May 16, 7450.

Finished an action description in the name of the military conference after tomorrow and left the conference room of the Viscount Yorise Knights, which I had rented.

Then a young squire stopped by Claw's place and began to whisper something in his ear.

Claw is listening calmly, so I start a chat with the two squadron leaders of the Knights of the Kingdom as I walk.

The barracks we're headed to are supposed to be tonight's quarters.

Naturally, I'm the only commander of the Southern Army in the kingdom, and I'm staying in a city inn with two knights, Danick and Claw, who are on guard, so I'm not exactly where I'm going with them.

When I broke up with the squadron leaders in front of the barracks, Claw spoke to me.

"I see that woman's inn. We're sticking together now."

Oh? Did you even bother to tail him?

There's no way I'm going anywhere this evening because I'm promised a meal with my lord, Viscount Yorise.

Anyway, it's hard for me to think of hitting off the invitation of the lord of the land where I live.

Especially since you know I'm a reincarnator, and the same reincarnator is the lord of the land next door.

I thought you wanted to make a connection.

"... they wouldn't have noticed, would they?

The Viscount said, "Is the inn the usual place? I think I should avoid anything suspicious because I hear" yes "and I say" yes "and they notice me badly tailing me.

You don't even know you're our target in the first place.

"I'm keeping an eye out for you there, and it was Nick and Ralph and Eliza who got you tailed."

All three of these are my Knights, Nick is a Knight, and the other two are squire, but they're said to be good tailers in criminal investigations and such.

"Right. Did you make any moves?

"No, not yet. I let the three of them tail me, because one of them was just back when I checked the inn."

... Well, forgive me if I say "I wanted to see where the reincarnator was at the corner" where I found out... it's not as illegal or anything as tailing in the first place... that's not a good proof.

"... ok. I don't think we can talk about anything tonight because we're having dinner. So don't make me do anything suspicious at this point."

"Yeah, let's do that. They're not amateurs either."

No, I know you're like an amateur with a little tail experience.

I don't care there.

Cross the horse lover that was ready.

Claw and Danick also rode their respective horses.

And the three of us headed to the inn.


The carriage picked me up at the inn, so I left Claw at the inn and Danik and I boarded in hassle.

Upon arrival is a restaurant where the laying seems expensive, with a sense of luxury.

Passed to a private room in the back of the store.

Mm... this smell...

It has a distinctive fragrance.

What the hell are you doing?

I don't know if it's anything like smoking at dinner in the first place... it's not a cigarette and I've never heard of that kind of manners.

That's not a good idea.

That's what that woman you're about to meet made and spread the word about, so it's hard not to go complaining at this point either.

Danik stands side by side with the Viscount's escort-like knight who was beside the private room door.

Sorry, I'll make you eat something delicious later.

Viscount Yorise was waiting for the couple as they entered the room.

Between them is an ashtray, hung by a quencher of extinguished fire.

Did you turn it off when you heard of my arrival?

Looks like that woman hasn't arrived yet.

"Viscount, and Viscountess. I'm very pleased with your invitation to enjoy Samish food. I'm in the military, so please forgive me for not dressing up."

"No, Countess. It's an honor to accept our invitation for your busy schedule."

When I exchanged greetings as the model said, I was advised to sit in the back of the room.

I asked for clarification on Samish's cooking when I lowered my back to my seat for the most part.

The Viscounts happily began to brag about the local cuisine, but shut up when they had it all together and started smoking the Bucks.

It's a fancy store, and an ashtray was available, so it's unnatural to stop it.

They say Samish specialties are wine.

Hills like Chocolate Hills in the example are well drained, the grape fruits seem to ripen well, and they have a flavour that sets them apart from the wines that can be made in other lands.

I've only known about wine since my last life, so I can only snort with a smile even if I'm told too much detail.

That's strange because watching a Viscount that I would happily explain would make me want to try it.

By the way, I'm hearing Viscount Hikari's pride, but that woman, she's hard to come by.

I don't know about it for ten minutes or so, but I think it's already been over 20 minutes.

I won't put it in my mouth, but the Viscounts seem to be aware of that, and they don't seem to care.

The topic also shifts from wine to steaming of today's main seemingly Bundo birds.

But the name of Bundo Bird, which I heard a long time ago, devoured me.

Either way, that beautiful bird with its bright wings had only eaten twice in her life as it is now, and both sides were cooked simply by seasoning it with salt and pepper.

Still, it's a delicious bird to fly off.

I've never even heard of being caught in West Dirt, and Bundo birds are rarely caught in the first place.

Even if caught, Bundo birds fly alone without herds, so they are the first precious birds to catch only one bird in a single hunt.

For the most part, if it was harvested in the West Dirt, it would be dedicated to boulders because of its rarity and delicacy, wouldn't it?

I think if Ralpha or Tris or Bell got it, I would eat it myself, fortunately for this, but if Lorrick or something, I think I'd say "Please taste it" and hurry up and bring it.

Anyway, what is the taste of that steamed bund bird?

"You can enjoy delicious gravy and fragrant aromas at the same time by lightly cooking and tightening the surface, rolling it with vanilla, steaming it, and roasting it until it burns slightly over a direct heat."

Hmm. Pretty handy cooking for an oath.

Anything is said to be only eaten in this shop and in the Viscount's mansion with a technique knitted by a generational cuisine cook, whether it's Grandpa Viscount's father or grandfather.

I'm starting to look forward to something.

and that's when someone knocked on the door.

"Oh, Lord Siebex has arrived."

The Viscount said with a horrible Nico face.

I also send my gaze to the door, which is opening with a full smile.

However, it was a man in your clothes who came into the room with a flat head, and began to say that Associate Sir Siebex could no longer come.

Whatever it was, there was a sudden request from a village like Loomi to rush over there.

Did you get caught?

So you ran away?

No way, where do you say there was room for that?

I don't think there was anything unnatural about me in the daytime response.

Even if there was information leaking from the Viscount that he would be stationed in the village of Balzas, would that be the only decision he would make to escape?

The purpose is to pick up Dabus's intermediate organization.

Oh, hey, did you really have a connection with Dabus or something?!?

That would be convenient... but that would be too convenient, for a boulder.

"My lord, that, sincerely..."

The Viscount opens his mouth with difficulty to say.

I blocked it and called out to the man in your clothes.

"Oh, dear, has Associate Sir Siebex asked you when you left?

After that, if they were getting away right in the daytime, it would be quite difficult to chase them, even if they were on foot by analogy.

Well, I wouldn't have that sen because he said he used to let Claw monitor the inn at his behest.

"Earlier. It was almost at the same time I left the Brigadier Duke's Inn. I saw it with this eye, so I'm pretty sure. By carriage with the church warrior who responded..."

I guess that was ten minutes ago.

Did you get out in a far-sighted carriage?

Vision isn't good because it's time to go down, but it's better than being able to get away on foot.

"Right. Viscount, I'm sorry to bother you with Samish cooking, but let me take another chance."

Steamed bund birds are a shame, but I can't help it.

Soothing the invitation of a lord who is a senior aristocrat on a boulder is not by and large.

Not to mention that I, the neighboring lord, also have the same ex-Japanese for that meal.

"Or, my lord!

"I'm sorry. Danik! Keep the horse spinning!

When he ordered the knight, also an escort, to prepare the horse, he heard an immediate rush out.

I leave my room on my big crotch and still apologize to the Viscount who's following me.

"I'm sorry to keep you invited. but the service ordered by His Majesty takes precedence, so forgive me."

"But why!?"

I don't know. My behavior is unnatural.

I don't know if he'll cancel his appointment and take a seat immediately, just because the Associate Duke didn't show his face as promised.

"Because that woman, the Associate Duke of Siebex, is the one who is seen to hide the church."

"What is it!?"

I arrived at the front door of the store while I was saying this.

"Don't make me say it again and again."


"Viscount. Give me a touch. Whoever conceals the Church and those involved in it is guilty of death. Bucks that the church made it, and whoever sold Knax, also committed death. In the future, those who manufacture them and those who aspirate them will be punished accordingly."


"I know this is the same as His Majesty the King ordered. All right? I told you!

Just when Danik hasn't had a horse on his heels. He's been pulling out the same horse naked.

Apparently it's something that's been levying from the carriage that's been carrying us, and your man says, "Please don't!" or screaming.

I hear you've been hearing a lot of noise. It could be the naive or the kid from the store.

Danik said to the kid, "Hold your horse!" He commands with a loud voice not to say whether or not.

It will take a lot of time to attach the horse.

I didn't spend a whole year being a lord either, but unfortunately I still can't ride a bareback horse.

"Danik, take that horse to the Knights and take about ten people south of Zahrax to hear it. The Patriarch of the Church... Find out if you didn't see or, if so, which way you headed, Associate Sir Siebex, the Daemon. I'm on my way there, too. Meet me there."


When Danick immediately jumped on the bareback horse, he skilfully manipulated out, even though he had no reins.

That's a boulder. I can't really imitate it.

"The price shall be held in the Knights of the Earls of the League. If you say that horse is better than gold, come to the headquarters of the Knights of the Viscounts tomorrow," he said, rushing for the inn.

Heh, heh.

A few minutes to the inn at best, right? You run faster than a bareback horse.

... but it's a lie.

At the same time.

Tulak Street stretches north (...) from Zalax.

The place is already beyond the realm and into the region of Jordan, ruled by Viscount Penride.

It's time for the neighborhood to be surrounded by dim darkness, and it's not popular.

One carriage was on such a path.

It's a pair of men and women riding, both dressed less superior.

"Master Daimyo. It's time to get off the street. I don't feel comfortable riding, but give me a break."

"It's okay. I'll leave you to it."

The carriage went into the woods.

After a while, only the Lion (Lios) man, who was in charge of the carriage, came back with branches of leafy trees and began to erase the carriage.

Originally, the maintenance of this street was pretty good, so it wasn't very noticeable in the first place.

But the man spends more than twenty minutes carefully erasing only their carriage.

Then he gently went back into the woods so as not to put any footprints on it when he completely erased not only the traces that had been left on the road, but also the traces that had taken him off the road and into the woods.

In the woods about 100 m away, there was a carriage waiting for a man until earlier.

"Thank you for waiting, Daimyo. Now we're going to Corsas again."

If you take this forest about a mile west, you'll be on a path that's not very well maintained.

Going south on that path, you will return to the Samish region again, but you will be able to reach the village of Colzas that they aspire to.

- It's going well. It could be Wally's thoughts......

A woman called the Daimyo on a gatagotto and a rocking carriage thought.

- No, this is definitely Wally, isn't it? I'm overthinking it. But I see.

The area rapidly increases in darkness.

Lios watching the carriage is not much of a problem because he has special skills at night, but that is not the case for horses pulling the carriage.

"Master Daimyo. I'm sorry, sir, but I'm going to use light magic, so can you please?

Parked the carriage, said the man from Lios.

"Wait a minute. Do you have any long sticks?

"Stick, is it?

"Yeah. Light the lights up ahead. Better the lights were on the horse, right?

"Sure. But please don't put it up too high. Because you'll hit a tree branch."

Saying so, the man disembarked from the carriage and cut off an affordable branch from the shrub, paying off the twig, tying a tall grass stem at the end of the branch to extend the length.

"Mm-hmm. Thanks...... how about this?


The man quickly hung the magic of lights on the tip of the stick the woman held.

This magic matches the amount of magic (MP) needed to use and the effect time to heal.

"Then I'll go. Hold on tight."

The carriage has started going again, but in the woods where there is not even a path, the speed has fallen considerably.

But we'll be able to get through the woods in an hour or two.

When I arrived at the inn, I briefed Claw on the situation shortly after I rested.

Looks like Claw had just been contacted by the guys who were watching the inn as well, that the example woman had left the inn.

I heard earlier that I was going to confront the testimony, at the same time as the man who picked the woman up said, and the south that the woman's carriage was headed to have a hit with the village of Loomi.

"What do we do?

Answer Claw who asks, "If you escaped, there is a good chance of the South with the village of Balzas".

But I also felt that something was hooked and not the South.



"Yeah. Somehow I don't think you're going to be honest with me."

"Really? If you were making money off drugs, you'd be saving up your fortune, too, and isn't it weird that you don't recover that?

"Yeah, that's crazy. Besides, there must be fields and manufacturing facilities where the drugs were grown..."

"I wonder why you didn't just run away."

It should also be noted that I do not believe the bullshit that the woman said that I and Khloe rushed to get what I would take upon the sudden request of the village of Lumi.

Because no matter how hasty you are, it can't even be that you don't show up to meet two senior nobles.

Even if we're really in a hurry, I'm sorry we went from the inn to the restaurant. It's half an hour long, at best.

Can you believe in a matter where traveling by carriage, horse, foot, etc. would waste that amount of time in the main world?

When you're an associate of the House of Country Sergeants, senior aristocrats (over here) take precedence even in the event of the death of their parents.

You just think you're licking the aristocratic society, don't you?

"Um, you sure do. But didn't that woman think a lot of things, too? For example, it would soothe the Lord's invitation. If you do that, you're gonna have a hell of a lot of bad luck, right? I don't think I made up my mind."

Even more so is what Claw says.

Regardless of the drug fields that cannot be carried, it may be easy to arrange manufacturing equipment.

But money doesn't go that way.

I earned a corner, and it's the humanity that spares me.

Above all, the church said it had the power of war from twenty people, even if it was just confirmed. Heroscol has even reported that it may be a size of fifty.

You want to throw people out and run?

Talent is not only a warrior thing, but even if it's an administrative thing to name a religious group, it takes a lot of manpower. Barely, it could have made drug manufacture work.

I wonder if education takes a lot of effort and time because it is a valuable human resource that can be described as a technical position in a certain sense?

Couldn't you decide what to do with it?

Or do you really have a connection to Dabus?

"Well fine. I'm going south that they're on their way. Nick's tailing you, isn't he? Hurry and aim to rendezvous. Claw first goes to his quarters and tells Brigadier General Trinin and Arquiz to travel to Balzas village in the south with all his troops. If you tell him, head west."


"Just in case. Make sure the western streets are cleared by those who want them. And let Ralph go north and Eliza head east to the streets."


From the circumstances and the content of the report, I'm pretty sure that woman most likely headed south.

But I can't figure out the departure time I ran away from.

Just in case, I'd like to confirm the streets stretching out to all sides.

I jumped on Uranus and munched in.

Dart Plains.

There were some shadows sneaking up on the side of a certain large tree.

One of the shadows took something like a hook claw out of his nose and wore it on both hands.

And when you do, you start climbing trees.

The tree has a sinus a little higher than the ground.

Remove the hook claw of one hand and carefully examine the inside when you stick your hand into it.

"There it is. This guy."

When the thin plate carefully removed the bundled one, it stood on its nose, again wearing hook claws, and descended from the tree.

"Come on."

Another shadow received it from the shadow that gave the communication text recovered from the wooden sinus.

"Hmm? Something pinched... parchment? This sounds like a better hurry. Hey, let's go home."

The shadow received ordered immediate withdrawal.


"It's already dark."

"Tonight around here..."

Other shadows who start complaining about their mouths.

That is also a particular story, even the daytime is said to be dangerous, because moving around the Dart Plains in the time after this poses a great danger, so it can be taken for granted that we will solidify without moving and wait here until dawn overnight.

"No, I'll be home in a minute"

The shadow, which seemed to be the leader of the group, instructed him to withdraw again.

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