May 16, 7450.

Thanks to the departure before sunrise, we were able to rendezvous with the troops in front of Zahrax.

I just got into Zahrax today for a soldier's ceremony against Viscount Yorise, and tomorrow it's the destination village of Balzas.

And I have to show my body that in the village of Balzas I was doing an intermittent organisational survey of the Kingdom of Davis, supposedly in the Samish region, so I don't get my hands on the church for at least two weeks and let them send soldiers all over the territory to kill time.

Of course, this is also to investigate drug contamination and church investigations.

To some extent, when we gather information about contamination in the territory, we finally crush the Church.

I thought so, but there was a report from Limby waiting for me at a post in the realm.

It's about a reincarnated woman at the head of the church coming to Zahrax to preach.

Maybe a little more peaceful if we could meet and talk.

Ma, that's right, it's time to get into downtown Zahrax.

Outside the city there were about ten people wearing crude armor like militias.

Whoever answered what voice said, surprisingly, he was a Knights of Viscount Yorise.

He picked me up on purpose.

Following their lead, they first proceeded to walk to the Knights headquarters.

The Knights of the Viscount are also greeted with momentum at headquarters below Viscount Yorise and the Knights Commander.

Then he lined up his troops at the Knights' training ground and let the Viscount browse.

The Viscount has put on some heavy sheet metal armor (plate mail) even though he's already a grandfather, and he stands on the viewing platform, watching the Crusade Squad I command.

Salute as per the model and the censorship is over.

Get off the horse and head towards the Viscount who got off the viewing platform...... who, that woman?

Among the participants in the censorship ceremony, I found a woman dressed weird.

Exactly, like this, I don't know what to say...... I don't know the color of my hair because I dress like a nun and wear a headscarf (wimple), and I don't know the race because I can't see my ears or tail.

but the face is well represented by the thinly carved oriental.

Oh, your eyebrows are black.


[Margaret Siebex/3/7/7429]

[F/14/2/7428 · Lycan · Associate Baron Siebex's eldest daughter]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 22]

[Level: 6]

[HP: 109 (109) MP: 29 (29)]

[Muscle Strength: 17]

[Jun Min: 24]

[Dexterity: 16]

[Endurance: 18]

[Unique Skill: Holy Hands (Holy Hands) (Lv.MAX)]

[Special Skill: Super Olfactory]

[Special Skill: Little Magic]

[Experience: 40830 (43000)]

Is it still true?

This is the Enlightenment, the one who created and spread drugs!

Inherent skills are also [Holy Hands] as reported, and that level has already reached nine (MAX).

It gives the impression that the appearance of the stitched face is not alarming, but I think the face is well constructed.

But that's it.

Of the reincarnated, and I've never seen a woman call herself a doggie (Dogwer) or a werewolf (Wolfwer), but, uh, what?

Naturally, naturally, but then again... I have four tits.

The way the chest swells supports the peculiarities of the species, but one size at a time is still better Mizuchi......

That's not the case if you're thinking about being naughty.


Soon Claw was on his side and called out.

I quickly understand that there really wasn't some kind of report coming from the tone and the voice.

I guess this guy noticed that woman, too.

I was able to stop to hear any kind of report from Claw thanks to you.

"Keep your mouth moving appropriately."

In the guise of a wind that whispers and ears to Claw, this fortunately opens a subwindow of inherent skill with a gaze toward her.

I just want to read a little bit.

[Inherent Skill: Holy Hand; Ability to allow holy power to dwell in the palms and perform miracles. The skill levels and miracles you can perform are described below.

Level 0 If the subject touched was traumatized, it restores HP 10 times the user's level, while also reducing pain. Trauma may be in any number of places.

Level 1 If the subject touched was suffering from a bacterial or viral disease, the subject's ability to self-resist is increased by a factor of the user's level.

Level 2 Assists in dodging and defending against physical attacks from harmful persons against touched subjects. The rate of aid increases according to the level of the user. The effect time is the number of seconds the user's level has been multiplied by 60.

Level 3 If the subject touched was suffering from a disease caused by a functional disease, including autoimmune, the subject's ability to self-heal is increased by a factor of the user's level.

Level 4 Assists with dodging and defense or resistance to magical attacks from people who are harmful to touched objects. The rate of aid increases according to the level of the user. The effect time is the number of seconds the user's level has been multiplied by 60.

Level 5 If the subject touched was suffering from a disease caused by an organic disease, including autoimmune, the subject's ability to self-heal is increased by a factor of the user's level.

Level 6 If the subject touched was traumatized, it restores HP 50 times the user's level, while also reducing pain. However, there is only one treatable trauma. Only this miracle has the ability and exclusivity of level zero.

Level 7 If the subject touched was suffering from a disease caused by a mental illness, including cardiogenicity, the subject's ability to self-heal is multiplied by the user's level.

Level 8 Recover functions such as dental embryos, hair follicles, and germ cells that the touched subject had at the same age as the user's level.

Level 9 Assists in resistance to magical spiritual effects from those who are harmful to the subject touched. The rate of aid increases according to the level of the user. The effect time is the number of seconds the user's level has been multiplied by 60.

It should be noted that miracles cannot be performed about congenital diseases and the like.

Also, the ability to expand the MAX level is to double the effect, auxiliary rate, and effect time of all miracles that can occur]

Run your eyes into the window with a proper hammer against the claw that keeps your mouth moving.

By the way, sometimes I wonder how hard it is to read the text written in the appraisal window.

You're good at Japanese there, but you're close to feeling like someone who's not native translated it so hard.

I would pass on the same information, but I feel like I can get it together a little better.

Put aside that stupidity, and say it's more current than I am. There's no reason I can read Viscount Yorise, lord of the land, long in front of me on a boulder.

I haven't chewed myself up just because I've seen it through my eyes, but at this point, it's enough to know that I will be able to collectively resist harm, including the treatment of illnesses and injuries and magic.

"Okay. Let's go. Call Brigadier Trinin and Arquiz."

I ordered Claw to call the commander of the Knights of the Kingdom squadron, and I headed to the Viscount, who was talking to the reincarnators about something.

"Viscount. How'd it go? Eighty percent of them are from the southern realm of the kingdom, but there are about twenty of them from the knights of our realm..."

Speaking to Viscount Yorise, the Viscount said, "The boulder is an army under the prestigious command of His Highness the Dragon Slayer. I was sincerely brave. Besides, you had a knight in the same black dyed armor as your Excellency," he praised.

It should be noted that the sheet metal armor (plate mail) worn by the Viscount appears to be well maintained and well polished, but it seems to be quite old and the design was quite old.

With that said, the knights' armor that picked me up was also worn out, no, there was a lot of gear like it was used in.

Can't we still afford to turn much money around in armaments?

Somehow, I remember when I used to be in the city of Balduk.

- I'm from the Knights of the Viscounts of Yorises.

Or something like a fire extinguisher push or something.

I already forgot my face and name, but are you still diving?

Sure, it also depicted something like a crest on the shield, but I can't even remember if that's the same crest listed by the active Viscount Yorise Knights.

"Ha. Are you surprised that our Knights gear is blurry?

Huh? I didn't mean to put it on my face.

"As you know, I am ashamed that our territory is not very wealthy. Even though we're not far from the Dart Plains, we can't spend much money on armaments to develop our territory..."

As far as the Viscount's voice and expression are concerned, apparently it's not the word I said when I saw my attitude and expression, but the word that came out of the idea of keeping a line of prevention before being stuffed about poor phase gear.

"I see."

I'm looking ahead as an exchanger here, focusing more on the development of land than armaments, and I don't need to say good-looking or anything.

Because as a trader, it is a top priority to invest money in businesses that are directly linked to protecting the people, such as arming up and demonizing demons and bandits to increase the level of security and making it easier to move troops in preparation for invasions from foreign countries, etc.

It is a story after the development of the land, starting with the development.

Even the Kingdom of Romberto, which is said to be the richest in Western Orrado, accounts for more than 70% of military spending on the national budget.

More than 80% of the kingdom of Dabus, according to which 90% of military spending will be on the budget.

It can be said that, with the exception of openings, well digging, logging of mountain forests, irrigation, digging and collapsing of high altitudes, and water remediation projects on a large scale, it is inherently the work of lower nobles who rule cities and villages.

Even in Japan, all small-scale construction around the Middle Ages was carried out by villagehouses, even when the times went down and the Edo period entered, and there was no assistance from clans or shoguns.

And I don't even hear about river floods, mountain tsunamis and other large-scale natural disasters near this Samish region.

Therefore, there must have never been a need for large-scale construction, etc.

Well, I even cut trees after demon extermination myself. That's what I'd say, but even I couldn't afford to put my hands on land development, including demon thinning, more than a year after West Dart sealed me up.

Expanding the Knights' training ground, laying down a carriage railroad, which is easily mistaken for apparent reasons, is inherently a military expense.

What you've done is because you have a pawn who boasts the highest power of my power in a way.

I can also argue that I just made the most of it by combining the combat training of the Knights...?

In short, just because the Knights' gear is poor minister, they most likely say, "I didn't do it for the people," and in the end, they confess that they didn't act for the people themselves.

In my common sense around here, I honestly don't think, "First of all, it's fine that you're trying to improve the living standards of the people."

but aus general, no, it's kind of common sense of exchangers in this era......

Whatever Viscount Yorise thinks of me, I don't seem to have the same common sense and values as the reincarnators, but someone who lives in this oath from the heavenly edge of his head to the toenails of his feet.

Did you not know that the intrusion is to drown in drugs, and no, drugs are not a good thing... you mean someone who is giving himself up for temporary pleasure?

"By the way, my lord, I'd like you to meet me at the corner... Brigadier Sir Siebex, this way"

That's what I said. Viscount Yorise spoke to the Wolfwer woman.

"Associate Count, this is Count Riegle, who is ruling the West Dirt. Today, Your Excellency himself was sent down to lead the executive force of the intermediate tissue picket in the Kingdom of Dabus. As you can see, he is also a brave man with a proven track record of killing the young but dragon that showed up in the Labyrinth and Dart Plains of Balduk. My lord, this is Associate Lord Siebex, who heads an organization dedicated to the Mother Earth (Nigivana) in our territory."

"Nice to meet you, Count Riegle. My name is Margaret Siebex and I am hosting a church dedicated to Lord Nigivana. I want you to know me in the future."

Introduced by the Viscount, Zybex lowered his head with his hands in front of his chest and greeted me.

Naturally, there is a color of curiosity in its eyes.

Because my face is thin and my oriental features are noticeable, and my hair is dyed, but most of it is hidden in a helmet with (lump), and I haven't even dyed my eyebrows.

Yeah, if you're an open-face helmet, you don't have to take it off when you say hi. It's not a violation of manners.

Not to mention I'm the best in this place.

"That's right, Associate Lord Siebex. I am Alain Gried, Earl of the League."

I returned the meeting, too.

And since it's also unnatural not to touch it at all while keeping you face-to-face at this close range, "Suddenly and grudgingly, are you from Canto? No, this is disrespectful. It wasn't Samish, it was a place name from me," he observes with his eyes narrowed to see how they were doing.

Again, Siebex smiled and replied, "It's Kanagawa in a village called Kelsamish" with a slight glance.

Because of the mixed names of the land that Viscount Yorise should also have known, the Viscount nicks without looking weird.

"By the way, my lord leagle. We left tomorrow, right? Bal" Viscount, I don't know where Dabus's ears are, so for detailed information... "

I want to keep information on the garrison in Balzas village in front of Zybex down to the last minute.

But have we talked about this already?

I suppose you're snapping on drugs but getting hit, this grandpa.

"Oh, sure. I hear some people read words from the movement of their mouths."

"Uhm. I've never been over cautious"

To be felt heavily, I said, including some acting, the Viscount said, "Whether you need to be so quadrilateral to an asshole job like picking out a gangster organization. Speaking of Dragon Slayer, is it a young, adventurous creation? I don't miss seeing you stick out more than you need to try to do to get a more handle on it".

Well, fine.

I'm pretty sure it's young.

"That's right, my lord, what are your plans for dinner tonight?

"Though I intend to combine military discussions after tomorrow with the Troop Leaders?

"Mm... is it the left? I wish I could join you because there is also an Associate Lord Siebex in the corner..."


I'm attracted to the offer.

I do want to talk to this woman.

but the Viscount is in the way of that, isn't he?

To be precise, the Viscount would not understand much of what he is talking about if he spoke in Japanese, but there is no reason for the Viscount to find such a situation interesting.

Siebex seems interested in me, too, and the discussion doesn't have to be tonight.

I'll have to go in with Balzas Village by tomorrow, but I'm only about 20 miles away from here, and it's possible for me to delay my departure and go after him, just like I did today. Thinking about it like that, we can still talk about it at noon tomorrow.

No, do you have plans for her, too?

Well, extreme stories, military councillors are definitely not what you have to do tonight either.

We should exchange the Viscounts to welcome them and have some interaction.

"... right. Even though it's a military matter of urgency... it's just a good story if it's done by dinner in the first place. I'd like to invite you to dinner tonight."

I said with a smile.

"Oh, that's good. We will now send you a guide later. Is Inn the usual for the Associate Duke?


Hmm, you have a boarding house.

And he said he knew something about the place.

Then you should avoid me checking so badly right now that it seems weird.

"Now, if you'll excuse me"


If I give everyone a break, shall we talk about tomorrow and beyond in the meantime?

After walking for about twenty minutes, Peggy returned to the inn where she was staying whenever she came to Zahrax.

Then, to my surprise, there was a man who wasn't supposed to be here.

Peggy had entrusted the man with a letter to Wally some time ago.

It's just a little early to come back.

"Oh? What's wrong?

"Dear Daemon, I am contacting you as soon as possible from the Archbishop."

The man knelt but took the parchment wrapped from his nostalgia and offered it.


Untie him with a twinkle of an eyebrow and run his eyes through the letter.


After a short period of time, Peggy opens her mouth.

"Sorry, just leave me alone. And why don't you hang up with the lilies?

Peggy dropped her gaze on parchment again as the man left the room.

-... Damn, Wally, aren't you thinking too much?

With that in mind, Peggy's expression hardens more and more.

- Sure, as for timing... but I don't think that couple has that kind of head, do they?

I remember when Mr. and Mrs. Heroskol came to visit.

They said with a demeaning look, "Let the money story bite you one. Instead, I said," If it's rough, I'll take care of it. "

Just in case, I checked my strength, but I only admitted myself, and we both did have quite a few arms.

And he didn't even seem very interested in anything other than gold or booze, as he put it.

Even more conveniently, like a literal rough man, the behavior was rampant and coarse, and soon became feared and then hated by most of the Church.

- Those two are West Dirt's, that Count spy?

Whatever Bucks or Knax realized they were drugs if you ask me, not trying to get their hands on them at all doesn't seem to be the image of the rough guy Peggy holds.

Anyway, Bucks hasn't even smoked a real cigarette.

Peggy had the stereotype perception that people who would tell others to "bite one into a money-making story" and so on would have an enjoyable and instant way of life.

- Mm-hmm, but I didn't know you were a spy on a boulder with that...?

Peggy is also a long way from a dump.

After accepting the two, I let them swim freely for over a week, but I said I didn't see any bareback gestures to get in touch with the outside world, and I didn't even think that speaking in Japanese was some kind of thought working behavior.

Especially since Fio was a man who started a company out of naked consistency in his lifetime, he was used to hiding his belly and acting as if he was a different personality, and not on an easy level to spot.

Grace, my wife, was also good at calming and fixing it instantly, even when real emotions erupted, because she was used to her inherent skill, [resistance (psychotic abnormality)].

- But never before has Wally been wrong at the helm of the church... Most of what Wally has built up in the village of Balzas….

That's when the door to the room was knocked.

Lilai, the faithful paladins, are not alone in wandering about because they have come to the city to be entrusted with the provision of the Great Enlightenment.

"Come in."

Several men and women came into the room.

"The Archbishop contacted me to immediately relocate the headquarters of the Church"

A surprise look appeared on the faces of all of them, but disappeared quickly and a reply was received from them.

Peggy gives a satisfying nod back to that attitude.

"Carrack, you go and get the carriage back to the village immediately. At that time, cover the carrier so that you can never be seen inside from the outside. Once we get to the village and put the carriage away, we'll go to Ackley Hill so no one will know and bring out the money. Take care never to be distracted, especially by Mr. and Mrs. Heroscol. The destination is the example location of the village of Colzas. Let's meet up there. So one of the horses should go into the village and stay connected somewhere a little while back."


The man called Carrack immediately left the room.

"Ruda and Hemmitt are ahead of Colzas. I'm sorry, but I don't have a horse, so I mean on foot."

"" Ha ""

Ruda and Hemmitt also left the room.

"Kiln and Jackson change clothes with me and Lilai now. And with this money I buy the right carriages, horses, clothes, and I think the Lord Yorises will invite me to dinner this evening as soon as the sun goes down, but after holding off for as long as I can, I apologize that we have gone there for those who seek God's miracle in the village of Lumi. Then head south. Throw away your horse and carriage about halfway with Balzas, and when you change your clothes, turn the rest of your money into a road bank and come all the way to Karlum. Let two or three of the Gigs arrive together then. Gig and the others find the right place beside Karlum and let them wait there."

"" Ha ""

Kiln and Jackson immediately began to take off their clothes.

For this reason Jackson is a young man who has carried letters.

"As soon as Lilai gets dressed, get horses and carriages ready. Don't prepare it at the horse barn or the Knights. Sir Demson would give it up in silence."

When I said that, Peggy also got up and started taking off her clothes.

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