May 1, 7450

"... it is"

Nell gavels strangely at the story of Limby in a camp built in the woods a short distance from the village of Balzas.

"Yeah. Marl's really on his own."

With that said, Limby carefully oiled and polished the leather armor and has no extra care for his gear.

Nell also looked at each arrow in his hand from the front to see if there were any distortions, bends, etc.

"But that's what men are like. You want to show Limby something good, don't you?

"Eh, it's not that cute, that's"

Having finished checking all the arrows, Nell stood up when he put the arrows in the arrow barrel.

"Well, it's time for me to take a look. Limby's gonna give the horses a drink of water and feed them something."


Apart from weapons and protective equipment, Nell left the camp without any busy luggage.

To see if Fio and the others in the village of Balzas have written to me.

After about two hours of walking, Nell arrived on a hilltop overlooking the village of Balzas.

Hide yourself in the shade of just the right tree to see what's going on in the village.

It is only far-sighted that in the arable land the serfs concentrate on field work and the squire figures stick out their spears and wave their swords at the training ground beside Lord Sir Lambert's hall.

Nothing has changed in particular from usual.

As Nell gently descended the hill, he proceeded towards the village along the river.

Arriving to the side of the village with caution not to touch anyone's eyes, he hid himself in a large rock crease.

After killing time here until the sun goes down, we'll go a little further to the waterwheel cabin, and if we have a letter, we'll collect it.

- Hmm. Hang on. This is a nice place, isn't it? I can roll over to sleep, and it's sunny.

Besides, it's a really great place to wait, that if you move a little where you sleep and throw out the sun, it rains a little bit.

- I just wanted to find this, and I think Marl's a big deal.

The only way to find those waiting here is to see them from across the river.

And the villagers and others don't step in first because the other side of the coast is only deeply populated with weeds, vixens, etc., and there are no roads, etc.

- But drugs... hey. Sure, we should eradicate it... but what would I do if I were you?

Nell remembered the face of a man, his husband's husband.

Nell has felt quite a burden against the man last year.

- If I were Kawasaki, I wouldn't have done anything just to gather information.

The man, who is also the Earl of Territorial possession, was very nervous about drugs made in places that were not his own.

I have an aversion to drugs with Nell, but I would have just left him on guard if it wasn't a self-governing place.

- I guess that's the difference. I've certainly never heard of drugs before...

Some made similar proposals to Nell.

But the man rejected all such proposals.

The drug market and the number of addicted people are still low because there was no drug.

Therefore, it seems that we can still eradicate it now.

None of the people reborn to Orth saw drugs from that point of view except him.

- If you ask me, you're right. I was just blinded by the effects of drugs......

Even if people who made drugs were to be caught and the methods were to be heard and produced in mass quantities, there were hardly any drug seekers at the moment.

None of the opinions that came out, including hers, were mostly about whether this could not be used as a drug effect.

The opinion is that it would be of research value as a medicinal product, such as if it could be used to sharpen the power of other territories, including aggression.

Even against those opinions, the man calmly disputed one by one and crushed them.

Large organizations, such as the state, sell and distribute drugs for one purpose.

Earn revenue by selling.

Ultimately, this is the only way.

Even if I say to cut off the power of other territories, including aggression, it means sucking up money.

It is only one way to suck up the money on the land, because the consequent weakening of the economic power of the land spreading drugs can only be targeted.

Even if we adopt such measures, it is a story since the demand for drugs has increased and markets have been formed.

It will be possible to create markets in other territories and foreign countries if you work hard to spread them apart, but it will take a lot of time and expense, and it is more obvious than seeing fire that it will be difficult afterwards.

Of the inhabitants of that destination if used, the aim of cutting national power cannot be achieved without tailoring at least 5% to addicted patients. More than 10% should be targeted to reach the goal of seriously cutting national power.

Considering the amount of drugs that have to be made for it, is it worth the cost, the hassle and the time?

Above all, if we do that, we can't overlook the possibility that any of them will return to our own territory, and it's more harmful than good if we think about subsequent governance because it will produce a large number of addicted patients.

It is also possible to cover anaesthesia and other uses as pain relief, which is the only advantage, by healing magic if it is trauma or pain resulting therefrom.

There are also painkillers made from demonic stones for medical pain.

Taking them into account, it would not be possible to say that demand as a medicinal product is also that high.

I had to be convinced that they would explain the reasons for the rejection.

- But why do you say that anyway?

Finally, the man said, "If I didn't have the money at this moment, and if I didn't have the formula to make a lot of money in the future, I might have thought about it. But I have money, and I intend to make money in the future. You don't have to rely on drugs," I recall saying.

It's a word that I don't even have to bother to say, and there are parts of me that I said and I'm not very impressed with.

I don't care what you think, I don't understand it, I don't even think it's the owner of an unexpected head.

- Maybe it's a shade of light... Speaking of which, you didn't tell me directly that there were Japanese in SS. Let me know when you get back to me. Am I going to be called in? But you can't help that either...

Nell slowly meditated his eyes and waited for the night to arrive.

May 3, 7450

Tris contacted me waiting for a unit to march into Balzas Village.

Everyone, including Tris, was told during a banquet the other day that the destruction of the drug organization would be measured with the King's permission for the crossing of the army in the form of "investigating and destroying the Dabus Intermittent Organization".

The report from Tris is that there was some indication of "evidence" to fabricate the evidence, which is its "Dabus Intermittent Organization".

"Exhibits" also require items left over from three villages, Tanquor, Kincade and Denang, which have occupied this year's head.

So far, only a small number of defense units have been placed in those villages to protect them, and they have gone as far as cleaning up the bodies.

Originally, regardless of the villages of Kincade and Denang, where there are few dead, reports have arrived that the village of Tankur will "finish filling all the bodies by May at the latest" shortly before the banquet.

In particular, orders and expensive weapons held by the Dabus army have been roughly recovered by Tris, who left them in the village of Tankur shortly after defeating the dragon.

Therefore, although there are no objects left in sight, I have not taken home clothes made of fabrics or designs such as those only made in Davas.

This report is about the completion of the sorting of items that may be used as evidence from previously collected orders and the readiness to leave again for Tanqueray Village in order to obtain clothing and other evidence.

It takes a lot of manpower to dig back the buried bodies and sort out what seems to be available.

For this reason, Tris travels to the occupied territories with trusted squires and slaves such as Gel, Meath and Bill Sign.

I hung up the words of labor on his squire, who had carried Tris' report that he was "ready so we could leave soon," and sent him out with his protégé to Count Hemlin, deputy in Count Dressler's territory.

Each of Tris and his servants has a field, and grows wheat.

Wheat growing has nothing to do with people's convenience.

I knew I couldn't go right away when they told me to, so I have no anger about the time it took me to leave so far.

Instead, it's stronger to feel sorry for asking for trouble when you're busy.

It should be noted that knights and soldiers extracted from the Royal Army, who were stationed in the territory, were beginning to arrive in Beglitz this afternoon.

With my Knights, I'll have to do a joint training once.

May 6, 7450

Bell slowly began to sort things out in his head as he returned to the mansion, dropping off the tris who left to get the evidence.

- I heard from Nell the other day... Royal SS... Map of Japan... Contact... Hmmm...

And that evening, when dinner was over, we gathered the old “Dawn” executives.

"Well, it's been a year since I settled in the village to this gal. Sure only one of us could figure it out, huh?

Bell asked when he saw the four former executives who had gained momentum with cold eyes.

"Hey. it's easy to think there's only one damaroon between us"

Jingal, with two names of culprits, answers on behalf of everyone.

Damaroon is a serf over forty years old, a woman who lived in the village as a couple nine years ago before the village was occupied by Lomberto to Gar.

Shortly after Bell settled in with Tris, what they instructed the old “Dawn” was to make sure there were no daybus interveners.

It was only after a year of investigation that she was confirmed to leave the village in unnatural contact with the outside world and in the darkness of the night, including the caravan who came to the village.

Note that a woman named Damaroon instructed me to focus on confirmation from the start for a reason.

Naturally, we have reported the damaroon to Al, and we have also obtained instructions that we do not mind leaving it alone for the time being even if we obtain confirmation that it is the wrong person.

"That man was definitely Mr. Zarish's slave..."

With the face of a woman named Damaroon floating behind her brain, Bell puts her finger on a well-shaped beard.

None of the four answer because they know it's solitary for sure.

"... what can I do..."

Words leaked out of Bell's mouth after a brief silence.

"Shall I erase you? Don't leave any evidence behind and don't even let your family notice..."

Zoe, who has two names for skewering, tells him to get himself on.

"What makes you think that? You don't have to kill me."

Bell answered with the first half in his mouth alone and the second half emitted with decent audio.

The line that you don't need to kill, but the tone reached the four ears with a terrible and terrible impression.

So, are we still going to swim for a while?

The four of them are waiting for Bell's words, which would go on if they thought so.

"Hmm, I want to talk to that damaroon and just the two of us as soon as I can. What do you think we should do?

grinned and Bell asked.

"And when I say it, I also say it's better not to be known to the owner, Master Zarish, or my husband, Jasler...?

Carol, with two names of evil claws, asked.

"Yeah, right. But it won't take ten minutes."

"So I was wondering if it would be nice if we were working on it tomorrow. If your sister starts to look around, she will call out to those around her so that Damaroon can be alone."

"Yes. Okay."

That said, Bell deepens his grin.

The expression remains the face of a beautiful woman of her age laughing happily.

"Um... can I ask you something?

Gumran, with two names with a thousand fingers, asked.


"It's why I don't kill the interstate. I spent so much time on the boulders that I carefully examined them, so there is no one between them but Damaroons. I was wondering if anyone would be cautious..."

"I still have a use for it for a while."

Bell's grin, which answers that, was not much different at first glance, but the four felt like something cold ran on their spine.

May 7, 7450

After training his squire in combat as usual, Bell went around the village plot after noon.

"How's it going?

"Ah, ma'am. Thanks to you, it's going well."

He looks around the field whispering casually to the serfs who are farming.

"Ma'am, this is the pine nut (raped) I picked today. Try it this evening."

"Thank you. I'll get it to the mansion later."


Take a trip not only to the Karostaran family, but also to the fields of other squire houses.

"Sorry to borrow a gel for long training."

"No, I have asked Lady Ransoon about your absence..."

"Oh, gel, you can count on Meese now."

"One way or another, Lady Ransoon seems to want to bake more care of you."

"Yes, it is."

And I finally came to the field of purpose.

I was adjusting the timing of the approaching, so it felt like I was just passing through where Damaroon was near the outside perimeter of the field.

Of course, there is no one beside Damaroon.

"Um, it was a damaroon, wasn't it?

"Yes, ma'am. It's a beautiful day."

Damaroon put a good smile on people's faces and wiped the sweat off their foreheads with the hand wipe they were putting on their necks.

The bracelet fitted in your right hand dullly reflects the sun's light.

"That's still working, isn't it?

Bell asked pointing to a brass bracelet with an unusual relief.

Bracelets worn even during farming work also stand out for dirt and small scratches.

but I can clearly see that the bracelet is lined with relief for people who stood, those who slept on the ground and their neighbors, and water bottles overflowing with water.

"What do you mean you can use it? You're right, it's not a big deal, but as for the bracelet..."

Damaroon replied without changing one complexion.

"Oh. You're brilliant... have you ever used that bracelet too?

Bell said with a grin.

"But I know what that is. I've confirmed my magic before... and I don't have to hide it."

Damaroon's complexion changed.

I guess you thought if they told you this far, you wouldn't let the boulders mislead you.

"Don't worry, I don't know what I'm going to do with you.

Bell smiles and says.


Damaroon quickly sends her gaze around in silence without answering, but her closest husband could only confirm that he was talking to someone more than 50m away, and his son and his wife are farther away from farming.

"Don't look like that. Shake your love on the lord's wife. If someone was watching you, it would seem weird, wouldn't it?

Even a grin in a careless tone, but Damaroon felt terrified when he realized that his eyes weren't laughing.

At the same time I also recall that the lord that I am married to her is heterogeneous.

"I'm in the same position, and don't be scared."

said Bell as he sent his gaze to the bracelet.

Of course, it means I'm from the same Dabus kingdom, but I intentionally reduce the word.

"Speak up and laugh with pleasure"

I command you to deepen your grin.

"Ha ha..."

Whether you realized you couldn't or convinced you didn't need to, Damaroon leaks a laugh.

"You're still stiff. Louder, do as you always do."

"Ha ha, I don't like it, ma'am!

Even as he grinned hard, Damaroon laughed with pleasure at the only sound of it.

"Mm-hmm. That's fine. Continue appropriately."

"It doesn't help us at all anymore!

"Can I get in touch with you urgently? I'd like to send you some documents."

Bell says in a whisper as he waves in front of his face with pleasure.

"Well! No. I'm young and envious!

You're getting used to it, and the look on Damaroon's face is breaking down.

And he answered softly, "For once, just from here, until when it will be collected…".

"Sort of. Then I'll ask you tonight. Come anytime after sundown."

Caged in his room, Bell turned to his desk with some difficulty and was busy moving his pen until before dinner.

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