May 16, 7450.

By the time he was out of the city of Zahrax, Kirn, dressed in Daimyo's clothes, looked back softly, concerned not to deflect the hood he had worn in the eye.

Somewhat familiar clothes, a middle-bodied man is following me.

Also, I found out that the crowd has decreased through downtown, but apparently the man even raises a sword on his hips.

However, it cannot be clearly determined because of the color of the sky, which is rapidly increasing in darkness after some distance.

Kiln says to Jackson, who carries a carriage next door, "It's attached. Maybe one man," he whispered in a whisper.

Jackson, who was warned, also whispered, "I'll try to increase my speed a little," while dressed in the costume of the Saint Knight (Paladin), loosening the horse's reins and gently whipping between the two horses.

With the wind-cut sound of hiccups and loose reins, the horse began to speed up a bit.

Even if it had been captured by the Knights at this rate, it is perfectly possible to argue that the traffic hazard had decreased through the city and that we were in a hurry in view of the current time.

"... what do you say?

Jackson asked Kiln what happened to the tailer's behavior when he increased his speed to a speed that he wouldn't chase if it wasn't for a small run.

"You don't seem to be speeding up. Keep moving away... ah, to the field... was he a land squire?

Apparently, it was Kiln's thoughts that there was a tailer.

Jackson continued to run without slowing down the carriage.

Since the number of people is different from when they arrived, and the baggage is not originally loaded, it is not necessary to consider the fatigue of the horse.

"Just in case, the lights are a little more patient. Plus, I'm gonna speed up a little bit."


For once the sun hasn't fallen yet, I would be able to run without the lights for about a few more dozen minutes.

Meanwhile, Nick, who is following them, strayed off the sidewalk without panic as the carriage through downtown increased its speed.

And I quickly took off my jacket and pants.

From underneath, a patterned garment appears once it is dyed dirty, mixed with brown and green.

When the undressed clothes were rounded small and pushed into the cloth bag, they were hidden in the implantation on the side of the road.

Arranging several stones on the side of the road as they are and marking them, they run out with their posture low.

Approaching the carriage to a distance where it could be kept in sight in a few minutes, this time he continued to tail while hiding himself in field crops, tree trunks, etc.

Passengers pave the way as they panicked to a large military horse running at a fierce speed.

It's an emergency, I'm sorry.

Even though I thought so, I said, "Get out of the way. Eh!" Run Uranus screaming.

Heading south on Tulac Avenue, which runs north and south through the city of Zahrax, I found a listening Danick.

"It still looks like the woman in the example came out of the south of the city. We got multiple testimonies not long ago that a church woman saw a carriage heading south."


Was it still south?

I commanded the servants that Danik was leading, "Balladik to the west, Eliza to the east, and Ralph to the north, so get each of them and come back here, and rendezvous with the Knights who are supposed to come".

And then Danik said, "That's one foot to the barracks and join everyone. And with Brigadier Trinin and two platoon leaders, head to the arrest of Viscount Yorise. The rest of the Knights ordered Arquiz to take command".

Danik made his eyes black and white, but he convinced me to say "there is strong suspicion that the Viscount leaked information about this crusade".

"But only after the Viscount announces punishment for church officials, drug dealers, etc. to the Knights under his command. Don't forget to slap your ass if it doesn't seem to have been announced."

And I haven't forgotten to tell you.

He also told the rest of Danik's men, "I'll go after the carriage. Then follow me. I'm not going to speed it up, but if I run half an hour, I'm supposed to chase him!" and whip him straight into the horse and head south.

Uranus with his magical hoof on would chase him without hanging it for ten minutes.

Softly touch the pattern of the Slaughter Dragon (Dragon Slayer) as it is rocked by the back of Uranus, who runs like a flying.

The pattern, which is neither hot nor cold, conveys the same feeling as usual.

Does that woman realize that I'm the countess and dragon slayer herself?

Running the carriage for more than ten minutes, Kiln looked back softly.

The day has already fallen from the sky and it is quite dark.

The cultivated land, which had spread south of Zahrax, had also slipped away, and the road was into a forest covered with broad leaves.

Due to the leisurely curved streets, it is not possible to see very far.

Looks like there's no tail.

On a rocking carriage, Kiln told Jackson not to bite his tongue.

"Park the carriage once, just in case."

On a wagon that emits loud noises with a gutter, even if there was a tailer, its footsteps could not be captured, and even in the dark, yet shaky sight, it is not so easy to discern people.

Slowly slowing down, Jackson stopped the carriage from going legs.

Kiln jumps right off and puts one ear on the ground.

Jackson also looked back and began to stare.


It's just the sound of horses exhaling and the leaves of breezes swinging around, the sound of something ringing in the distance.

"It's attached!


"Maybe one. And one horse. He's running!

Say it quickly. Kiln jumped on the carriage and Jackson waved a whip.

"Are you going to get caught up!?"

The carriage, which could almost be described as empty loads, began to accelerate nicely.

Soon it will be faster than an adult will run.

"Maybe they'll catch up. Those footsteps weren't the sound of pulling a carriage!

Even empty loads make the carriage quite heavy in itself.

It is obvious that horses who have not pulled the carriage will soon be chased away by their opponents.


Jackson, with his tongue pounding, wrinkled between his eyebrows. When he thought about something, he immediately said, "Get your clothes and money off the carrier!" I told Kiln.

"What are we going to do!?"

"It's serpentine up ahead, but it's the main road for a while. If you just take off your headscarf, hang it on my back. Jump when you're ready! I'll jump right off you, too!

Confirming that Kiln had jumped, Jackson also whipped heavily into the horse, then pulled through the dart that had been planted in his thigh, throwing it on the butt of two horses before jumping.

While polluting the clothes of the saintly noble knight (Paladin) of tailoring, he glances backwards under the sky, where the sun is imminent, making sure that he has not been injured one.

Dozens of meters back, I could see Kiln running out this way with a bag full of gold and shaggy clothes.

Jackson jumps into the woods as soon as he waves loudly.

Kiln also seemed to catch up quickly, and there was a scratching noise from behind.

"Clothes stand out now. Let's go in the back and get dressed in another 50 meters."

Jackson told me to whisper to make sure Kiln came after him.

By the time we were through the cultivated land of Zahrax, we recognized a strange figure forward.

I run small in clothes like camouflage clothes, maybe a man.

The man started running again when he looked back only once.

We caught up quickly so we could find out who the man was.


It was Nick.

Slow down Uranus to the speed at which Nick runs.

"Church enlightenment and a man in superior clothes in a carriage..."

We don't have much time, so we control further reports and say, "Get in the back!" I command him to run Uranus again.


"Yes! You can't go wrong with those clothes!

Because I sure don't have clothes with designs like those monastic clothes...... clothes?

"Didn't you check your face?!?"

I've got a blaming tone, but I won't have a choice.

"Sorry! It's something I was following in the distance, so not to my face!

Mm-hmm. It would be hard to see your face if you did tail him.


I have a bad feeling.

But now it's hard not to come this far and take it back.

Seems most likely now, capture that carriage heading south, good if that woman is on board.

Otherwise, just go as far as the village of Balzas and destroy drugs, manufacturing facilities, etc. and declare that "the Church was the one between Dabus" based on fabricated evidence.

When I ran the horse for three to four minutes as it was?

From the cultivated land into the woods, it will go on for more than two kilometers already.

There was a ragged and light-loaded carriage coming from the front.

The distance to the carriage is probably about 100 meters.


"Oh, it sounds like me too"

I had a surprisingly cold voice myself.

Going dozens of meters through the woods, Jackson and Kiln began to take off their clothes.

"We, the Church, have done nothing wrong..."

Said Kiln as he slammed up his monastic skirt, pulled it out of his head in a one-piece shape and whispered.

"Oh, but as the Enlightenment said, he was followed. That's still..."


Winkibirau is a god widely known in oath and is considered an evil god who conducts all kinds of diseases such as the plague.

Peggy, the Enlightened, said, "You will be chased from those possessed by Winkibirau."

And he said, "We alone who are now leaving the village of Balzas must escape the hands of the demons of Winkibirau and spread the teachings of Nigiwana to the world".

For this reason, after he left about a man named Carrack who sent him to the village of Balzas, he said, "I gave him a chance to test his faith. I expect him to beat the trial brilliantly and rendezvous again," he explains.

Next to Kiln, Jackson wears trousers that he purchased during the day, saying, "But you've often noticed Winkibiraw's hand looming under the Archbishop," he said.

He seems to be struggling slightly because he's short but still wears luxury boots with a rubber bottom.

And Kiln said, "The boulder is under the Archbishop. Is it because I had a feeling you were starting to build a new base?," he put his foot through his slightly larger eyed trousers and tied his hips.

Jackson said, "Uhm. But what happens to everyone who stays in the village? If you knew..." and succeed in forcing your feet through.

"That's... but the paladins like Lilai and Irina and the bishops like Kamis and Quincy were just away from Balzas..."

When Kiln said that much.

She noticed the sound of horseshoes coming from afar.

Kiln crouched when he said "Shh," and put his sleeve through his jacket.

Jackson also doesn't make it slightly mobile when he squeezes in instantly, sending his gaze toward the invisible street.

The sound of horseshoes echoing from the north quickly passed before them and vanished into the south.

"What a speed...... then they'll catch up soon. Shit, Kiln, hurry!

And to Jackson whispering, Kiln returned, "You wait," and stood up with the gold bag hanging on his shoulder.

"Excuse me. Shall we go a little further east and then burn some Angeles incense?"

Jackson started walking to his big crotch when he said so.

- A few dozen minutes later.

They found a tree hole just right for burning the Angeles incense.

In this sinus there would be no light leaking on the side of the street somewhat where the fire was used.

Kiln used the lowest level of fire magic to light a pellet from a plant called the Angeles incense.

It's almost smoky and smoky, so even if it was midday now, their whereabouts wouldn't be so easy to identify.

The fragrance released from incense is also very faint, and I don't notice it first if the dogs (dogwarts) and others don't use super olfactory (super olfactory).

However, because of the mixing of powder of the demonic stone, the scent reaches far away.

And this scent was often used as a means of contacting remote areas by orcs with many nose-savvy people, even without special skills.

After an hour of fulfillment.

Oak showed up in front of Jackson and Kiln, who were hiding a little away from the tree that was burning Angeles incense with caution.


Despite hiding herself in the bush, Oak walked towards the Jacksons without getting lost in the bush.

"Ah, oh. Is Gig here?

"Gig, Mowzgo, Sugoshi, Scoshi"

"Yeah. Then I'll talk to him when he gets here."

... I see it!

It's getting pretty dark already. Under the sky, at the end of a slow serpentine path, something carriage-like glimpses into my eyes.

The carriage seemed to give off quite a bit of speed, but the mindset is a regular carriage.

It's impossible to escape my Uranus wearing a breezy hoof, Breeze Horseshoe.

But the report says there were two of them on board, and even if they weren't otherwise loaded with busy baggage, I'm guessing your man would be quite armed from the speed.

As he approached him, he saw a cloth-like flip from the carriage's podium at the end of the curve.

I accidentally appraise him, but he only answers [headscarf].

I'll erase the shabby window and see again with my appraisal vision if it's something I can't even see in my hair that would be stretching under my headscarf... but I can't even see through the flesh if the back plate of your table is in the way.

Above all, it is difficult to fix your gaze on a part of a swinging carriage from a swinging horse.

"Hey, call me!

When I commanded Nick, he said, "Stop! Carriage there, stop!," he began to yell.

Of course it never stopped to that extent, but where it was possible to approach the carriage up to about 50 meters, it uses fireball magic to explode the fireball ahead of the carriage.

A blast that suddenly blows like tearing the night apart.

And in front of the flame, which emitted a great amount of light in an instant, I could see the two horses pulling the carriage stirring.

Then, did you lose the weight of the carriage by being close to a sudden stop, or did each carriage fall?

Whatever was thrown from the vendor table or carrier, the person, of course, can't even see the luggage.

Damn, they did it!

Bite your back teeth to the point where the squeaky noise sounds.

But what the hell, where and when was it felt?

There will be things to reflect on, but now we just have to put it behind us.

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