May 9, 7450.

Around noon.

All those extracted from the Knights of the Kingdom, who were gradually garrisoned in the territory, arrived in Beglitz.

The number of people, including those gathered in May Rain to this day, is 100.

I had lined them up with my Knights of the Leagues training squire for the first time.

"... so I plan to leave next Tuesday!

The vast majority of people look strange when they realize that their dates are open until departure.

"Until then, then, another job...... I want you to do the interruption! I want you to be inspired because your work here has a lot to do with everyone's assessment!

Few of the people I've gathered this time, except for the captain class who hasn't been here, have spent more than a year observing and refining this land since I've been here, so I don't see any strangeness to this extent.

"First today! I'm leaving in the next hour!

For this reason, among those who seem to have high abilities, the focus is on those who seem to have low loyalty and are likely to have good eyesight, so let's say that they can also be regarded as those who seem to have both one- and two-habits.

"If you're bringing your gear, you can just bring a bow and arrow and, if not, a spear! Finish your meals immediately! Dismissed!"

The Knights of the Earls of the League run out to the cavalry at the same time as the hanging voice.

The Knights of the Kingdom initially started walking sloppily, but a few ran out to see how it was.

Run out the rest so you can get on with it.

In no time, everyone runs away for the battalion.

That's a good trend.

Sir Value, who had refrained from going down the pedestal, stopped by.

"Captain, the location has been identified and marked... the..."

The value said in a voice that didn't boil off somewhat.

Well, I don't actually see it, so I guess that's how it reacts.

"Oh, I will. If we leave now, we'll reach our destination by the end of the day."

"But the guys from Beige just got here, didn't they? Aren't you still pretty tired?

"Right. But can you say you're tired or something in time of war? The enemy won't consider our convenience, will he? Wouldn't you rather go for when you're tired?

"... Indeed"

The value is just the deputy commander, a quality that pays close attention to soldier conditions, but it's too sweet.

Even if he tells me this far, "Then you don't have to make the rendezvous point Beglitz..." or something, he manages to say bumps.

But I guess I'll have to move first, my Lord Count and Knights Commander.

No, well, if you need it, I don't need it this time.

Especially since the rally is so tight, the truth is that I couldn't have done it even if I wanted to, because I'm gonna need a lot of places until we all get together.

Yeah, is it sweeter for me around trying to keep the soldiers out of the field as much as I can?

That's right, a nocturnal morning run is a bit unusual in oaths that aren't fully lit or personally equipped, but it's basic in an army to my knowledge.

Especially those who will also be at the core of my army in the future. They have to find a few opportunities to work out now.

And an hour later.

The soldiers, who finished the meals they had prepared, are lightly dressed and aligned.

I'm the only one who leads them on the ride to leave.

The first destination is Beglitz Station.

Upon arrival at the station, there is a line of horses and carriages that Zulu had been given in advance.

There is only one or two so-called passenger cars with passenger seats, so other than that, it's a freight train.

"All right, split up."

There are five freight cars in one passenger car.

I put them all on a two-to-three train.

There are about 130 people in total, but there is plenty of room for boulders when there are three formations.

"Well, I'll be there first."

I munched in as I rode onto the tracks while riding my beloved horse Uranus.

Zulu, the SS chief, also rides right behind him and follows him.

I just noticed that this guy is also a squire but he wasn't in the training team......

Let's go.

I'm often around anyway.

As always, I can direct your instruction. [M]

Luckily this guy remembers things well and is serious, plus he has a lot of loyalty.

Me and Zulu's role is to run the tracks ahead of the train and see if there are any foreign objects, etc.

Of course, there is no such thing today because the train carries materials to the construction point of the track, just in case.

Continue with a slight slow eye on the 35 miles to the village of Damon.

Naturally, there were no foreign objects on the tracks.

Next to Damon Station under construction, a Knights of the Counts squire parks the carriage and stands by.

"Thank you"

He called out in reply to the squire sending his salute and got off the horse.

Waiting for the horse to drink the water, the first train arrived after a short while.

The train leaves Beglitz at intervals of about five minutes in case of sudden stops, etc., so the vehicle distance is fully taken into account.

"Ho, it's really a damon..."

"I wish it was that fast... but I didn't think it would take two hours to get here from Beglitz"

"I was comfortable riding"

"Get off quickly," the Count Knights said to the Knights of the Kingdom, who raised their mouthful of admiration, causing them to get off.

We're marching in two rows of columns where everyone's in position.

Draw a straight line from here to the village of Kudomna, about half of which is the next destination.

Although there are roads along the way, the last two or so kilometers will be traveling through the woods and plains, so it will be over today.

There are landmarks available by the way on the road so you won't get lost along the way.

I arrived at my destination by sundown.

The destination was a little open, with a dozen Knights already waiting to arrive with a few carriages.

They had been carrying their luggage to the land for a few days now, putting up a tent for everyone and preparing the camp.

"Okay. I'm off here tonight. Tomorrow, when we've cleared the breakfast and the tent, we'll start the discount."

I've let him walk for three hours on only two breaks along the way, but no one is exhausted because he was designating a light outfit.

Let some light up and add hot water and dried meat to the pan to make soup.

Besides the soup, tonight's staple is kampang.

I, too, sit in front of a slightly larger tent dedicated to the Count and start roaming Campan.

Because the Knights of the Counts are all squire this time, and the Knights of the Kingdom are no captain, or anyone but Zulu, the SS leader, graduate and service, still comes by my side... I knew you'd come.

"Madam Commander, may I join you for dinner?

The servants who had arrived earlier came all the way.

Yeah. Well, they're the ones from Ralpha and Guineh and the old Purgatory Flame (Gehenna Flair).

Because of this, it was Guineh who selected this camp and identified it precisely.

"... no. Go back to your tent."

I want to avoid hanging out intimately with these guys during their operations, which is also a squire training period.

Besides, the Knights of the Corner Kingdom are with us, so I'd like to talk to them anyway.

If you guys had been beside each other, you wouldn't be able to come any closer.


You didn't expect me to say no, it looks like Zulu glanced at Ralpha trying to say something back as soon as he was out of line.

Ralpha and the others say "ok" and pull it up awesome.


Well, what is it?

I feel sorry for you, but to be honest, it's only been about a month since that happened, and as far as I'm concerned, it's kind of hard to talk to Ralpha.

No, come on, there were others now, and it's just good for rehab to start a normal conversation, except for the clerical one...


What do you mean... what about him?

After what happened, I can't really do it because of my feelings about coming over from him and having dinner with him.

You'll have a lot of courage.

... Have you blown it off already?

There's some obvious things about him. If he's his personality, maybe he won't ever pull off like me.

If so, I feel a little like regret for leaving it kind of unscathed.

Slowly wandering through Kampang with that in mind, several soldiers came from the Knights of the Kingdom and spoke just like Ralpha earlier.

Naturally, I accept.

It's a good opportunity, so I'd like to talk to you about it.

Apparently, it is generally accepted favourably that I have assumed military power in the south of the kingdom.

I was a little frustrated with this, but if you think about it, I'm the Dragon Slayer who defeated the Blue Dragon even before, and if I tried it on the soldiers, I probably wouldn't have had to worry about it because I'm a proven hero.

I knew it by reason, but I knew it wouldn't come with a real feeling if they didn't say it in a raw voice.

Besides, I can't even see the intention from the young guys that if they stick to me like that, they're going to get a handle on it.

I don't trust a guy who doesn't care about these things, but even if he's obsessed with raising his hand all the time, that's troublesome.

It's important to balance everything, isn't it?

In this regard, some of the seniors are trying to induce them to be well young to find out their assessment points in this interruption and their reasons for not being accompanied by a commander.

I guess it's only natural that we've assembled a bunch of like-minded people about this.

I'm not gonna answer that.

That said, some wanted to fall in love with their homeland.

I was just a little worried, but is that still what some people are......

Ten years later, these are the people who will return to the Royal Army... No, there's no reason for all of them, not even ten years without a transfer, and were you a little worried too soon about this?

When I finish eating like that, I go to bed.

The watch walks around and patrols the camp with no regard for the squire or the Royal Army.

I'm the only exception.

Place your prized waterbed on top of a wooden plate and lay a blanket.

Um, this would be nice to sleep in.

Originally, the Knights chief seems to be able to carry the sleeping table, but a combination of waterbed and blanket won't be that much baggage, and it's great...... I guess I could pay the righteous knights for this if I could afford a little more rubber.

That night.

After a late night watch duty, Lar headed to the tent where Al slept alone, without returning to his tent.

Al's tent is almost at the center of the camp, and other tents are built to surround it with a radius of about five meters.

Just a short distance from Al's tent, Zulu is keeping an eye on the surroundings as the Knights Commander.

"What's up? Aren't you going to sleep?

Zulu asked Lar in a strange voice.

I do not use respectful language because we are currently in the same squire as in action.

"Mm-hmm. I need to talk to Al for a second"

Call me His Excellency, Captain.

"Oh, yeah. After the captain."

Zulu knows nothing about what happened the other day.

I am hesitant to wake up Al who is sleeping.

"Your husband has gone to bed already. Come. Can't you do it in the morning?

"Hmmm... I'm fine with that, but, oh, your father..."

"Mr. Xenom?

"Hmm... Well, about the Firefrid family, sort of..."

I thought Zulu seemed like a situation in the aristocratic house, but at such a time, I thought, well, it wouldn't even be like talking about it right now.

Note that Lal has volunteered for the midnight watch after confirming that Al's watch at this time is Zulu.

And Zulu would be easier to get through than the others because he knows his mind, and he was certain that he would never speak out where what happened in Al's tent.

Then, at this hour, we all know that Al's sleep will be shallower if he is a member of an ancient killer.

"Hmm... Anything wrong?

As Lar was staring at, Al seemed to wake up at this level of conversational volume, and unexpectedly he hung a solid voice.

Zulu sighed and said "... give me a minute" and headed to Al's tent, kneeling at the entrance.

"Master, I'm sorry to disturb your collar. Don't worry, it's not an anomaly, but when the squire Firefrid wants to talk..."

"Am I?... by whom?

"It's a lal. Anything from the Firefrid family...... Ooh, hey!

Lal tries to pass by the side of Zulu without permission.

This was, for her, a huge bet in a row.

"Fine, let it pass."

Sometimes at dinner, Al gave permission to go out and honestly put Lar in the tent.

A horrible look appeared on Lar's face only for a moment, but disappeared quickly.

At the same time, the light leaked out of the gap at the entrance of the tent.

I guess Al used the magic of lights to see from the bright white light.


Ral, diving through the entrance to the tent, glanced slightly from his blindness.

Outside the tent, Zulu, with his shoulders clasped, returns to a fixed position.

"What's up? At this hour."

With that said, Al is reaching for a portable clock demon prop.

"It's just after twelve o'clock..."

"I just wanted to talk to you. Can I sit down?

Before Al replies, Lar lowers his back to Al's side, where he has half-hearted to the waterbed.

"What is it?

"... I'm here to be shaken"


Al looked out between his thoughts and raised a loose voice between them, similar to his expression.

"I, like Al"


To a sudden confession, Al's expression represents confusion.

but it went right back to normal.

"Let me guess what you're thinking right now?


"At first, what are you suddenly saying at such a time here? So, next..."


Lar looked next door slightly upward to gaze at Al's complexion.

"... Next, I'm thinking about what to say and say no..."

When he heard that answer, Al thought, "If anyone thinks otherwise at a time like this, they want me to tell you what the hell he's like," but he didn't say anything.

"That first? You thought..."


"When I bought Marceau...... yeah, before I bought it? When I helped Mr. Dollar Leon in Balduk."


"Is that it? I thought it would be nice to return all the artifacts and stuff."


Al slowly shifts his gaze from Lal to the corner of the tent without saying anything.

"Next time, when Al is talking about the purpose of working hard in Balduk. When your father told you that Al wanted to be close to his family so that he could spit out his mind just like that. I thought you could be like that. I want to be."


When Lar also takes his gaze off Al, he keeps talking as he looks at the stones hung by the magic of the lights (lights) made by Al.

"And hey, was that Gemson? When you fought with the other adventurers in the drinker, you were protecting me, weren't you? I said I can count on you..."


Al thought, "That's when Bell was there, and I wasn't just worried about you..." but I didn't dare say anything.

"Even when you bought the Chamber of Commerce building, you hired Mr. Yoturen and the others, didn't you? It's usually hard to understand, but it's really sweet, I was impressed. I wonder if it's since then, if you think about it? I like it..."


Al said, "When was that... when you were telling your brother? I thought," but I didn't continue to say anything.

"Then, when Al went back into the pit trap and this was gone. At that time, I realized that Al was important..."


Al said, "You spit on me, you don't have that on the boulder. Wow... or you just do that and forget about it? I thought," but I patiently said nothing.

"Then... I've always liked it ever since... but..."


"Hey, tell me. Before I met Mizuchi, I... Yeah, I knew it..."


Al said, "There's no way you can answer me for asking that, is there? What am I supposed to say in the first place? I thought," but I still didn't say anything.

"Mizuchi, you're beautiful... Besides, you told him how you feel, didn't you?


"I didn't say anything and... when Mizuchi went in and said that Al would marry sooner or later, along with the regrets he didn't say, he stopped hanging up. I liked Al too, but I thought... I liked him better first... I should have liked him more..."

Lar sips out of his mouth.

You noticed that, Al caught a glimpse of it, but quickly put his gaze back in the corner of the tent.

"But... the truth is that Mizuchi liked Al a long time ago... because I was later..."


"Al says he's not married yet... but that's the way he means he's going to get married in the future after all... Ugh..."


"I was bored and jealous of Mizuchi too, but I didn't want Al to hate me... I felt so messed up, I almost managed so many times..."


"Still, I managed to fold it up and think it would be a good second..."

With those words Al slightly opened his eyes and turned his gaze back towards Lal, but Lal remained unchanged and stared at the stone that emitted a cold light.

Al, who sees it, slowly returns his gaze to the corner of the tent.

"Oh, we're fuming each other, and if we make a bunch of kids with Al, we won't have a problem with Al's inheritance or Firefrid's house..."


Al was not sure if he should say anything about having a child in Mizuchi, but he remained silent thinking that there was a possibility of stillbirth and that he should not have said it yet.

Appraisals don't know if stillbirths are born.

"But Al said the Second Lady... you noticed how I felt, didn't you? Still don't pick me... Ugh... well, I didn't say anything either, so even Al is hard to react to..."


Al said, "That's right. Unlike Mizuchi, why did you have to ask me to marry you if you didn't love her? Besides, your house is a baron's house, and you'd better have a proper spouse," I thought, "but I didn't say anything to the boulder.

"Hey Al. Turn around."

Al shifted his gaze to Ral's words.

Two sights tangle at a distance of dozens of centimeters.

"Am I not very attractive as a woman?

"... no. I think she's cute."

Al's voice is slightly ravaged.

"Yeah. I knew."

"But I don't think so."

There seems to be a word about character.

"I know that too"

"Oh well."

Know it, or Al snorts.

Tears overflow from Lal's black eyes.

"I don't know, I..."


Yeah, a little.

I thought so, but Al kept quiet even though I thought he shouldn't keep quiet here.

I couldn't speak of it.

"I like Al. Love it. Marry me."

If you want to zero tears and even drool your nose, put your best smile on it, Lar said.


Al is small and breathtaking.

I almost opened my mouth to say something, but Lar takes control of it and goes on with the words.

"As I said earlier, today..."

- I'm here to be shaken.

The line I heard earlier came back to life in my brain, and Al stares into Lar's eyes in silence.

Al relieved himself with a ho on the inside, but did not imitate him to move his expression.

"It's a little late... but even the Third Lady can... marry me!

Saying so, Lar pushed down Al, who was sitting next to him, trying to force him to kiss him.

"Oh, wow? Whoa, whoa!

I turned my face to the side aggressively for the sudden action and my lips just had to touch it slightly, but Lar just sucked on Al's cheek like that, shifting his body and aiming at his lips.

"Hey! You said you were here to be shaken...!

Al's voice volume, which he says like he panicked, has not been suppressed.

"Yeah! But while we were talking, I reconsidered! I knew I wouldn't give up!

"Damn, why is this idiotic power...... Zulu!

The death fight was less than ten seconds long, but there was a satisfying grin on Lar's face as he was pulled back into the tent by Zulu.

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