April 20, 7450.

"Did they get away with it again!?"

Claw, who rose from his chair, reprimanded his men out loud.

Since yesterday, Zondir's woodcutters have been laying in their sleeping mountain huts, sending young knights and squires all over the place in pairs to capture the oak of being drugged, but they have yet to succeed in capturing one.

It is therefore the second time in this report that we have let it go after acknowledging the appearance of the oak.

In the fight against demons, the Knights of the Earls of the League are more accustomed than any other Knights of the Land.

I have also experienced numerous battles with Orcs before.

However, I can also say that there is no need to reprimand Claw because he continued to fail to take away about a few oaks in a row from yesterday.

One way or another, the Knights Commander, a lord, a boss, and a great-great friend, ordered me to "get at least two or three of them because I'll do it for three days," and Claw also thought that if I had that much time, I'd have plenty of room.

- No, it's only the second time... shortness of breath is damage. There's drugs involved, and that's not what I was saying.

"Explain the position and circumstances of the escape."

Claw, who was briefed by his subordinates, calmly points out his subordinates' shortcomings and provides guidance for improvement.

As for Claw, if he was going to catch him by himself, it would be over, I don't even think.

- Not yet. It's only morning and we have time. All you have to do is cata it by the end of the day.

While aware of the emergence of feelings similar to hurry, I still try to explain politely to my men.

Because I have come to believe that this is a good training for my unit commander.

Otherwise, Al wouldn't have given us three days on a mission to capture orcs.

"The purpose is not the usual interruption or chase away. Think about it. Don't be silly and honest with me for 30 meters..."

"Crossbows are the means when you miss one without being captured. If you take it off, there's no arrow, and you're attacked, and you're gonna get away with it, right?

Then, they also talk to each other and direct them to become aware of their problems and so on.

"That's right. Predict a few patterns of the opponent's formation in advance."

"Let's make up our minds so we don't have to discuss when each of us is going to have a goal after we find someone."

"If you are confident that you will be shot before you are noticed and hit on your feet without killing, you can attack with magic. I don't care if you keep using it."

- I guess this is what Al thought about us too...

"We don't have to force them to perish. If I beat a few of them up and knocked them down, I'd miss the rest..."

"For non-predicted formation, turn around and adjust to be close to predicted formation."

"Armor is easy to make noises, so it's common sense to tie all the moving parts to your body with strings or something"

And send out the men.

Another squad almost came back for a replacement.

Though they also saw an oak, they said they got away on their way.

- Uh, too. - Oak is so shabby. It's easy if you go near it and span it...

Claw, who bit his teeth long before a bag filled with loot knuckles, began mentoring his men again.

Was it worth it, in the evening a severely injured oak succeeded in catching one slightly injured oak in one and a total of two oaks.


Claw caught two oaks and came back late in the evening.

He's only a seriously wounded man who's dying and a slightly wounded man who's still going to be fine.

I will quickly appraise the minor injuries of those close to me.

"Buggo......! Gih!"

Despite being bitten by a monkey, I heard a leak that would even intimidate me to squeeze it out the back of my throat.

Use glowing eyes (Sin Light Eyes) as you slowly go around the perimeter to observe.

[Condition: Stab wound]


Naturally it feels tied up and rebellious, it's a very normal oak that smells filthy and dirty and awful.

With that said, Balduk's oak, sometimes there was a guy who wasn't too dirty and didn't even stink.

I guess he was the one who hasn't had that much time since he came back.

I don't care.

"Did this guy have a Knux?

"No, nothing particularly unusual"

A squire came in and replied that they had captured this guy.

"Right. Then I don't need it. Kill him."

Identify the other seriously injured oak.

He is also breathing constantly and is on the verge of losing his blood because he has only had minimal hemostasis.

I don't even have to do an appraisal.

but that's not the purpose, so I have to appraise it.

[Condition: Stab wound, wound, mental disorder]


I didn't think so, but the oak has been sucking naxes and bucks for quite some time.

I don't remember if I appraised the oak then either, but I'm still sure it's the first thing to see that Mizuchi was smoking like he said.

The possibility that she was carrying it for pain relief became minimal.

I need confirmation.

"Hey, give me that"

He spread the bag with the knuckles that the oak had put down and ran away, and removed a little cigarette leaf from the inside.

Then, naturally, the oak in front of him opened his eyes and wandered off, and even the slightly injured oak just now began to excite him!

I'm pretty sure these two orcs know drugs.

I look down at the pigs I'm talking about, and think a little bit.

I wish these guys could talk.

Once upon a time, when I was in Balduk, it was better to dive alone into the labyrinth on my day off.

I've tried to spare my spare time, catch orcs and hobgoblins and learn their language, and I've tried speaking in Ragdarios, English and Japanese like an asshole.

But I understand advanced languages like Ragdarios because Orc is stupid...?



Then how did you get it?

I've thought about it before, did you steal it?

I have enough of the big convenience store bags as well as the nax I got this time.

That's what I got two bags of.

This much?

No way, huh?

"Hey, give me the monkey monkey over here..."

When I tried to get my squire to remove the monkey monkey from the oak in the middle of nowhere.


Oak pulled a rope with his hands and legs tied and jumped!

Where in this dying world does that power come from?

I think it won't be long before mine, precisely the knuckles I have in my hands, rushed in.


Claw, who pulled his sword out of his lap and cut it, and used the magic of his shield (shield) to say, "Don't kill him!" Which would have been quicker for me when I ordered?

Either way, Claw chopped off the oak's neck all over the yak.

It should be noted that the other minor injured oak left behind tried to make me suck the knuckles and ran out of hands, but didn't speak one word I could understand.

Naturally, everyone in the Knights looked at me like they saw a freak, but the only person who noticed my intentions was Claw. He stood by me, enthusiastic about things like an idiot, with a face that seemed sorry.

You look like an asshole, but there's no way you can give up so easily.

You can try keeping this guy for a while.

And I didn't forget to order Claw to grab an oak with two or three more naxes.


Marl is back.

The report says you can finally get in touch with the heroscolls.

Apparently, it was possible to exchange letters hidden in a hole in the outer wall of the water wheel cabin outside the village of Balzas.

As a result, Heroscol and the others are being treated as customers.

As far as I'm concerned, I don't care about details like that, so if you find anything out, there's nothing else I can tell you.

Apparently, Marr also had considerable difficulty deciding where and when to stash the letter, looking like he had talked about the struggle, but immediately begins reporting on what is being found out.

"It is the House of the Jazz named Lambert who is ruling the village of Balzas, but this family of lords does not appear to be involved in the manufacture of Mayak. It's actually an organization called Kyokai that we're making."


"Yes, both Heroskol and Knobfom say Kyokai"

Kyokai? Oh, a church.

He took the liberty of naming himself the Nigiwana Church because he said it was a religious organization dedicated to the Mother Earth God (Nigiwana).

"Top of the list is a werewolf (Wolfwer) woman named Margaret Siebex, who says she has the status of Digosha."

I don't know. Words came out again.

Who's Digosha?

I know it's Japanese, but it won't mean a fifth person...

I've rarely thought about it in Japanese anymore, and well.

"And that person is sure to be the same tenseisha as your husband etc..."

Is it still true?

"Then there's a guy named Heimdall in the top executive, and he says he's in the status of Daishukyo, but now he's out there somewhere, and he hasn't seen him."

I understand this. I guess the Archbishop.

... If so, is Daigosha a Daigosha?

I didn't know you were going to use Buddhist language, but Heavenly Path... is that a numider?

"Is that Heimdall a 'reincarnator'?

"Shh, excuse me. I don't know."

"I don't mind if I get in touch with you next time, so see if there are any reincarnators besides the 'Enlightened'"

"Yes, and then they say a Lion (Lios) man named Sphazen is in the position of Holly Cavale Danger, overseeing Kyokai's power of war"


Holly Cavall Danger.

Holly speaks English. Ragdarios, whose English was deformed by Cavall. Dan is Japanese and Gar is pure Ragdarios.

If you translate it directly in the proper sense, you mean the head of the Holy Cavalry group......

... Holy Knight Hey.

Multilingual Lagudarios is finally a frigid name.

"No way, Paladin?

Mizuchi, who has been silent until now, said.

You've heard of paladin.

"You know very well. They have the title Paladin attached to the man named that phasen and the other, the woman who is accompanying Daishukyo. What does that mean?

"Paladin is meant to be a high knight, but in this case, it probably means a holy knight who feels like serving God."


Well, no.

"So, how powerful is the 'Church'?

"That's still under investigation, but there seems to be more than 20 people with less estimates, and in some cases more than 50 people might be better..."


You have too many openings in the number...... fifty!?

"Are you kidding me? There's not a thousand people in the village of Balzas, is there? Whatever it takes, that number..."

I can't believe there's too much!

"Well, there seems to be some power outside the village..."

"After all, you mean there are other bases"

Shit, can you relax? This.

"Thank you so much. Looks like Mr. Heroskol and the others just confirmed it. At least two other bases have been identified. But..."

"... Something's wrong."


"No, it seems that one base name is" Danzoba ”and the other is“ Dangieg, "but there are no villages nearby with that name. It didn't look like it, or a village or place name with a name that was close to it, from what I've looked into."

"... maybe it's a cipher"

I look at Mizuchi with that answer.

"Right. They both have a common pronunciation of" Dan, "so there's a chance of some kind of coding."

Mizuchi also said with a slightly more difficult face.

"Yep. That's what Heroskol and the others seem to have thought, and it seems like they need more investigation..."

"Right. You got enough money?

"Yes, there seems to be no shortage at the moment."

"Fine then. We can't even cross the border yet, so the power and placement of the 'Church', the organization. Then let me rush to see if I know how much 'drugs' are produced or whether the upper echelons of 'denominations' are 'drugs'."

"Yes, Heroskol seems to think the same thing about that, and he said he would investigate as quickly as possible."

The church and the others seem to be bigger organizations than I thought.

but I still can't say anything.

It's not even a month since the Heroscols infiltrated, and it's pretty hard to investigate without being suspicious, which often takes time.

We haven't even heard back from the king yet, so we need to keep investigating and gathering information for a while.

27 Apr 7450

The king replied.

Given the distance and the business, the time of about a month to reply would be a reasonable place.

The content is very concise.

"Crush the Dabus Intermittent Organization as soon as possible under the responsibility of the Commander of the Southern General."


I was waiting for this.

There is a very annoying atmosphere coming from the letters, but given its importance, I take that for granted as well.

As a king, there would be no other option than to tell you to clean up what little matters, such as the Dabus Intermittent Organization in the countryside rather than Viscount Yorise.

At present, the Royal Army stationed in the south of the kingdom is under my command for all troops in the territory lined up on the border.

Troops stationed outside the four territories lined up on the border can also be said to be under my command, indirectly, the Fourth Knights, a force responsible for supplying the Confederate Army.

Ultimately, the only force that will serve me is the troops stationed on the four territories that line the frontiers responsible for the defence and invasion of the national territory, but it is literally the entire southern part of the country that the Confederate General Army has jurisdiction over.

That naturally includes the Knights of the Township, which are in each territory.

Those local knights will also come under my command if necessary in defensive warfare if Dabus invades.


Now I have the ink to move regular troops to Viscount Yorise territory.

That said, you should go see Viscount Yorise before you move the army.

We need to get a squadron leader for the Fourth Knights stationed in the village of Kudomna.

April 28, 7450.

Karlum, capital of the region of Jordan, ruled by Viscount Penride.

There was a store that operated securely in a corner a little off the street.

There are small signs in the store without being too prominent.

The sign doesn't say letters, it just depicts tobacco leaves and a painting that designs Mother Earth God (Nigivana).

"A week after opening. Nobody's coming."

A man of a fine physique tiger tribe (Tigerman) spoke blush.

Next to him, a dog tribe (dogwart) man sitting at the counter at the entrance smiled sparingly and said, "Because you're not advertising. You won't have a choice," he replies.

Since this store is open for experiments and data collection that are important to them, it is assumed that customers will not benefit from the opening of the store.

Nevertheless, it will be lost on the boulder that no one will come after a week.

Of course, there are quite a few that come to peek at the store.

But I'm just saying that no one wants to pay for the services the store provides.

"It's also important to find out how long our guests won't be here. All you have to do is keep grinning."

"Yes, under the Archbishop."

As they talked about it, a man with someone like a squire walked through the front of the store.

"Hi, hello"

The man, who blinded himself to the shop sign, greeted the door whether he had attracted interest or not.

It's not that uncommon up to this point because it's a newly made store.

"Welcome aboard."

Dogwart sitting at the counter answers politely.

"Excuse me for a moment, but what is this store dealing with?

The customer asked Dogwer as he kept his squire waiting in front of the store.

"It's not exactly a store. We are delighted to share the blessings of Nigivana."

Dogward answers without breaking his polite posture.

"Hmm? Nigiwana grace...... is it wheat? If it's barley, it's just short..."

"No, not wheat"

"Hmm. It sure doesn't look like you have inventory. So what the hell...?

Apparently the customer's occupation is that of a merchant dealing in wheat.

I guess it's in quite a position to analogize from where I was taking my squire like a side-service.

"It's called Knax. As you can see, Nigiwana is something that allows you to feel close to God."

"Hmm? That's... you're interested. So, how's your foot?

Only dealing with wheat, it is not uncommon for some of the merchants to weigh more heavily on the abundance and on the Nigivana, which presides over the earth, than on Conoscillo, the god of commerce, or Oguna, the god of the market.

"It's not a store that sells products, so there's no cost. Let me treat you as a reward. It'll be 300Z."

The customer peeled at Dogwart's answer.

but they asked me if it was a charge that also included a direct reward to Nigivana, and by touching the seal of the cross combining the trees and letting me check it to the status, I decided it wasn't like a scam or anything.

"Is it not like a company dedicated to God?

Some shrines are large enough to worship certain gods, such as those in the king's capital, but it is assumed that you can pray to any god otherwise.

"Yes. Unlike a company dedicated to God in general. Because we serve only Nigivana. For that matter, it seems to be possible to receive the blessings of Nigivana."

"Hmm. Some of them, but do you try them? Shall I ask you once? How long is this gonna take?

"In a dozen minutes. But before you get used to it, I was wondering if it would be better if you stayed here for a while..."

"Well, please... one, two, 300Z"

"Yes, thank you. So here it is…"

The client's squire was to wait quite a while in front of the store.

The customer came out of the store a while later, but was fluttering somewhere.

But the expression is loose and there is a satisfying atmosphere.

"Co, this was indeed the grace of Nigiwana. Uh-huh... this is definitely..."

The fluttering body was supported by his squire, and the guests left.

April 30, 7450

"That's why they're sending troops to investigate the Interahamwe organization starting next month."

I showed Viscount Yorise the order from the King (the old man) and declared it.

"Roger that. Let our Knights cooperate in the investigation."

So far, the Viscount accepted it without any haste, simply because it was the title of the destruction of the intermittent organization.

He also told me that, naturally, he would mobilize for the Knights owned by Viscount Yorise.

"Uhm. The cooperation of those with land surveys is helpful"

After that, I held a detailed part of the meeting on how many people would be sent out of the Viscount's Knights, and when and how many were dispatched from my Knights and Kingdom Knights, and asked the Viscount's Clerk to compile the minutes.

"Then the garrison of the dispatchers..."

"Yes, this Zahrax will be on the northern edge of the territory, so it would be better if it were a little further south"

"Hmm. Is there a map that shows the location of the city and village because it's easy and good?

The map that you showed me is a shame, but it seems to describe the general location of all the cities and villages that exist in the territory at once.

Find the village of Balzas from among them.

... There it is.

Looks like the newest village from how the ink is written.

The location is as short as 20 km south of Zahrax, and if you head east for a few km, you'll be in my territory.

"It's this village. It's not far from Zahrax or my territory, so it's easy to get in touch in a position. Viscount, do you have any opinions?

Nothing has changed about the Viscount.

Well, I guess I don't have any shards, either, such as the perception that it's a bad thing about drugs.

On the contrary: "The grace of Nigiwana in the example is obtained in the village of Balzas. I know this is a good opportunity for all the Knights to know how gracious you are," Nico said.

The "church" there is the Dabus intermediate organization.

"Then a total of about 90 people will be stationed around the 10th of next month. Oh, all the food and so on in between will be brought in from my territory, so I promise to make sure there is no burden on those who rule this village of Balzas."

"Yeah. Those in that village have a lot of people with serious faith in Nigiwana, and they're just simple people. Thank you very much."


Well, maybe the Afghan and Colombian peasants are rustic too.

Oh, yeah, the ability of a butcher dragon (dragon slayer), but apparently recovers in a perfect month after using it.

I also thought I'd cut and expand about a minute of the village before dispatching the Knights, but now that I have no idea what the Church's reincarnators are capable of, should I keep them warm as one of the trump cards?

Ma, don't you even have to leave all three times?

Village to Gal on the Dart Plains.

There is one Lady of the Lady Clan (Bunny Man) who contemplates in the Lords' Hall.

If he wasn't feeling well, he was resting on the tour of cultivated land and directing work.

"... Ral looks like a rall and cute, but then I'll have no choice."

Pour water from the drain into the glass in an effort to sort out the contents of the grand tour's head.

"It's the mountains I want to do something for you..."

Drink water and once again enter the maze of thought.

"Speak of the daughter of His Majesty the King... and Mr. Al... Mizchi..."

For a while now, she's been thinking the same thing over and over.

"No, I did what I had to do... and the hostages..."

Exhale a small sigh and put the cup back on the table.

"Michelle Forcain is that girl... even she..."

Place your left hand on your cheek while slightly distorting your expression and seeping through irritating emotions.

"What do you say? How's it going? Hey, you okay to stay awake?

Worried about how his wife complained he wasn't feeling well, it looks like her husband came to see how she was doing.

"Oh, Tris...... hmm. Thanks to you, it's a lot better."

Despite being disturbed by her thoughts, the woman stood up with a bright look and welcomed her husband.

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