May 13, 7450.

"… so Fio and the others can now accompany the servants of the village of Balzas to the nearby area."

Lynbee, who knelt before me, reports on the current situation of the Heroscols who infiltrated him.

"Right. Then let the army leave tomorrow as planned. We are scheduled to arrive in Balzas Village... after the 20th of this month"


"Have you ever noticed anything else unusual?

"No, everything is as reported."

This time, Limby has brought a brief map of the cultivated land in the village of Balzas about the location of the field where he thinks he is cultivating drugs.

Of course, it was the heroscolls who infiltrated the church.

According to this, the total area under cultivation is 30a (Earl), which is not very large.

If you care about it, if you have 20 soldiers per platoon, you can destroy it in an hour of things.

I don't know how much drugs can be collected from a single mustard seed (Keshi), but even if we were in the worst case scenario where we said we would let church executives get away without a hidden field or something, we would be able to prevent any more spreading now for the time being.

"Okay. Thanks for your hard work. Get some rest today."

"Um, your husband"

I tried to get Limby to back down after the role, and there still seemed to be something I didn't say enough.


"This is from Mr. Nell. It has nothing to do with this job, so give it to me when you're done reporting it..."

That said, Limby removed enough pieces of wood from her pocket to be a turn bigger than her business card.

The wood pieces are thin and paired in pairs.

I wrote letters on one sheet with charcoal or something, and the other one was stacked like a lid and tightly tied to the cross with a thin string to prevent it from disappearing.

Well, paper is expensive, and you can't get it in the lurking mountains, so you won't have a choice about this.

When I took Limby's advice and carefully untied him, I carefully pulled off the pieces of wood.

A separate report is written in Japanese on the wood pieces.

What was written there was that the SS, which seems to be part of the Dabus army, has Japanese.

That only two of us have confirmed her existence, but it's no surprise that there are a few more.

That those two are supposed to be brothers or close to it.

The inherent skills of one of them are probably something that will completely change your appearance and make you someone else.

The other one is unknown.

It said very briefly that I would like to talk more about it if I had a chance to see you next.

The content was astonishing, but I certainly don't think it has anything to do with this job.

But I have to wonder if you could have talked to me directly about these things.

We've been face-to-face a couple of times before, so come on.

So far, it's nothing more than information about Japanese people in the Kingdom of Dabus.

It's not even a story I have to ask in a hurry.

Anyway, I don't even know the names of the two people I think are Japanese.

In short, you can see the workplace, to a certain extent.

That said, I'm often concerned.

For example, why Knobfom hasn't had a conversation with them, or how he could have known about the existence of those pairs.

"... I just found that out."

I can't do anything, can I?

On second thought, in the past, it was reported when I met Knobfom face to face, and even if I could hear the details, I don't think I could do anything in the end.

I don't care what happens because I asked.

Was she thinking that too and considering the timing of the report?

Most of the day will be free now, and on limited paper (?) will also be able to figure out how and how much information to pack in.

... No.

If you want to increase the number of characters, you can increase the number of pieces of wood, or you can increase the number of pieces.

There is a bitter laugh and a mild sigh.

"Limby, put the knob fom back once in alternation when you get back. Maybe I'm a little tired."


I lowered Limby.


When I finished my job at the administration, I headed to dinner without going back to the mansion.

The destination is Camran, the finest restaurant in Beglitz.

Yeah, it's not like I'm going because I want to eat Camran's food.

I'm just going to accompany those who serve in the administration two days a week.

I generally decide on Mondays and Wednesdays.

I called Jabba, Originally, Haritide and Cunningham today.

Take a seat and ask for red wine.

I turned it red because the boy at the store says the main thing today is a lavender roast lamb, but I don't really feel like an oath wine, do I?

Especially though I guess it's also a big deal that I haven't really liked the category as a liquor since my lifetime.

I drank it to the point where I knew it was delicious or not, so I want you to trust me there.

Where does it come from, like Earth, is it caused by the fact that there is hardly a brand like Honiarara, which uses grapes of any species?

Once upon a time, I found out on my way to Balduk that, for example, there is a barrel of red wine used in a restaurant.

It's not branded, it's cheap for everyday use.

If it's my feeling, I'll open a new barrel after it's empty.

Because the consciousness works that mixing with another barrel is so outside.

However, typical stores often add to the barrel contents even if they remain.

Of course, not all stores are, but one way or another, stores that do that are more mainstream, this is it.

Maybe this was the case with times like this on Earth, but anyway, I can tell you that I don't like it, or whatever, and anyway, the second I found out about it, I could have a preconceived notion of oath wine, equals, and less delicious things.

Not just wine, but first impressions are scary, aren't they?

Words, including familiarity and attitude, and manners are really important.

Hmm? What do you say about beer or ale?

It's a carbonated beverage over there, so a lot of carbonated gas can be generated and ejected the minute it's mixed, and even if a plug is made before that, it's just not mixed because that thing quickly falls out under internal pressure or the barrel itself breaks.

As far as I'm concerned, I don't think cocktails have enough respect for the craftsmen who made them.

Let's put aside the bad liquor story and get back to it.

"What do you say? Where's Cunningham?"

I asked Jabba.

"It's just an excellent introduction to His Excellency on the boulder."

Jabba replied with a slightly depressed, subtle look.

Approximately six months after his assignment.

Originally, I was good at accounts, and the contents of the skull, anyway, were excellent men, so it didn't take a lot of time before I immediately represented the corner of my head in the administration and admitted that everyone would be chief teller in the near future.

Cunningham, who jumped in there, literally had the ability to digit differently.

He immediately grasped the flow of work, pointed out more improvements than Jabba had pointed out, and also raised more sophisticated objects about improvement methods.

In addition, he proposed methods that could be described as innovative in the work of the executive branch.

Especially in that sense, both Mizuchi and I were seen in the same way as she was in her administrative capacity, but there was also a position of lord and his wife, which in some ways seemed naturally convincing.

Nor did I scrap my previous methods and push them with new ones unless it was too much of an accounting process or something else. To be honest, if you remember, there were too many things to do to reach that point.

In other words, I did things necessary to improve my understanding of the flow of gold, such as double-bookkeeping, and logistics development to make tax collection easier and revitalize the economy, but I couldn't help but get to the most troublesome things when I was given time to do military affairs, my own audition, etc.

What Cunningham suggested and executed is, in short, manual making.

I saw it in the report in the middle of production, but it was quite well wrapped up, and it also covered all possible exceptions and had a fairly slight character.

The clerk who works in the administration has something like a half-brother system, where he teaches backwards about the flow of work and basic processing, but he doesn't quite teach about efficient processing methods and tricks that can be described as creeps.

For example, in front of a pile of bags of wheat that I collected taxes: "This is a tax collected from the village of Mead. You can say that as long as you have one hundred and forty-five bags this month," but you don't even talk about how to count (multiply) the bags that have become mountains efficiently or why that number is doing well.

So whoever can't remains incapable of doing it forever.

And such a person will soon be cut off.

In short, you're a crook.

Are you going to work for a merchant or sell yourself a slave or relax?

This is a difference in values in one way or another.

Oath people have a lot of craftsmanship in weird places, and it feels like saying, "A clerk is a clerk.”

Let me say without fear of misunderstandings, because I am a craftsman, my predecessor will educate my successor to some degree, but at the heart of it, look and steal it.

Anyway, Cunningham said against such a world, "That shouldn't be it. We have to develop a manual for work so that everyone can do their job in the same way if they even read and understand it," he proclaimed as if it were time for companies to get an ISO.

In my previous life, I was pushed to do a hell of a lot of clerical work because the company I worked for thought I was just crazy about the food trading company's offer to "get the ISO 9000 series, too" and even appointed me chairman of the ISO Promotion Committee.

Because of this, I hate formulating and producing manuals while acknowledging their usefulness.

In just over two years from the time I set my goal, I wrote a lot of paperwork that would make me about my height when I stacked it.

That was done in parallel with my normal job.

... Back then, Saturday and Sunday off all night. Something normal happened, and I had a hell of a day where every three months fishing circle was close to my only breath.

How easy it would have been if that had been done with environmental management like ISO 14001 or something that would have been easier to get the more assholes you seem to compare.

Though some foods have their own brands, they are not manufacturers of the main industry, so to speak, the 9000 series is too much at just a food trading company.

Well, thanks to the fact that the company got a lot of foil on it and a lot of credit from its customers, and because it wasn't a black company, I got a pretty large reflection, including the unscrupulous overtime that I couldn't normally put on because bonuses and salary increases would violate the law, and when I got it, I got a reward and special pay.

Still, I must have naturally hated manuals.

... but it was a good experience.

I think the same goes for Mizuchi, who assisted me in that.

Whoa, you're out of line again.

Anyway, Jabba, who was said to be brilliant, brilliant, and would have even recognized that, but within less than six months of his assignment, he had a better backward move in.

That's in the same cashier's department.

Normally, I can't help but wake up feeling jealous.

You didn't just teach me the tricks of my job, you could even teach me lies.

But that's the man I expected.

It's frigid. I immediately spotted the effect of the condoms I brought in, and what I should admit is that I just admitted and hired them, or the next guy who took me to the diner to connect them.

Jabba has also acknowledged the utility of the work manual proposed by Cunningham and has said that it should be developed and produced as quickly as possible.

Of course, I didn't throw up a single line that would deprive Cunningham of his credit as the proponent.

Instead, a report from Cunningham said he taught me politely about the tricks he had grabbed.

There are not many such people in artisanal neighborhoods where the achievements of the apprentice belong to them.

Well, Cunningham's not Jabba's apprentice.

If the company, the bureau, or any other organization on the planet had a big hand, there would be a minority of bosses who would try to make it all their own, but the vast majority of people would try to impress that spill even better by claiming that they were at least slightly involved in accompanying customers and coaching them to do so from time to time?

"Really... I and others just wrap my tongue around Cunningham's excellence"

A pickle of venison stewed in red wine, raw ham and olive fruit was brought to the table as an appetizer.


I cut more venison in half with only one bite and put it in my mouth.

At the same time, combine root vegetables called Tamora, like carrots, which had been simmered together.

It's not as good as what I used to eat in the restaurant in my lifetime, but it tastes shameless in Beglitz's finest name.

Can I get a little fresh roast lamb that I've eaten many times before and am already tired of?


Jabba said flat with a sip of raw ham made exclusively large.

Only this guy eats a lot, so I ordered to serve three servings in advance on a dish for one, but isn't that enough?

"Oh no... I'm still immature"

Cunningham also humbles himself as he carries an olive stabbed in the fork into his mouth.

"I'm relieved you seem to be working well"

I'll have some olives, too.

The aroma of young and vibrant olives spreads through the mouth before ripening.

Whatever the flavor is because it is before ripening, this scent is good.

It also goes well with red wine.

"Um, my lord, it's Cunningham, because I'm really moving you to the Knights in six months?

Jabba's tone can also be taken to mean that he doesn't want to do anything else that is sparing him.

Again, a competitor threatening his birth, I guess the awareness is low.

Though I wonder about that.

"Oh, it's my hope too."

The raw ham is also moderately salty and tastes pretty good and tongues.

There is a slightly stiff part at all costs, but there is no other way to do this because that part is really going to come out than the machine can't manage the temperature and humidity.

They remove that part as much as they can in this store, but there are limitations.

"Excuse me, Mr. Halitide. But I think I can do a manual by the end of the week... oh yummy"

Cunningham says as he thumps his tongue at the venison's wine stew.

Right, by the end of the week.

You should ask me to produce all the work manuals at this time because you know how much my administration has to do.

"... then ask for a folk life relationship next. Begin next week with Sir Dazzigle. When it's over, we'll be building streets and territorial connections."

I cleaned up venison with Cunningham. When I said that,

"Eh? Oh, yes."

There was a weird reply.

For this reason, the main tasks in the department of civil life relations are the zoning of Beglitz and the allocation of cultivated land, its management, the reception of various petitions from residents and the Chamber of Commerce, simple trials not so much as those sent on the day of the judgment, and the management of various statistics and separate books throughout the territory.

That's all in folk life.

Even those in territorial relations have similar workloads.

It's not a big deal, is it?

Both sides, the business description itself is broader than the cashier's, but it is not that difficult.

Mm-hmm. Venison is still the best thing about this appetizer.

And the dish ended the usual cam potato soup with thin stock, and the main, lamb vanilla grill, was carried.

I like the smell of sheepmeat when it's cooked or subtracted, but what an appetizing scent of vanilla sends to my nose.

Of course, three times as many chunks of meat as ours are sitting in front of Jabba.

"Oh, this looks delicious."

I nodded loudly at Jabba's words and put the knife in.

Yeah, that's awesome!

Because I'm in my early pregnancy, or it's pathetic that Mizuchi, who doesn't like meat and fish, can only eat vegetables.

But that's something I can't help, and there's nothing I can do about it in the first place.

I'll get you something delicious for that.

May 14, 7450.

In the recent interruption, I led a total of 200 people who had been expropriated from the neighboring villages of Damon, Burri and Kudomna to the scene of the interruption, saying that the discipline was underneath, or that they could not work enough to catch my eye.

Today's job is to slash down trees, because it is a land where there are no more corner monsters.

Slashing, is not misuse.

Well, cut, I hope.

It's a matter of feelings.

One way or another, I will devote all of my own power, Lord, to cutting the ends of the Dart Plains.

Those who lead them are the people and the feet that move the felled trees off the spot.

That way, but you can set off a big fire and burn it, but dismiss it because it's cumbersome to extinguish the fire and its confirmation, and the ground gets very muddy with tons of water.

Burning down raw trees to the core even in my magic in the first place is fine if it's about dozens, but given the area and the number of copies this time, boulders can't do it.

Wind Magic The biggest attack magic, super turbulent masses (hurricanic clusters) can't pull through trees that are even a few meters tall with their roots firmly in the Dart Plains.

Then the method is limited.

There's only one way I did it when expanding the Knights headquarters premises or laying the tracks.

That's right.

One at a time, the vacuum blade (vacuum blade) is the only way to slash them down.

It should be noted that we have certainly wiped out anything that can move at that speed for monsters, but since nothing is untouched about the slow-moving or newly coming in from the outside, it also means checking in over the last few days to see how much monsters of any kind have gotten in.

The time now is 10 a.m.

Planned felling until noon, eating dinner and sleeping for four hours.

And we'll cut it again from 16: 00 till sunset.

The felling of trees will also test my limits.

You need a temper.

"All right, here we go!

I put my right hand on a nearby tree trunk when I raised my voice.

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