May 8, 7450

After dinner, Grace and Fio returned to the room assigned to them.

Open the window without a conversation. Taking in the sunset in the room, Fio starts filling the barrel when he uses magic to get the hot water out.

Then he dipped some thin hand wipes in the bucket and squeezed them tight, arranging them on a small desk.

Grace takes off her clothes as she looks at it, and when she is naked, she sits back in her chair.

Fio started wiping that body as he took one hand wipe and turned behind Grace.

"... oh"


"It feels good."

"Right. Raise your sides."


A relaxing time flows into the room where the orange sunset plugs in.

"Then you're next."

"Oh, please"

I finished wiping my body, and when I got dressed, the two of them left the room with a bucket with hot water in it.

To wash my hair outside.

The two are always wiping their bodies like this except when camping, and washing their hair with extra hot water, so they maintain a higher degree of cleanliness than the average oath person.

The sun went down while washing my hair and the area rapidly grew dimmer.

Going back to the room with the sleaze, I sat there in line with a chair in front of the cleaned up table.

When Grace places a thin bat-like container there, he takes out a small bag and zeros its contents into the bat.

- What do you got?

The contents of the bag were sand.

I wrote letters with my fingers there.

With each other's special skills at night, there is no particular difficulty with even a few lights.

- Grand lord Kyou's scheduled return is unknown, Mom.

Fio writes letters with a large number of pictures in Katakana.

He also skipped punctuation.

Grace writes a new letter when he erases the letter written evenly in sand with a wooden slab.

- We don't have any cake.

Seeing it, Fio starts writing letters when he nods.

- He kicked my ass.


Fio evened the sand with a wooden slab.

- Wonderful.

Looking at the letters Fio wrote slightly larger, Grace looked like he was outraged and whispered, "I know that," and he evens the sand.

- Have you ever seen the status of an oak? And kicked

Fio wrote with a lit smile.

- To Dale? I've seen it before, Ki. I would, too.

Write that far. The sandbat got pretty narrow, so Grace evens the sand and starts writing the rest.

- Obo, I'm not.

- It's Peggy. That's what I did.

I saw Fio's answer and Grace said, "So? I said."

Fio evened the sand and began to write a continuation.

- If you're Japanese, you look like a pig.

- Am I right?

Having seen Grace's answer, Fio stretches his fingers evenly again in the sand.

- I haven't obsessed with a positive cunt because I've seen it for years, but I'd also kiss like that.

- Tashi or Kobold?

The whispering brush was continued for a long time afterwards.

May 9, 7450.

A unit of the army departed from Landgries, king's capital of the Kingdom of Dabus.

The destination is the city known as Tsurami, at the forefront of the eastern front, in the easternmost part of the national territory.

They are led by Alexander Belgrid, Prince Wang, a small unit of only 200 men.

Although the number of combatants is less than a squadron in the Kingdom of Romberto, it is no exaggeration to say that the majority of the constituents are knights extracted from the most elite Knights of White Phoenix in the country and the best number that can be turned to the Eastern Front at the moment.

Currently, the Kingdom of Davis has a fierce territorial dispute with its eastern neighbor the Kingdom of Cambit, but the flag color has been quite poor over the last few decades, losing quite a bit of territory to be crushed by the Cambit Royal Army, which has advanced south.

The southward march of this Cambit kingdom began nearly thirty years ago, and the Cambit kingdom, which was a sealess country, longitudes the Dabus kingdom in a period of just about six months to obtain a coastline.

Because of this, the Kingdom of Davis was cut off from contact with the Kingdom of Choract, which was originally in contact along the coast.

There was no shortage of Davas Kingdom defensemen about this.

The biggest cause of defeat is that a man named Marquis Farraq, who had ruled the area, interposed with the Kingdom of Cambit and brought in his army.

Especially since its Marquis Farrak has also been killed at the time when the southerly Royal Cambit Army reached the coastline and began to divide between East and West, there is already no one in this world to take responsibility for it.

The Royal Cambit Army continued to cut the eastern part of the Kingdom of Dabus in the form of an invasion line stretching from north to south that reached as far as the coastline, extending east to west.

As a result, the Cambit kingdom succeeded in taking vast tracts of land spanning 150-200 miles north and south and 200-250 miles east and west in about ten years since it began to advance south.

After that, as a result of intense resistance on the part of the Kingdom of Davis, the invasion rate dropped dramatically, but the battle for homeland defense continues today.

"There's just no walking and it won't take a month to arrive, or... well, it just helps that this isn't oatmeal all day long"

Munair Sagual, a hundred head of the White Phoenix Knights driving horses beside Prince Wang, said.

"Hey Mule. Lane might ask you, so forget about that story."

Alexander answers with a bitter laugh.

"Right. I can't hear Lane because he's mostly the carriage behind him."

"Hmm... that's the same thing... because the operation is already under way, so watch your mouth for once. I don't know when anyone will ask me. Anyway, you're a pain in the ass."

"Oh sorry...... sorry"

"No, you don't have to be that afraid. The ranks are the same as the hundreds."

"I'm afraid Your Highness is in charge, and he's also the captain."

"That's disgusting. Unlike you who won by raising your hand, my rank is my parents' seven lights anyway..."

"Huh. Don't say that. Besides, he's a prince, so if you stand with Deng as a matter of course... that's right, until the end, he said he also wanted to offer you a helioside five hundred chiefs, but were you sure you didn't want me to take you?

"I wish you would have accompanied me. Five hundred Chiefs of the White Phoenix Knights can't pull through on a boulder."

"The ranks are up there, too?

"They also said that. By the way, you wouldn't be draining supplies, would you?

"Yeah. Gunpowder is six barrels. Fifty thousand rounds, too. One, four, three cloves, including a spare gun, I brought them all. All but Lane and the others have been trained to shoot more than a hundred shots, so we just reported this, right?

"Excuse me. It's my first big live battle, and it's my first introduction of an iron cannon. He's agreed that Cell is absolutely fine, but he's very anxious."

"It's good to be cautious. On the battlefield, they die from bold men. It's a better quality as a general than a bigger one..."

Leading part with a certain soothing atmosphere.

In contrast, there were convoys situated about the size of the troops with a serious look on their foreheads.

"Uh, I don't like war..."

Lantier Gegran said as she sat on a cushion laid in the clearance of a square crate loaded on the carriage carrier.

From the sound of that voice, I can feel reluctant to participate in the heartfelt war.

"Right. I hate war, too."

Hexar Barnes, who is horseshit next to it, replies, but his voice also sounded like a mixed sigh.

"Alas, Hex said this was a necessary battle before..."

"Mm-hmm. I did say that. But I'm sure you need it, but I hate what you don't like. Whatever it is, the military can be suppressed in a framework. If you're going to fight for your life, the labyrinth will be easier."

He looked like Valdemar Navascus, who was listening to the two conversations in silence, said something, but remained silent without pinching his mouth.

"Well... it's not a human being to deal with in the labyrinth."

"Right. But even Lane needs a way to be recognized by the state, right?

"That's right..."

"Then now is the time to step on it. I have no choice but to b"

Navascus also looks at Barnes, who answers with his shoulders flaunted, and he nods as if to say un un un.

"That's true, too, but I don't really feel like hurting people... but I just have to switch"

"Oh. But this time there's an iron gun (this guy). Even this. Lane's work is about position building, right? He said he didn't use attack magic directly on Cambit soldiers..."

"I hope so..."

Gegran wrinkles between his eyebrows to cloud his words.

"Is there anything you care about?

Finally Navascus also participated in the conversation.

"Because it doesn't seem like a fire-rine gun is the way I imagined it to be used..."

"Oh, sure."

Navascus, like Gegran, is not familiar with the use of guns on the battlefield.

I've been forced to practice shooting many times, but the power of a fire-rine gun can cause scratches even 200m away if the target is a non-armored opponent, but if the target is a high-defense opponent, such as a knight wearing metal armor, it doesn't have an effective range of 50m.

I just said if there are at most 40 meters.

Above all, it was thought that ambush use would be more effective because the shooting interval was long and the first bullet was difficult to move even while preparing to fire the next bullet anyway.

"But the sound of the firing can be turned off by Lane's magic, can't it? And then you can use it not only to wait, but also to attack."

Navascus speaks somewhat more politely than Barnes.

"I wonder if so. Sure, silence will work, but you eat a lot of magic when you expand the range of effects, that one. Besides, I have to deform the range. In the first place, it's pretty close to the target... and then I can see people getting shot..."

"I'll just have to put up with it there. If you hang the magic, Lane can just crouch and close his eyes, and you just can't hear the other guy. It's still better, right? We shoot directly."

"Don't talk about luxury," Barnes says with a long face.


The human horse goes east.

SS Stuff at Darlings Palace.

'So, what's the Fireflash Chamber of Commerce saying?

Senreid Stolls asked Zhentis Helioside.

"For the time being, 20 dings is the limit in three months, as before. Even if you can increase it, try one or two. However, I hope you don't expect precision in that case. Even if I got an incremental fee, I'd be told with such tired faces... I couldn't say it any stronger '

Helioside answers with an unfortunate voice, but he doesn't seem too sorry for his face.

'Well... there's no better blacksmith there...'

A few years ago, in search of artillery blacksmiths, I had all the Blacksmiths Chambers in and around Landgries run a competition for precision work, but there was no Blacksmith Chamber as one that satisfied them.

I have held and raised the Fireflash Chamber of Commerce as an iron blacksmith with the best results, but gradually since last year the production force of 80 dings a year will not allow me to think of the expansion of armaments.

"Can't we just make bullets at another chamber of commerce? It was a year and a half ago, wasn't it? Maybe the other blacksmiths have been raising their arms ever since, huh?

Alakale Califloris has rested his clerical hand and pinched his mouth.

"If you can just make bullets at other chambers of commerce, you can afford a little at Mr. Fireflash's, right? Regardless of the amount of production, I have to make you some time to educate your apprentice, and you'll stay 80 dings a year forever."


Helioside answers to his satisfaction, but Stoles says, 'Don't make it easy. The shape of the bullet is directly linked to the hit rate, and it's pretty important,' he said.

'But you can jump forward with a firewire gun. You said you wanted the numbers to exceed 100 dings first because you weren't good for sniping in the first place, right?

Helioside answers with a single eyebrow raised.

'Mmm... is that true, too? Even weird bullets can be shot at 50m or so, and I just need to attract a little more... well, okay. Arco, I'd like to see the sample you submitted at the previous bullet competition. Can you get it out right now?

'Wait a minute. I'm not throwing it away, so I'm bringing it from the warehouse.'

Helioside sighed as Califloris left the room.

"The army really costs a lot of money..."

"Oh, because 90% of the state budget is military and its associated costs, but if we don't spin a little more money, the country won't change forever."

Stoles also answers with a lousy voice.

"I'm surprised Chris' ship didn't cost as much money as I thought it would."

'Right. When I first saw Fuji, I couldn't believe that it was such a big ship and it didn't take 700 million docks in it...'

"Chris himself was surprised that labor costs were considerably less than initially expected. Well, even when I found out that a small fishing boat like the one used for fishing could be built without five million, I was surprised how cheap it was. '

In the case of fishing vessels, the proportion of the cost would be about 5 million for materials and about 4 million for labour to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ships.

In contrast, in the construction of the Fuji, the cost of procuring timber and other materials is about 150 million, which is paid to ship carpenters, fishermen, etc., whose other costs have been levied.

The high cost of materials is due to the inclusion of the cost of materials for large ships to be built after the Fuji.

However, downwork and lumber hauling, as well as being able to rent a considerable number of slaves wrapped up from the military for drilling the most manned dock holes, had also greatly contributed to the compression of the costs of acquiring the right to expropriate slaves who originally lived in the city of Carneri.

For this reason, the cost of the construction of Fuji, 700 million Z., corresponds to the annual cost of about 150 knights per person belonging to the Knights of the King's Capital.

Although it is by no means inexpensive, it can also be said that it was quite cheap considering that it included the cost of docks that could be used constantly in the future, as well as the cost of materials for the construction of larger and fuller ships after the Fuji.

Thanks to this, we are now beginning to dig two bigger docks beside the dock that built the Fuji.

Finally, Carneri, which was merely a rural town, is also fully moistened and has not developed into a very great deal of dissatisfaction about some lack of freedom of life.

"Well, the problem is the cost of the gun."

'Oh. Twelve million is high on boulders. I'd like to compete and make it cheaper if I were you...'

"I can make it with satisfactory performance, because it's the only place there..."

"Blade steel is too expensive in the first place... it hurts not to be able to make a busy alloy"

"Oh, it's convenient to come out in the form of ore, but you can't keep your metallurgical skills immature."

"Lane can be easily melted and made, but the ratio is..."

'Yeah. I want a guy with that kind of knowledge.'

The two looked at each other, but returned to their clerical duties as I recall.

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