire day, it was only from afar that the two of them came out of the building with walk-like behavior.

To that end, he said he came to the primary report because there was no longer any Sen. that his identity had been exposed and killed.

"Did they use Mayak?

I have to make sure of this.

"No, I couldn't confirm it. I've been to the store since the first night of my arrival in Zahrax to make Mayak use of it, but I didn't smell that smell when I sniffed my exhale right after I left the store and went back to the inn without stopping by."

When asked in detail, I was not in the store for ten minutes, and it didn't take me ten minutes from the store to the inn.

Anyway, Bucks should at least have a cigarette odor left in his exhaled breath if the cigarette was using the main ingredient nax.

In Zahrax, Opium Cave found out that there were three stores in the city, took two days to show their faces to all the stores, and on the 13th of this month they arrived in the village of Balzas.

Upon confirmation that the Heroscols had entered the building of the Nigiwana Order, Knobfom argued to Mar and Limby, who missed the report, that it would be better to check the geography around the village of Balzas and, if so, the security system, the patrol route of the security, etc.

Allowing for that opinion, Marr and Limby had confirmed the security system until yesterday.

Because of this, Knobfom acted differently following Marr and Limby, the set adventurers she hired to escort, with a body of merchant civilians heading to Barkud to purchase, through the village and slamming the general geography into her head.

Now he says he's taking a big detour around the village of Balzas with Marr and watching as he continues his camp pretty much behind the woods from the original street.

It should be noted that we had discovered fields where security was laid so tight that they were not comparable to the rural areas in general.

In a twenty-four hour system, men and women like outposts patrol, and at first glance the circuit also looks as if they are looking around the entire village, but it is always set so that its fields are within sight.

"Is there one circuit?

"No. At least five varieties are certain, of which three seem to overlap"


Sounds similar to a patrol circuit setting with a security goal, such as an important facility taught in the Knights.

... well.

"How are we getting in touch with Heroscol and Grace?

"Mr. Fio..."


"Ah, Mr. Heroskol was told, for the time being, that free movement alone would not be allowed, especially. We had decided where we would meet in the middle of the night in case we could move freely, but never have come..."

You call me Fio or something. You're not quite close.

"... but in an emergency that needs backup, they say it's phantom magic during the day, and they repeat flashing the lit magic stone three times at night. He said," Here's how we're going to go in and out three times, three times, in a bag for a while, and then again, three times. "

If it's a Morse code, do you want S in a row?

Was it cumbersome to have omitted O, or did they think they couldn't remember?

Or just because it takes time?

It could be a coincidence because he was a young infantry during the Great War.

"The last three of you, did the guards find you?

"No. When I first went through the village, I was checked for destinations, job descriptions, etc., but I don't think Mr. Knobfom answered appropriately at that time and had any problems. We haven't set foot in the village in any way since, and the hill beside the village hasn't climbed to the top. The camp is also two miles away from the village and quite a distance from the streets, so I was wondering if there were any sightings."

"What's going on with the night burning?

"I didn't burn the fire. We all owe you a fine blanket, so it's okay."

Speaking of which, you used to give me that Kiviak blanket I made.

But I should only have given it to Marr and Limby...

If I thought so, they used two blankets for three.

A knob fom with infrared vision is said to be on surveillance duty at night and sleeping using two blankets during the day.

I didn't seem that type somehow, but maybe that would be nice to the outgoing kids.

Afterwards, after continuing with some reports, Limby hurried back.

What the hell is going on now?

Without word from the Heroscols, there is no certainty, and most importantly, we have not yet received a reply from the King.

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