May 11, 7450.

After 7: 00 in the morning.

About ten kilometers east of the point where the discount was made yesterday.

Almost halfway between the villages of Damon and Burri.

I also made a compromise shortly after breakfast today.

Nearly half of the dragon slaughter (Dragon Slayer) effect range today overlaps the Dart Plains, so I think the number of monsters fished out was considerably higher than yesterday, possibly double, no, nearly triple.

Naturally, everyone is fighting this time.

Also, in order not to look at the brain radar in anticipation of actual wars, etc., Zulu was allowed to hold it after only the first flying monster to come out of the sky about the Slaughter Dragon (Dragon Slayer) was destroyed.

I also purposefully built a donut-shaped dirt base that opened a gap of about 10m wide in each location, but it's great for conducting command training to defend the position while shoving at the massive number of enemies that are pushing in, this.

It can be said that only seven injured people and not one victim were able to do so, but there is also some reflection.

If my replacement instructions had been a little earlier, the number of injuries would have been a little lower.

That said, I wasn't in command looking out from a high place, I was looking at the battles that were taking place at the same time in a total of six gaps, three on the south side and one on the other, so in a way, as a first line of collective combat command, well, can I say pass?

But Stag Rhino is still strong.

When I think calmly, I think it's close to a miracle that I didn't get the war dead.

It stands out because your body is big and your figure doesn't resemble a goblin or an oak or anything, and fortunately, it's easy to pay attention, but it's troublesome that even one guy like Ralpha was lost on the enemy on the real battlefield.

In some cases, they'll give out quite a few war victims.

"I'm sorry for the pain," I apologized in my heart to those who were injured, and I hung a lot of healing magic, so I want you to give me a break.

"All right. All right, get rid of the bodies and pick up the demon stones. This time limit is more than yesterday... until sundown. Go!"

Plenty of ten hours to sunset.

It's just under a thousand for 130 people, so it's just over seven per head.

There was only one big monster, and there's plenty of room.

Awards of merit at this intermission were given during dinner.

Kung First Class will receive a high score in the discipline and a staggered Rhino Demon Stone (about 800,000 Z at the selling price to the Demon Prop Shop).

The second class gets 10 demon stones of oak (about 30,000 Z for one at the selling price to the demon prop shop) and the reward demon stones are reduced by one until the sixth class below, but even the lowest sixth class will get five, so it will be quite fruitful.

All the others who could not at any cost be named meritorious decided to give Knoll's Demon Stone (approximately 14,000 Z each at the selling price to the Magic Prop Store) one by one.

For this reason, First Class Kung is Hegs Whiteflame, who was the leader of the former Purgatory Flame (Gehenna Flair).

He calmly gave instructions to the surrounding people against the staggering rhino that had suddenly penetrated him, changing the formation in advance, while continuing to relate only to himself with standard equipment for kiteshields and short swords of infantry.

After all, I just kept putting up leaders at first-rate parties over the years.

His work allowed me to continue my command over other mouths without panic.

If I could just say one thing, if I could see Staglino approaching, I would have liked you to tell me that.

Somehow, when I realized it, a staggering rhino was coming through my open mouth at the dirt base.

Especially since I knew exactly what the old Purgatory Flames (Gehenna Flair) were capable of around him, and I was convinced they wouldn't have to report it to me once.

It should be noted that Guine and Ralpha kept the mouth open to the east and west respectively, and they did not defeat so many monsters because they did not let the holding change, but they were still Kung Fifth and Sixth Class respectively.

No, you didn't do that on purpose, did you?

Because at the time I tried to get them to take turns, the injured came out with other mouths, or struggled, and missed the opportunity to move just them.

Bad luck.

So I camped here again this day, and made my way back to Beglitz early the next morning.

Inn with the king's capital Lombertia.

Baby crying is leaking from a superior room there.

A group of parents and children lived in the room.

"Nbe Burroughs ~"

Surge abandons my child, who was just born the other day.


But the baby stays crying out loud.

"Enough, it's time to get some rice."

Hold the baby, Kathy tells Surge.

Since giving birth two weeks ago, almost everything Kathy's consciousness had poured on her baby and for that matter she had been cold as if outside a mosquito net for the surge.

"Oh...... what do you want?

Surge asked his wife as she stood up regrettably.

"Whatever, go quickly. I'm hungry."

With a slightly irritating voice on his back, Surge left the room.

"Huh. Guess what I want to eat, huh?

Even so, the face of the surge is loose.

"I'll take care of it, I'll get you something sophisticated... well..."

I turned to Surge when I thought of a reputable egg restaurant that was a little far-sighted but rather delicious.

I have confidence in the speed of my legs.

When I saw the surge I ran out of the inn, a man and a woman who were dairying each other in the shadows sent each other a gaze.

Of course, those who monitor people (surges) who see them as reincarnated.

You're in a hurry to say it's already sundown, aren't you?

"You could have said something, couldn't you?

"Well, it's peaceful."

"A woman takes a long time when she has a child. If it's your first child, let it go."

"You know what?"

"That's what it is."

"Hold on, I wonder what he has?

"Oh nothing...... by the way, how long do I have to go on with this?

"I don't know. That's not true. I don't know why you have to keep an eye on me in the first place."

"That's it, isn't it? Because he is the only servant of the Earl of Gried left in the King's capital..."

"Is that what Count Gried is? Like a conspiracy?

"Come on? I think that sen is thin because he said he was entrusted with the Southern General Army for everything. Well, you just do what your head says."

"No, but his surveillance, His Majesty's livery, is caught up in it."

"Well, right. I didn't know it was so hard to just watch without doing anything and without a purpose..."

At first glance, the two lovers, like each other, overlapping each other avoiding the eyes, continued to have a white-white conversation against the atmosphere they let drift.

May 12, 7450.

Karlum, capital of the region of Jordan, ruled by Viscount Penride.

There is a store that operates securely in a corner a little off the street.

In the back of the store a man from a dog tribe (dogwart) was glancing at the letter that had just been delivered.

Wally launched the first private religious organization in Aus, the "Church," and holds the status of archbishop herself.

"Wow.... a couple of gin......"

The letter came from Peggy, a werewolf (Wolfwer) woman known as the Great Goose, the head of the organization he created.

"What were they like, two people named Heroscol, written here?

Faced up from the letter, Wally asked the young man who had carried the letter.

"Ha. It feels like we're both adventurers there..."

"You're an adventurer. How about personally?

"... uh, the..."

"What's up?

"No. They must be quite powerful..."


Wally did not miss the fact that the young man's tone contained dissatisfaction.

And he consciously softened his expression and gently encouraged him to take precedence, thinking it might be difficult to say.

"Hey, its... it also feels crude"


"Yes, no its...... sorry! It was rude of me to say this to my guests!

"No, never mind. You can say it for real."


There still seems to be a reluctance on the part of the young man because he was told by the Daimyo (Peggy) to treat the two as guests.

"That's okay. Tell me how honest you feel as you feel."

"Okay. But the..."

"Didn't I tell you it was good? Believers of the same nigiwana, don't hide anything from each other."

"Ha. The language is roundabout and abusive, and my attitude toward us... it's just prestigious and not very good... I just drink... I'm very distressed to see if I can say this to those who say Daiwa is a guest..."


Wally silences herself temporarily when she snorts at the words of the young man.

- Looks like they're not good enough. But if Peggy says so, I'm pretty sure they're all Japanese......

I dropped my gaze on the letter thinking that there was something more detailed about them at the beginning of the letter.

The letter states that the husband received the reign of the Orthodox Knight in Count Falergers territory, then disgusted the Knights and left, becoming an adventurer, and that the wife was bought and married and released by her husband who happened to want to pass where she worked as a serf.

I don't know how true it is, but at least I'll be able to put my credibility on the part where I got the Knight's reign.

Because many people dare to remain in status if they lived a normal life in any way, and even if they had the opportunity to erase it in marriage or something, it would also be an ingredient in their outfits to boast of their abilities on foil.

Wally is quite good at knowing that he can take the reign of a righteous knight.

But, naturally, it is also possible to argue that there are people of various personalities.

There are also many who have a character far from the statue of a righteous person.

- I guess that's who he was... well, drew him from Lily in a mock fight? Then I can also nod that I was a true knight. Low power other than demons was the troubled Tane, and a true knight would be able to command soldiers, so this was a pick up.

The letter said that her husband was strong enough to draw in a mock battle with Paladin, Lilai Sphazen, who had only two men in the church.

It should be noted that my wife is not that far away, but she still only had two adventurers and she has considerable strength, and that no one other than Lilai would be able to overwhelm her.

Peggy, the patriarch who wrote this letter, had also undergone an archery about the Battle of the White Soldiers for much of his adulthood, since, like Wally, he was originally a nobleman.

I can't even say I'm good at it, but I can swing quite a bit about fact sword spears.

It's possible to win one-on-one if you're about an oak.

She would not have misjudged her strength in the White Soldier War.

- The highest power we have right now is relaxation. Even though it's the same paladin, Irina's gonna fall a little. I'm glad there's one more. Besides, I didn't know you were here with the same ex-Japanese as us. It's going to be much more dependable in the end than Irina or something with the relaxation of a brain muscle idiot or loose head screws.

Wally reads ahead with a nimmari and a grin.

- Besides, I think I'm more interested in organization, Knax, than doctrine, but don't you try to do it yourself? The Japanese would be natural in a way... but the personality aspect... they still seem to have some problems. I wonder what people used to do?

I twist my head but naturally I can't think of anything.

- That's good. One of these days you'll have a chance to talk, and whatever you're doing before you die, it's decades old. It hasn't been a long time since I've been here in any case...

Wally stopped thinking about the couple, as the description of the couple as a guest was over there.

But the letter still says a little more.

The look followed by a glance went back to faceless.

but it gradually turns into something that seems serious.

It was another paladin I had refrained from beside Wally, Irina the Elf, who noticed it.

"Archbishop, what's wrong with you?

Irina asked.

"No... the picking of Dabus's Intermittent Organization? Irina. It says here that there is an intermediate organization in the Kingdom of Davis somewhere in Samish. You know anything about that?

Irina, who was with Lilai until a few years ago in the Knights of the Viscounts of Yorises, might know something.

That's what Wally asked.

"I'm not too familiar with it either, but I've heard that Dabus interveners mostly get in touch via people like administrators. The fact is that when it was picked up in the neighboring Jindal region some years ago, not only the administrator, but also the middlemen and those who were in contact with it, were caught and killed at a glance...... it's not surprising that Samish has a similar group, but I've never heard of it. But if you're relaxed, you might know something. He was originally pulled out of the Third Knights of the Kingdom."

The Third Knights, one of the permanent armies of the Kingdom of Lomberto, are also responsible for the police-mechanical aspects that govern security in Heaven.

A man named Lilai Sphazen was credited with being pretty good there.

He was good at exorcising and capturing deserters and others who had become bandits because he worked well in the prosecution of criminals and so on, and there were also white soldier warfare moves that could cope with rough events.

I also know about the criminal organizations in the city where these people blend in.

For this reason, the motto is "Don't think, feel".

Nax and Bucks are an indispensable divine grace for him because they concentrate and continue to be sharpened to heal his tired senses (I assume).

"Right. With that said, you heard Lilai was on the police (that way) side. If he's not suspicious..."

Wally says with a soothing expression.

but I can't wipe away any discomfort that would catch me.

- Dabus intermittent organization hey... a couple of ex-Japanese showed up at the timing of that picket. Is this a coincidence? So far, we Nigiwana have a good relationship with the Viscount Yorises, too much thought? But I don't know what this is. I feel bad about something.

Irina sent a suspicious glance at Wally, who looked serious again.

- Where did the intel come from on the Dabus Intergroup in the first place? Who told you that?

Think with a wrinkle between your eyebrows, but there is no answer.

"... Thank you for your hard work. Eat some delicious food tonight and get some rest. And then, by tomorrow morning, I'll write you back, so why don't you take it home?

He gave new instructions and threw the young man out of the room as he carried the letter with him.

And Irina and I, we started discussing something.

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