Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode Two Hundred Eight: Various Communications

May 14, 7450.

Southwest of Dart Plains.

On the banks of a river.

A loosely red gel-shaped object came loosely down the river.

The object is flowing downstream a little slower than the velocity of the river.

And he stopped caught up in something like a beam (yana), cleverly crafted to be hidden in the grass that grows on the banks of slowly bending rivers.

The amount of gel-shaped objects caught is not a big deal, but it was obvious from those who knew who it was that it was the fruit of a gel for signals made from corisal grass.

The village of Balzas.

A mock battle was about to begin right now in a vacant space designated as a training ground for the Church of Nigiwana.

The mock war seems to take place between Fio, a church eater, and the Saint Knight (Paladin) Lilai.

- There's no gap.

Fio pointed his right wooden sword in the middle and his left reverse triangular shield (kiteshield) in the front, staring at Lilai.

Lilai is also staring at Fio under his helmet.

Fios, since Mr. and Mrs. Heroscol became church guests, these mock wars have been waged several times, but it is good to say that strength was befriended by winning or losing each other.


Lilai, who was supposed to be holding a shield, burst into Fio at a blinking speed.


Although Fio also dealt with it with the minimum necessary movement and attacked it while removing the protruding wooden sword, Fio's wooden sword is also held back by Lilai's shield.

- I'm completely off guard.

That's how the meeting continued for a few rounds, poking a slight gap and Fio took the win today.

"... the boulder is from the powerful Knights of Falergers. I can't get my sword to you."

Lilai praises Fio for his rough breath.

"... Hmm. Muscle's good, though. Your sword is too honest. Pre-reading is easy."

In contrast, Fio threw a bunch of words at him in a tone like he made a fool of himself.

And I said, "Hey, it's a beautiful day and it's hot. Bring me a beer," he said, speaking to a young denominational warrior who was watching the two mock wars, sitting in the shade of a tree.

- Shit. I didn't even know I could beat a guy like him who uses drugs all the time by making a difference to his opponent...

Fio looked bitter.

- Oh, I want to do a proper audition. He said that he could never stretch himself more than an archery against the strong.

Loosen the belt of the leather armor while you feel like biting your teeth. Gently run your gaze around.

Everyone used to send a frightening glance at Fio like that, but these days he's totally used to it, and if he goes into a break, he's hardly paying attention.

- Heh heh. The shitty eater is totally on the board, too.

While Fio was thinking about it, it looks like Grace is going to start a mock fight with the Order Warriors this time.

She continues to speak and act as arrogantly as Fio does.

Looking at his wife setting up a wooden spear, Lilai approached him.

"Lord Heroskol. Can I hang it next to you?

Lilai always talks politely and treats her in the right way.

Fio likes those parts but doesn't put them in his mouth or in his attitude.

"Don't take it personally."

Regardless of his spitting or spitting attitude, Lilai hushed next to Fio, "Well, excuse me," he said.

And I mocked the lumbar storage with gossip.

- Chip, that again.

I know what Lilai will do after this.

As Fio expected, Lilai began filling the end of the shorter pipe with brown powder.

After this, you magically light the proper twig and smoke drugs instead of lighters.

Fio looks at Grace's simulated battle, sidelined by a lily who uses drugs with a face that seems to do so.

Apart from the obviously prominent and powerful Lilai and Fio, Grace's power is also at the top among the denominational warriors here.

"Perhaps! Is that so? Your power!

Grace's dialogue sounded like something I would never normally hear.


Fio exhaled to ridicule Grace's opponent.

Next door Lilai enjoys drugs.

"Why don't Lord Heroskol do the Bucks, too? It calms me down."

Words of solicitation I've heard many times already.

"I told you not to smoke beside me because of the smell!

"Well, well. I would also like to try things…"

"Russell. I have to rely on that to calm me down. I'm not so depressed."

"Really? Please tell me whenever you change your mind. It is also thanks to this grace that I am able to confront Lord Heroskol. If you've tasted grace even once, you'll understand..."

"Get out of here."

Fio, who chased Lilai away in an evil manner, stared at its back with a hateful look.

- This man named Lilai. I even have to do the pills...... too bad.

May 15, 7450.


The village of Balzas.


In the room assigned to Mr. and Mrs. Heroscol, Fio raised his voice.

Of course, that voice is kept low, but you can't hide the surprise.

"Even at sunrise."

Grace also says with a bitter look on her face.

As usual, pretending to be self-depraved, Grace appeared in the dining room after the morning sun had climbed completely, and this morning the Bishop of the Church, the Daemon (Peggy), accompanied Lilai and several others out to Zarax.

Peggy said there was something about being in the mood and that he had taken these sudden actions many times before.

On each occasion, the Archbishop (Wally) accompanied him in embarrassment and bumps.

The purpose, he said, is preaching and preaching to the Viscounts of Yorise and the nobles who live in Zahrax, lords of this Samish region.

As a religious organization, it is the ultimate purpose.

I was planning on hearing the downwork, and they're going back after a couple of nights at Zahrax.

In the past, and in some cases even a month on a missionary journey, it seems a lot better than that.

"Do we have to wait..."

Failed, Fio shrugged in the face.

No one is in a hurry except for the two, as other church warriors and underworkers who did not accompany them are left intact, and these things are said to be about once every few months in the first place.

"Well... and I think Nell and the others may be following him."

"I hope so..."

Fio and the others haven't been able to report Peggy going out on a sleepover.

Nell and the others in the carriage, who can only be seen from afar beyond the absence of a report, will not be able to identify the people in the carriage and follow them to investigate where they are going.

Because that's understandable, as a fio, I have to bite my umbilical cord.

"Anyway, let's just keep in touch. It's been over two hours since they left, so I don't think I can catch up with that horse on the boulder from now on, but he's got a clear destination."


According to reports from Nell and the others, the troops stationed in this village of Balzas should have left Beglitz two days ago.

Its position would still be around the territory of West Dart and Samish due to the vast majority of walks.

In short, we must have gone a little east of here.

Minimum information-sharing is possible if one of the Nels can head to Samish and one can join the troops for reporting.

The two of them who thought so quickly began to write their correspondence.


On the street a little north of the checkpoint between West Dart and Samish.


Claw did his hand to his jaw, eyeing the communication text that Limby had brought.

It says there that the Archbishop of the Church and reincarnated Peggy went out to preach to Zarax to escort an awesome warrior.

In addition, Limby reports that Marr is following suit for surveillance.

Scheduled for the Inter-Organization Crusade Unit in the Kingdom of Dabus, to which Claw belongs, we will rest tonight in a village on the way to Zahrax, where we will arrive before noon tomorrow, rendezvous with Al, who is supposed to come after us, and show our troops to our lord, Viscount Yorise, where we will spend the night.

The next morning, we headed to the village of Balzas, which is scheduled to be an outward garrison, and by sunset we will enter the village of Balzas.

Tomorrow at noon there will be a censorship ceremony against Viscount Yorise.

On the boulder, plans for a ceremony attended by the lord cannot be broken.

And I don't even think Claw thinks this is the failure of the Fios.

No matter how you look at it, it is force majeure, because they thought it was difficult to grasp the plans in advance.

At last, the commander of this entire dispatching unit is naturally Al, but now that Al is absent, the top men of the unit are the second and fourth Knights squadrons of the Kingdom of Lomberto.

Besides, the two squadron leaders have yet to be informed of their true purpose.

In short, there's nothing in Claw right now to decide.

"Limby, you're going to the barracks. Your Excellency will arrive tomorrow morning, so wait until then and ask for your instructions. I guess I wouldn't go wrong over there. We'll act on schedule."

With that said, Claw thinks, "You don't have to go all the way to Balzas Village to get caught in Zahrax."

Destroyed the drug fields, burned them down, and Al didn't have to go as long as the church made up that it was an intermediate organization in the Kingdom of Dabus.


eastern part of the Jordan region, ruled by Viscount Penride.

Above Tulac Avenue from Karlum, the territorial capital of the Samish region to the west.

I was walking when one horse came riding.

"You'll be here in time by sundown."

It is one young man riding, the one who delivered a letter the other day to Wally, who is in Karlum.

The morning after I handed the letter to the Archbishop (Wally), he had been entrusted with a reply along with the words "I'm sorry, but I want you to hurry as much as you can".

If we can get there at this pace, we'll be able to get to Zahrax by sundown.

And we should be able to reach the village of Balzas tomorrow.

The man sips water from a leather bag he lowers to his waist.

"I'm almost there. Good luck with that."

The horse exhaled as if it had reacted to a man's voice.

"All right, all right. Lovely guy..."

We approach Zahrax momentarily as we carve the traces of hooves into the earth.

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